se koná altseason, ale jen za tu či onu coinu. Nemá smysl jít úplně nahoru. Bude to jedno nebo druhé. Měl jsem šanci koupit Solana za 10 dolarů aave Pepe ale ne
Trh přehřívá a lidé se vážně zraní. Chamtivost vás připraví o všechno. Struktura ukazuje, že velké zbraně jsou tady, ale velké zbraně mohou také střílet dolů. Trump doslova změnil strukturu trhu, ale je jedna věc, kterou vím, že trh ví, jak se opravit.
přijít o všechno? Už jsem to dávno ztratil a už to nikdy nevrátím! Tady už nemám co ztratit. roboti už mi všechno vzali
Trh přehřívá a lidé se vážně zraní. Chamtivost vás připraví o všechno. Struktura ukazuje, že velké zbraně jsou tady, ale velké zbraně mohou také střílet dolů. Trump doslova změnil strukturu trhu, ale je jedna věc, kterou vím, že trh ví, jak se opravit.
Přijetí, partnerství a tržní sentiment budou pohánět cenu GALA. Sledujte tuto herní kryptoměnu! 👀
.⚠️⚠️⚠️Jak mohou Mini Dapps přiblížit komunity tvůrců a vývojářů?⚠️⚠️⚠️
Vznik Mini Dapps otevřel nové možnosti pro tvůrce a vývojáře k spolupráci a inovacím. Poskytováním platformy pro tvůrce, aby vyvíjeli a nasazovali své vlastní Mini Dapps, mohou tyto platformy podporovat pocit komunity a spolupráce.
Mini Dapps umožňují tvůrcům oživit své nápady, zatímco vývojáři poskytují potřebné technické odbornosti, aby se tyto nápady staly realitou. Tato synergie vede k vytváření jedinečných a poutavých zážitků, které vyhovují potřebám jak tvůrců, tak uživatelů.
Ekosystém Mini Dapp také usnadňuje sdílení znalostí a rozvoj dovedností mezi tvůrci a vývojáři. Prostřednictvím online fór, workshopů a hackathonů se členové komunity mohou navzájem učit, sdílet osvědčené postupy a být informováni o nejnovějších trendech a technologiích.
Překlenutím propasti mezi tvůrci a vývojáři mohou Mini Dapps odemknout nové příležitosti pro inovace, spolupráci a růst. Jak se ekosystém Mini Dapp nadále vyvíjí, můžeme očekávat, že se objeví ještě více vzrušujících vývojů a partnerství.
qdo cair, SE, cair, vai ser tarde pra entrar pq o valor já terá subido. Se acontecer vai ser da noite pro dia. tapeação danada
Když naposledy #AltSeason došlo, dominancia $BTC poklesla na 40%, což zanechalo altcoiny s zbývajícím podílem 60%. Tentokrát dominancia Bitcoinu poklesla pouze z 60% na 56%. Stále je dlouhá cesta před námi, jak říkám, #AltSeason2 ještě nezačalo. $SOL $ETH #BTCNewATH
btc stoupá o 20 % altcoiny rostou 10. btc klesá 1 % altcoiny klesají o 20 % Jsou ostudou
Bull signal
BTC láme různé ATH, zatímco alt coiny ztrácejí svou hodnotu místo toho, aby následovaly vzestupný trend, vím, že mnoho lidí ztratilo spoustu peněz, lidé by měli být opatrní, protože mohou ztratit více peněz, BTC nastavuje další past na sestupné trendy, které čekají pro mnoho lidí, aby si koupili, než velryba spolkne těžce vydělané peníze lidí. Před nákupem si počkejme na skutečný zlom
v posledním cyklu v době, jako je tato, většina altcoinů již dala 10x 20x V tomto případě je kromě toho či onoho projektu všechno špatně, neudělali to ani 2x, zatímco BTC šlo z 16k na 105
você disse tudo é a realidade esses lixos de altcoins vieram pra sugar dinheiro das pessoas, só pra isso. moedas ilimitadas, colocam uns caralho de bots pra ficar vendendo
Crypto Trader Bh
Guys I want to tell you what happened. In every ALTCOIN community Telegram, the admins for $SOL $AVAX $ADA wont let you speak FUD or truth about them.
I believe that ALTCOINS are done. They will NOT 1X or 2x or 10x from now as every youtuber says.
I sold ALL MY ALTCOINS and just put it in BTC. Why? its the ONLY TRUE CRYTO coin that is decentralized. The only crypto coin that I know will NEVER LOSE MY investment in.
The only COIN that will ALWAYS REACH previous ATH in the next bull cycle and above. The only coin that will ALWAYS go up . The only coin that I DONT fear DCA in . The only coin that BIG GUYS have their money in. The only coin that is REALLY CAPPED at 21 million.
im DONE with ALTCOINS, not worth the risk. btc all the way. I day trade and weekly trade them.
Check my channel for weekly signals in the ONLY REAL coin BTC
$GLMR os bots nesse momento reinam na maioria das altcoins . Desconfiguraram as compras quando o btc sobe, mas as vendas quando corrige estão mantidas por isso btc saiu de 100k para 106k e as altcoins estão negativas
$COW esse negócio é uma putaria tão grande que todos os dias eles escolhem um token para bombar. Dentre os centenas de token listados eles escolhem um pra bombar. O resto do mercado simplesmente não sai do lugar Que palhaçada viu
vai cair e subir 1000 vezes ainda antes de um movimento decisivo. Isso é a maior desgraça. não é investimento. é pura loteria
I have been warning for some time about the potential drop in BTC. So far, Bitcoin has not gone through a major correction, which always happens before the altseason. This has always occurred and will happen again—history always repeats itself.
If you have considerable profits, take them now to buy back during the dip. We are likely to see some cryptocurrencies drop by 40%... 50%, and those who are prepared and have sold will make a lot of money during the altseason.
$BTC as fiilha da puta das altcoins não sobem qdo btc sobem mas caem qdo btc cai. mercado da desgraça da porr viu. Vou cancelar minha conta e sair dessa merda . não aguento mais esses manipuladores
se eu estivesse começando hoje, não compraria altcoins de forma alguma. seria só btc alavancava 3x e seguia
#altsesaon Over???
The current bull market, which started in November 2022, may have only 3-6 months left before a bear market sets in. To maximize profits, investors should:
1. Time trades strategically, focusing on short-term trades and locking in profits.
2. Prepare for the shift to a bear market by protecting gains and hedging against downturns.
3. Capitalize on the final surge, as history shows that big gains often come just before the cycle ends.
Discipline and a calculated approach are key to navigating the final months of the bull market.
focar em altseason é mais arriscado que jogo do tigrinho A verdade é que é tudo isso aqui inútil mesmo e as pessoas entendem isso. As altcoins funcionam através de bomba e despejo
#altsesaon Over???
The current bull market, which started in November 2022, may have only 3-6 months left before a bear market sets in. To maximize profits, investors should:
1. Time trades strategically, focusing on short-term trades and locking in profits.
2. Prepare for the shift to a bear market by protecting gains and hedging against downturns.
3. Capitalize on the final surge, as history shows that big gains often come just before the cycle ends.
Discipline and a calculated approach are key to navigating the final months of the bull market.
eu levei ferro, poderia ter operado só btc e optei por ficar aguardando altas maiores nas altcoins, acontece que elas perderam muito valor mesmo com btc subindo
It is not healthy for buyers to close the weekly candle this way. It would be interesting to see a much greater absorption, and for this last bearish candle not to engulf the last bullish candle. In this case, the next candle could be a high breakout candle. We need to closely monitor how the price behaves until the end of the day. I am still convinced that it is a buy. But if the market changes sentiment, we have to adapt to the new context. Stay alert. This is not a sound one. But for all currencies. If Bitcoin declines, it will sour the broth. Historically, there has never been a bull run in alt coins with such weakness, nor very severe corrections before an explosion. This time should not be different.
crash constante só servem pra afastar as pessoas normais disso aqui. vai ficar só os robos das corretoras. Aí quando isso acontecer, eles dão instrução prós robos comprarem
Market Crash or Opportunity❓✔️
Don't worry about the market crash! It's a normal part of the market cycle. The crash flushed out weak traders and now the market is ready for its next move.
What's happening with Bitcoin❓
Bitcoin Dominance (BTC.D) shows how much of the crypto market is controlled by Bitcoin. When BTC.D goes down, smaller coins (altcoins) often go up a lot!
What should you do❓
1. Understand the market cycle: Corrections are normal and create opportunities. 2. Learn technical analysis: It helps you spot opportunities and make informed decisions. 3. Plan, don't chase: Wait for strong entry points, don't throw money in blindly.
What's next for altcoins❓
Altcoins might go up a lot soon! Study charts, research projects, and make smart moves. Coins with strong fundamentals will perform best.