Zní to, jako by došlo k nějaké významné aktivitě v prostoru memecoinů, zvláště když $BALD zažívá prudký nárůst po spálení tokenu. Je však zásadní, aby investoři zůstali opatrní, zejména s ohledem na minulé události, jako je srpnové vytažení koberce. Nárůsty ostatních memecoinů na#basejsou pozoruhodné, ale jejich tržní kapitalizace se stále zdají nižší ve srovnání s jinými nedávnými memecoiny v různých sítích. Na tomto dynamickém trhu je nezbytné sledovat vývoj a být informováni.
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pPepe Coin (PEPE) je již několik týdnů jednou z nejtrendovějších a nejvíce obchodovaných kryptoměn na trhu. Jen za posledních 30 dní zaznamenal působivý nárůst hodnoty o 700 %. Tato býčí dynamika posunula cenu PEPE na její historické maximum 0,00001084 USD. Cena však od té doby klesla o 10 % a komunita přemýšlela, zda to není konec cesty pro býky. Přesto Pepe nadále přitahuje zájem investorů i nadšenců a vyvolává otázky, zda v roce 2024 dosáhne 1 USD. Pepe Coin (PEPE) je již několik týdnů jednou z nejtrendovějších a nejvíce obchodovaných kryptoměn na trhu. Jen za posledních 30 dní zaznamenal působivý nárůst hodnoty o 700 %. Tato býčí dynamika posunula cenu PEPE na její historické maximum 0,000009885 USD. Cena však od té doby klesla o 10 % a komunita přemýšlela, zda to není konec cesty pro býky. Přesto Pepe nadále přitahuje zájem investorů i nadšenců a vyvolává otázky, zda v roce 2024 dosáhne 1 USD. Cena Pepe Coin (PEPE) je aktuálně 0,000008933 $, což představuje nárůst o 8,49 % za poslední den. Objem obchodování tohoto oblíbeného meme coinu postaveného na blockchainu Ethereum se však snížil o 1,4 % na 1,45 miliardy dolarů. To ukazuje, že obchodní aktivita týkající se mincí se za posledních 24 hodin snížila. Nicméně tržní kapitalizace nezklamala, zvýšila se o 8,43 % na 3,75 miliardy USD a podle CoinMarketCap se PEPE umístila na 40. místě. Mince má oběžnou zásobu 420,69 bilionu, přičemž za poslední týden vzrostla o 22 %. Pochopení Pepe Coin (PEPE) Pepe je token meme soustředěný kolem populárního memu Pepe the Frog v komunitním prostředí. Jeho cílem je stát se memovou mincí s největší hodnotou a obnovit memové mince k dokonalosti. Pepe představuje nové paradigma pro meme coiny a představuje podstatu jednoduchosti ve světě meme coinů. pro PEPE.$pepe Sledovat /To se mi líbí /Komentovat
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Why I’m bullish on BOME: $BOME has been listed on Binance, so there will definitely not be a short-term recession. Otherwise, what is the point of listing on Binance? But the necessary washout will definitely happen. Let’s see how long PEPE has been washing out in the bear market. Although BOME will not wash out for so long in the bull market, But it will definitely take a while to wash. I have to mention $WIF here. I love it when I just poop without washing. #gala #BOME #WIF #BTC
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Devětadvacetiletý mladík byl zabitím prasete podveden o více než 1 milion Dovolte mi, abych vám řekl o zkušenostech tohoto přítele s tím, že byl podveden. Doufám, že po zhlédnutí tohoto může být každý ostražitější, dávat si pozor na různé podvody a chránit majetkovou bezpečnost sebe i své rodiny!! Doufám, že mohu také poskytnout nějaké návrhy a reference přátelům, kteří zažili podobnou zkušenost. Přeji Vše nejlepší všem~ (1) Incident začal: Jako starší mladá žena mě moje rodina naléhala, abych šla na rande naslepo. Viděl jsem kolem sebe své přátele se šťastnými rodinami a velmi jsem jim záviděl. Také mě seznámili. Sám jsem také používal seznamovací aplikace. Proto jsem na Maimai° potkal "spolupracovníka" a myslel jsem si, že se jedná o formální a uznávaný software na pracovišti, takže to nebude žádný problém. Později jsem přidal přítele QQ° a ten mi řekl hodně o svém rodném městě. Podle jeho slov, ač nejsme ve stejném městě, máme k sobě blízko. Oba jsme přišli z provincie přijímacích zkoušek na vysokou školu a tvrdě jsme pracovali. Během procesu komunikace, kvůli podobným studijním zkušenostem, čím více jsme si povídali, tím jsme byli spekulativnější. Tím si krok za krokem získával důvěru. Najednou mi jednoho dne řekl, že chce změnit komunikační software. Důvodem bylo, že si ve svých předchozích příspěvcích přidal spoustu lidí a byly v nich vulgární dívky, tak je nahlásil. V důsledku toho ho i druhá strana zlomyslně nahlásila. Pro usnadnění komunikace nás kontaktujte pomocí WEBEX°. (2) Proces události: Na tomto softwaru mi doporučil webovou stránku pro obchodování s virtuální měnou. Klikl jsem na tuto webovou stránku a zjistil jsem, že je velmi formální. Myslel jsem, že je to legitimní obchodní web. Při provozování transakcí ve virtuální měně mě vedl celým procesem navyšování sázek a operací. Na začátku jsem koupil jen více než 1000 juanů. Zjistil jsem, že žádný problém není, a tak se mi ulevilo. co se s ní stane. Nezajímá mě můj život, ale jsem zodpovědný za zbytek života své matky!
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Bitcoin, Ether in the Green as Global Easing Cycle Begins Over $100 million in bitcoin and ether shorts have been liquidated over the past 24 hour The crypto market began the Asia trading day in the green, as traders cheered BlackRock's foray into asset tokenisation and the beginning of the global central bank easing cycle. Bitcoin (BTC), the world's largest digital asset, traded at $67,300, up 4.9% on a 24-hour basis and ether traded 4.7% higher above $3,400. The CoinDesk 20 (CD20), a measure of the most liquid cryptocurrencies, was up around 5% at press time. Bradley Park, an analyst at CryptoQuant, attributes the gains to the market digesting BlackRock's fund targeting tokenized products on Ethereum called BUIDL. Shorts that bet against bitcoin and ether are seeing significant losses. Data source CoinGlass shows that over $100 million in leveraged futures positions have been liquidated in the last 24 hours, with around $60 million in short BTC positions and $42.8 million in short ether positions Meanwhile, BTC may be up as selling pressure from the Grayscale Bitcoin Trust (GBTC) has slowed. Analysts point to Genesis' sale of shares as a reason for the uptick in GBTC outflow. Macro factors continue to align bullishly. Last week, the Swiss National Bank (SNB) unexpectedly cut the benchmark interest rate, kicking off a global easing cycle. The Central Bank of Mexico also cut rates, and the Federal Reserve, the European Central Bank, and the Bank of England laid the groundwork for the so-called liquidity easing in the coming months.
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This scam takes place when a group of people get together to entice others into investing in a particular coin, usually by posting on social media to build up hype. From there, scammers work together to drive up the price of the asset until they all simultaneously cash out and leave all the new and excited investors holding the bag.
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Crypto Users Lost $2B to Hacks, Scams and Exploits in 2023, De.Fi Says
The figure is roughly half the estimated $4.2 billion of 2022, a year that also included $40 billion lost through the collapse of Terra, Celsius and FTX.
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As the halving event approaches, Bitcoin enters potentially dangerous territory. Since breaking $73,000, the price of Bitcoin has been falling, leading many to wonder where the cryptocurrency will go from here in the near future. Rekt Capital, a well-known cryptocurrency trader and analyst, recently made a pessimistic prognosis about Bitcoin and shared it with the crypto world on X. Before the halving event, his prediction looks at Bitcoin's possible future decline, highlighting the entry into a dangerous zone he called the "Danger Zone." Rekt Capital went on to say that 14–28 days before to the event, pre-halving retracements have traditionally been seen in BTC. There was a 40% decline in Bitcoin's price just before the halving event in 2016. However, in 2020, the cryptocurrency asset dropped by more than 40% before to the event. The Bitcoin price has dropped by more than 11% in the last week, indicating additional correction is likely in the weeks ahead, even though there are fewer than 30 days before this year's BTC halving occurs. Two days from now, Bitcoin will formally join the orange "Danger Zone" where pre-halving retraces have started in the past. In the 14–28 days leading up to the halving, Bitcoin has traditionally executed pre-halving retraces. This retrace was forty percent deep in 2016 and twenty percent deep in 2020. With the halving only 30 days away, Bitcoin has fallen 11% this week. Notably, the crypto researcher had before predicted when Bitcoin is likely to reach its bull cycle peak. Within 280-350 days, according to Rekt Capital, the asset will reach its high. This may happen around the middle of December this year or in the middle of February next year, to be more precise. As of this writing, the crypto analyst has identified the following stages leading up to the impending Bitcoin Halving: the Pre-Halving Rally, the Final Pre-Halving Retrace, the Re-accumulation period, and the Parabolic trend. Rekt Capital reports that, in the sixty days leading up to a halving, there is often a rise. #Halving #HotTrends #BTC
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BlackRock Acquires Over 1% of Total Bitcoin Supply in 10 Weeks, Reports HODL15Capital BlackRock, one of the world's largest investment management corporations, has reportedly bought more than 1% of the total supply of Bitcoin within ten weeks. This significant acquisition was highlighted by cryptocurrency monitoring platform HODL15Capital.
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Core Scientific Reports 22% Revenue Decline in 2023 Despite Mining 19,274 BTC According to CryptoPotato, Bitcoin mining firm Core Scientific reported a total revenue of $502.4 million for the fiscal year 2023, reflecting a decrease of $137.9 million or 22% from the $640.3 million recorded in the previous year. The company successfully mined 19,274 BTC (valued at approximately $1.4 billion) during 2023 despite undergoing bankruptcy. The decline in total revenue was attributed to several factors, including an $82.8 million reduction resulting from the company’s withdrawal from the equipment sales business in fiscal year 2022, a decrease of $47.6 million in hosting revenue due to the termination of contracts for certain clients with less profitable hosting rates, and a $7.5 million decline in revenue from digital asset mining. Increased mining difficulty, associated with the surge of the global Bitcoin network hash rate during fiscal year 2023 compared to the previous year, also contributed to the revenue decline. However, this decrease was partially offset by an increase in revenue due to the deployment of additional mining units in Core Scientific's self-mining fleet. The company's annual net losses improved, recording only $246.5 million for 2023, a decrease from the $2.14 billion net loss recorded in 2022. In the fourth quarter of 2023, net losses stood at $195.7 million, showing a reduction from $434.9 million in the fourth quarter of 2022. Core Scientific CEO Adam Sullivan stated that the company's growth plan and diversified platform give it the ability to refresh its fleet with more efficient miners, scale its business with favorable economics, and position itself well for the upcoming halving and beyond. Core Scientific emerged from Chapter 11 bankruptcy in January this year after undergoing a 13-month restructuring process and subsequently relisted its shares on Nasdaq. The firm has 372 megawatts of infrastructure across two Texas data centers in varying stages of development and plans to ramp up its capacity by more than 50% over the next four years.
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Earlier this week, MicroStrategy co-founder and longtime BTC proponent Michael Saylor said that the firm used the proceeds from other convertible notes and excess cash to purchase 12,000 BTC for $821.7 million, which comes to a cost of $68,477 per token.
At the time, the purchase brought MicroStrategy’s BTC total to 205,000 at an average cost of $33,706.MicroStrategy Announces Plan To Buy More Bitcoin (BTC) As Top Crypto Asset Dips in Price Enterprise software firm MicroStrategy says it is planning on adding more Bitcoin (BTC) to its portfolio as the flagship digital asset dips below its new all-time high.
In a new press release, MicroStrategy says it’s offering $525 million worth of convertible senior notes with the intent of using the proceeds for general corporate purposes and to purchase more of the top crypto asset by market cap as it drops to near the $70,000 price level. “The notes will be convertible into cash, shares of MicroStrategy’s class A common stock, or a combination of cash and shares of MicroStrategy’s class A common stock, at MicroStrategy’s election…
MicroStrategy estimates that the net proceeds from the sale of the notes will be approximately $515.0 million (or approximately $592.3 million if the initial purchasers exercise in full their option to purchase additional notes)…
MicroStrategy intends to use the net proceeds from the sale of the notes to acquire additional Bitcoin and for general corporate purposes.” Bitcoin is trading for $69,921 at time of writing, a marginal increase during the last 24 hours but a 5% decrease from its new all-time high of $73,580 set on March 14th. Its 2024 low was set on January 23rd when the crypto king was moving for $39,500.
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🔥🔥🔥Floki (FLOKI) Price Prediction: What's Next After the 530% Rally to All-Time High? The Floki (#FLOKI ) price fell to $ 0.0000025 with a 25% retreat on March 15, barely 24 hours after reaching an all-time high price of $0.000031. Analysis on the chain How a recent swing in a critical catalyst driving the rally may affect FLOKI price action in the coming days. Will the FLOKI price fall further after the consolidation phase or will it enter another important phase? #Flokii Media traction is down 50% this week Floki is an important memecoin hosted on the Ethereum blockchain network. The sudden increases in global memecoin demand in recent weeks have increased the FLOKI token price by 530% in the first half of March 2024 alone. Like most memecoins, the FLOKI rally has leaned heavily on social media narratives and bullish comments from its global fan base. However, intra-chain data trends show that Floki Inu media traction declined last week. The following Social Dominance chart of Sanitation tracks the daily number of a particular cryptocurrency project, or its stock price is reddit, x, telegram, etc. It is mentioned on various related crypto media channels, such as. As seen above, FlOKİ attracted 0.75% of all crypto media comments on March 2, just as the price rally broke out. After a brief dip, it rose to another peak of 0.6% on March 9, setting the stage for the latest wave of price increases last week. But since March 9, mentions of Floki Inu social media have been experiencing a sharp decline. The Social Dominance of 0.3% recorded at press time on March 15 represents a decrease of 50%. In a media-sensitive sector such as the Memecoin market, assets are at risk of rapid price drops when their traction and mentions start to fall. Without a significant increase in FLOKI media mentions, potential investors may overlook this, while current holders may start to fomo out of their positions in meme tokens, which rank higher on the table of social media trends. #FLOKI #binance #memecoins
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Memecoin sensation, the Book Of MEME (BOME), built on the Solana blockchain, has taken the crypto market by storm, as its price recorded an astounding surge of over 145% jump overnight and as high as 220% earlier. Meanwhile, there is a flurry of factors that may have contributed to the recent gains in the BOME price. Notably, the sudden spike in BOME’s value can be largely attributed to a groundbreaking announcement from Binance, shaking up the trading landscape for this burgeoning cryptocurrency.
Binance Unveils USDS-M BOME Perpetual Contract
Binance, a leading crypto exchange, has set the stage for a seismic shift in the trading realm with its latest announcement. Notably, the announcement unveils the launch of the USDS-M BOME Perpetual Contract on Binance Futures, boasting leverage of up to 50x. This move not only expands Binance’s trading offerings but also injects fresh momentum into BOME’s price trajectory. Meanwhile, the newly introduced perpetual contract, scheduled for launch on March 16, 2024, at 12:30 (UTC), underscores Binance’s commitment to empowering traders with diverse opportunities. With BOME USDT Perpetual Contract set as the underlying asset, traders can leverage up to 50 times their initial investment, amplifying potential gains in the burgeoning cryptocurrency market.
In addition, Binance’s announcement comes hot on the heels of Bybit’s revelation of Spot listing for BOME/USDT pairs on its platform. This dual endorsement from major exchanges further bolsters investor confidence in BOME’s potential, setting the stage for further growth in the near term.
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Nigeria is not yet among Binance’s top markets despite being a leading global crypto market. However, the crypto exchange said it recognizes the West African country’s “extraordinary potential,” which is one reason why it is eager to invest there.
‘Extraordinary Potential’
The cryptocurrency exchange Binance has clarified that Nigeria, despite being one of the world’s largest crypto markets, is not yet one of its top markets. However, Binance acknowledged the country’s “extraordinary potential” in an update on its ongoing dispute with the Nigerian government. This potential according to the update, is why Binance is still keen on investing in the country.
As reported by Bitcoin.com News, the Nigerian government has intensified its conflict with the crypto exchange, blaming the sharp depreciation of the local currency in February on Binance. In response, Binance reportedly capped the naira to USDT exchange rate but this ultimately failed to assuage officials who went on to detain Binance’s visiting senior executives.
Since then, officials have alternated in threatening the crypto exchange. Some reports suggested that Binance was asked to pay to secure the release of the detained executives. Until recently, Binance had largely refrained from publicly commenting on the status of the two executives, whose identities were recently revealed. Binance was asked to pay to secure the release of the detained executives. Until recently, Binance had largely refrained from publicly commenting on the status of the two executives, whose identities were recently revealed.
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Bitcoin eased to a one-week low in volatile trade on Friday, as investors took profit from its run to a record high and as another upside surprise on U.S. inflation dimmed prospects of early rate cuts there and dented demand for riskier assets. Bitcoin fell more than 5% in the Asian session to bottom at $66,629.96, before paring some of its losses to last trade 3.5% lower. The choppy moves in the world's largest cryptocurrency came a day after its charge to a high of $73,803.25, setting a new record for a fourth straight day. "Bitcoin has an established history of getting volatile and ruthless after hitting (a) record high," said Matt Simpson, senior market analyst at City Index. "And not only did it recently hit a new high, but it looks like the (Federal Reserve) won't be as dovish as traders had hoped. A slew of data out on Thursday showed that while U.S. retail sales rebounded less than expected in February, producer prices increased more than expected The releases came on the heels of U.S. consumer price data out earlier in the week that pointed to still-sticky inflationary pressures. Markets reacted by paring the chances of a Fed easing cycle beginning in June, with futures now pointing to a roughly 60% chance of a rate cut that month, down from roughly 74% a week ago, according to the CME FedWatch tool. A higher-for-longer rates scenario, particularly in the United States, is typically bad for risk-sensitive assets such as crypto. Still, bitcoin remains nearly 60% higher for the year to date, helped by a crypto frenzy driven by flows into U.S. spot exchange-traded crypto products and as traders remain broadly focused on the prospect of global interest rates being lower by the year-end. In a show of optimism over bitcoin's bull run, software firm MicroStrategy MSTR.O said it is planning to raise capital through a convertible bond offering to buy bitcoin for the second time in less than 10 days. The company had on March 5 announced a $600 million private offering in convertible notes, as it looks to increase its exposure to the booming digital asset.
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