Some startling statistics from Verasity about fraudulent advertising

- 45% of web traffic comes from bots

- 11% of advertising budgets are spent on scam promotion

- The number of scam ads increases by 17% in the fourth quarter (Christmas, Black Friday, Cyber ​​Friday)

- 12.5% ​​of paid links in search queries are scam

But in twitter and crypto chats you always can find a CULT guys who always will tell you VRA its a GEM and you just dont understand! And im more than sure pretty similar stats can be about any coin more or less! 

And when you read all this arguments, your feed full of hopium posts about some coin, you start believe in it too! Because you dont want to miss this GEM. This industry is full of fake numbers, random roadmaps, promisses. When you invest in some crypto asset, always keep in mind, its just an asset buy and sell nothing more!
