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Číslo $BTC za poslední rok vzrostlo o 157 %, ale drobní investoři jsou stále na vedlejší koleji! To znamená, že býčí trh po půlení ještě nepřišel! Jakmile do toho vstoupí drobní investoři, můžeme vidět boom 🚀🚀🚀
Číslo $BTC za poslední rok vzrostlo o 157 %, ale drobní investoři jsou stále na vedlejší koleji!
To znamená, že býčí trh po půlení ještě nepřišel! Jakmile do toho vstoupí drobní investoři, můžeme vidět boom 🚀🚀🚀
Zobrazit originál
Trump říká, že bude obhajovat bitcoinové těžaře v Bílém domě! Bývalý americký prezident Donald Trump vyjádřil podporu těžbě bitcoinů na úterním nočním setkání s řadou bitcoinových těžařů v Mar-a-Lago, uvádí zpráva Bloomberg.  Trump, který nedávno zaujal aktivní pro-krypto pozici pro nadcházející listopadové volby, údajně účastníkům řekl, že by se zasadil o těžbu bitcoinů v Bílém domě s tím, že těžaři přispívají ke stabilitě energetické sítě.  Mezi účastníky setkání v Trumpově letovisku Palm Beach byli zástupci bitcoinové těžařské společnosti CleanSpark Inc. a Riot Platforms kótované na burze Nasdaq, z nichž několik zveřejnilo fotografie s bývalým prezidentem.  "Právě jsem narazil na kluka, který je velkým fanouškem bitcoinu a miluje to, co děláme v CleanSpark Inc. v Georgii, Mississippi a Wyomingu," napsal S. Matthew Schultz, spoluzakladatel CleanSpark, ve svém příspěvku X. Trumpovo krypto objetí mu vyneslo podporu od řady lídrů v oboru, jak je vidět na jeho nedávné fundraisingové akci v Silicon Valley, které se údajně zúčastnili zakladatelé Gemini Cameron a Tyler Winklevossové a další. Minulý měsíc Trump oznámil, že bude přijímat politické dary ve formě kryptoměn.  "Trump omezil regulace a prosazoval inovace ve finančních technologiích, zatímco demokraté, jako Biden a jeho oficiální zástupkyně Elizabeth Warrenová, nadále věří, že pouze vláda má odpovědi na to, jak náš národ vede svět," uvedlo prohlášení republikánského kandidáta. Mezitím zdroje řekly The Block koncem minulého měsíce, že kampaň za znovuzvolení prezidenta Joe Bidena oslovuje členy kryptoprůmyslu, aby jim poskytli pokyny ohledně zásad digitálních aktiv. Tento přesah znamená významný posun od nepříliš příznivého postoje Bidenovy administrativy ke kryptoměnám.  Trumpova kampaň okamžitě nereagovala na žádost The Block o další komentář. $BTC
Trump říká, že bude obhajovat bitcoinové těžaře v Bílém domě!

Bývalý americký prezident Donald Trump vyjádřil podporu těžbě bitcoinů na úterním nočním setkání s řadou bitcoinových těžařů v Mar-a-Lago, uvádí zpráva Bloomberg. 
Trump, který nedávno zaujal aktivní pro-krypto pozici pro nadcházející listopadové volby, údajně účastníkům řekl, že by se zasadil o těžbu bitcoinů v Bílém domě s tím, že těžaři přispívají ke stabilitě energetické sítě. 
Mezi účastníky setkání v Trumpově letovisku Palm Beach byli zástupci bitcoinové těžařské společnosti CleanSpark Inc. a Riot Platforms kótované na burze Nasdaq, z nichž několik zveřejnilo fotografie s bývalým prezidentem. 
"Právě jsem narazil na kluka, který je velkým fanouškem bitcoinu a miluje to, co děláme v CleanSpark Inc. v Georgii, Mississippi a Wyomingu," napsal S. Matthew Schultz, spoluzakladatel CleanSpark, ve svém příspěvku X.
Trumpovo krypto objetí mu vyneslo podporu od řady lídrů v oboru, jak je vidět na jeho nedávné fundraisingové akci v Silicon Valley, které se údajně zúčastnili zakladatelé Gemini Cameron a Tyler Winklevossové a další. Minulý měsíc Trump oznámil, že bude přijímat politické dary ve formě kryptoměn. 
"Trump omezil regulace a prosazoval inovace ve finančních technologiích, zatímco demokraté, jako Biden a jeho oficiální zástupkyně Elizabeth Warrenová, nadále věří, že pouze vláda má odpovědi na to, jak náš národ vede svět," uvedlo prohlášení republikánského kandidáta.
Mezitím zdroje řekly The Block koncem minulého měsíce, že kampaň za znovuzvolení prezidenta Joe Bidena oslovuje členy kryptoprůmyslu, aby jim poskytli pokyny ohledně zásad digitálních aktiv. Tento přesah znamená významný posun od nepříliš příznivého postoje Bidenovy administrativy ke kryptoměnám. 
Trumpova kampaň okamžitě nereagovala na žádost The Block o další komentář.

Zobrazit originál
Americké spotové bitcoinové ETF zaznamenaly čistý odliv $ 65 milionů a ukončily tak 19denní sérii přílivuAmerické spotové bitcoinové ETF zaznamenaly v pondělí denní čistý odliv ve výši 64,93 milionu dolarů. Pondělní odlivy ukončily jejich nejdelší sérii přílivů. Fidelity’s FBTC zaznamenal odliv poprvé od 2. května. 11 amerických spotových bitcoinových burzovně obchodovaných fondů zaznamenalo v pondělí denní čistý odliv ve výši 64,93 milionu dolarů, čímž ukončilo svou nejdelší sérii přílivu 19 dní.  GBTC společnosti Grayscale vedl tento týden v odlivu v celkové výši 40 milionů dolarů. Další fondy také zaznamenaly v pondělí odkupy investorů, přičemž BTCO společností Invesco a Galaxy Digital zaznamenaly čistý odliv ve výši 20 milionů dolarů, podle údajů SosoValue. Také bitcoinové ETF od Valkyrie vykázalo čisté odlivy ve výši 16 milionů dolarů. FBTC společnosti Fidelity zaznamenala čisté odlivy ve výši 3 miliony dolarů, což představuje první negativní tok od 2. května.

Americké spotové bitcoinové ETF zaznamenaly čistý odliv $ 65 milionů a ukončily tak 19denní sérii přílivu

Americké spotové bitcoinové ETF zaznamenaly v pondělí denní čistý odliv ve výši 64,93 milionu dolarů.
Pondělní odlivy ukončily jejich nejdelší sérii přílivů.
Fidelity’s FBTC zaznamenal odliv poprvé od 2. května.
11 amerických spotových bitcoinových burzovně obchodovaných fondů zaznamenalo v pondělí denní čistý odliv ve výši 64,93 milionu dolarů, čímž ukončilo svou nejdelší sérii přílivu 19 dní. 
GBTC společnosti Grayscale vedl tento týden v odlivu v celkové výši 40 milionů dolarů. Další fondy také zaznamenaly v pondělí odkupy investorů, přičemž BTCO společností Invesco a Galaxy Digital zaznamenaly čistý odliv ve výši 20 milionů dolarů, podle údajů SosoValue. Také bitcoinové ETF od Valkyrie vykázalo čisté odlivy ve výši 16 milionů dolarů. FBTC společnosti Fidelity zaznamenala čisté odlivy ve výši 3 miliony dolarů, což představuje první negativní tok od 2. května.
Zobrazit originál
Weekend Wrap: Služba 2FA „Guardian“ společnosti Loopring byla kompromitována, což vedlo k zneužití 5 milionů USD a trh NFT zaznamenal týdenní nárůst objemu prodeje v čele s $BTC „Aktivně spolupracujeme s bezpečnostními experty Mist, abychom zjistili, jak byla naše služba 2FA ohrožena,“ řekl Loopring. Spolupracuje také s orgány činnými v trestním řízení na „vypátrání pachatele“.
Weekend Wrap: Služba 2FA „Guardian“ společnosti Loopring byla kompromitována, což vedlo k zneužití 5 milionů USD a trh NFT zaznamenal týdenní nárůst objemu prodeje v čele s $BTC
„Aktivně spolupracujeme s bezpečnostními experty Mist, abychom zjistili, jak byla naše služba 2FA ohrožena,“ řekl Loopring. Spolupracuje také s orgány činnými v trestním řízení na „vypátrání pachatele“.
Zobrazit originál
Volatilita $BTC nedávno dosáhla rekordně nízkých úrovní, v období od 24. května do 7. červnaVolatilita bitcoinu nedávno dosáhla rekordně nízkých úrovní, přičemž období od 24. května do 7. června kleslo na historicky spodních 6 % volatility. Cena se během této doby pohybovala mezi 66 936 a 71 656 $. Ředitel IT společnosti Swan Bitcoin, Rapha Zagury, poznamenal, že 15denní klouzavá volatilita byla pouhých 23 %, což je blízko historického minima. Navzdory tomu cena bitcoinu 7. června klesla o 3,33 % kvůli silnějšímu růstu pracovních míst v USA, než se očekávalo.

Volatilita $BTC nedávno dosáhla rekordně nízkých úrovní, v období od 24. května do 7. června

Volatilita bitcoinu nedávno dosáhla rekordně nízkých úrovní, přičemž období od 24. května do 7. června kleslo na historicky spodních 6 % volatility.
Cena se během této doby pohybovala mezi 66 936 a 71 656 $. Ředitel IT společnosti Swan Bitcoin, Rapha Zagury, poznamenal, že 15denní klouzavá volatilita byla pouhých 23 %, což je blízko historického minima. Navzdory tomu cena bitcoinu 7. června klesla o 3,33 % kvůli silnějšímu růstu pracovních míst v USA, než se očekávalo.
What a crazy buy! 9 wallets(2 whales) spent $35.2M to buy 1.356T $SHIB at an average price of $0.00002596 in the past 24 hours! Address: 0xFB67EF6fE609edAb1e0595e6815634E8E4db9cF7 0xb2f1956eAE0817dB73C4D542A4861eE485B7e7c6 0x607C26c976272459A0896065E03a9b70C0Ef04B5 0xf471176f71C41e30304146129b594e21aD6Bc16f 0xa3F526dC2b89BCdac893BE3daA781D0b565A3B45 0x52097A921019431703015bdc80E4F45a098102Cf 0x9133A90D2211a497134B6d377B24d66F60751671 0x9Ba831f068Ea0bD605071e83377589a6249fBa81 0xA65840c0AE791cD70Bd6ecC4C0Eb6eD51775FC0b reference: Lookonchsin account at X $SHIB $DOGE
What a crazy buy!

9 wallets(2 whales) spent $35.2M to buy 1.356T $SHIB at an average price of $0.00002596 in the past 24 hours!


reference: Lookonchsin account at X

Zobrazit originál
Generální ředitel Tetheru řekl, že prominentní dodavatel, kterého kryptospolečnosti používají ke správě e-mailových seznamů, mohl být kompromitován. Dejte si pozor na všechny e-maily, které navrhují krypto-airdropy přijaté před 24 hodinami. Coingecko potvrdilo a uvedlo, že vidělo phishingové e-maily CoinGecko odesílané z jiných klientských účtů. $BTC $ETH $SOL
Generální ředitel Tetheru řekl, že prominentní dodavatel, kterého kryptospolečnosti používají ke správě e-mailových seznamů, mohl být kompromitován. Dejte si pozor na všechny e-maily, které navrhují krypto-airdropy přijaté před 24 hodinami. Coingecko potvrdilo a uvedlo, že vidělo phishingové e-maily CoinGecko odesílané z jiných klientských účtů.
Zobrazit originál
Binance odstraní a zastaví obchodování na následujících spotových obchodních párech: V 2024-06-07 03:00 (UTC): ACE/BNB, DOT/TUSD, MAGIC/FDUSD, MEME/BNB, SAND/BNB, XAI/TUSD! $BTC $ETH $BNB
Binance odstraní a zastaví obchodování na následujících spotových obchodních párech: V 2024-06-07 03:00 (UTC): ACE/BNB, DOT/TUSD, MAGIC/FDUSD, MEME/BNB, SAND/BNB, XAI/TUSD!
Bitcoin spot ETFs had a total net inflow of $887 million on June 4, the second highest single-day net inflow in history. Grayscale ETF GBTC had a inflow of $28.1957 million, Fidelity ETF FBTC had a inflow of $379 million, and BlackRock ETF IBIT had a inflow of $274 million. The total net asset value of Bitcoin spot ETFs is $61.46 billion. $BTC $ETH $BNB
Bitcoin spot ETFs had a total net inflow of $887 million on June 4, the second highest single-day net inflow in history. Grayscale ETF GBTC had a inflow of $28.1957 million, Fidelity ETF FBTC had a inflow of $379 million, and BlackRock ETF IBIT had a inflow of $274 million. The total net asset value of Bitcoin spot ETFs is $61.46 billion.
Ether Price Poised for Supply 'Shock' as ETFs May Attract $4B Inflows in Five Months - K33 ResearchEthereum-based exchange-traded funds (ETF) that can directly hold ether (ETH) are soon arriving in the U.S. and could attract $4 billion of inflows in the first five months, crypto analytics firm K33 Research said in a report. The company based its forecast by comparing the assets under management in existing ETH-based exchange-traded products around the globe to similar bitcoin (BTC) products and the amount of open interest (OI) in futures contracts on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME), the go-to marketplace for institutional investors. Ether's OI on CME currently stands at 23% of the size of BTC futures, but it has seen an average share of 35% of BTC futures since ETH futures started trading on CME in 2021, indicating significant institutional demand for ETH in the U.S., per K33. Ether ETPs and CME futures open interest compared to bitcoin products (K33 Research) Ether ETPs and CME futures open interest compared to bitcoin products (K33 Research) Applying these ratios to the nearly $14 billion inflows so far into the spot BTC ETFs, K33 puts the estimated ETH ETF inflows between $3 billion and $4.8 billion within the first five months. This estimate is slightly higher than JPMorgan's $3 billion forecast for this year. Read more: Ether Spot ETFs to See Much Lower Demand Than Bitcoin Versions, JPMorgan Says Based on current prices, this would equal 800,000 to 1.26 million of ETH accumulated in the ETFs, or roughly 0.7%-1.05% of the total supply of tokens, creating a supply crunch for the asset, according to the report. Unlike futures-based products, the issuers of spot ETFs will need to buy tokens in the spot market as investors buy ETF shares. "As seen in BTC, this monumental supply absorption shock should lead to price appreciation in ETH," said Vetle Lunde, senior analyst at K33 Research. Bitcoin, after an initial correction in late January, rallied nearly 60% to record highs following the introduction of U.S. spot ETFs. K33 analysts predicted that with the start of ether ETFs, the price of ETH would start outperforming BTC after almost two and a half years of the ETH-BTC pair's downtrend. Last month, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) approved key filings for spot ETH ETFs in a move that surprised most market participants. This move paved the way for greenlighting the funds to trade in the U.S. After working through the necessary documentation, market observers expect the ETFs to start trading as soon as late June or early July, the K33 report said. Notably, applicants deleted the parts of their filings that would have allowed staking the assets in the fund, likely to appease the regulator. K33 said that the omission of staking would not negatively impact inflows to the ETFs, contradicting JPMorgan's stance, as 99% of assets under management in Canadian ETH ETFs and 98% of European products are held in funds without staking. $ETH $BTC $BNB #BnbAth already! So, next one is #EthAth

Ether Price Poised for Supply 'Shock' as ETFs May Attract $4B Inflows in Five Months - K33 Research

Ethereum-based exchange-traded funds (ETF) that can directly hold ether (ETH) are soon arriving in the U.S. and could attract $4 billion of inflows in the first five months, crypto analytics firm K33 Research said in a report.
The company based its forecast by comparing the assets under management in existing ETH-based exchange-traded products around the globe to similar bitcoin (BTC) products and the amount of open interest (OI) in futures contracts on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME), the go-to marketplace for institutional investors.
Ether's OI on CME currently stands at 23% of the size of BTC futures, but it has seen an average share of 35% of BTC futures since ETH futures started trading on CME in 2021, indicating significant institutional demand for ETH in the U.S., per K33.
Ether ETPs and CME futures open interest compared to bitcoin products (K33 Research)
Ether ETPs and CME futures open interest compared to bitcoin products (K33 Research)
Applying these ratios to the nearly $14 billion inflows so far into the spot BTC ETFs, K33 puts the estimated ETH ETF inflows between $3 billion and $4.8 billion within the first five months. This estimate is slightly higher than JPMorgan's $3 billion forecast for this year.
Read more: Ether Spot ETFs to See Much Lower Demand Than Bitcoin Versions, JPMorgan Says
Based on current prices, this would equal 800,000 to 1.26 million of ETH accumulated in the ETFs, or roughly 0.7%-1.05% of the total supply of tokens, creating a supply crunch for the asset, according to the report. Unlike futures-based products, the issuers of spot ETFs will need to buy tokens in the spot market as investors buy ETF shares.

"As seen in BTC, this monumental supply absorption shock should lead to price appreciation in ETH," said Vetle Lunde, senior analyst at K33 Research.
Bitcoin, after an initial correction in late January, rallied nearly 60% to record highs following the introduction of U.S. spot ETFs. K33 analysts predicted that with the start of ether ETFs, the price of ETH would start outperforming BTC after almost two and a half years of the ETH-BTC pair's downtrend.
Last month, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) approved key filings for spot ETH ETFs in a move that surprised most market participants. This move paved the way for greenlighting the funds to trade in the U.S. After working through the necessary documentation, market observers expect the ETFs to start trading as soon as late June or early July, the K33 report said.
Notably, applicants deleted the parts of their filings that would have allowed staking the assets in the fund, likely to appease the regulator.
K33 said that the omission of staking would not negatively impact inflows to the ETFs, contradicting JPMorgan's stance, as 99% of assets under management in Canadian ETH ETFs and 98% of European products are held in funds without staking.

#BnbAth already! So, next one is #EthAth
Former President Donald Trump famously launched multiple NFT collections. According to ArkhamIntel X feed, President Trump was airdropped 8 figures worth of memecoins. Also, he holds over 470 $ETH valued close to $1.8 million. $BTC $BNB
Former President Donald Trump famously launched multiple NFT collections. According to ArkhamIntel X feed, President Trump was airdropped 8 figures worth of memecoins. Also, he holds over 470 $ETH valued close to $1.8 million.
"If you are patient in one moment of anger, you will avoid one hundred days of sorrow." Don't use your emotions while trading! Use the indicators, analysis and macro news/matket updates! $BTC $ETH $BNB #
"If you are patient in one moment of anger, you will avoid one hundred days of sorrow."
Don't use your emotions while trading! Use the indicators, analysis and macro news/matket updates!
FTX Settles $24 Billion Tax Claim With IRS in Bankruptcy Court FTX settled the Internal Revenue Service’s $24 billion claim for a fraction of what the agency said it owed, clearing the way for the crypto exchange to pay out significant customer recoveries. The IRS will receive a $200 million claim in FTX’s bankruptcy to be paid within 60 days of when the company’s proposed restructuring plan goes into effect. The agency will also receive a $685 million lower priority claim, “payable on a subordinated basis to customers and other creditors” and “to the extent funds are available,” according to a Monday filing in the US Bankruptcy Court for the District of Delaware. The settlement clears a significant hurdle in FTX’s bankruptcy, resolving what could have been protracted and unpredictable litigation between the fallen crypto exchange and its largest creditor. If a judge had upheld the IRS claim, it could have prevented customers from behind paid, FTX previously argued. The settlement “provides much needed certainty as to the magnitude of the IRS Claims and allows these Chapter 11 Cases to move to swiftly toward resolution, thereby enabling the prompt distribution to the Debtors’ other creditors and customers,” FTX said in the Monday filing. FTX has said it will pay back its customers completely. FTX disputed the $24 billion claim, but acknowledged that it “could have significant tax liability to the IRS,” and that the agency’s claims raised novel legal questions. The settlement will become effective after it is approved by a bankruptcy judge and its broader restructuring plan becomes effective. FTX Trading Ltd. is represented by Sullivan & Cromwell LLP and Landis Rath & Cobb LLP. The case is FTX Trading Ltd., Bankr. D. Del., No. 16558, 6/3/24. $BTC $ETH $BNB

FTX Settles $24 Billion Tax Claim With IRS in Bankruptcy Court

FTX settled the Internal Revenue Service’s $24 billion claim for a fraction of what the agency said it owed, clearing the way for the crypto exchange to pay out significant customer recoveries.

The IRS will receive a $200 million claim in FTX’s bankruptcy to be paid within 60 days of when the company’s proposed restructuring plan goes into effect. The agency will also receive a $685 million lower priority claim, “payable on a subordinated basis to customers and other creditors” and “to the extent funds are available,” according to a Monday filing in the US Bankruptcy Court for the District of Delaware.

The settlement clears a significant hurdle in FTX’s bankruptcy, resolving what could have been protracted and unpredictable litigation between the fallen crypto exchange and its largest creditor. If a judge had upheld the IRS claim, it could have prevented customers from behind paid, FTX previously argued.

The settlement “provides much needed certainty as to the magnitude of the IRS Claims and allows these Chapter 11 Cases to move to swiftly toward resolution, thereby enabling the prompt distribution to the Debtors’ other creditors and customers,” FTX said in the Monday filing.

FTX has said it will pay back its customers completely.

FTX disputed the $24 billion claim, but acknowledged that it “could have significant tax liability to the IRS,” and that the agency’s claims raised novel legal questions.

The settlement will become effective after it is approved by a bankruptcy judge and its broader restructuring plan becomes effective.

FTX Trading Ltd. is represented by Sullivan & Cromwell LLP and Landis Rath & Cobb LLP.

The case is FTX Trading Ltd., Bankr. D. Del., No. 16558, 6/3/24.
Multicoin, Coinbase Ventures Invest in Latin American Stablecoin-Powered SuperApp El DoradoColombia-based stablecoin protocol El Dorado said Tuesday it completed a $3 million seed venture capital investment round to build a crypto payments "superapp" for the Latin American region. Multicoin Capital was the lead investor, with crypto exchange Coinbase's venture capital arm Coinbase Ventures, UC Berkeley Skydeck and Awesome People Ventures also participating in the round. Stablecoins are a $160 billion asset class within crypto, with their prices anchored to an external asset, predominantly to the U.S. dollar. They are increasingly popular in developing regions such as Latin America with less developed banking systems and history of currency devaluations. Dollar-pegged stablecoins are also a cheaper option than traditional banking and remittance rails to send money abroad. "The Latin American economy is reeling due to decades of inflation," Guillermo Goncalvez, co-founder and CEO of El Dorado, said in a statement. "Making matters worse, local cross-border exchanges charge excessive fees – an astonishing 6% for a normal, run-of-the-mill currency swap. The combination of these two forces makes it almost impossible for the people of Latin America to retain or grow their wealth,” he added. El Dorado, which is available in Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Panama, Peru and Venezuela, provides a cheaper way to send, exchange and pay using blockchain as payment rail. The platform charges 0.6% fee for cross-border payments, significantly less than the industry average, while in-app payments are free. The app is connected to more than 70 local payment methods to facilitate on-ramp and off-ramp to fiat currencies. It supports Tether's USDT, Circle's USDC and Celo Dollar (cUSD) stablecoins on the Tron, Polygon and Celo networks, while also allows bitcoin (BTC) transactions. The app processed about one million transactions over the past year, the company said. $BTC $BNB $ETH

Multicoin, Coinbase Ventures Invest in Latin American Stablecoin-Powered SuperApp El Dorado

Colombia-based stablecoin protocol El Dorado said Tuesday it completed a $3 million seed venture capital investment round to build a crypto payments "superapp" for the Latin American region.
Multicoin Capital was the lead investor, with crypto exchange Coinbase's venture capital arm Coinbase Ventures, UC Berkeley Skydeck and Awesome People Ventures also participating in the round.
Stablecoins are a $160 billion asset class within crypto, with their prices anchored to an external asset, predominantly to the U.S. dollar. They are increasingly popular in developing regions such as Latin America with less developed banking systems and history of currency devaluations.
Dollar-pegged stablecoins are also a cheaper option than traditional banking and remittance rails to send money abroad.
"The Latin American economy is reeling due to decades of inflation," Guillermo Goncalvez, co-founder and CEO of El Dorado, said in a statement. "Making matters worse, local cross-border exchanges charge excessive fees – an astonishing 6% for a normal, run-of-the-mill currency swap. The combination of these two forces makes it almost impossible for the people of Latin America to retain or grow their wealth,” he added.
El Dorado, which is available in Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Panama, Peru and Venezuela, provides a cheaper way to send, exchange and pay using blockchain as payment rail. The platform charges 0.6% fee for cross-border payments, significantly less than the industry average, while in-app payments are free.
The app is connected to more than 70 local payment methods to facilitate on-ramp and off-ramp to fiat currencies. It supports Tether's USDT, Circle's USDC and Celo Dollar (cUSD) stablecoins on the Tron, Polygon and Celo networks, while also allows bitcoin (BTC) transactions.
The app processed about one million transactions over the past year, the company said.
Thailand approves its first spot $BTC ETF! $BTC $BNB
Thailand approves its first spot $BTC ETF!

Australia’s first $BTC ETF launched today!
Australia’s first $BTC ETF launched today!
$BTC ETFs took $2.4b in the past month! - 15 consecutive days of inflows - Over $14b YTD net inflow $BTC $ETH
$BTC ETFs took $2.4b in the past month!

- 15 consecutive days of inflows
- Over $14b YTD net inflow

$BTC     will be worth at least half the market cap of Gold - VanEck CEO Gold - $15.9 Trillion Bitcoin - $1.4 Trillion It's mean more than 10x of current price! That would mean a Bitcoin a price of $700,000! $BTC $ETH
$BTC     will be worth at least half the market cap of Gold - VanEck CEO

Gold - $15.9 Trillion
Bitcoin - $1.4 Trillion

It's mean more than 10x of current price!

That would mean a Bitcoin a price of $700,000!

European stablecoin provider halting issuance amid MiCA, following Binance announcementEuro-pegged stablecoin issuer Lugh appears to be throwing in the towel ahead of the European Union's Markets in Crypto-Assets Regulation (MiCA) coming into effect. "Due to the upcoming entry into force of MiCA and in accordance with its commitment to compliance, LUGH announces the cessation of the issuance of its stablecoin EURL and guarantees the redemption of existing EURLs until August 30, 2024," the Paris-based company posted on its website and on X. Lugh's announcement comes on the heels of Binance, the world's largest cryptocurrency exchange by trading volume, saying it will soon restrict availability in the EU to stablecoins that are considered "unregulated." While Binance did not single out major stablecoins like Tether's USDT -0.0059% and Circle's USDC -0.14% , there is concern that European nationals could have their access to the two popular tokens restricted due to MiCA. In the case of Lugh, the euro-pegged stablecoin's meager circulation has been shriveling in recent months. Circulation for Lugh's EURL token has plummeted from about $2.8 million in March to about $32,000 as of Tuesday, according to DefiLlama, suggesting most holders may have already redeemed their tokens. $BTC $ETH $BNB

European stablecoin provider halting issuance amid MiCA, following Binance announcement

Euro-pegged stablecoin issuer Lugh appears to be throwing in the towel ahead of the European Union's Markets in Crypto-Assets Regulation (MiCA) coming into effect.

"Due to the upcoming entry into force of MiCA and in accordance with its commitment to compliance, LUGH announces the cessation of the issuance of its stablecoin EURL and guarantees the redemption of existing EURLs until August 30, 2024," the Paris-based company posted on its website and on X.

Lugh's announcement comes on the heels of Binance, the world's largest cryptocurrency exchange by trading volume, saying it will soon restrict availability in the EU to stablecoins that are considered "unregulated." While Binance did not single out major stablecoins like Tether's
USDT -0.0059%
and Circle's
USDC -0.14%
, there is concern that European nationals could have their access to the two popular tokens restricted due to MiCA.

In the case of Lugh, the euro-pegged stablecoin's meager circulation has been shriveling in recent months. Circulation for Lugh's EURL token has plummeted from about $2.8 million in March to about $32,000 as of Tuesday, according to DefiLlama, suggesting most holders may have already redeemed their tokens.
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