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The elusive dream of earning passive income 🤑 Here are 7 tips to help you achieve it in your online business:

1. Create and sell digital products: Once created, they can be sold multiple times with minimal effort.

2. Invest in affiliate marketing: Promote products and earn a commission for each sale made through your unique link.

3. Build a membership or subscription-based model: Offer exclusive content or services for a recurring fee.

4. Use print-on-demand services: Design and sell products without holding any inventory.

5. Invest in dividend-paying stocks or peer-to-peer lending: Earn returns on your investments without actively working for them.

6. Create an online course or ebook: Share your expertise and sell it once, earning passive income from royalties.

7. Utilize advertising and sponsorships: Monetize your website or social media channels with targeted ads.

Start building your passive income streams today and enjoy the freedom and financial security that comes with it! 💸 #PassiveIncome #OnlineBusiness #FinancialFreedomQuest