According to Odaily, thirteen former and current employees from OpenAI (ChatGPT), Anthropic (Claude), and DeepMind (Google), along with leading artificial intelligence experts, are advocating for stronger whistleblower protection. The aim is to increase public awareness of the risks associated with advanced artificial intelligence systems.

These individuals, who are at the forefront of AI development and research, believe that enhanced protection for those who expose potential dangers and unethical practices in the field is crucial. This is to ensure that the public is well-informed about the potential risks and challenges that advanced AI systems may pose.

The call for stronger whistleblower protection comes at a time when AI technology is rapidly advancing, and its integration into various sectors of society is becoming more prevalent. As such, the need for transparency and accountability in the field is more important than ever. The advocates believe that by protecting those who are willing to speak out about these issues, the public will be better equipped to understand and navigate the complexities of advanced AI systems.