- Fellowship at Risk:

- Elon Musk, a fellow of the Royal Society since 2018, is facing calls for expulsion due to concerns over his recent conduct.

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- Incendiary Comments:

- Controversial Statements: Musk’s tweets, particularly regarding UK riots, have sparked widespread condemnation, including criticism from Downing Street.

- Conspiracy Theories: Musk shared and later deleted a fake news report about Keir Starmer and promoted theories on police bias in the UK.

- Royal Society's Code of Conduct:

- Standards of Conduct: The Society’s regulations emphasize that fellows must uphold its reputation, even in personal statements.

- Disciplinary Measures: Breaches of the code could lead to actions such as suspension or expulsion, though such measures are rare.

- Historical Precedent:

- Uncommon Expulsions: The Royal Society has not expelled a fellow in over 150 years, though controversies have occurred, such as in 2008 with Prof Michael Reiss.

- Confidential Proceedings:

- Royal Society’s Response: A spokesperson confirmed that any issues regarding individual fellows are handled confidentially.

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