It’s arguably unsurprising how much people can share when they’re behind a mask, a hidden cover, like the stories of these two traders. One is about a secret affair, and the other is about a lost fortune that unfortunately led to divorce; both were shared anonymously on the X platform Coinfessions. 

As we divulge the details, keep in mind that in the unpredictable cryptocurrency industry, fortunes can be made and lost in the blink of an eye, and the impact on personal lives can be just as volatile. The real investment we should be making is in our relationships and values, ensuring they are as strong and resilient as the portfolios we hope to build.

A secret affair fueled by crypto, or so it seems

Our first story revolves around a trader who has made over $400,000 in crypto. However, this financial success is tainted by a secret affair. He’s been funneling money to his lover, and according to him, “The plan is to get divorced once I have transferred most of my crypto to her so my wife doesn’t get half.”

I’m cheating on my wife and have made over 400k in crypto. I love this girl and have been secretly funnelling money to her for the past few months. The plan is to get divorced once I have transferred most of my crypto to her so my wife doesn’t get half.

— Coinfessions (@coinfessions) July 31, 2024

Now, while some have taken to X to call out this trader, with some wishing he gets rugged (scammed) by his girlfriend, it’s crucial to remember that while crypto can provide financial independence, it should never be used unethically or to harm others. The trader’s actions, while financially savvy, ignored the fundamental principles of honesty and fairness in a relationship. As unpopular as it may be, or perhaps sound, experts often emphasize the importance of transparency and communication in managing finances as a couple. A more prudent approach—by way of advice—would have been to discuss financial goals and plans openly, ensuring that both partners are on the same page. This could have nourished a healthier relationship ‘chemistry’ and—just maybe—potentially avoided the emotional scar of divorcing his wife secretly.

A bull run turned sour

Our next story is somewhat like a warning about the dangers of getting swept up in the hype of a bull run. In 2021, a trader put almost all of his life savings into a coin called Hodl, convinced by a “group of shillers” that it would soon return to its all-time high (ATH). He remarked, “I saw my profits slowly rise to 50%, then 100% in a few days,” and was convinced it would go beyond the ATH.

Source: Coinfessions, X (formerly Twitter)

Now, here’s where it gets even more twisted. In a risky move, he sold his wife’s wedding ring behind her back and took on debt to buy more Hodl “…to try and make it big.” However, his dreams of making it big quickly evaporated as the value of Hodl dropped by 95% in just two weeks, he recounted. He ended up divorced and almost homeless, but still holding onto Hodl “…to this day hoping it’d go back up,” the unfortunate trader concluded.

This story once again highlights the importance of spreading your investment portfolios and, secondly, keeping in mind that taking on debt to invest, especially in something as unpredictable as cryptocurrency, is a risky move and always a bad idea. Invest only what you can afford to lose. The same goes for making financial decisions based on hype (FOMO) rather than solid research, something called “emotional investing.” Well, don’t! 

Above all, maintaining integrity in personal relationships should be as important as making prudent financial decisions. Remember that!

The post The Human Side of Crypto Trading: “Coinfessions” of Secret Love Affair and Lost Fortunes appeared first on Coinfomania.