Flowcarbon, a blockchain-based carbon credit platform co-founded by former WeWork CEO Adam Neumann, is reportedly issuing refunds to investors due to the failure of its highly anticipated 'Goddess Nature Token' (GNT) launch. Some refunds have been processed recently, with investors like Andreessen Horowitz waiting over a year for the token that never materialized. Flowcarbon cited market conditions and resistance from carbon registries as reasons for the refunds. Despite the setback, Flowcarbon continues to be active in the climate industry. GNT was intended to be backed by carbon credits, allowing more investors to participate in the carbon market. The company raised $70 million in Series A funding, with a significant portion coming from the sale of Flowcarbon's token. Energy and environment-related tokens have a combined market cap of $186 million, with Powerledger's POWR and Energy Web's EWT tokens dominating the market. Read more AI-generated news on: https://app.chaingpt.org/news