🚨 Breaking News: Swan Bitcoin Takes Legal Action! 🚨

In a dramatic turn of events, Swan Bitcoin has filed a lawsuit against several former employees, accusing them of swiping crucial components of its BTC mining business. The lawsuit, filed on September 25, claims these ex-executives, now at Proton Management, conspired to misappropriate Swan’s intellectual property and even secured funding from Tether to create a “counterfeit competitor.” 😲

The court documents reveal that Proton's execs allegedly executed a “rain and hellfire” plan, stealing Swan’s proprietary software and sensitive documents to launch their new venture. The lawsuit also accuses Tether of playing a key role in this hostile takeover by providing “legal cover” and financial backing.

Swan is seeking a permanent injunction to stop Proton from further disrupting its operations, the return of stolen materials, and a jury trial for damages. This legal battle has also forced Swan to delay its IPO plans and lay off employees. Stay tuned for more updates! 🚀