⭐️After this period, many people switched to the Bearish side. That's right because in theory, $BTC has broken the support zone. But in terms of cycles, the Bull-Run journey has not yet ended.

🔹 From the beginning of 2023 until now, these Liquidity Hunting periods have taken place on large time frames, strongly sweeping important support zones before pumping

🔹 This period, everyone's psychology has been heavily affected by FUD, but there are many reasons to believe that this will soon end when there is news:

- German stocks start selling #Bitcoin via OTC instead of dumping on the floor

- Mt. Gox repays debt to organizations that have been bought at a discount, only a small amount is paid to retail

✅ Looking at the longer term, we still have positive news:

- FTX pays cash of 16 billion USD to users

- Trump & Biden promise to support crypto to attract voters

- Governments of countries find ways to apply crypto

- #Ethereum ETF opens trading

- Lower interest rates + loosen monetary policy

🔹 BTC has not recovered 10% from the bottom. AD ​​feels it is difficult to push the price immediately like the previous Liquidity Hunt waves due to the current lot of distorted information.

🔹 AD is leaning towards Bitcoin sideways and sweeping up and down the bottom price of 53k5. The altcoin wave has not arrived yet, but if it corrects deeply like now, then collecting Spot is the best!