1. the right company & at the RIGHT TIME - nothing last FOREVER, be always TIMELY✍

2. Don't be GREEDY.

After investing, keep withdrawing your profits until your initial capital is out, after then you may reinvest or compound if you wish.

3. DIVERSIFY your investments, do not put all your eggs in one basket. But you must diversify WISELY, not every opportunity you must join.

4. Dont invest more than you can afford to risk. Don't borrow to invest, don't use house rent, medical funds, feeding allowance, children school fees etc.

And finally, do not test run any platform with peanut for too long before investing tangible amount, for example, you test run a platform with peanut ($100) for over 5 months only to invest huge ($10,000) after. It is most times safer to go in big at the beginning then take out your capital while you continue to play with profits.