The market is an unforgiving force. It’s designed to break you, to test your patience and resilience. It’s relentless, aiming to push you to the edge. But only those with a firm grip on their emotions can survive its volatility and emerge victorious. In this ruthless environment, keeping your head clear and not reacting impulsively is essential for survival.

The market will lead you on an emotional rollercoaster, swinging your gains up by 25% one day, only to plunge them by 30% the next. This constant volatility separates the strong from the weak. Those who understand the game and can withstand these extreme shifts rise to the top, while others fall behind, victims of their own reactions.

If you want to succeed, understanding market psychology is non-negotiable. You don’t control the market — it controls you, and accepting this truth is crucial. Many who rode the wave during the last bull market found themselves bankrupt in the end, simply because they let emotions overtake logic. Don’t be one of them.

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