Only 3 days left to migrate your assets to be ready for the BNB Chain Fusion! All assets need to be migrated from the Beacon Chain to the BNB Smart Chain, including BEP2 assets & staked BNB, see what you need to do to prepare below 👇 🔶 Staked BNB: If you have staked BNB, this needs to be migrated. If it is not migrated before July 14, it will be automatically unstaked and returned to your account in 2 weeks. You can then find new delegators on @TrustWallet directly or consider LSDFi options such as @lista_dao The guide below will help stakeholders migrate their staked BNB 👇 🔶 BNB & other BEP2 assets: These will also need to be migrated from the Beacon Chain to BNB Smart Chain. If assets are not migrated, they will become unmovable after August 15. If you haven't already completed your asset migration, please complete this before July 14. See the link below for all relevant guides 👇