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How can “smart wallets” in the crypto market help ordinary investors get better returns?Smart money (SmarQ Money) has always been the focus of attention in the crypto market. The smart money tracking strategy based on this can indeed provide lucrative returns for ordinary crypto investors. The actual situation in the crypto market is that the proportion of investors using crypto trading indicators, strategies and tools based on smart money is also gradually increasing. Next, the senior will lead everyone to understand the smart money in the crypto market and how to track them? 1. What is smart money? Smart money refers to professional investment institutions or individual investors in the crypto market that have outstanding investment research capabilities and information advantages. They have rich trading experience and excellent historical performance, generally have relatively large amounts of capital, mature investment concepts, and a more comprehensive and thorough understanding of the crypto market than ordinary investors. The dynamics of smart money have special significance for ordinary crypto market investors.

How can “smart wallets” in the crypto market help ordinary investors get better returns?

Smart money (SmarQ Money) has always been the focus of attention in the crypto market. The smart money tracking strategy based on this can indeed provide lucrative returns for ordinary crypto investors. The actual situation in the crypto market is that the proportion of investors using crypto trading indicators, strategies and tools based on smart money is also gradually increasing. Next, the senior will lead everyone to understand the smart money in the crypto market and how to track them?

1. What is smart money?
Smart money refers to professional investment institutions or individual investors in the crypto market that have outstanding investment research capabilities and information advantages. They have rich trading experience and excellent historical performance, generally have relatively large amounts of capital, mature investment concepts, and a more comprehensive and thorough understanding of the crypto market than ordinary investors. The dynamics of smart money have special significance for ordinary crypto market investors.
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Last night, I tested a smart money that has a high win rate but is not stable. Fortunately, I set a 5000u task in the liquidity pool, but it cannot be triggered. I lost a little today 🙂 At present, the task name I generated, "High Win Rate and Profit 2 for New Stocks", is a relatively good performance in a week. The overall return is 20 times, which is a relatively good smart money. I recommend that friends who have just used this smart wallet to follow orders should first take 0.5U-20U to test it first, and find some smart money that they think is relatively stable and has high returns🤏🏻🤏🏻
Last night, I tested a smart money that has a high win rate but is not stable. Fortunately, I set a 5000u task in the liquidity pool, but it cannot be triggered. I lost a little today 🙂

At present, the task name I generated, "High Win Rate and Profit 2 for New Stocks", is a relatively good performance in a week. The overall return is 20 times, which is a relatively good smart money. I recommend that friends who have just used this smart wallet to follow orders should first take 0.5U-20U to test it first, and find some smart money that they think is relatively stable and has high returns🤏🏻🤏🏻
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A value investment 🈳, all in meme lives in the palace
A value investment 🈳, all in meme lives in the palace
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23 trading tips, a seven-year bull-bear journey 1. Be cautious about the risks of reinvesting profits When you make a fortune, the best thing to do is to invest it in more stable assets, such as Bitcoin and Ethereum, rather than in high-risk projects. High-risk investments rarely bring about substantial changes. 2. Be cautious and think independently about multiple suggestions All the various suggestions you see on Twitter need to be independently researched and analyzed to avoid blindly following the trend. 3. Make early arrangements and don't be greedy to chase the rise When you feel panic buying, it is often too late. If everyone is talking about a project, it is probably too late and you should look for other opportunities. 4. It is crucial to record transaction details Whether you are an airdrop, an active spot investor, or other roles, you should record every transaction because it is impossible to remember everything in your mind. 5. Failure is not terrible, the important thing is to keep moving forward Failure will make you stronger, you should stand up in time and set new goals for yourself. 6. Accurate use of tools is better than a large number of tools You don't need to use too many tools, just use those that really work. 7. Attention is limited, don't spread it too much In the crypto field, attention and funds are limited resources. Don't waste them on meaningless things, and focus on the key points. 8. Diversified investment is an effective way to increase returns Through a reasonable investment portfolio, you can reduce risks and retain profits. 9. Don't pursue excessive returns Excessive expectations often bring greater risks, and you should aim for stable profits. 10. Follow but don't follow blindly Keep an eye on new projects and new narratives, but don't follow blindly. 11. Project fundamentals are crucial A good project should have good fundamentals, including team, products, token economics, etc. 12. Establish your own investment system and stick to it Develop your own investment strategy, strictly implement it, and constantly adjust it to adapt to market changes. 13. Control the scope of attention and focus on depth In the crypto field, focus on 2-3 areas and become an expert in the field to get better returns. 14. Avoid overly enthusiastic projects Those projects that are over-hyped are often risky and should be vigilant. 15. Keep a clear mind Keep a clear mind when trading and avoid making impulsive decisions when drunk, sleepy or sick. 16. Stablecoins are also risky Stablecoins may also be de-anchored and should be used with caution. 17. Pay attention to the food chain in the crypto field Understand the food chain in the crypto field and avoid becoming a passive part. 18. Avoid overly enthusiastic projects Those overly enthusiastic projects are often risky and not worth paying too much attention to. 19. Keep calm and objective thinking Keep calm and objective thinking when trading and avoid being swayed by emotions. 20. Fundamentals determine everything The fundamentals of a project determine its long-term development potential, and fundamental analysis should be taken seriously. 21. Learn to listen to the big picture Understanding what is happening around you will help the trend of the crypto market. 22. Learn to listen to expert advice Learn to listen to the advice of experts, but don't blindly follow the trend and think independently. 23. Be brave to try and don't be afraid of failure In the crypto field, it is important to be brave to try and don't be afraid of failure. Only by constantly trying can you make continuous progress. In the bull and bear cycles of the crypto market, these trading experiences can help investors invest more rationally and steadily, avoid blind decisions, and obtain better returns.
23 trading tips, a seven-year bull-bear journey

1. Be cautious about the risks of reinvesting profits
When you make a fortune, the best thing to do is to invest it in more stable assets, such as Bitcoin and Ethereum, rather than in high-risk projects. High-risk investments rarely bring about substantial changes.

2. Be cautious and think independently about multiple suggestions
All the various suggestions you see on Twitter need to be independently researched and analyzed to avoid blindly following the trend.

3. Make early arrangements and don't be greedy to chase the rise
When you feel panic buying, it is often too late. If everyone is talking about a project, it is probably too late and you should look for other opportunities.

4. It is crucial to record transaction details
Whether you are an airdrop, an active spot investor, or other roles, you should record every transaction because it is impossible to remember everything in your mind.

5. Failure is not terrible, the important thing is to keep moving forward
Failure will make you stronger, you should stand up in time and set new goals for yourself.

6. Accurate use of tools is better than a large number of tools
You don't need to use too many tools, just use those that really work.

7. Attention is limited, don't spread it too much
In the crypto field, attention and funds are limited resources. Don't waste them on meaningless things, and focus on the key points.

8. Diversified investment is an effective way to increase returns
Through a reasonable investment portfolio, you can reduce risks and retain profits.

9. Don't pursue excessive returns
Excessive expectations often bring greater risks, and you should aim for stable profits.

10. Follow but don't follow blindly
Keep an eye on new projects and new narratives, but don't follow blindly.

11. Project fundamentals are crucial
A good project should have good fundamentals, including team, products, token economics, etc.

12. Establish your own investment system and stick to it
Develop your own investment strategy, strictly implement it, and constantly adjust it to adapt to market changes.

13. Control the scope of attention and focus on depth
In the crypto field, focus on 2-3 areas and become an expert in the field to get better returns.

14. Avoid overly enthusiastic projects
Those projects that are over-hyped are often risky and should be vigilant.

15. Keep a clear mind
Keep a clear mind when trading and avoid making impulsive decisions when drunk, sleepy or sick.

16. Stablecoins are also risky
Stablecoins may also be de-anchored and should be used with caution.

17. Pay attention to the food chain in the crypto field
Understand the food chain in the crypto field and avoid becoming a passive part.

18. Avoid overly enthusiastic projects
Those overly enthusiastic projects are often risky and not worth paying too much attention to.

19. Keep calm and objective thinking
Keep calm and objective thinking when trading and avoid being swayed by emotions.

20. Fundamentals determine everything
The fundamentals of a project determine its long-term development potential, and fundamental analysis should be taken seriously.

21. Learn to listen to the big picture
Understanding what is happening around you will help the trend of the crypto market.

22. Learn to listen to expert advice
Learn to listen to the advice of experts, but don't blindly follow the trend and think independently.

23. Be brave to try and don't be afraid of failure
In the crypto field, it is important to be brave to try and don't be afraid of failure. Only by constantly trying can you make continuous progress.

In the bull and bear cycles of the crypto market, these trading experiences can help investors invest more rationally and steadily, avoid blind decisions, and obtain better returns.
Zobrazit originál
In the early morning, the Americans hit the base chain DAT up to 1800% Only 650% was taken out too early, a bit fomo😂
In the early morning, the Americans hit the base chain DAT up to 1800%
Only 650% was taken out too early, a bit fomo😂
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In the afternoon, another smart wallet task of the base chain was triggered. Unfortunately, I only made a small profit of 100%+. Let's see if the foreigners can take over in the early morning. Here comes a wave of 10-100 Bei🤏🏻
In the afternoon, another smart wallet task of the base chain was triggered. Unfortunately, I only made a small profit of 100%+. Let's see if the foreigners can take over in the early morning. Here comes a wave of 10-100 Bei🤏🏻
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It is better to play with a local dog and return to zero than to play with a contract. The local dog turns into a golden dog, the kind that rises 100 times overnight. Small position shuttle. You can always encounter a high multiple. As for whether to sell it or not, it is another matter. Anyway, I have sold several local dogs that have risen by 100 times. Don’t believe in the secondary market that has risen by 100 times, 1,000 times, or 10,000 times. Those are opportunities that only exist in the primary market (੭ •_•)💡
It is better to play with a local dog and return to zero than to play with a contract. The local dog turns into a golden dog, the kind that rises 100 times overnight. Small position shuttle. You can always encounter a high multiple. As for whether to sell it or not, it is another matter. Anyway, I have sold several local dogs that have risen by 100 times. Don’t believe in the secondary market that has risen by 100 times, 1,000 times, or 10,000 times. Those are opportunities that only exist in the primary market (੭ •_•)💡
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Why hasn’t the copycat season returned yet, and how should investors respond?TL;DR: Reasons include project saturation, token oversupply, increasing market intelligence, and Bitcoin ETFs breaking the traditional alt-season path. After Bitcoin halving, altcoins all soared, which was a "rule" in previous bull markets, but the much-anticipated "altcoin season" has not yet appeared. Crypto KOL Crypto, Distilled analyzed the reasons for this phenomenon and provided investors with suggestions for optimizing strategies. What is "Copycat Season"? When altcoins outperform Bitcoin and prices surge across the board, it’s called the altcoin season. This is a period of booming growth driven by optimism, just like a rising tide lifts all boats. The altcoin season has driven the development of almost all sectors, and the massive influx of liquidity into the market is its driving force.

Why hasn’t the copycat season returned yet, and how should investors respond?

TL;DR: Reasons include project saturation, token oversupply, increasing market intelligence, and Bitcoin ETFs breaking the traditional alt-season path.
After Bitcoin halving, altcoins all soared, which was a "rule" in previous bull markets, but the much-anticipated "altcoin season" has not yet appeared. Crypto KOL Crypto, Distilled analyzed the reasons for this phenomenon and provided investors with suggestions for optimizing strategies.
What is "Copycat Season"?
When altcoins outperform Bitcoin and prices surge across the board, it’s called the altcoin season. This is a period of booming growth driven by optimism, just like a rising tide lifts all boats. The altcoin season has driven the development of almost all sectors, and the massive influx of liquidity into the market is its driving force.
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A good dog-beating tool😁Base chain Pixiu is really a lot But 0. A few u can operate the threshold is also very low It is either zero or several times the bottom. Yesterday, I bought smart money and beat it 15 times. I escaped from the top and the smart money is not losing money. It is smart money🤏🏻
A good dog-beating tool😁Base chain Pixiu is really a lot
But 0. A few u can operate the threshold is also very low
It is either zero or several times the bottom. Yesterday, I bought smart money and beat it 15 times. I escaped from the top and the smart money is not losing money. It is smart money🤏🏻
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📅Web3 major event calendar in May 📌Special attention events: May 2, the Federal Reserve announced the interest rate decision May 15, US April CPI data May 23, the US SEC’s new deadline for making a decision on VanEck Ethereum spot ETF May 29, the US SEC’s new deadline for making a decision on the listing and trading of spot Bitcoin ETF options May 30, the US SEC’s new deadline for making a decision on Grayscale Ethereum futures ETF MEME, APT, AVAX, PYTH, AEVO and other tokens will usher in large unlocking
📅Web3 major event calendar in May

📌Special attention events:
May 2, the Federal Reserve announced the interest rate decision
May 15, US April CPI data
May 23, the US SEC’s new deadline for making a decision on VanEck Ethereum spot ETF
May 29, the US SEC’s new deadline for making a decision on the listing and trading of spot Bitcoin ETF options
May 30, the US SEC’s new deadline for making a decision on Grayscale Ethereum futures ETF
MEME, APT, AVAX, PYTH, AEVO and other tokens will usher in large unlocking
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The uncertainty of market conditions can cause many investors to have a FOMO mentality and anxiety. How to deal with it? In fact, there are several ways to help you smoothly through market fluctuations: 1. Experience and lessons can only be truly understood and comprehended through personal practice, so we should not be anxious because of the fear of mistakes. Stepping on pits is a normal and necessary experience. A mature mentality requires continuous experience and summary of lessons. 2. Cultivating awareness is the key to mentality training. Through Zen meditation practice, you can improve your personal awareness and focus on the present, such as sensing breathing, touching the ground, etc., to relax your brain. 3. Investment should be like a stand-alone money management game. You are the protagonist of the game, and other people are just NPCs in the system, which does not affect your investment decisions and mentality. You only need to focus on your investment plans and goals, and slowly improve yourself to achieve your own success, rather than being disturbed by other people's investment behavior. #大盘走势
The uncertainty of market conditions can cause many investors to have a FOMO mentality and anxiety. How to deal with it?

In fact, there are several ways to help you smoothly through market fluctuations:

1. Experience and lessons can only be truly understood and comprehended through personal practice, so we should not be anxious because of the fear of mistakes. Stepping on pits is a normal and necessary experience. A mature mentality requires continuous experience and summary of lessons.

2. Cultivating awareness is the key to mentality training. Through Zen meditation practice, you can improve your personal awareness and focus on the present, such as sensing breathing, touching the ground, etc., to relax your brain.

3. Investment should be like a stand-alone money management game. You are the protagonist of the game, and other people are just NPCs in the system, which does not affect your investment decisions and mentality. You only need to focus on your investment plans and goals, and slowly improve yourself to achieve your own success, rather than being disturbed by other people's investment behavior. #大盘走势
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Base is making a lot of money from transaction fees The locals are making a fortune in Base Looking at the revenue data of web3, Base24 exceeded 27 million US dollars in the first quarter. Public chains, like listed companies, must have basic blood-making capabilities to survive safely and long-term, and have healthy self-sustainability to make developers and token holders feel at ease. As of the first quarter of 2024, L1 is still considering the problem of profit and loss balance, while L2 is already a question of how much to earn. Ethereum barely breaks even, Solana is still burning money like crazy, and Base and Base users are already making a lot of money
Base is making a lot of money from transaction fees
The locals are making a fortune in Base
Looking at the revenue data of web3, Base24 exceeded 27 million US dollars in the first quarter. Public chains, like listed companies, must have basic blood-making capabilities to survive safely and long-term, and have healthy self-sustainability to make developers and token holders feel at ease. As of the first quarter of 2024, L1 is still considering the problem of profit and loss balance, while L2 is already a question of how much to earn.
Ethereum barely breaks even, Solana is still burning money like crazy, and Base and Base users are already making a lot of money
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Following Solana, Base ushered in the golden cycle of meme. I think the fundamental reason is that it has a good background, strong consensus, and a healthy ecosystem, so people are pouring in with funds. Only when someone has money can there be a wealth effect. To expand, it can be divided into the following 4 points: 1. Cheap Gas Fee: After Ethereum completed the Cancun upgrade, the Gas fee of the Base chain dropped sharply, providing a basis for large-scale use. Before, the wear and tear of Ethereum playing with local dogs was too high, which was not friendly to novices and users with small capital. 2. Full support from Coinbase: Base has the financial and resource support of Coinbase, and the AA wallet integrated by Coinbase has greatly reduced the threshold for users to participate in on-chain operations, and the practice of not issuing governance tokens also makes it closer to the actual compliance demands. 3. Strong MEME culture and genes: The Base chain has similar European and American community cultural characteristics as Solana. Self-deprecation, graffiti, cult, tipping and other factors have spawned a series of highly-watched MEME coins, such as BALD and BRETT. The hot performance of these MEME coins has further enhanced the popularity and influence of the Base chain, attracting more users and funds to enter. 4. Application innovation: The applications on the Base chain are innovative, especially in the social field. Compared with other DeFi projects, the applications on the Base chain pay more attention to social types, and the project party pays more attention to long-term construction and innovation. In my opinion, Base now has the potential to grow into a big tree. The sooner you arrive, the sooner you can eat meat. Now the winning rate of using 3dogs to rush to Base is very high!
Following Solana, Base ushered in the golden cycle of meme. I think the fundamental reason is that it has a good background, strong consensus, and a healthy ecosystem, so people are pouring in with funds. Only when someone has money can there be a wealth effect. To expand, it can be divided into the following 4 points: 1. Cheap Gas Fee: After Ethereum completed the Cancun upgrade, the Gas fee of the Base chain dropped sharply, providing a basis for large-scale use. Before, the wear and tear of Ethereum playing with local dogs was too high, which was not friendly to novices and users with small capital.

2. Full support from Coinbase: Base has the financial and resource support of Coinbase, and the AA wallet integrated by Coinbase has greatly reduced the threshold for users to participate in on-chain operations, and the practice of not issuing governance tokens also makes it closer to the actual compliance demands.

3. Strong MEME culture and genes: The Base chain has similar European and American community cultural characteristics as Solana. Self-deprecation, graffiti, cult, tipping and other factors have spawned a series of highly-watched MEME coins, such as BALD and BRETT. The hot performance of these MEME coins has further enhanced the popularity and influence of the Base chain, attracting more users and funds to enter.

4. Application innovation: The applications on the Base chain are innovative, especially in the social field. Compared with other DeFi projects, the applications on the Base chain pay more attention to social types, and the project party pays more attention to long-term construction and innovation. In my opinion, Base now has the potential to grow into a big tree. The sooner you arrive, the sooner you can eat meat. Now the winning rate of using 3dogs to rush to Base is very high!
Zobrazit originál
There are so many base coins that have gained 100 times recently. Although I haven’t encountered any, several group friends have gained 50-80 times on the base chain. I’m envious🤒
There are so many base coins that have gained 100 times recently. Although I haven’t encountered any, several group friends have gained 50-80 times on the base chain. I’m envious🤒
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Why is this year a big bull market? 1️⃣The Federal Reserve has begun to cut interest rates and release money (print money). What does this mean? It means that a large amount of US dollars will rush into our currency circle! 2️⃣After two years of bear market, the currency circle has gone bankrupt, miners have been cheated, and retail investors have been cut. But in this way, the big dealers have the opportunity to pick up a lot of "low-priced chips". 3️⃣2024 is when the production of Bitcoin is halved, which is a big deal! If you want others to buy Bitcoin, you have to give an explanation, right? Now this halving is a great reason. 4️⃣Everyone thinks that the bull market in 24 is coming. The consensus of the currency circle is the foundation of the industry. Everyone thinks it is coming, and they all make related operations for the bull market, which naturally drives the market.
Why is this year a big bull market?
1️⃣The Federal Reserve has begun to cut interest rates and release money (print money). What does this mean? It means that a large amount of US dollars will rush into our currency circle!
2️⃣After two years of bear market, the currency circle has gone bankrupt, miners have been cheated, and retail investors have been cut. But in this way, the big dealers have the opportunity to pick up a lot of "low-priced chips".
3️⃣2024 is when the production of Bitcoin is halved, which is a big deal! If you want others to buy Bitcoin, you have to give an explanation, right? Now this halving is a great reason.
4️⃣Everyone thinks that the bull market in 24 is coming. The consensus of the currency circle is the foundation of the industry. Everyone thinks it is coming, and they all make related operations for the bull market, which naturally drives the market.
Zobrazit originál
Many people hope to find good investment targets and expect to achieve a hundredfold return on investment. However, most people's own judgments on projects and markets are often not accurate enough. Even if basic operations are performed such as observing the project track, financing background and token model, as well as market sentiment, in most cases, no matter how accurate your judgment is, when the market makers manipulate the market, investors often suffer greatly. In this market, not only correct judgments are needed, but also flexible news strategies are needed. Therefore, we need to save the country in a roundabout way, learn to take shortcuts, and learn to use the judgments of experienced investors with greater focus to invest. When we lack judgment on a certain project or market, we can choose to buy with people who understand it - whether it is a local dog, a new stock or a rat warehouse. Smart money can make a profit, and there must be a smart investment reason. Choose an address that you recognize to copy smart money and follow their investment portfolio directly, which will be more efficient than blindly investing on your own.
Many people hope to find good investment targets and expect to achieve a hundredfold return on investment. However, most people's own judgments on projects and markets are often not accurate enough. Even if basic operations are performed such as observing the project track, financing background and token model, as well as market sentiment, in most cases, no matter how accurate your judgment is, when the market makers manipulate the market, investors often suffer greatly. In this market, not only correct judgments are needed, but also flexible news strategies are needed.

Therefore, we need to save the country in a roundabout way, learn to take shortcuts, and learn to use the judgments of experienced investors with greater focus to invest. When we lack judgment on a certain project or market, we can choose to buy with people who understand it - whether it is a local dog, a new stock or a rat warehouse. Smart money can make a profit, and there must be a smart investment reason. Choose an address that you recognize to copy smart money and follow their investment portfolio directly, which will be more efficient than blindly investing on your own.
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Another 50x one-click smart wallet tool 😳
Another 50x one-click smart wallet tool
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Follow the smart people to track their wallets and catch the 50-fold increase😁 In a cycle, those who rely on trading ability or information gap to truly make a profit, and the most profitable part of them are called smart money. In a cycle, those who rely on trading ability or information gap to truly make a profit, and the most profitable part of them are called smart money
Follow the smart people to track their wallets and catch the 50-fold increase😁
In a cycle, those who rely on trading ability or information gap to truly make a profit, and the most profitable part of them are called smart money. In a cycle, those who rely on trading ability or information gap to truly make a profit, and the most profitable part of them are called smart money
Zobrazit originál
The link is really soft and the room is visible, so the increase is 2-3%. I can’t even carry the big cake If it reaches 18 dollars, the stop loss cost is a bit high. It's -7% 18. Even if you get 19 dollars in profit, it's still a profit. But I like it very much, so I always change positions in the short term. I open positions and run frequently just to find out the strong and weak coins and discard the weak coins. Of course, if you make a profit, you might as well run if you feel bad. The bull market is a race against time to grab money and reduce capital and positions. If the market goes up and you make money, it has nothing to do with you. It just returns to the cost price. jup is rubbish🤒 link Let's wait and see. There is no room unless I am the chosen one. If you buy it, you will achieve a breakthrough🧐
The link is really soft and the room is visible, so the increase is 2-3%.
I can’t even carry the big cake
If it reaches 18 dollars, the stop loss cost is a bit high.
It's -7% 18. Even if you get 19 dollars in profit, it's still a profit.
But I like it very much, so I always change positions in the short term.
I open positions and run frequently just to find out the strong and weak coins and discard the weak coins.
Of course, if you make a profit, you might as well run if you feel bad.

The bull market is a race against time to grab money and reduce capital and positions.
If the market goes up and you make money, it has nothing to do with you. It just returns to the cost price.
jup is rubbish🤒
link Let's wait and see. There is no room unless I am the chosen one.
If you buy it, you will achieve a breakthrough🧐
Zobrazit originál
I originally planned to see if I could buy it at a good price early in the morning. Suddenly the market strengthened, and my mind kept hinting at a false breakthrough. It’s just that yesterday’s high was swallowed up. It’s about to break through🤒
I originally planned to see if I could buy it at a good price early in the morning.
Suddenly the market strengthened, and my mind kept hinting at a false breakthrough.
It’s just that yesterday’s high was swallowed up. It’s about to break through🤒
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