Pearls of Wisdom from a Crypto Insider

If you follow these strategies, you can safeguard your entire crypto career. Here’s the detailed breakdown:

Leave After Big Gains: When you make significant profits, cash out, relax, travel, and enjoy life. Don’t be greedy!

Stop Losses Early: If you’re down more than 10%, take a pause and analyze. Don’t let losses accumulate.

Avoid Ambiguous Trades: In short-term trading, if the situation is unclear, refrain from trading. Wait for clear opportunities.

Beware of Over 50% Gains: Avoid chasing tokens that have already surged over 50%. These are often traps.

Control Post-Surge FOMO: After a surge, resist the temptation to buy high. High volume can be deceptive.

Buy Low, Strategically: Purchase during weak markets and after pullbacks in strong markets. This strategy provides stability.

Confident Additions Only: Don’t add to positions unless you’re 90% sure. Build positions in batches at low points for stability.

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