### Crypto Bloodbath Incoming? Protect Your Coins Before Iran-Israel Sparks Fly

With tensions between Iran and Israel at a boiling point, a full-blown war could crash the crypto market. Here's how to shield your investments:

**Diversify Your Portfolio:** Spread your investments across various cryptos and safer assets like gold or stablecoins.

**Focus on Safe Havens:** Increase holdings in stablecoins and Bitcoin to weather the storm.

**Stay Informed:** Keep up with news and market trends to react quickly.

**Use Stop-Loss Orders:** Automatically sell coins if prices drop below a certain point to minimize losses.

**Know Your Risk Tolerance:** Be honest about your risk comfort level and adjust your strategy accordingly.

**Avoid Panic Selling:** Stick to your plan and make decisions based on research and reason.

**Seek Expert Advice:** Consult crypto experts for