🚀🌕 Senate Agri-Committee Chairwoman, Stabenow, is cooking up a crypto oversight proposal, but the top Republican, Boozman, thinks it might be half-baked. 🍳🥧

👀 CFTC Chair, Behnam, is urging Congress to get their act together, saying the lack of regulatory action on digital assets is hurting investors and leaving the U.S. lagging. 🐢🏁

🤔 Stabenow's crypto legislation aims to give the CFTC authority over spot trading in digital commodities like Bitcoin and Ethereum. But the details are still under wraps. 🎁🔍

🏛️ Meanwhile, the House has made strides in crypto legislation, but the Senate is hitting some roadblocks with critics like Warren and Brown voicing concerns about crypto's risks. 🚧🚦

⏰ Time's ticking for this session of Congress, and the upcoming elections are only going to distract further. But Behnam warns that inaction won't deter investors, it'll just increase risk. 📈🎲

🔎 The big question: How will the CFTC and SEC define what's a digital commodity and what's a security? Boozman says this committee shouldn't overstep its boundaries. 🚧🔍

👇 What's your take on this crypto regulation saga? Sound off in the comments! 💬🔊 #DeFi #Web3 #CryptoRegulation