🚨To add a bit more detail:🤝$TRX $BNB $XRP

- TEA's CEX listing increases accessibility and credibility.

- Their product suite (TEA-Staking, LP Farming, TEA-Swap) offers various ways for users to engage and benefit.

- Building a community of 3 million people is a significant achievement, showing strong support and interest.

- The upcoming SEH listing and 100 lamov cap may impact TEA's value and adoption.

- Active promotion through Twitter, media, and memes helps maintain a strong online presence and attracts new attention.

Indeed, TEA seems to be gaining momentum. If you're interested in exploring TEA or working with memes, now might be a good time to:

- Research TEA's fundamentals and potential

- Set up price alerts or tracking

- Engage with their community and social media

- Consider strategic investments or partnerships

Stay informed and adapt to new developments, as the crypto space is constantly evolving!