To protect yourself from altered proof of payment scams on Binance P2P:

1. **Confirm payment details**: Ensure the payment information matches what the seller provided.

2. **Choose secure payment methods**: Opt for payment options with built-in protections, such as credit cards or PayPal.

3. **Review seller's ratings**: Only trade with sellers who have high ratings and positive feedback.

4. **Beware of unusually low prices**: Be cautious if the price is significantly below market value.

5. **Protect personal information**: Never share sensitive details like login credentials or IDs.

6. **Use Binance's escrow service**: Let Binance hold the funds until the transaction is finalized.

7. **Monitor transaction chat**: Keep an eye on the chat for any signs of suspicious activity.

8. **Report suspicious behavior**: Contact Binance support immediately if you notice anything concerning.

9. **Update your software regularly**: Ensure your device's operating system and browser are current.

10. **Enable two-factor authentication (2FA)**: Add an extra layer of security to your Binance account.

By following these steps, you can greatly reduce the risk of becoming a victim of altered proof of payment scams on Binance P2P.

#P2PScamAwareness #P2PScamWarning #P2PScamPrevention #AlteredProofOfPayment
