**Warning**: A BTC Bull Trap Might Be Ahead! Bitcoin could see a temporary rise soon, but be cautious. The increase will likely be slow and with low trading volume, leading to another drop similar to the recent crash. People often get caught in this, driven by FOMO and ignoring the fundamentals.

**Traders' Plan for the Week**:

1. **Ride the FOMO Wave**: Go long with a tight stop loss. Profit from the initial FOMO-driven pump and exit quickly before the market turns.

- **Why This Works**: Many investors will rush to buy BTC as the price rises, causing a temporary spike. Capitalize on this momentum but be ready to pull out at the first sign of trouble.

2. **Prepare to Short**: Target the $56k to $59k range. Use a maximum of 5x leverage to increase potential gains but keep it manageable to avoid excessive risk.

- **Spare Margin**: Ensure you have extra margin to prevent liquidation. The market is unpredictable, and wild price swings can wipe out overly leveraged positions.

3. **Expected Dump**: BTC is likely to drop again, potentially falling below $48k. Be aware of zigzag patterns that can liquidate unprepared traders.

4. **Stock Up on Cash**: Buy treasury bonds. These are safe investments that will hold their value during the real crash.

- **Why Cash is King**: During a recession, deflation makes cash extremely valuable. Everything from real estate to stocks and crypto will be for sale at lower prices. Having cash on hand will allow you to buy these assets at a discount.


