According to Odaily, Orbiter Finance, a protocol dedicated to full-chain interoperability, has responded to the challenges posed by Vitalik regarding Layer 2 (L2). The protocol has been committed to being an open decentralized cross-chain protocol and has already provided cross-chain services to 3.7 million users.

Orbiter Finance claims to have solved the 'light client problem' mentioned by Vitalik. This has been achieved by deploying a light client on Layer 1 (L1) to verify the validity of the L2 state. The protocol's dedication to addressing these challenges demonstrates its commitment to improving the blockchain ecosystem and providing efficient services to its users.

The 'light client problem' refers to the difficulty in verifying the validity of a blockchain's state without downloading the entire blockchain. By deploying a light client on L1, Orbiter Finance has made it possible to verify the validity of the L2 state without the need for users to download the entire blockchain. This solution not only addresses the challenge raised by Vitalik but also enhances the user experience by making cross-chain services more accessible and efficient.