Metis price

Metis Pris (METIS)

1 Metis er lig med د.إ67.48 AED-1.99%1 d
Side sidst opdateret: 2025-03-25 05:18 (UTC+0)
Hvad synes du om Metis i dag?
Bemærk: Disse oplysninger er kun til reference.

Dagens pris på METIS

Den aktuelle pris på Metis er د.إ67.48 pr. (METIS/AED) med en aktuel markedsværdi på د.إ422.80M AED. 24-timers handelsbeløb er د.إ28.13M AED. Prisen på METIS til AED er opdateret i realtid. Metis er -1.99% i de sidste 24 timer med et cirkulerende udbud på 6.27M.
METIS Prishistorik AED
DatosammenligningBeløbsændring% ændring
I dag
30 dage
60 dage
90 dage

Prisoplysninger om METIS

24 timer høj/lav
Lav: د.إ67.22
Høj: د.إ69.56
Den højeste og laveste pris, der er betalt for dette aktiv inden for 24 timer.
Den højeste pris, der er betalt for dette aktiv, siden det blev lanceret eller opført på børsen.
Prisændring (1 t)
Den procentvise ændring i prisen for dette aktiv sammenlignet med for 1 time siden.
Prisændring (24 timer)
Den procentvise ændring i prisen for dette aktiv sammenlignet med for 24 timer siden.
Prisændring (7 d)
Den procentvise ændring i prisen for dette aktiv sammenlignet med for 7 dage siden.

Markedsoplysninger om METIS

Popularitet er baseret på aktivernes relative markedsværdi.
Markedskapitalen beregnes ved at multiplicere aktivets cirkulerende udbud med dets aktuelle pris.
Volumen (24 timer)
Den samlede dollarværdi for alle transaktioner med dette aktiv inden for 24 timer.
Cirkulerende udbud
Antallet af coins, der cirkulerer på markedet, og som er tilgængelige for offentligheden til handel, svarende til offentligt handlede aktier på aktiemarkedet.
Samlet maksimalt udbud
Det samlede antal coins, der nogensinde vil blive skabt til kryptovalutaen, svarende til fuldt udvandede aktier på aktiemarkedet. Hvis disse data ikke er leveret eller verificeret af CoinMarketCap, vises det maksimale udbud som "--".
Fuldt udvandet markedsværdi
Det samlede antal coins, der nogensinde vil blive skabt til kryptovalutaen, svarende til fuldt udvandede aktier på aktiemarkedet. Hvis disse data ikke er leveret eller verificeret af CoinMarketCap, vises det maksimale udbud som "--".

Hvad kan du gøre med Metis (METIS)?

Udforsk, hvordan du bruger dine kryptovalutaer med Binance.

About Metis (METIS)

Metis is a Layer-2 blockchain solution that employs optimistic roll-up technology. Its roll-up solution allows developers to run applications, process transactions, and store data on a layer above Layer-1 blockchains such as Ethereum. Metis' optimistic roll-up solution maintains the security of underlying blockchain layers such as Ethereum. Metis reports to provide a more scalable and cost-effective environment for building and interacting with Web3 applications by offloading data and execution to a second layer. Metis' architecture includes an EVM-compatible virtual machine that enables developers to build contracts similar to Ethereum's. 

On March 2, 2023, MetisDAO declared its ongoing construction of a Hybrid Rollup, a combination of optimistic rollup architecture with zero-knowledge proofs. With work continuing on the rollup, MetisDAO anticipates that the merged architectures would offer a secure, developer-oriented Layer 2 platform for Ethereum developers intending to deploy a variety of decentralized applications.

Metis is EVM compatible meaning all existing Ethereum tools, such as MetaMask, can be used to interact with the network transfer fees. This connection to the main Ethernet network allows NFT traders/creators to develop NFT projects on Metis with the option to transfer them to the Ethereum mainnet later to be sold on marketplaces such as OpenSea.

Metis claims its scalable protocol can support a wide range of use cases, such as NFT platforms, decentralized social media platforms, open-source developer communities, gaming communities, freelance communities, crowdfunding, income farming, DEX trading, and more.

The METIS token serves as the native cryptocurrency for the Metis Layer-2 blockchain platform, facilitating transaction fees, governance, staking, and incentivizing participation within its ecosystem. The live price of METIS is updated live and can be tracked on Binance.

People Also Ask: Other Questions About Metis

  1. What is METIS Used For?

    METIS plays several roles in the Metis protocol.  When Metis rolls up transactions and sends them to its Andromeda network for processing, it relies on proxies called Rangers to ensure that the transactions are valid and not fraudulent. Rangers must lock METIS tokens in order to be eligible to validate a transaction. In addition, METIS tokens can be used to pay for transactions on the Metis Andromeda network, and users can stake METIS tokens to receive rewards. Additionally, Metis runs a "Builder Mining" program that awards DAO members with METIS for each transaction carried out on the Andromeda network.  

  2. Who Is the MetisDAO Founder?

    Metis was founded in 2018 by CEO Elene Sinelnikova. Sinelnikova previously led a software development team and, at the time of writing, leads both CryptoChicks, a non-profit dedicated to blockchain education for women, and Metis.

  3. What is the Maximum Token Supply of METIS?

    MetisDAO has a maximum supply of 10,000,000 METIS, and at the time of writing, 5,250,547 METIS are in circulation.

  4. What Makes MetisDAO Different From Others?

    Metis is a layer 2 scaling solution that allows developers to run dApps, make transactions and store data on top of a base layer of Ethereum blockchain. MetisDAO also encourages ecosystem expansion through incentives and a microservices layer crafted for sophisticated dApp creation. It embodies the concepts of scalability, user-friendliness, and community involvement, focusing on amalgamating optimal scalability solutions.

    MetisDAO introduces an optimistic rollup technology offering enhanced scalability and cost-effectiveness, combined with a Hybrid Rollup that fuses optimistic rollup architecture with zero-knowledge proofs for improved security and efficiency. Its seamless integration with Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) aids in the easy migration of Ethereum decentralized apps (dApps), and the Decentralized Autonomous Company (DAC) framework nurtures business community empowerment. 

  5. How To Buy Metis (METIS)?

    METIS can be purchased directly on Binance with a credit or debit card. You can also trade other cryptocurrencies for METIS on the Binance Exchange. Read our How to Buy Metis (METIS) guide for further instructions.

Binance Square

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