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Pepř nahoru
Pepř nahoru
💯 Prognóza ceny mincí Pepe na rok 2025 ....sledujte tento graf obchodníci potřebují znát všechna fakta
Pepe Coin ($PEPE ), podobně jako jeho protějšky meme coinů Dogecoin a Shiba Inu, silně spoléhá na zapojení komunity a širší dynamiku trhu s kryptoměnami. Vzhledem k nepředvídatelné povaze meme coinů je třeba jakékoli cenové projekce brát s rezervou. Nicméně některé tržní trendy a projekce nabízejí nadějné i rezervované perspektivy potenciálu PEPE v roce 2025.

$PEPE Předpověď ceny mincí na rok 2025

Několik analytiků se domnívá, že cena PEPE by mohla do roku 2025 zaznamenat výrazný růst, zejména pokud si udrží silnou podporu komunity a zůstane oblíbeným ve světě meme coinů. Podle Changellyho by se za optimálních okolností mohl PEPE do konce roku 2025 vyšplhat až na 0,0028 dolaru, z velké části tažen pozitivním trhem a pokračujícím nadšením pro meme tokeny.
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Citovaný obsah byl odebrán.
Coin Tapswap, spuštěný v roce 2023 na blockchainu Solana, využívá model „tap-to-earn“ prostřednictvím robota Telegram, díky čemuž je přístupný a snadno použitelný.
Aktuální výkon
Do května 2024 se Tapswap rozrostl na více než 17 milionů uživatelů, čímž předstihl konkurenty v ekosystému Telegram díky silnému zapojení komunity.

Klíčové vlastnosti
Vydělávejte klepnutím: Vydělávejte mince klepnutím na robota Telegram.

Ligy a posilovače: Zvyšte výdělky prostřednictvím hodností a posilovačů.

Bonusy za doporučení: Vydělávejte více pozváním přátel.

Token TAPS má maximální zásobu 1 miliardy, přičemž 50 % je přiděleno členům komunity, 30 % pokladně a 20 % týmu a poradcům.

Budoucí prospekty
Plány zahrnují rozšířené možnosti výměny, sázkové odměny a vzdělávací platformu pro další zapojení uživatelů.
Výhody a rizika

Snadný přístup: Jednoduchý vstup pomocí telegramového robota.
Silná komunita: Aktivní a rostoucí uživatelská základna.
Vícenásobné použití: Různé aplikace pro token TAPS.

Volatilita: Podléhá výkyvům trhu.
Předpisy: Možný dopad regulačních změn.

Tapswap coin nabízí slibný vstup do DeFi se silným růstovým potenciálem a podporou komunity. Uživatelé by si však měli být vědomi rizik spojených s investicemi do kryptoměn.
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Pepe na 1 dolar
Pepe na 1 dolar
Citovaný obsah byl odebrán.
Zobrazit originál
Notcoin Launch Signals TON Ecosystem Surge. 💎🚀

S blížícím se létem je ekosystém Telegram Open Network (TON) vzrušený očekáváním, a to díky nadcházejícímu spuštění Notcoinu, průkopnického memecoinu ve vesmíru TON. Notcoin, podporovaný prominentními jmény jako Pantera Capital a Animoca, již nashromáždil značné množství fanoušků, což vyvolalo vlny v kryptosféře.

💎 Co je to Notcoin?

Notcoin je průkopníkem v ekosystému TON a vyznačuje se jako přední memecoin v této rozvíjející se síti. S podporou průmyslových gigantů, jako jsou Pantera a Animoca, znamená Notcoin klíčový milník ve vývoji TON a přitahuje pozornost nadšenců i investorů.

💎 Meteorický vzestup TONu

Hodnota TON raketově roste, podpořena podporou od vlivných osobností, jako je Dan Morehead. TVL dosáhla 200 milionů dolarů, což odráží rostoucí důvěru. Nedávné výsadky vyvolaly aktivitu, uživatelé dostávají štědré příděly a více investují. Dubnový airdrop 9 milionů dolarů prostřednictvím The Open League podtrhuje nadšení a návratnost v TON.

💎 Notcoin Launch: A Game-Changer

Spuštění Notcoinu znamená novou éru pro ekosystém TON, přičemž těžařská hra založená na Telegramu přitahuje významnou účast. Mezi účastníky bude rozdělena částka Notcoinů v hodnotě přibližně 13 milionů dolarů, přičemž 16. května bude kótováno na 18 burzách. Příležitostí pro účast je spousta, OKX a Binance nabízejí dostupné cesty pro získání Notcoinů. Jeho zahrnutí do Binance Launchpool přidává význam a posiluje pozici Notcoinu v kryptoměně.

💎 Nárokování Notcoinů

Uživatelé Telegram Premium mohou nárokovat Notcoin od 10. května, ostatní mají nárok od 16. května. Při výběru do Telegram Wallet přidělte dostatek TON na transakční poplatky. Uvedení Notcoinu na trh s 13,5 miliony uživatelů soupeří s meme coiny jako DOGE, SHIB, PEPE, WIF a BONK. S podporou společností Animoca a Pantera Capital se ekosystém TON připravuje na vzrušující léto. Zůstaňte naladěni na aktualizace, jak TON roste.

#BinanceLaunchpool #notcoin #NOT #TON #Toncoin
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Ne 🦾
Ne 🦾
Bitnet Square
⚡️ Přímé vklady notcoinů na burzy budou zítra (14. května) uzavřeny.

Další možnosti výběru (včetně reklamace na řetězci) se otevřou po zařazení.

Pokud chcete začít obchodovat od první minuty, ujistěte se, že jste zahájili převod na burzu.

A nezapomeňte pingnout své freny a pomoci jim na jejich cestě.
Notcoin fam – silná – společně.

Čím větší hodnotu sdílíme, tím lépe.
Zobrazit originál
Ben Walther
$PEPE Aktualizace — Čekací zóna ䷄

PEPE byl zamítnut (ještě jednou) na horním kanálu.
Proto se nic nezměnilo. Jsme stále v čekací zóně. Držme se stále za ruce :)

➡️ Počkejte, až PEPE prolomí odpor nebo podporu.
➡️ Počkejte na potvrzení 1H nebo 4H nebo...
➡️ ...počkej na solidní obchodní signál na podporu průlomu

Not coin
Not coin
Universe of crypto
👉ÚVOD O (Notcoinu):

👉Notcoin je herní platforma Web3, která nabízí hru s výdělkem, kde hráči mohou „dolovat“ její digitální měnu, přezdívanou Notcoin, zapojením se do animované mince.

👉Významnou ambicí pro Notcoin je jeho případný vývoj v uznávanou kryptoměnu na blockchainu TON. Takže v podstatě je to síť Token of Ton, která dává tolik síly v kryptosvětě.

👉Notcoin má podle zdrojů obrovskou tržní kapitalizaci 1 miliard dolarů, to znamená, že jde o ziskový projekt, který se brzy odehraje na kryptotrhu. má obrovskou distribuci svých tokenů mezi svými těžaři, což je téměř 78%.


👉 Jelikož hodně zkoumám tento projekt, mám o něm cenovou předpověď, že bude spuštěn mezi 0,50 $ až 1,00 $ jen kvůli jeho masivní komunitě, což je dobrý začátek pro tento úžasný projekt.

👉Jak můžete získat své Notcoiny.

Je snadné získat své Notcoiny. Notcoiny můžete získat pouhým uzamčením svých $BNB a $FDUSD na launchpoolu binance. Každou hodinu tedy získáte zdarma Notcoiny, dokud nebude spuštěn.

#BinanceLaunchpool #notcoin #NOTLAUNCHPOOL
Lunch updates !!
Lunch updates !!
Cryptos Headlines
Prolomení: Terra Luna Classic (LUNC), USTC odstraněno z Luna Foundation Guard

Získejte okamžité memecoiny DunkiMunki v hodnotě 200 $ zdarma na

Tokeny Terra Luna Classic (LUNC) a USTC byly odstraněny ze stráže nadace Luna, která byla omylem započítána do oběhu zásob. Ceny LUNC a USTC rostou.

Tokeny ekosystému Terra Luna Classic zaznamenaly v sobotu masivní nárůst cen, protože 1,85 miliardy USTC a 222 milionů LUNC tokenů v Luna Foundation Guard bylo odebráno z oběhu.

Cena LUNC vyletěla přes 10 % a cena USTC vzrostla o 18 % během několika hodin, ale brzy zkrátila dřívější zisky.

LUNC a USTC Circulating Supply společnosti Luna Foundation Guard
Z Luny bylo odebráno 1,85 miliardy USTC a 222 milionů LUNC tokenů
Adresa peněženky Foundation Guard


Přesun přichází, protože účet byl téměř 2 roky nečinný.

#Bitcoin #Ethereum #LUNC #USTC #TerraClassic $LUNC $USTC $LUNA
Web3 Btc
Web3 Btc
Crypto Web3 Today
It Just Got Easier to Mine Single Bitcoin (BTC), Here's Reason.

Recent market data shows there is a dramatic shift in the Bitcoin (BTC) network as it relates to mining difficulty. This shift has reduced the mining difficulty, with the hashrate dropping by over 5.6% to 83,148,355,189,239 (83.15 trillion). Per data from, this Bitcoin mining difficulty adjustment took place at block height 842,688, with the average hashrate coming in at 646.96 EH/s.

Bitcoin network difficulty is a measure of how hard it is for miners to verify transactions and add them to a block for rewards. Network difficulty is computed every two weeks, and the metric rises with increasing computers plugging in to mine more Bitcoin. The opposite trend occurs when there are fewer entities plugged into the network.

According to the data, the average network hashrate over the trailing seven- day period comes in at 572.18 EH/s, the biggest slump since at least December 2022. This drop, if sustained, means that for the same resources, miners can get additional output with amplified profitability.

With the earnings report by crypto mining firms underway, thus far, the favorable mining difficulty is showcased in their enhanced revenue for the first quarter.

The Bitcoin ecosystem is under an intense spotlight with the price of the underlying asset down by $61,135.59, or 2.29%, in 24 hours. The coin has been sliding since it recorded an all-time high (ATH) of $73,750.07. However, long-term traders are confident in the asset's ability to stay resilient and potentially plot a rebound soon.

At the moment, bullish sentiment hinges on
the take by CryptoQuant CEO Ki Young Ju,
who said the network can support more
than 3x of its current valuation. For Bitcoin,
this would imply a high of $256,000. With
Morgan Stanley and Susquehanna reportedly embracing spot Bitcoin ETFs, the optics and potentials are notably well aligned.
LUNC Burn Campaign: Binance Wallets Lead 222 Million Token Removal Effort
Despite the burn, LUNC’s price dipped 1% to $0.0001039 as Bitcoin prices fell more than 10% that day.TerraClassicUSD (USTC) also dropped 3%, but trading volume jumped 190%, showing continued interest in the token.
On May 8, a large-scale burn of Terra Luna Classic (LUNC) tokens occurred through 16 wallet-to-wallet transactions, resulting in the removal of 222 million tokens from circulation.
These transactions led to a total daily burn of over 275 million LUNC, generating conversation within the community due to the quantity involved.
Some observers suggest that Binance, managed all 16 wallets involved in the burn. The transactions moved 50 billion LUNC tokens between wallets within minutes. StakeBin, a platform that analyzes blockchain data, noted that 239 million tokens were burned in an hour, suggesting a coordinated approach.
Historically, Binance has been the largest contributor to LUNC burning, recently removing 1.4 billion tokens through its 21st batch. The exchange has eliminated over 59 billion LUNC tokens in total via these burns.

Despite this burn event, LUNC’s value decreased by 1% to $0.0001039 in a single day, as Bitcoin prices declined by more than 10%. During that time, LUNC’s highest and lowest prices were $0.0001096 and $0.0001020, respectively. However, trading volume increased by 123%, indicating high interest among traders.

Meanwhile, TerraClassicUSD (USTC), a stablecoin tied to LUNC, also saw a decline in value. The token fell 3% in 24 hours to $0.0206. Trading volume surged by 190%, suggesting that traders remain active with USTC despite the price drop. The highest and lowest prices for USTC over the same period were $0.0232 and $0.02043.

These developments have prompted conversations within the Terra Luna Classic community about their impact on the token’s future value and market position. The burn activity reflects a clear effort to increase stability and stimulate the network, but the market remains uncertain about how reducing the token supply will affect prices in the long term.
This content aims to enrich readers with information. Always conduct independent research and use discretionary funds before investing. All buying, selling, and crypto asset investment activities are the responsibility of the reader.
#TerraClassic #LUNC
Analyst Says XRP At $5.89 Is a Calculated Move, Foresees Double Digits. Here’s when
EGRAG CRYPTO, a well-respected crypto analyst, has identified potentially bullish technical indicators for XRP. This analysis focuses on the formation of two triangles and a longer-term trendline, suggesting possible price movements in the coming months.
EGRAG CRYPTO highlights the significance of an ascending trendline he refers to as the “Atlas Line.” This line was established in March 2020, and XRP has repeatedly found support at this trendline, indicated by nine distinct touchpoints where XRP retested the trendline. This historical trend suggests that the Atlas Line may continue to act as a significant support level for XRP.

Triangle Formations and Price Targets
Although other analysts have drawn attention to a multi-year triangle on XRP’s chart, EGRAG CRYPTO takes a different approach, drawing attention to two triangular formations. The first is a blue triangle that preceded the significant price surge observed in July 2023 after the pivotal ruling in the XRP lawsuit.
Following the July breakout, a new white triangle has formed, within which XRP’s price is currently consolidating. EGRAG CRYPTO suggests a breakout from this white triangle could trigger further price appreciation.
Measured Moves and Potential Price Targets
In the case of the white triangle, a breakout to the upside could lead to a measured move with a target of $1.50. This price target is close to the 0.786 Fibonacci retracement level.
However, a breakout from the blue triangle suggests a more significant price increase. The measured move for the blue triangle suggests a potential price target of $5.89, aligning with the 1.618 Fibonacci retracement level. Although XRP has left the blue triangle, EGRAG CRYPTO predicts a move to $1.5 and a subsequent major pump to $5.89.
A Long-term Perspective
EGRAG CRYPTO emphasizes the importance of maintaining a long-term perspective for XRP investors. While the analysis suggests potential price pumps shortly, with targets of $1.50 and $5.89, the analyst also acknowledges the possibility of a “macro pump” that could propel the price above $10.
The Atlas Line as a long-term support level and the presence of two bullish triangle formations suggest potential price appreciation for XRP in the coming months. XRP recently defied bearish signals and could ride its renewed momentum to EGRAG CRYPTO’s price targets and beyond.
This content aims to enrich readers with information. Always conduct independent research and use discretionary funds before investing. All buying, selling, and crypto asset investment activities are the responsibility of the reader.
#XRP #Ripple
Expert Says XRP Could Reach $1.88 in Price Comeback
Crypto market analyst Dark Defender says that XRP’s target price of $1.88 is coming up fast. He points out a triangle pattern and thinks if XRP stays above an important support level, it will definitely hit $1.
Investors are feeling hopeful after XRP’s recent price increase. With XRP’s price going down recently, it’s now starting to go up again. Another well-known analyst thinks it’s getting closer to reaching $1.88.
XRP’s Price Prediction and Analysis by Dark Defender
Today, XRP, a cryptocurrency supported by Ripple Labs, captured significant attention from investors as its price bounced back after experiencing notable losses. Interestingly, amidst this positive movement, a renowned crypto analyst shared an optimistic forecast for XRP’s price trajectory.
The prediction, suggesting that XRP’s price target of $1.88 is achievable, quickly garnered attention across the crypto market. Dark Defender’s analysis delves into XRP’s weekly time frame, hinting at the cryptocurrency inching closer to the $1.88 mark, as per the Elliott Wave theory.
In a recent analysis, Dark Defender emphasizes essential Fibonacci levels, highlighting XRP’s ability to maintain its position above the critical 38.20% level at $0.4623. Attention is drawn to a potential Triangle formation, with $0.5286 identified as a crucial support zone. The analyst anticipates a breakout above this level, potentially fueling XRP’s rally towards $1.

According to the analysis, following the surpassing of $1, Wave 3 targets could extend even further, with XRP aiming for $5.85 and $18.22, based on Elliott theory guidelines. Despite a previous prediction in April falling short, Dark Defender remains steadfast in proclaiming XRP’s imminent attainment of the $1 target, generating significant interest among market participants.
XRP’s Price and Market Dynamics
At present, the XRP token has registered gains of 2.34% over the past 24 hours, with its current trading price standing at $0.5243. However, Coinglass data has unveiled a 1.13% decrease in XRP’s open interest, accompanied by a significant 40.68% decline in derivatives volume.
These fluctuations coincide with XRP’s recent highly volatile movement, contributing to a blend of sentiments among traders and investors in the crypto market. The erratic behavior of XRP’s price trajectory has left many uncertain about its future direction.
Additionally, there has been a notable increase in whale activity surrounding the XRP token, further complicating the understanding of its price movements in the days ahead. The heightened activity among large investors adds another layer of mystery to XRP’s price action.
This content aims to enrich readers with information. Always conduct independent research and use discretionary funds before investing. All buying, selling, and crypto asset investment activities are the responsibility of the reader.
#Ripple #XRP
PEPE Price Rallies on 4 Trillion Coin Accumulation by Whale
According to Whale Alert’s data, there was a significant accumulation of 4 trillion Pepe coins today, on May 3. This accumulation led to a rally in PEPE’s price, surging by almost 7%. Over the past 24 hours, the token reached a trading high of $0.000008028.
Today, May 3, witnessed a bullish event in the cryptocurrency world as a PEPE whale accumulated a significant amount of the frog-themed meme token, attracting global attention. This transaction occurred during a nearly 7% price rally for PEPE, sparking optimism among crypto market participants. Despite a period of consolidation in the past week, with Pepe coin trading between $0.000006014 and $0.000007956, the whale’s accumulation has instigated a surge in bullish sentiment towards the meme coin’s price trajectory.
Whale Accumulates 4.04 Trillion PEPE Tokens, Signaling Bullish Momentum
According to data from the on-chain analytics platform Whale Alert, a remarkable 4.04 trillion PEPE tokens were accumulated on May 3. This accumulation coincided with a nearly 7% price rally for PEPE and was executed via Paribu, a cryptocurrency trading platform, by an undisclosed wallet.
This substantial accumulation underscores a persistent confidence in the asset and sets a potential bullish trajectory for the frog-themed token in the foreseeable future. Should buying pressure persist, akin to the recent transaction, it could empower bulls to further drive the token’s value upwards.
A significant player in the meme coin market amassed substantial amounts of Pepe Coin futures, contributing to the token’s overall bullish sentiment. Cumulatively, the whale data dominating the crypto landscape suggests a sustained price rally for the token, with on-chain data reinforcing the current market uptrend.
PEPE Price Surges Amidst Growing Market Activity
PEPE’s price has experienced a notable uptick of 7.25% over the past 24 hours, currently resting at $0.000007603. During this period, the frog-themed meme token’s price fluctuated between $0.000006951 and $0.000008028.
According to Coinglass data, there has been a significant surge in PEPE coin’s open interest, rising by 8.90% to reach $78.95 million. Additionally, derivatives volume has increased by 9.14%, reaching $1.28 billion. These figures indicate a considerable uptick in market activity, accompanied by growing investor interest.
Market indicators suggest a prevailing buying sentiment, further supported by the recent massive whale accumulation. While the Relative Strength Index (RSI) hovers near 56, indicating that the asset is neither overbought nor oversold, the collective data points towards a bullish trend for the token at present.
This content aims to enrich readers with information. Always conduct independent research and use discretionary funds before investing. All buying, selling, and crypto asset investment activities are the responsibility of the reader.
#PEPE #Memecoin
Crypto Web3 Today
About Berkshire Hathaway Major Bitcoin Statement Made by Michael Saylor.

Michael Saylor, a prominent Bitcoin advocate and founder of the MicroStrategy business intelligence giant, has published a tweet about the world's flagship cryptocurrency and one of Bitcoin's biggest critics Warren Buffett and his investment giant Berkshire Hathaway.

This tweet came out after the first Berkshire Hathaway shareholders meeting that took place earlier this week. For the first time since the company was founded, the meeting took place without Buffett's right-hand man and vice president Charlie Munger. The latter passed away in November last year at the age of 99.

Munger was and Buffett remains a persistent critic of Bitcoin, claiming that BTC is going nowhere. Once Buffett even referred to it as "rat poison squared." However, last year, the primary cryptocurrency amazed the financial world by surpassing Berkshire Hathaway by the size of its market capitalization and leaving it far behind.

At the time of this writing, Buffett company's market cap stands at 862.05 billion, while Bitcoin already boasts $1,245,020,193,429.

Saylor tweeted that he only hope he sees for the company legendary to the investment world is Bitcoin.

In his tweet, Saylor hints that Warren Buffett should consider following in the footsteps of MicroStrategy. This company has been steadily buying BTC since the August of 2020.

In April, the company purchased another 122 BTC lump with $7.8 million. This increased its overall holdings to 214,400 ВTC evaluated at a whopping $13.22 billion on the balance sheet. Thanks to Bitcoin and the money raised from shareholders to buy more of it, MicroStrategy's market capitalization now holds at $21.57 billion.

Over the last 24 hours, Bitcoin has managed to stage a recovery of almost 7% as it suddenly rose from the $59,000 price tag to $63,190 where it is changing hands as of this writing.
Stay safe $!!
Stay safe $!!
Mastering Crypto
🚨 Big Scam Exposed on Binance! Please Stay Safe

Recently, scammers on Binance have found a new way to fool innocent people where they ask users to send them tips on Binance Square to get big rewards like 1 BTC or 0.5 BTC. Many people have fallen prey to these scams and later found out that they were scammed and lost their money . I have quoted the post of the scammer which goes as

1 Dollar Tip = 0.1 BTC
3 Dollars Tip = 0.3 BTC
5 Dollars Tip = 0.5 BTC
10 Dollars Tip = 1 BTC
100 Dollars Tip = 10 BTC
410 People Got a huge amount of Bitcoin from me. I don't need dollars . The reason why you have to tip is to participate fairly. Because everyone want free money. I can't send money to everyone. I will send money to 3000 People.
Latest Winners :
@SpaceHelix01 Cryptos   ( 0.5 BTC )
@Dodie Venuto spn9  ( 1 BTC )
@James Kennerly sPb4  ( 0.3 BTC )
@Hsiu Bandarra sPsN  ( 10 BTC )
@Giovanni Desormeaux sNSo  ( 0.1 BTC )
@Phyliss Adlam SPB4   ( 0.3 BTC )
@Osniel Anzola  ( 1 BTC )

These scammers after getting large tips change their username and run out with your money. I request all of you not to send any tip to the user who post fake promises and please report the post immediately to save people being scammed on Binance and keeping Binance Square Clean.

Please feel free to post your experience as well as suggestions to keep these scammers out of the square.

@Binance Risk Sniper

Crypto Web3 Today
Here's Why Shiba Inu (SHIB), XRP and Cardano (ADA) Just Recorded Major Price Jumps.

Shiba Inu (SHIB), Cardano (ADA), XRP as well as several other altcoins turned green during a speech by Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell before giving up some of their gains.

Powell dismissed market concerns about "stagflation," a scenario in which slow economic growth is coupled with high inflation. He said that he did not see "the stag or the flation."

Earlier, JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon amplified stagflation concerns, warning that the US economy might be heading back to the 1970s.

In response to Powell's speech, American businessman and investor Jeffrey Gundlach said that he expects only a single rate cut this year. He doesn't see a rate cut coming this June. The Fed chair himself has stated that it would be hard to predict how the rates are going to change, but he has predicted that the next policy move is unlikely to be a cut.

According to Powell, rate cuts could come sooner due to an unexpected weakening in the labor market. However, the decision will still hinge on the incoming inflation data. Powell has stressed that the Fed is now satisfied with inflation staying at 3%. The Fed's goal is to bring inflation back to 2% before it would be able to start cutting rates.

Interest rate futures are betting on a single rate cut in 2024. The first rate cut is expected to occur in September.

The cryptocurrency market has been hit hard by the Fed's U-turn, with Bitcoin logging its worst monthly candle since August 2023. The Fed was previously predicted to implement at least three rate cuts this year.
Btc up and down
Btc up and down
Crypto Web3 Today
Will Bitcoin's Price Drop to $50,000 Next?

The cryptocurrency market has witnessed a significant decline in Bitcoin's value, with recent data indicating a 21.6% drop from its peak. This decrease aligns with historical corrections seen in previous bull markets, suggesting potential further declines. Analyzing recent trends, expert opinions, and technical data sheds light on the probable direction of Bitcoin's price movements.

Recent Trends in Bitcoin's Market Value.

According to market data, Bitcoin has experienced a notable decline, falling over 12% in the past week alone, positioning its current value significantly below its all-time high achieved in March. This trend is part of a broader pattern of fluctuations that typically occur in Bitcoin's trading cycles.

Expert Analysis of Current Trends.

Market analysts have suggested that the current decline in Bitcoin's value could be the deepest within this cycle, nearing a critical support level at $50,000. This viewpoint is supported by historical data which indicates similar occurrences in past cycles, where Bitcoin repeatedly tested and rebounded from significant low points.

User-Usable Inferences.

• Investors should monitor the $50,000 support level closely, as its breach could lead to further substantial sell-offs.

• Traders might consider setting up protective stops below the $59,000 mark to mitigate potential losses in case of a further downturn.

• Considering the cyclic nature of Bitcoin's price fluctuations, anticipating rebounds post- corrections could be a strategic approach for long-term holders.

Another factor contributing to the volatility is the recent performance of Bitcoin ETFs, particularly in Hong Kong, where they have underperformed amidst tough macroeconomic conditions. This indicates a broader market sentiment that could influence Bitcoin's short-term price movements.
!!..Fast Guys..!!
Get This Reward
Remove "®"and Reedem GIFT CODE🎉
GO FAST......$SOL $PEPE $OP #BTC‬ #BinanceLaunchpool #ScamRiskWarning
BitEagle News
Everyone will probably hate looking at their portfolios today but little do they know it's the exact same reason why crypto is the best market in the world.

The same reason why anyone here would be able to turn a few 1000$ into a 100,000$.

Any crypto asset you buy or hold would literally not be able to do a 5x-10x-100x if not for the volatility to correct 40-50-60% or more as well.

Large gains or large losses. The market literally does not care on which side you are on.

All it does is show us that the only reason someone can get rich here is because the market is volatile enough to allow it.

Both up and down.

The only thing however that decides on which side you end up is when you buy or sell.

For some brutal, for some beautiful.

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