Bipartisan support for cryptocurrency within the US government is on the rise, signaling potential shifts in crypto regulation. While Republicans lead in backing the industry, opposition is dwindling. Currently, 310 politicians strongly support crypto, with only 41 against it. In the Senate, 37 Republicans and 6 Democrats favor crypto, while 2 Republicans and 10 Democrats oppose it. The House sees 201 Republican and 62 Democratic representatives in favor, with 3 Republicans and 26 Democrats against. Despite Senate divisions, the House shows more unity in supporting crypto-friendly bills. Recent legislation like the FIT21 Act highlights bipartisan efforts for crypto regulation. As the 2024 election nears, crypto's influence grows, with PACs supporting pro-crypto candidates. While Senate challenges remain, the House presents a more favorable environment for crypto legislation, emphasizing the need for bipartisan cooperation for effective regulation. Read more AI-generated news on: