At the beginning of Monday, Bitcoin fell below 60,000 after a pullback. Will it continue to fall⁉

If there is a whipsaw for the bulls at the 60,000 , I think it is very reasonable for the false signal that ETH just broke through 60,000 and then goes downtrend. In addition, today is also the beginning of the weekly chart for this week. ETH forms a lower wick on Monday, and then the weekly chart of ETH will exhibit a bullish trend for this week. I think it is a very reasonable market trend.

Therefore, accroding to the current market movment, I would not be very pessimistic to think that 60,000 cannot be stabilized after ETH declined in this morniing after it hit 60,000 yesterday.

I think this trend is very reasonable for a wave of slow upward movement. After all, the real upward trend comes from slow and steady rise followed by a sharp drop.#CPI_DATA #PowellAtJacksonHole