vypadá to, že trump prohraje, pak xrp poroste. a btc klesne. tak kdy bude býčí trh? Možná v lednu nebo únoru, nevím, zda budou nějaké informace o zvyšování Bitcoinu a býčích trhu. prostě uvidíme.
věřte nebo ne, tento týden dojde k velmi hlubokému a velmi rychlému poklesu. pak příští týden bude klidný a víkendy tohoto měsíce budou to, na co se těšíme. bullrun bullrun bullrun
My prediction is that BTC will close at the new ATH at 75k. and I have said before that when BTC drops to 57k it will rebound again
$BTC Did you know that crypto is full of manipulation? when people say BTC will go to 100k. and it's true that BTC will go there, but remember the word manipulation. before heading to 100k the market is manipulated again as if it is not going there. currently BTC will go to 57k then rebound back towards 95k. whales will enter below and will not make a deeper fall before taking the last profit after this year's halving. Don't waste your money just because of this manipulation.