Dóžecí povstání slaví úspěšné spuštění předprodeje tokenů $DUP a povstání začíná
10. ledna 2025 – Čekání je u konce. Doge Uprising oficiálně spustil svůj předprodej $DUP tokenů a odezva nebyla nic menšího než mimořádná. Od 19:00 UTC 9. ledna se předprodej otevřel záplavě prvních účastníků, kteří touží získat svůj podíl na této vzrušující nové krypto příležitosti. S ohromným nadšením komunity Doge Uprising si projekt již upevňuje své místo jako jeden z výjimečných startů roku 2025.
Předprodej tokenů $DUP představuje první krok v ambiciózním plánu Doge Uprising, který kombinuje virální přitažlivost meme coinů s vizí robustního, komunitou řízeného ekosystému. První příznivci využili příležitosti a zajistili si tokeny za exkluzivní předprodejní ceny Stage 1, což připravilo půdu pro významný impuls, protože se token v následujících fázích posouvá směrem k širší dostupnosti.
PEPE by se mohl znovu zvednout, pokud se horizontální podpora drží
Data Lookonchain ukazují, že jedna adresa peněženky obsahující 1 bilion tokenů PEPE tento týden převedla 8,5 milionu dolarů této meme měny na Kraken.
Tento druh transakce často naznačuje, že významní držitelé prodávají. Burzy jsou pro tento objem likvidnější než DEX.
Tato adresa peněženky vydělala koncem prosince přibližně 12 milionů dolarů, když využila podzimu $PEPE z 19. prosince. Tento investor koupil token znovu o několik dní později za sníženou cenu a nakonec nashromáždil téměř 1,42 bilionu coinů.
Na základě jejího předchozího chování naznačuje přesun velryby o tolik tokenů na Krakena, který bude pravděpodobně prodán, výrazně větší pokles pro PEPE v nadcházejících dnech.
PEPE by se mohl znovu zvednout, pokud se horizontální podpora drží Současný pokles meme coinům celkově uškodil. Jejich celková tržní hodnota klesla ze 121 miliard dolarů na 97,3 miliard dolarů za 30 dní.
Prvních 5 tokenů, včetně dogecoinů ($DOGE), Shiba Inu ($SHIB) a Bonk ($BONK), kleslo za posledních 30 dní na dvouciferné číslo. Nejhorší korekce byla na $PEPE.
Dnešní pokles o 1,8 % znamená, že PEPE klesl již třetím dnem v řadě a pátým ze šesti obchodních seancí. Tento pokles vynesl tuto měnu memu na 0,00001686 $, což je klíčová horizontální podpora.
Za poslední měsíc a půl našla PEPE podporu třikrát mezi 0,00001650 a 0,00001700 $. Hodnota tohoto aktiva může v blízké době vzrůst, pokud se oblast podpory drží v sestupném trojúhelníku.
Klesající trojúhelníky naznačují, že kupující nebyli ochotni zaplatit za položku vysokou cenu, ale objevily se poté, co cena klesla blízko určené oblasti. Konkrétně rozsah výše.
Pokud cena prolomí klesající trojúhelník a exploduje za 0,00002200 $, PEP$PEPE setřese poslední vlnu negativní hybnosti a znovu stoupne.
🚀 Nový SN Stack Starknet je tady, aby zachránil blockchainový den! Vývojáři nyní mohou vytvářet své vlastní blockchainy s technologií zero-knowledge, která nabízí špičkovou bezpečnost a škálovatelnost. S přednastaveními jako StarkWare Sequencer, Madera a Dojo je tu něco pro každého – dokonce i pro hráče! Uprostřed obav z kvantových počítačů stojí ZK technologie Starknet silně, což dokazuje, že ne všichni hrdinové nosí pláště. Mezitím procesor Google Willow předvádí své kvantové svaly, ale odborníci říkají, že kvantová hrozba je stále vzdálený sen. Tak si zachovejte klid a pokračujte v blockchainu!
V těchto dnech trh zažil korekci a je normální v těchto situacích pociťovat paniku, zvláště pokud jste v tomto světě nováčkem. Zde s vámi sdílím, jak já osobně těmto situacím čelím a co v takových chvílích dělám. První věc, kterou je třeba pochopit, je, že tyto kapky jsou normální. Místo prodeje ze strachu byste měli zvážit nákup. Například včera bylo více než 23 000 bitcoinů prodáno se ztrátou, což znamená, že ti, kteří prodali, přišli o peníze. Mezitím velcí investoři využívají a nakupují. To platilo vždy a právě to odděluje úspěšné investory od ostatních.
$AGLD Swingové obchody úspěšně dokončeny 🎯🤑🚀💯 pokud máte zájem o swingové obchody Sdílím pouze swingové obchody Komentujte, pokud máte zájem o swingové obchody
Graf ukazuje, jak XRP zápasí s odporem na vyšších úrovních a vzorec naznačuje krátkodobý pokles. V současné době se drží nad trendovou linií, ale mohl by zaznamenat pokles až na 2,07 USD, což je v souladu s předchozími úrovněmi podpory.
Cenové cíle: Sledujte potenciální pohyby dolů na 2,24 USD, 2,19 USD, 2,12 USD a poté 2,07 USD. Tyto úrovně nabízejí možnou podporu před odrazem. Otázkou je, zda se odrazí dříve, než dosáhne kritické hranice 2 USD? Buďte ve střehu! #Xrp🔥🔥 #xrp #Write2Earn #AIMarketCapDip #BinanceAlphaAlert
BlackRock invest $1.6B and alts are exploding Every $100 will turn in $100,000 with lowcaps... here's 8 right lowcaps that will make 1000x in days
We put a lot of research and work FOR FREE into this thread before reading it. 🚨 Very Important :
🚨 Please follow @Coinaute and ❤️ Like + Comment and ➡️ Share this post 🙏 #MarketDownturn #Binance --- ✜ Most market factors point to the beginning of a HISTORIC altseason. ✜ Predicted inflows into alts are expected to pump the total market capitalization to $5T ✜ This is truly your last chance to open positions, so you don’t have to do it later at 2x the price.
--- ✜ A week before the new year, BlackRock acquired 101,390 $ETH worth over $342.2M ✜ According to their plan, an additional $1.62B should be invested in alts. ✜ Major players clearly know more than you do, investing billions into alts - follow their lead. --- ✜ Understanding the growth potential of alts during altseason, I analyzed over 100 tokens to identify the most promising ones. ✜ Data suggests 8 alts have the potential to grow and become leaders in their narratives. ✜ Each token has the potential to skyrocket, but always diversify your investments across all tokens in the selection. ✜ Make sure to ALWAYS DO YOUR OWN RESE
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✜ @OfficialHashAI | $HASHAI | MC: $139.04M ✜ A project combining AI and mining into a single infrastructure. ✜ Such a groundbreaking project in the current AI meta is poised to deliver top performance in altseason. ✜ CA: 0x292fcdd1b104de5a00250febba9bc6a5092a0076
--- ✜ @swarms_corp | $swarms | MC: $423.4M ✜ A new, highly-hyped AI agent with astonishing volume. ✜ Tier-1 CEXs are clearly interested in listings and the altseason pump will be exponentially higher than expected. ✜ CA: 74SBV4zDXxTRgv1pEMoECskKBkZHc2yGPnc7GYVepump
--- ✜ @gospelofgoatse | $GOAT | MC: $538.9M ✜ A project founding the AI memecoin narrative but has yet to show significant performance in the current meta. ✜ The current delay in growth provides an excellent entry point to maximize profits during altseason. ✜ CA: CzLSujWBLFsSjncfkh59rUFqvafWcY5tzedWJSuypump
--- ✜ @NetmindAi | $NMT | MC: $147.78M ✜ A decentralized AI-based computing platform showing strong performance. ✜ The team is actively working on the project and it is poised for a 10x growth during altseason. ✜ CA: 0x03AA6298F1370642642415EDC0db8b957783e8D6 --- ✜ @vvaifudotfun | $VVAIFU | MC: $99.87M ✜ An AI agent platform on Solana with incredible demand during the current hype. ✜ The token is used to create agents and further meta developments during altseason will launch the token to the moon. ✜ CA: FQ1tyso61AH1tzodyJfSwmzsD3GToybbRNoZxUBz21p8
--- ✜ @altura | $ALU | MC: $141.63M ✜ A revolutionary AI-based project simplifying the creation, scaling and monetization of Web 3.0 games. ✜ This project’s integration into the GameFi hype will propel it as a leader in the narrative. ✜ CA: 0x8263CD1601FE73C066bf49cc09841f35348e3be0
--- ✜ @0xzerebro | $ZEREBRO | MC: $529.16M ✜ A recently performing AI memecoin capturing a significant share of the narrative. ✜ The project is gaining immense popularity among degens and during altseason, its MC could easily surpass $1B. ✜ CA: 8x5VqbHA8D7NkD52uNuS5nnt3PwA8pLD34ymskeSo2Wn
--- If you loved this post, don't forget to: • Follow uw @Coinaute for more exciting content! • Like, Share, and leave a comment
A lição que tirei é - estudar sobre o que se deve comprar - moeda token o que for - Depois comprar no vermelho e vender no verde - sem ganâncias aos poucos
#btcdumpto74k Hoje em dia, estou vendo muitas postagens na Binance Square, que estão mostrando suas perdas e muitos estão compartilhando suas contas liquidadas. O que há de errado com vocês? Em vez de compartilhar e perder tempo, vocês podem aprender análise e evitar essas perdas. Se você seguir os sinais de alguém, nunca será um trader, apenas imagine se seu provedor de sinais não estiver com você! Quem é você sem ele? Aprender análise e prever a direção certa não é uma coisa fácil e você não pode aprender isso em poucos meses, pode levar anos, mas uma vez que você domine o mercado, ninguém pode impedi-lo de ser lucrativo, apenas concentre-se em aprender em vez de perder tempo. Nada é fácil, mas nada é impossível$BTC $XRP
1000PEPE $PEPE Short Liquidation: $2.7804K at $0.02138
The crypto world just got rocked by a shockwave of chaos — 1000PEPE just triggered a monstrous $2.7804K short liquidation at a staggering $0.02138, and it’s leaving traders stunned in its wake.
This isn’t just a move; it’s an all-out market explosion!
At $0.02138, 1000PEPE surged like a freight train, catching short sellers completely off guard.
Over $2.7 million vanished into thin air as the market tore through their positions, leaving them with nothing but devastation.
This kind of volatility isn’t for the faint-hearted.
The bulls have seized control, and those who thought they could bet against 1000PEPE $PEPE are now feeling the full wrath of its relentless momentum.
This is crypto at its most savage — 1000PEPE has proven that it’s not just another coin, but a force to be reckoned with.
With $2.7804K in liquidations wiped out in seconds, the message is clear: underestimate 1000PEPE, and you risk losing everything.
Get ready for more — this surge is just getting started. The market is a battlefield, and 1000PEPE $PEPE is proving it’s a dominant player.
Hold on tight, because if you’re not prepared, this wild ride will swallow you whole!
2024 has been a tremendous year for crypto and for Binance, and no better way than starting 2025 with our 21st global regulatory milestone.
Binance is now a licensed broker-dealer institution in Brazil, such an important achievement for this relevant market. We are also on the forefront, and have become the first crypto exchange to hold a broker-dealer license in LatAm's most populous nation, reflecting our continuous efforts with the responsible and sustainable development of the Web3 industry and rising adoption in Brazil and globally.
🤦🏻♂️Se você não usa stop loss, o que está te impedindo?🤔
Vou te dar um exemplo, depois disso você deve sempre usar SL e gerenciar risco, porque a Gestão de Risco é a mais importante no trading, porque se você perder todo o seu capital ou ficar preso em uma operação por 3 a 4 meses, o que você vai operar?🙇
Stop Loss é como o freio de um carro 🚗💨 Pense em dirigir um carro em alta velocidade—tudo está indo bem, e você está se sentindo confiante. Mas de repente, há uma curva acentuada à frente. O que você faz? Você aciona os freios! 🛑
Sem o freio, você arriscaria perder o controle e colidir. Assim como isso, um stop loss ajuda a prevenir grandes perdas em uma operação quando o mercado se move inesperadamente. Sem o freio, você arriscaria perder o controle e colidir. Assim como isso, um stop loss ajuda a prevenir grandes perdas em uma operação quando o mercado se move inesperadamente.
Depois que você perde sua operação, você ainda tem oportunidade porque seu capital está seguro e se houver uma oportunidade de compra, você pode entrar e lucrar.
Compartilhe seus pensamentos abaixo! Se você discorda de mim😁 #stop #BIOOnBinance #BIOOpenonBinance #USStateBuysBTC
5 Altcoins That Could Make You a Millionaire by 2025 💸🚀
Are you ready to uncover the next crypto gems that could supercharge your portfolio and set you on the path to financial freedom? The cryptocurrency market has proven time and time again that early adopters can turn small investments into life-changing wealth. With 2025 just around the corner, these 5 altcoins are showing massive potential to deliver explosive returns.
Let’s dive in and explore why these projects could be your ticket to becoming a crypto millionaire!
1. Polkadot (DOT) – The Future of Blockchain Connectivity 🌐
2025 Price Prediction: $100–$150
Why Polkadot? Polkadot is redefining blockchain interoperability, enabling different networks to communicate seamlessly. Its innovative parachain architecture allows multiple blockchains to operate in parallel, ensuring scalability and efficiency.
Decentralized Governance: DOT empowers its community to vote on upgrades and proposals, making it a truly decentralized ecosystem.
Web3 Adoption: With the rise of Web3 applications, Polkadot is perfectly positioned to become the backbone of decentralized internet solutions.
Strong Development Growth: New parachains and partnerships continue to expand its ecosystem, attracting developers and investors alike.
Final Thought: Polkadot isn’t just a blockchain; it’s the infrastructure of the decentralized web—making it a top pick for long-term growth.
2. Solana (SOL) – The Ethereum Killer ⚡
2025 Price Prediction: $200–$300
Why Solana? Known as the "Ethereum killer," Solana has disrupted the crypto space with its high-speed transactions and low fees, solving some of Ethereum’s biggest pain points.
Blazing Fast Speed: With 65,000 transactions per second, Solana is one of the fastest blockchains in the market.
DeFi & NFT Hub: It’s the go-to platform for decentralized finance (DeFi) projects and NFT marketplaces, fueling adoption.
Thriving Ecosystem: Solana has attracted major institutional investors and developers, ensuring sustainable growth.
Final Thought: With its scalability and efficiency, Solana is shaping the future of DeFi and NFTs, making it a must-watch altcoin.
3. Chainlink (LINK) – The Bridge Between Blockchain and Reality 🔗
2025 Price Prediction: $50–$75
Why Chainlink? Chainlink is the backbone of smart contracts, providing reliable, tamper-proof data through its decentralized oracle network.
Essential for DeFi: From price feeds to weather data, Chainlink powers thousands of smart contracts globally.
Partnership Growth: With major partnerships like Google Cloud and SWIFT, LINK has secured its spot as a blockchain essential.
Future-Proof Technology: As blockchain adoption grows, Chainlink’s role in providing real-world data will only expand.
Final Thought: Chainlink is more than just a cryptocurrency; it’s the glue that connects blockchain to the real world, offering endless utility.
4. Cardano (ADA) – The Smart Contract Giant 🌱
2025 Price Prediction: $10–$20
Why Cardano? Cardano’s focus on academic research and peer-reviewed development makes it one of the most robust and scalable blockchains in the industry.
Eco-Friendly Approach: Its proof-of-stake consensus consumes far less energy than traditional blockchains.
Scalability and Security: Designed with scalability in mind, ADA can handle millions of transactions with ease.
Upcoming Upgrades: Continuous updates, including Hydra and Voltaire, will boost its performance and governance.
Final Thought: Cardano is built for long-term success, combining sustainability, scalability, and security to dominate smart contracts and DeFi.
5. Cosmos (ATOM) – The Internet of Blockchains 🌌
2025 Price Prediction: $20–$30
Why Cosmos? Cosmos is a pioneer in blockchain interoperability, allowing different chains to communicate and exchange data.
Modular Design: Cosmos simplifies blockchain development, making it easier for developers to create decentralized applications.
Cross-Chain Compatibility: Its Inter-Blockchain Communication (IBC) protocol connects various chains, paving the way for seamless interoperability.
Expanding Ecosystem: With growing adoption in DeFi and NFT projects, Cosmos is gaining traction quickly.
Final Thought: As interoperability becomes a necessity, Cosmos is positioned to lead the next wave of blockchain evolution.
How to Maximize Your Gains? 💼
Want to turn these predictions into reality? Follow these strategies:
1. Do Your Own Research (DYOR) – Knowledge is power in crypto. Study the fundamentals, roadmaps, and teams behind each project.
2. Diversify Wisely – Don’t put all your eggs in one basket. Spread your investments across multiple altcoins to balance risk and reward.
3. Set Goals and Strategies – Establish clear entry and exit points, use stop-loss orders, and lock in profits when targets are hit.
4. Stay Updated – Follow market news, trends, and regulatory changes to adjust your positions and strategies as needed.
5. Be Patient – The crypto market rewards long-term holders. Stay focused on your goals and avoid panic selling during dips.
Final Words: Are You Ready for the Next Crypto Boom? 🌟
The crypto market is unpredictable but filled with opportunities. These 5 altcoins have shown strong fundamentals and growth potential, making them prime candidates for long-term success. Whether you’re a seasoned investor or just starting out, the key is to stay informed, think strategically, and act decisively.
The question is—are you prepared to seize the moment and transform your financial future by 2025?
5 Altcoins That Could Make You a Millionaire by 2025 💸🚀
Are you ready to uncover the next crypto gems that could supercharge your portfolio and set you on the path to financial freedom? The cryptocurrency market has proven time and time again that early adopters can turn small investments into life-changing wealth. With 2025 just around the corner, these 5 altcoins are showing massive potential to deliver explosive returns.
Let’s dive in and explore why these projects could be your ticket to becoming a crypto millionaire!
1. Polkadot (DOT) – The Future of Blockchain Connectivity 🌐
2025 Price Prediction: $100–$150
Why Polkadot? Polkadot is redefining blockchain interoperability, enabling different networks to communicate seamlessly. Its innovative parachain architecture allows multiple blockchains to operate in parallel, ensuring scalability and efficiency.
Decentralized Governance: DOT empowers its community to vote on upgrades and proposals, making it a truly decentralized ecosystem.
Web3 Adoption: With the rise of Web3 applications, Polkadot is perfectly positioned to become the backbone of decentralized internet solutions.
Strong Development Growth: New parachains and partnerships continue to expand its ecosystem, attracting developers and investors alike.
Final Thought: Polkadot isn’t just a blockchain; it’s the infrastructure of the decentralized web—making it a top pick for long-term growth.
2. Solana (SOL) – The Ethereum Killer ⚡
2025 Price Prediction: $200–$300
Why Solana? Known as the "Ethereum killer," Solana has disrupted the crypto space with its high-speed transactions and low fees, solving some of Ethereum’s biggest pain points.
Blazing Fast Speed: With 65,000 transactions per second, Solana is one of the fastest blockchains in the market.
DeFi & NFT Hub: It’s the go-to platform for decentralized finance (DeFi) projects and NFT marketplaces, fueling adoption.
Thriving Ecosystem: Solana has attracted major institutional investors and developers, ensuring sustainable growth.
Final Thought: With its scalability and efficiency, Solana is shaping the future of DeFi and NFTs, making it a must-watch altcoin.
3. Chainlink (LINK) – The Bridge Between Blockchain and Reality 🔗
2025 Price Prediction: $50–$75
Why Chainlink? Chainlink is the backbone of smart contracts, providing reliable, tamper-proof data through its decentralized oracle network.
Essential for DeFi: From price feeds to weather data, Chainlink powers thousands of smart contracts globally.
Partnership Growth: With major partnerships like Google Cloud and SWIFT, LINK has secured its spot as a blockchain essential.
Future-Proof Technology: As blockchain adoption grows, Chainlink’s role in providing real-world data will only expand.
Final Thought: Chainlink is more than just a cryptocurrency; it’s the glue that connects blockchain to the real world, offering endless utility.
4. Cardano (ADA) – The Smart Contract Giant 🌱
2025 Price Prediction: $10–$20
Why Cardano? Cardano’s focus on academic research and peer-reviewed development makes it one of the most robust and scalable blockchains in the industry.
Eco-Friendly Approach: Its proof-of-stake consensus consumes far less energy than traditional blockchains.
Scalability and Security: Designed with scalability in mind, ADA can handle millions of transactions with ease.
Upcoming Upgrades: Continuous updates, including Hydra and Voltaire, will boost its performance and governance.
Final Thought: Cardano is built for long-term success, combining sustainability, scalability, and security to dominate smart contracts and DeFi.
5. Cosmos (ATOM) – The Internet of Blockchains 🌌
2025 Price Prediction: $20–$30
Why Cosmos? Cosmos is a pioneer in blockchain interoperability, allowing different chains to communicate and exchange data.
Modular Design: Cosmos simplifies blockchain development, making it easier for developers to create decentralized applications.
Cross-Chain Compatibility: Its Inter-Blockchain Communication (IBC) protocol connects various chains, paving the way for seamless interoperability.
Expanding Ecosystem: With growing adoption in DeFi and NFT projects, Cosmos is gaining traction quickly.
Final Thought: As interoperability becomes a necessity, Cosmos is positioned to lead the next wave of blockchain evolution.
How to Maximize Your Gains? 💼
Want to turn these predictions into reality? Follow these strategies:
1. Do Your Own Research (DYOR) – Knowledge is power in crypto. Study the fundamentals, roadmaps, and teams behind each project.
2. Diversify Wisely – Don’t put all your eggs in one basket. Spread your investments across multiple altcoins to balance risk and reward.
3. Set Goals and Strategies – Establish clear entry and exit points, use stop-loss orders, and lock in profits when targets are hit.
4. Stay Updated – Follow market news, trends, and regulatory changes to adjust your positions and strategies as needed.
5. Be Patient – The crypto market rewards long-term holders. Stay focused on your goals and avoid panic selling during dips.
Final Words: Are You Ready for the Next Crypto Boom? 🌟
The crypto market is unpredictable but filled with opportunities. These 5 altcoins have shown strong fundamentals and growth potential, making them prime candidates for long-term success. Whether you’re a seasoned investor or just starting out, the key is to stay informed, think strategically, and act decisively.
The question is—are you prepared to seize the moment and transform your financial future by 2025?
Turbo ( $TURBO ) entra na onda das moedas meme (shitcoin) com carinha de sapo. Sendo esta, apenas mais uma memecoin na rede Ethereum. Porém, a curto prazo, parece ser uma ótima oportunidade, ela vive dando seus saltos de 10% ou 20% tanto pra cima quanto para baixo. E nesses últimos dias, ainda não subiu absurdamente. Cotada neste momento em 0,010132 vejo um ótimo preço de compra na média móvel de 21 períodos (linha roxa) na faixa dos 0,009711 com stop gain em 0,014000
Turbo ( $TURBO ) entra na onda das moedas meme (shitcoin) com carinha de sapo. Sendo esta, apenas mais uma memecoin na rede Ethereum. Porém, a curto prazo, parece ser uma ótima oportunidade, ela vive dando seus saltos de 10% ou 20% tanto pra cima quanto para baixo. E nesses últimos dias, ainda não subiu absurdamente. Cotada neste momento em 0,010132 vejo um ótimo preço de compra na média móvel de 21 períodos (linha roxa) na faixa dos 0,009711 com stop gain em 0,014000
- Ahora el nivel de 0.382 (0.00001905) está más cercano al precio actual, sirviendo como soporte inmediato. Los niveles superiores, como 0.5 (0.00002000) y 0.618 (0.00002128), representan resistencias relevantes si el precio rebota al alza.
- El MACD muestra un cruce bajista (línea azul debajo de la naranja) cerca de la línea cero, lo que podría indicar una presión bajista a corto plazo. Sin embargo, el histograma es casi plano, lo que podría señalar una posible acumulación o indecisión.
- El RSI está en 52.48, lo que indica una condición neutral, ni sobrecomprado ni sobrevendido. Si sube por encima de 60, podría señalar un fortalecimiento de la tendencia alcista.
Escenarios posibles: - Alcista: Si el precio respeta el soporte de 0.382 y rebota al alza, el próximo objetivo sería el nivel de 0.5 (0.00002000).Una ruptura convincente por encima de 0.00002000 podría llevar al precio hacia 0.618 (0.00002128).
- Bajista: Si el precio rompe por debajo del nivel 0.382 (0.00001905) y la línea de tendencia ascendente, es probable que se dirija hacia el nivel 0.5 (0.00001817) o incluso hacia 0.618 (0.00001728).