A few days ago, when ETH was trading at 3300, I told you guys that a drop below 2929 is possible. Well, as anticipated, eth is now trading at 2900. Another proof that the KDJ oscillator is 99.99% accurate.

Since a few weeks ago, Eth has been holding BTC down, since chart wise, it has to drop this low, so it could fly high to 3850 or even more. Eth is a huge coin, and is heavily traded in BTC pair and because of that it can influence BTC and consequently the whole crypto market.

So question? Is now the best time to buy?

If you're trading in spot, go ahead and jump. Start DCA. If you're trading in futures, don't enter any position now, market is highly volatile.

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And if you're still looking for a safe, low cap, x1000 token checkout PITBULL.