Worldcoin's performance has been nothing short of disappointing. Despite hopes for stability and growth, it continually breaks support structures without ever recovering. This reckless movement in one direction makes it a frustrating investment.

When the market is bullish, WLD's chart stands out for the wrong reasons. While other coins make significant upward moves, WLD stubbornly consolidates. Then, during market crashes, it is one of the first to plummet, often appearing on the top losers list. As other coins begin to correct and recover, WLD stays down, waiting for another chance to drop further.

We witnessed WLD reach an all-time high of about $12, only to pull back and consolidate around $8.8. It then pushed down to $6.8, which seemed like a buying opportunity. But a sudden drop to $3.8 dashed hopes, though a pullback brought it to a $4.5 support level.

The price briefly rose to $6.1, but since then, it has consistently declined. Now, it's trading around $1.8. This constant downward trend begs the question: Till when, Worldcoin? Till when? Is there any hope?

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