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Match Chain posiluje tým vedeníMatch Chain posiluje vedoucí tým s blockchainovým veteránem Tomaszem Wojewodou jako hlavním strategickým ředitelem [Lisabon, 18. května] — Tomasz Wojewoda, bývalý ředitel BNB Chain Growth, se připojuje k Match Chain jako ředitel strategie. S vynikající kariérou trvající více než 20 let jako zakladatel a generální ředitel a s poznatky získanými díky vedoucím rolím v renomovaných projektech od Microsoftu po Chainlink se pan Wojewoda etabloval jako odborník na cloudová řešení a infrastrukturu Web3, jehož znalosti budou jako Match neocenitelné. Řetězec se nadále umisťuje jako přední blockchain vrstvy 1.

Match Chain posiluje tým vedení

Match Chain posiluje vedoucí tým s blockchainovým veteránem Tomaszem Wojewodou jako hlavním strategickým ředitelem

[Lisabon, 18. května] — Tomasz Wojewoda, bývalý ředitel BNB Chain Growth, se připojuje k Match Chain jako ředitel strategie. S vynikající kariérou trvající více než 20 let jako zakladatel a generální ředitel a s poznatky získanými díky vedoucím rolím v renomovaných projektech od Microsoftu po Chainlink se pan Wojewoda etabloval jako odborník na cloudová řešení a infrastrukturu Web3, jehož znalosti budou jako Match neocenitelné. Řetězec se nadále umisťuje jako přední blockchain vrstvy 1.
Zobrazit originál
RockTree Capital na novém webu odhaluje budoucnost Cyberpunk Crypto FutureRockTree Capital, přední krypto-nativní fond a obchodní banka se sídlem v Pekingu, oznamuje spuštění své pohlcující webové stránky, která představuje futuristický film-noir koncept: Cyberpunk Crypto City. Špičková interaktivní panoráma města představuje vizi RockTree, kde se Web3 stal všudypřítomným a spojuje technologie, finance a kulturu. Tato stránka, zasazená do budoucnosti poblíž 11. poloviny bitcoinu, staví na myšlenkách cypherpunkového hnutí, a to prostřednictvím obhajoby širokého používání decentralizace a technologií zvyšujících soukromí jako cesty k vlastní suverenitě a svobodě pro lidské bytosti na celém světě.

RockTree Capital na novém webu odhaluje budoucnost Cyberpunk Crypto Future

RockTree Capital, přední krypto-nativní fond a obchodní banka se sídlem v Pekingu, oznamuje spuštění své pohlcující webové stránky, která představuje futuristický film-noir koncept: Cyberpunk Crypto City. Špičková interaktivní panoráma města představuje vizi RockTree, kde se Web3 stal všudypřítomným a spojuje technologie, finance a kulturu. Tato stránka, zasazená do budoucnosti poblíž 11. poloviny bitcoinu, staví na myšlenkách cypherpunkového hnutí, a to prostřednictvím obhajoby širokého používání decentralizace a technologií zvyšujících soukromí jako cesty k vlastní suverenitě a svobodě pro lidské bytosti na celém světě.
Zobrazit originál
$GUMMY nastaveno na spuštění nového meta na vytyčování na SolanaLondýn, Velká Británie – $GUMMY, 4/20 travní gumový medvídek v ekosystému Solana, se chystá spustit novou meta on staking, která odmění držitele $GUMMY novými meme airdrops. Sázka je rozdělena do tří částí, z nichž každá trvá měsíc. V každé době mohou majitelé $GUMMY vydělat $BAKED, nový token, který bude spuštěn na odpalovací ploše meme. Procenta odměny porostou v následujících obdobích. Potenciální uživatelé mohou vydělávat držením $GUMMY nebo pozvánkami. Získávají procento bodů za doporučení, a protože je založen na víceúrovňovém systému, bude hodnota vsazených tokenů úměrná odměnám.

$GUMMY nastaveno na spuštění nového meta na vytyčování na Solana

Londýn, Velká Británie – $GUMMY, 4/20 travní gumový medvídek v ekosystému Solana, se chystá spustit novou meta on staking, která odmění držitele $GUMMY novými meme airdrops. Sázka je rozdělena do tří částí, z nichž každá trvá měsíc. V každé době mohou majitelé $GUMMY vydělat $BAKED, nový token, který bude spuštěn na odpalovací ploše meme.

Procenta odměny porostou v následujících obdobích.
Potenciální uživatelé mohou vydělávat držením $GUMMY nebo pozvánkami. Získávají procento bodů za doporučení, a protože je založen na víceúrovňovém systému, bude hodnota vsazených tokenů úměrná odměnám.
Zobrazit originál
HODNOCENÝ, DOMOV PŘEDNÍHO PRŮZKUMNÍKA SÍTĚ V ODVĚTVÍ, SPUŠTĚNÍ NA SOLÁNĚRated monitoruje výkon a rizika uzlů a operátorů uzlů v sítích Proof of Stake, kde operátoři a validátoři uzlů spravují miliardy v hodnotě. Rated s potěšením představuje Solana Network Explorer, který nabízí podrobný přehled výkonu sítě Solana v reálném čase a umožňuje uživatelům ponořit se do specifik konsenzuálních dat a validátorů, které zajišťují hodnotu v miliardách dolarů. Značné množství blockchainu a transakční hodnoty se nativně buduje na internetu, přesto jsou informace o jejich výkonu a rizicích, která jsou s nimi spojena, roztříštěné. Průzkumníci bloků jsou zásadní, ale práce, kterou provádějí provozovatelé sítí a poskytovatelé základní blockchainové infrastruktury, je často temná.


Rated monitoruje výkon a rizika uzlů a operátorů uzlů v sítích Proof of Stake, kde operátoři a validátoři uzlů spravují miliardy v hodnotě.
Rated s potěšením představuje Solana Network Explorer, který nabízí podrobný přehled výkonu sítě Solana v reálném čase a umožňuje uživatelům ponořit se do specifik konsenzuálních dat a validátorů, které zajišťují hodnotu v miliardách dolarů.
Značné množství blockchainu a transakční hodnoty se nativně buduje na internetu, přesto jsou informace o jejich výkonu a rizicích, která jsou s nimi spojena, roztříštěné. Průzkumníci bloků jsou zásadní, ale práce, kterou provádějí provozovatelé sítí a poskytovatelé základní blockchainové infrastruktury, je často temná.
Zobrazit originál
Kita Foundation odhaluje průkopnickou platformu Social-FiIndonéská Blockchain Company, Kita Foundation, představuje průkopnickou platformu Social-Fi, je průkopníkem ve vývoji sociálních sítí V digitálním věku charakterizovaném vzájemnou propojeností a technologickým pokrokem se indonéská společnost Kita Foundation ukazuje jako předvoj v oblasti sociálních sítí, odvážně se snaží přemostit sféry Web 2 a Web 3. 30. ledna Kita Foundation hrdě oznámila spuštění své revoluční platformy Social-Fi, která představuje významný milník ve vývoji online interakce. Navzdory své relativně krátké existenci Kita rychle nashromáždila více než 15 000 aktivních uživatelů měsíčně, kteří aktivně přispívají k platformě a přijímají étos ekonomiky tvůrce.

Kita Foundation odhaluje průkopnickou platformu Social-Fi

Indonéská Blockchain Company, Kita Foundation, představuje průkopnickou platformu Social-Fi, je průkopníkem ve vývoji sociálních sítí

V digitálním věku charakterizovaném vzájemnou propojeností a technologickým pokrokem se indonéská společnost Kita Foundation ukazuje jako předvoj v oblasti sociálních sítí, odvážně se snaží přemostit sféry Web 2 a Web 3.
30. ledna Kita Foundation hrdě oznámila spuštění své revoluční platformy Social-Fi, která představuje významný milník ve vývoji online interakce. Navzdory své relativně krátké existenci Kita rychle nashromáždila více než 15 000 aktivních uživatelů měsíčně, kteří aktivně přispívají k platformě a přijímají étos ekonomiky tvůrce.
Equation V3: Opening a New Era of Perpetual Dex with 0 Trading FeesEquation V3: Opening a New Era of Perpetual Dex with 0 Trading Fees, Profit Rate Mining and Loss Compensation Equation, a leading decentralized perpetual protocol, is set to unveil V3 on May 13, 2024. With this update, Equation aims to reshape the landscape of on-chain perpetual trading by introducing revolutionary features such as ZERO trading fees, Profit Rate Mining and Loss Compensation. Introducing Equation V3 Equation V3’s innovative business model is set to catalyze a significant surge in trading users while also ensuring a continuous increase in income for LPs and Staking Users. Leveraging the advantages of the BRMM algorithm, Equation V3 aims to innovate the business model and further enhance users’ trading experience. This fundamentally addresses the prevalent issue of high trading costs across all perpetual DEXs, potentially revolutionizing the competitive landscape of decentralized perpetual contracts. For Traders: Permanently eliminate trading fees, improve the trading experience, greatly reduce trading costs, and be friendly to traders! For LPs and Stakers: Introducing protocol funding fees as the main source of protocol revenue, shared across ecosystem participants. Zero Trading Fees: A Game-Changer Equation V3 brings about a significant paradigm shift by permanently eliminating trading fees and elevating protocol funding fees as the primary income source for LPs. This change heralds a new era of opportunity, as traders can enjoy lower trading costs while LPs stand to benefit from a substantial increase in protocol funding fee income. The removal of trading fees not only reshapes Equation's revenue model but also establishes a unique competitive advantage in the market. By abolishing trading fees across all trading pairs, Equation V3 distinguishes itself from competitors, who often impose high fees. It is foreseeable that in V3, Equation will significantly enhance its attractiveness for trading users, thus kickstarting a flywheel in the whole ecosystem. Profit Rate Mining Equation V3 introduces a unique feature called Profit Rate Mining, offering traders comprehensive trading incentives. Under this system, traders with positive profit rates are automatically eligible to participate in mining allocations, with rewards proportional to their profitability. However, to ensure fairness and quality, traders must bind their accounts with an invitation code to be considered. This not only fosters healthy competition among traders but also encourages trading excellence. By ensuring that only verified and qualified traders can participate, Profit Rate Mining elevates the overall trading standards on the Equation platform. To further stimulate trader engagement, Equation V3 will also organize weekly trading competitions, with each week marking a new epoch in the mining process. Loss Compensation Another noteworthy feature of Equation V3 is the establishment of a Compensation Pool. This innovative mechanism allocates a portion of daily EQU emissions to support traders who incur losses. Users facing losses can receive EQU compensation proportional to the percentage of their losses, with a potential maximum compensation of up to 100% of the loss incurred. This safety net provides traders with a sense of security, knowing that they have a cushion in case of trading losses. Additionally, to maintain the integrity of the system, Equation V3 introduces a robust fraud prevention mechanism. This ensures that genuine trading users' rights and interests are protected, safeguarding against any malicious practices. Loss Compensation not only bolsters traders' confidence in the Equation platform but also demonstrates the platform's commitment to fair and secure trading practices. About Equation Equation V3 is the first zero trading fee Perpetual DEX built on Arbitrum, audited by third-party auditor ABDK.As one of the DeFi protocols advocating for Fair Launch, Equation is showing the world in action how the power of community-driven innovation can shape the future of decentralized finance. It prioritizes security and transparency and aims to provide traders with a reliable and secure environment for trading perpetual contracts. Please visit the official website to learn more. Media Contact Company: EquationDAO Contact: Equation Media Team Email: Website: Twitter: Medium: DeBank:

Equation V3: Opening a New Era of Perpetual Dex with 0 Trading Fees

Equation V3: Opening a New Era of Perpetual Dex with 0 Trading Fees, Profit Rate Mining and Loss Compensation

Equation, a leading decentralized perpetual protocol, is set to unveil V3 on May 13, 2024. With this update, Equation aims to reshape the landscape of on-chain perpetual trading by introducing revolutionary features such as ZERO trading fees, Profit Rate Mining and Loss Compensation.
Introducing Equation V3
Equation V3’s innovative business model is set to catalyze a significant surge in trading users while also ensuring a continuous increase in income for LPs and Staking Users. Leveraging the advantages of the BRMM algorithm, Equation V3 aims to innovate the business model and further enhance users’ trading experience. This fundamentally addresses the prevalent issue of high trading costs across all perpetual DEXs, potentially revolutionizing the competitive landscape of decentralized perpetual contracts.
For Traders: Permanently eliminate trading fees, improve the trading experience, greatly reduce trading costs, and be friendly to traders!
For LPs and Stakers: Introducing protocol funding fees as the main source of protocol revenue, shared across ecosystem participants.
Zero Trading Fees: A Game-Changer
Equation V3 brings about a significant paradigm shift by permanently eliminating trading fees and elevating protocol funding fees as the primary income source for LPs. This change heralds a new era of opportunity, as traders can enjoy lower trading costs while LPs stand to benefit from a substantial increase in protocol funding fee income.
The removal of trading fees not only reshapes Equation's revenue model but also establishes a unique competitive advantage in the market. By abolishing trading fees across all trading pairs, Equation V3 distinguishes itself from competitors, who often impose high fees. It is foreseeable that in V3, Equation will significantly enhance its attractiveness for trading users, thus kickstarting a flywheel in the whole ecosystem.
Profit Rate Mining
Equation V3 introduces a unique feature called Profit Rate Mining, offering traders comprehensive trading incentives. Under this system, traders with positive profit rates are automatically eligible to participate in mining allocations, with rewards proportional to their profitability. However, to ensure fairness and quality, traders must bind their accounts with an invitation code to be considered. This not only fosters healthy competition among traders but also encourages trading excellence. By ensuring that only verified and qualified traders can participate, Profit Rate Mining elevates the overall trading standards on the Equation platform. To further stimulate trader engagement, Equation V3 will also organize weekly trading competitions, with each week marking a new epoch in the mining process.
Loss Compensation
Another noteworthy feature of Equation V3 is the establishment of a Compensation Pool. This innovative mechanism allocates a portion of daily EQU emissions to support traders who incur losses. Users facing losses can receive EQU compensation proportional to the percentage of their losses, with a potential maximum compensation of up to 100% of the loss incurred. This safety net provides traders with a sense of security, knowing that they have a cushion in case of trading losses. Additionally, to maintain the integrity of the system, Equation V3 introduces a robust fraud prevention mechanism. This ensures that genuine trading users' rights and interests are protected, safeguarding against any malicious practices. Loss Compensation not only bolsters traders' confidence in the Equation platform but also demonstrates the platform's commitment to fair and secure trading practices.
About Equation
Equation V3 is the first zero trading fee Perpetual DEX built on Arbitrum, audited by third-party auditor ABDK.As one of the DeFi protocols advocating for Fair Launch, Equation is showing the world in action how the power of community-driven innovation can shape the future of decentralized finance. It prioritizes security and transparency and aims to provide traders with a reliable and secure environment for trading perpetual contracts. Please visit the official website to learn more.
Media Contact
Company: EquationDAO
Contact: Equation Media Team
Kroma Announces Spectrum’s Launch Alongside Expansion PlansKroma has unveiled the highly anticipated launch of Spectrum, an advanced, native, staking service that aims to revolutionize the Ethereum Layer-2 landscape. Spectrum will commence operations on the 14th of May, 2024, and is designed to provide users with an opportunity to leverage the potential of staking ETH, stETH, and eETH. By doing so, Spectrum empowers users to earn more within the decentralized finance (DeFi) sector. Revolutionizing DeFi The launch marks a significant milestone in the overall advancement of DeFi, as it introduces spETH, which is a proprietary risk taking token meant for synthetic assets. When users utilize spETH, they gain the ability to maximize the liquidity for their respective staked Ethereum assets, while simultaneously being given access to a wide range of trading opportunities as well as additional earning chances across the extensive DeFi protocols and applications within the platform. Spectrum has already garnered widespread acclaim after successfully onboarding renowned decentralized applications (dApps) like Standard Protocol, Light Bank, Layer Bank, Shoebill, Zapanki Swap, Wellxy, PrixmSwap, and iZUMi Finance. This integration is vital because it sets the stage for further expansion down the line as Spectrum looks to continue its innovative efforts towards integrating additional dApps going forward. How Is Spectrum Any Different? In terms of how Spectrum sets itself apart from various traditional staking platforms, it has introduced the innovative ‘Hexa Reward’ aspect, which provides a total of six rewards that also includes Ethereum APR, restaking rewards, EigenLayer Points for staking Ethereum assets, Etherfi loyalty points, KSP (Kroma Spectrum Point), and wemix.e airdrop. Kroma will airdrop 40,000 wemix.e based on accumulated KSP to users, providing a new type of re-staking reward. This benefit further underscores why Kroma is attracting significant attention from both the industry and users. Spectrum’s unique infrastructure has already drawn a lot of attention as the platform looks to position itself as a frontrunner in DeFi. Furthermore, Spectrum ecosystem participants are also rewarded with the KSP, otherwise known as Kroma Spectrum Points. These are attainable by holding spETH or by engaging in spETH-integrated device services and games on Kroma. KSP will also eventually be exchangeable for KRO tokens once they are released. Lastly, in order to commemorate the launch, Spectrum has announced that it will host a special two week early access event which will double KSP points in order to enhance rewards for stakers on the platform. Meanwhile, Kroma remains steadfast in its dedication to working alongside other high-quality projects in order to further expand Spectrum’s growing ecosystem. About Spectrum Spectrum is Kroma's native staking solution that allows for high payouts through restaking while leveraging staking tokens in a wide range of games and DeFi ecosystems on Kroma. By operating on the Layer-2 blockchain platform, Kroma is able to address the well-known scalability challenges associated with Ethereum while simultaneously ensuring reliable security as well as decentralization standards. Initially adopting an Optimistic Rollup with zkEVM, Kroma shall ultimately transition to a full ZK Rollup model. For more information about Spectrum and Kroma, visit: Website: Medium: Discord: X: Referral Program:

Kroma Announces Spectrum’s Launch Alongside Expansion Plans

Kroma has unveiled the highly anticipated launch of Spectrum, an advanced, native, staking service that aims to revolutionize the Ethereum Layer-2 landscape. Spectrum will commence operations on the 14th of May, 2024, and is designed to provide users with an opportunity to leverage the potential of staking ETH, stETH, and eETH. By doing so, Spectrum empowers users to earn more within the decentralized finance (DeFi) sector.
Revolutionizing DeFi
The launch marks a significant milestone in the overall advancement of DeFi, as it introduces spETH, which is a proprietary risk taking token meant for synthetic assets. When users utilize spETH, they gain the ability to maximize the liquidity for their respective staked Ethereum assets, while simultaneously being given access to a wide range of trading opportunities as well as additional earning chances across the extensive DeFi protocols and applications within the platform.
Spectrum has already garnered widespread acclaim after successfully onboarding renowned decentralized applications (dApps) like Standard Protocol, Light Bank, Layer Bank, Shoebill, Zapanki Swap, Wellxy, PrixmSwap, and iZUMi Finance. This integration is vital because it sets the stage for further expansion down the line as Spectrum looks to continue its innovative efforts towards integrating additional dApps going forward.

How Is Spectrum Any Different?

In terms of how Spectrum sets itself apart from various traditional staking platforms, it has introduced the innovative ‘Hexa Reward’ aspect, which provides a total of six rewards that also includes Ethereum APR, restaking rewards, EigenLayer Points for staking Ethereum assets, Etherfi loyalty points, KSP (Kroma Spectrum Point), and wemix.e airdrop. Kroma will airdrop 40,000 wemix.e based on accumulated KSP to users, providing a new type of re-staking reward. This benefit further underscores why Kroma is attracting significant attention from both the industry and users.
Spectrum’s unique infrastructure has already drawn a lot of attention as the platform looks to position itself as a frontrunner in DeFi. Furthermore, Spectrum ecosystem participants are also rewarded with the KSP, otherwise known as Kroma Spectrum Points. These are attainable by holding spETH or by engaging in spETH-integrated device services and games on Kroma. KSP will also eventually be exchangeable for KRO tokens once they are released.
Lastly, in order to commemorate the launch, Spectrum has announced that it will host a special two week early access event which will double KSP points in order to enhance rewards for stakers on the platform. Meanwhile, Kroma remains steadfast in its dedication to working alongside other high-quality projects in order to further expand Spectrum’s growing ecosystem.

About Spectrum
Spectrum is Kroma's native staking solution that allows for high payouts through restaking while leveraging staking tokens in a wide range of games and DeFi ecosystems on Kroma. By operating on the Layer-2 blockchain platform, Kroma is able to address the well-known scalability challenges associated with Ethereum while simultaneously ensuring reliable security as well as decentralization standards. Initially adopting an Optimistic Rollup with zkEVM, Kroma shall ultimately transition to a full ZK Rollup model.
For more information about Spectrum and Kroma, visit:
Referral Program:
Explore The Genesis Jungle: Morph Zoo's First Adventure in Consumer-Centric BlockchainMorph, a rising layer 2 player that has recently stepped into the light to redefine what it means to be both scalable and consumer-centric, has an exciting surprise for its users. With a live testnet blossoming with the energy of innovation and the promise of growth, Morph has crafted a crucial program to keep momentum going. The Morph Zoo is a multi-phased adventure designed to introduce participants to the expansive capabilities of Morph while rewarding their curiosity and engagement. Morph Zoo's Season 1: The Genesis Jungle is set to start on May 13. This season invites explorers into the foundation of what will become Morph's future mainnet. Participants' actions and insights will play a critical role in sculpting the Morph ecosystem, with the platform evolving responsively to the community's input and interaction. Think of the Genesis Jungle as a lush digital landscape filled with new and exciting consumer-centric dApps to be discovered. Of course, as a reward for their adventurous spirit, users receive Morph Points for all approved interactions. Morph Points represent a user's level of activity, engagement, and contributions to the ecosystem. Though the specific prizes and rewards that these points can be redeemed for remain a surprise for now, history may be a good indicator of what's to come. Dapp engagement isn't the only way to earn points. Daily check-ins will grant users Voting Power. Voting Power offers a method of expression for individual voices within the Morph community, allowing participants to cast votes for their favorite projects, in turn signaling what they desire to see flourish on Morph. Voting also earns Morph Points, further incentivizing the community to take an active role in Morph's evolution. Additionally, The Genesis Jungle promises a series of unique side expeditions with upcoming Morph partner events that will grant extra Morph Points, expanding the routes through which explorers can accumulate their rewards. However, participating in this event goes far beyond another points program, it means joining the consumer blockchain revolution. For those who don't already know, Morph entered the stage with an innovative approach, combining the best aspects of optimistic rollups and zk technology to create a Layer 2 solution that will revolutionize the Ethereum scaling experience. On top of this, the platform is powered by a decentralized sequencer network ensuring efficiency and robust security, reinforced by the acclaimed Tendermint consensus mechanism. Morph's modular architecture, elegant in design, promises unparalleled flexibility, adapting to the ever-changing landscape of user and developer needs. Yet, what truly distinguishes Morph is its unwavering commitment to being the leader of consumer-centric blockchain solutions. The vision is simple yet profound: to deliver a blockchain experience that’s as intuitive and indispensable as the everyday apps that people love and rely on but with all the added benefits of decentralization, security, and user empowerment. Morph envisions a world where blockchain is seamlessly woven into the fabric of daily digital life, where transactions, interactions, and innovations occur with ease and transparency. If you're ready for the blockchain experience to evolve and Morph, the Genesis Jungle awaits. For further information and to join the adventure, visit About Morph Morph is a fully permissionless EVM L2 that uses a combination of optimistic and zero knowledge rollup technology to enable limitless possibilities in finance, gaming, social media, and entertainment. Morph is the first Layer 2 on Ethereum to launch with a decentralized sequencer, aligning it with several core principles of web3 — decentralization, censorship resistance, and security. The blockchain was built with mainstream audiences like gamers and social media users in mind, making it a user-friendly option for developers who require a chain to build these types of apps on. Website: Twitter: Discord: Telegram: Medium: Linkedin:

Explore The Genesis Jungle: Morph Zoo's First Adventure in Consumer-Centric Blockchain

Morph, a rising layer 2 player that has recently stepped into the light to redefine what it means to be both scalable and consumer-centric, has an exciting surprise for its users. With a live testnet blossoming with the energy of innovation and the promise of growth, Morph has crafted a crucial program to keep momentum going. The Morph Zoo is a multi-phased adventure designed to introduce participants to the expansive capabilities of Morph while rewarding their curiosity and engagement.

Morph Zoo's Season 1: The Genesis Jungle is set to start on May 13. This season invites explorers into the foundation of what will become Morph's future mainnet. Participants' actions and insights will play a critical role in sculpting the Morph ecosystem, with the platform evolving responsively to the community's input and interaction.
Think of the Genesis Jungle as a lush digital landscape filled with new and exciting consumer-centric dApps to be discovered. Of course, as a reward for their adventurous spirit, users receive Morph Points for all approved interactions. Morph Points represent a user's level of activity, engagement, and contributions to the ecosystem. Though the specific prizes and rewards that these points can be redeemed for remain a surprise for now, history may be a good indicator of what's to come.
Dapp engagement isn't the only way to earn points. Daily check-ins will grant users Voting Power. Voting Power offers a method of expression for individual voices within the Morph community, allowing participants to cast votes for their favorite projects, in turn signaling what they desire to see flourish on Morph. Voting also earns Morph Points, further incentivizing the community to take an active role in Morph's evolution. Additionally, The Genesis Jungle promises a series of unique side expeditions with upcoming Morph partner events that will grant extra Morph Points, expanding the routes through which explorers can accumulate their rewards.
However, participating in this event goes far beyond another points program, it means joining the consumer blockchain revolution. For those who don't already know, Morph entered the stage with an innovative approach, combining the best aspects of optimistic rollups and zk technology to create a Layer 2 solution that will revolutionize the Ethereum scaling experience. On top of this, the platform is powered by a decentralized sequencer network ensuring efficiency and robust security, reinforced by the acclaimed Tendermint consensus mechanism. Morph's modular architecture, elegant in design, promises unparalleled flexibility, adapting to the ever-changing landscape of user and developer needs.
Yet, what truly distinguishes Morph is its unwavering commitment to being the leader of consumer-centric blockchain solutions. The vision is simple yet profound: to deliver a blockchain experience that’s as intuitive and indispensable as the everyday apps that people love and rely on but with all the added benefits of decentralization, security, and user empowerment. Morph envisions a world where blockchain is seamlessly woven into the fabric of daily digital life, where transactions, interactions, and innovations occur with ease and transparency.
If you're ready for the blockchain experience to evolve and Morph, the Genesis Jungle awaits. For further information and to join the adventure, visit

About Morph
Morph is a fully permissionless EVM L2 that uses a combination of optimistic and zero knowledge rollup technology to enable limitless possibilities in finance, gaming, social media, and entertainment. Morph is the first Layer 2 on Ethereum to launch with a decentralized sequencer, aligning it with several core principles of web3 — decentralization, censorship resistance, and security. The blockchain was built with mainstream audiences like gamers and social media users in mind, making it a user-friendly option for developers who require a chain to build these types of apps on.
From Benchwarmers to Power PlayersHow DEKUBE's Massive Network of Idle GPUs is Fueling AI Innovation The world of artificial intelligence (AI) is experiencing massive growth. Artificial intelligence has been taken to a new level by big language models (LLMs) such as Llama2 70B and the soon-to-be-released Grok 314B. These models require massive parameter counts, and hundreds or even thousands of high-end GPUs (such as H100, and A100), with which the training cost of GPT-4 nears $100 million. It costs a lot to train these behemoths since they need immense computational resources, which usually translates into hundreds of expensive GPUs and a large bill which makes it nearly monopolized by giants. That’s where DEKUBE comes in with its innovative approach that turns your unused GPU –a hidden resource– into an asset contributing immensely towards AI's future. Untapped Potential for Building the World’s Largest AI Training Network DEKUBE plans to create the largest AI training network globally, but their secret weapon isn’t high-end hardware; it’s leveraging the enormous number of underused computer processors sitting idle all over the globe. Just picture your PC’s graphics card, frequently wasted on browsing or light tasks, with DEKUBE's innovative solution, this fragmented computing power becomes a part of an extensive distributed network designed specifically for training advanced LLMs. By maximising data communication, the transmission of LLM algorithms, datasets and training procedures, DEKUBE taps into the true potential of this unused resource. DEKUBE’s success stories speak for themselves as they have already played a role in training Llama2 70B and the Grok 314B which is even bigger is on its way. From Scattered Resources to a Unified Force The size of the network alone gives it an edge. DEKUBE can outgrow conventional centralised AI training infrastructures by employing millions of separate GPUs at once. We have developed this P2P network, an industry-leading high-speed decentralized and secure public chain with high efficiency Again this brings down the cost per model but also opens up doors for smaller developers and researchers who were previously locked out due to lack of access to such huge computational resources with a flexible and powerful platform for container orchestration, resource management, and task scheduling, supporting large-scale distributed AI training. The Genesis Points Campaign is LIVE DEKUBE's innovative ecosystem centers around the GPU mining event, which offers GPU owners a unique opportunity to contribute their computing power to AI model training while earning DEKUBE points. The Genesis Points program is now live. Participants can connect their GPUs through a user-friendly interface, contributing to a distributed network that powers the training of advanced AI models like Llama2 and Llama3. The Genesis Points earned during this phase are crucial for gaining entry into the upcoming Testnet. Early involvement provides participants with a unique chance to shape the development of DEKUBE technologies and ensures that early adopters have a stake in DEKUBE's evolving ecosystem. Industry Recognition and Backing for a Brighter Future There has been significant attention and investment in DEKUBE’s groundbreaking approach by leading figures in the AI sector. The latest $20m funding round was supported by several well-known AI entrepreneurs and prominent miners, underscoring the huge potential behind the project and industry leaders’ faith in its power to change AI development forever on the blockchain by providing a transparent and fair solution. Be a Part of the Future of AI It is about more than having a powerful network as DEKUBE sees it. It’s about the need to democratise AI development and make it possible for anyone to access. By connecting your unused GPU to the DEKUBE network, you can be part of this exciting journey and get rewarded while also helping shape the future of AI. DEKUBE represents what can be achieved when people pool resources together effectively. By making inactive GPUs active contributors, DEKUBE is leading towards a more accessible, efficient and cost-effective future for AI innovation. Website: Twitter: GitHub:

From Benchwarmers to Power Players

How DEKUBE's Massive Network of Idle GPUs is Fueling AI Innovation
The world of artificial intelligence (AI) is experiencing massive growth. Artificial intelligence has been taken to a new level by big language models (LLMs) such as Llama2 70B and the soon-to-be-released Grok 314B. These models require massive parameter counts, and hundreds or even thousands of high-end GPUs (such as H100, and A100), with which the training cost of GPT-4 nears $100 million. It costs a lot to train these behemoths since they need immense computational resources, which usually translates into hundreds of expensive GPUs and a large bill which makes it nearly monopolized by giants.
That’s where DEKUBE comes in with its innovative approach that turns your unused GPU –a hidden resource– into an asset contributing immensely towards AI's future.

Untapped Potential for Building the World’s Largest AI Training Network
DEKUBE plans to create the largest AI training network globally, but their secret weapon isn’t high-end hardware; it’s leveraging the enormous number of underused computer processors sitting idle all over the globe. Just picture your PC’s graphics card, frequently wasted on browsing or light tasks, with DEKUBE's innovative solution, this fragmented computing power becomes a part of an extensive distributed network designed specifically for training advanced LLMs.
By maximising data communication, the transmission of LLM algorithms, datasets and training procedures, DEKUBE taps into the true potential of this unused resource.
DEKUBE’s success stories speak for themselves as they have already played a role in training Llama2 70B and the Grok 314B which is even bigger is on its way.

From Scattered Resources to a Unified Force
The size of the network alone gives it an edge. DEKUBE can outgrow conventional centralised AI training infrastructures by employing millions of separate GPUs at once. We have developed this P2P network, an industry-leading high-speed decentralized and secure public chain with high efficiency
Again this brings down the cost per model but also opens up doors for smaller developers and researchers who were previously locked out due to lack of access to such huge computational resources with a flexible and powerful platform for container orchestration, resource management, and task scheduling, supporting large-scale distributed AI training.

The Genesis Points Campaign is LIVE
DEKUBE's innovative ecosystem centers around the GPU mining event, which offers GPU owners a unique opportunity to contribute their computing power to AI model training while earning DEKUBE points. The Genesis Points program is now live. Participants can connect their GPUs through a user-friendly interface, contributing to a distributed network that powers the training of advanced AI models like Llama2 and Llama3. The Genesis Points earned during this phase are crucial for gaining entry into the upcoming Testnet. Early involvement provides participants with a unique chance to shape the development of DEKUBE technologies and ensures that early adopters have a stake in DEKUBE's evolving ecosystem.

Industry Recognition and Backing for a Brighter Future
There has been significant attention and investment in DEKUBE’s groundbreaking approach by leading figures in the AI sector. The latest $20m funding round was supported by several well-known AI entrepreneurs and prominent miners, underscoring the huge potential behind the project and industry leaders’ faith in its power to change AI development forever on the blockchain by providing a transparent and fair solution.

Be a Part of the Future of AI
It is about more than having a powerful network as DEKUBE sees it. It’s about the need to democratise AI development and make it possible for anyone to access. By connecting your unused GPU to the DEKUBE network, you can be part of this exciting journey and get rewarded while also helping shape the future of AI.
DEKUBE represents what can be achieved when people pool resources together effectively. By making inactive GPUs active contributors, DEKUBE is leading towards a more accessible, efficient and cost-effective future for AI innovation.

Swisstronik Announces Ambassador Program LaunchSwisstronik is a Layer 1 where regulatory compliance, user privacy, and decentralization meet. They help Web3 and traditional companies become KYC & AML compliant at minimum cost while preserving users' privacy. With Swisstronik tools, developers can build compliant dApps for Web3 or launch compliant tokens but also apply this technology to tokenizing Real World Assets (RWA) or other use cases on the intersection of Web3 and TradFi. Swisstronik, a company headquartered in Zurich, Switzerland, announces the launch of its Ambassador Program, designed to invigorate community participation, promote compliance, and drive the adoption of blockchain technology. Commencing on May 9th, 2024, and concluding on November 29th, 2024, the SAP is open to all interested parties meeting the eligibility criteria. Swisstronik welcomes blockchain enthusiasts, developers, and community leaders to apply and become integral members of the Ambassador Program. "At Swisstronik, we are committed to fostering a compliant and inclusive Web3 environment," said Constantin Guggi, CEO, and Co-Founder of Swisstronik. "Our Ambassador Program represents a significant step towards achieving this goal, empowering individuals to advocate for our vision and solutions within their communities." Swisstronik’s Ambassador Program (SAP) The Swisstronik Ambassador Program (SAP) invites individuals aligned with the ethos of regulatory compliance and decentralization to join in shaping the future landscape of Web3. Participants will have the opportunity to contribute to the advancement of the industry while earning rewards for their efforts. The SAP operates on a three-level ranking system, spanning six seasons. Participants progress through the ranks by completing designated tasks and accumulating Swisstronik Discord Points (SDPs), which can later be converted into Swisstronik utility tokens: SWTR. SWTR Tokens on the Ambassador program One of the key incentives for participants is the opportunity to earn SWTR tokens, Swisstronik's native utility token, scheduled for release in the second half of 2024. A total reward pool of 465,000 SWTR tokens, valued at approximately $279,000 based on anticipated listing values, is allocated from the ecosystem funds. "The Ambassador Program is just one facet of our broader efforts to cultivate a passionate community and advance the narrative of Web3 compliance," added Guggi. "We encourage our community and developers to stay connected through our social channels for updates on upcoming initiatives and programs." More initiatives on the horizon The Ambassador Program is one of many initiatives that Swisstronik is undertaking to build a robust Web3 ecosystem. In July 2023, the company launched its Testnet 1.0 with 750+ developers on the waitlist for early access, followed by Bug Bounty 1.0 and Validators Program which attracted over 70 validators in less than 2 months. Individuals interested in joining the Swisstronik Ambassador Program can find more information and apply at Contact Information: Constantin Guggi - CEO, Co-Founder Zug, Switzerland

Swisstronik Announces Ambassador Program Launch

Swisstronik is a Layer 1 where regulatory compliance, user privacy, and decentralization meet. They help Web3 and traditional companies become KYC & AML compliant at minimum cost while preserving users' privacy. With Swisstronik tools, developers can build compliant dApps for Web3 or launch compliant tokens but also apply this technology to tokenizing Real World Assets (RWA) or other use cases on the intersection of Web3 and TradFi.
Swisstronik, a company headquartered in Zurich, Switzerland, announces the launch of its Ambassador Program, designed to invigorate community participation, promote compliance, and drive the adoption of blockchain technology.
Commencing on May 9th, 2024, and concluding on November 29th, 2024, the SAP is open to all interested parties meeting the eligibility criteria. Swisstronik welcomes blockchain enthusiasts, developers, and community leaders to apply and become integral members of the Ambassador Program.
"At Swisstronik, we are committed to fostering a compliant and inclusive Web3 environment," said Constantin Guggi, CEO, and Co-Founder of Swisstronik. "Our Ambassador Program represents a significant step towards achieving this goal, empowering individuals to advocate for our vision and solutions within their communities."
Swisstronik’s Ambassador Program (SAP)
The Swisstronik Ambassador Program (SAP) invites individuals aligned with the ethos of regulatory compliance and decentralization to join in shaping the future landscape of Web3. Participants will have the opportunity to contribute to the advancement of the industry while earning rewards for their efforts.
The SAP operates on a three-level ranking system, spanning six seasons. Participants progress through the ranks by completing designated tasks and accumulating Swisstronik Discord Points (SDPs), which can later be converted into Swisstronik utility tokens: SWTR.
SWTR Tokens on the Ambassador program
One of the key incentives for participants is the opportunity to earn SWTR tokens, Swisstronik's native utility token, scheduled for release in the second half of 2024. A total reward pool of 465,000 SWTR tokens, valued at approximately $279,000 based on anticipated listing values, is allocated from the ecosystem funds.
"The Ambassador Program is just one facet of our broader efforts to cultivate a passionate community and advance the narrative of Web3 compliance," added Guggi. "We encourage our community and developers to stay connected through our social channels for updates on upcoming initiatives and programs."
More initiatives on the horizon
The Ambassador Program is one of many initiatives that Swisstronik is undertaking to build a robust Web3 ecosystem. In July 2023, the company launched its Testnet 1.0 with 750+ developers on the waitlist for early access, followed by Bug Bounty 1.0 and Validators Program which attracted over 70 validators in less than 2 months.
Individuals interested in joining the Swisstronik Ambassador Program can find more information and apply at
Contact Information: Constantin Guggi - CEO, Co-Founder
Zug, Switzerland
GM Vietnam is Back: Lighting the Path to Continuous Web3 Advancement - Get Your FREE Tickets Today!Last year, GM Vietnam made waves as the premier blockchain event in Vietnam and Southeast Asia, and this year, we're taking it to new heights! Building upon the great success of GM Vietnam 2023, where we welcomed over 6,000 participants, engaged 400+ partners, and hosted 80+ speakers, GM Vietnam 2024 promises to reignite your imagination and inspire innovative ideas once again. Join us on June 7th and 8th, 2024 at THISKYHALL, as we present the forefront of blockchain innovation and cultural showcase. Event Venue GM Vietnam 2024 takes place at the renowned THISKYHALL, located in the bustling center of District 2 in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. This modern venue spans over 4,000 square meters, offering the perfect setting for the event, blending sophistication with innovation. GM Vietnam 2024 Agenda Alongside organizers Kyros Ventures, Ninety Eight, Ancient8, and key association digital partner VDCA, attendees at GM Vietnam will have the opportunity to directly interact with the event's prestigious sponsors. These include BingX, zkSync, Holdstation, OKX, CoinEx, Aptos, Galxe, Polkadot, EMURGO, Zen Card, Klaytn, Conflux, Avalanche, Pixelverse, Swing, Persistence, Mantle, Aperture and many more to be announced soon.  Participants can also meet and socialize with representatives from projects and investment funds joining the conference. Projects: Tether, Nansen, Arkham, Axie Infinity, Kyber Network, Celestia, Sei Network, Chromia, OneID, Viction, Verichains, CertiK, SafePal, Mocaverse, Ankr, SIPHER, Manta Network, Metis, Pendle, Jupiter, Starship, Orderly Network, Coin98 Wallet, Hooked Protocol, Injective, Pyth Network, Space3, ARC Community, Circle, TZ APAC, Impossible Finance, Band Protocol, SynFutures, Frax Finance, MEXC, Cube Exchange, Tribe, Taiko, Creatory, Maverick Protocol, BSX, Cyborg,, Trust Wallet, The Sandbox, Quantstamp, BlockSec, FriendZone, etc.Investment funds: C2 Ventures, Wintermute, DeFiance Capital, Hashed, The Spartan Group, Delphi Digital, Arche Fund, Saison Capital, Dragonfly, CMT Digital, Arcane Group, Gate Ventures, Matrixport, Vamient Capital, Flowdesk, GSG, Presto Labs, etc. GM Vietnam 2024 gathers industry leaders and experts from prominent organizations, projects, and initiatives to spark discussions on the latest trends and innovations. This year's focus revolves around new trends such as the re-emergence of DeFi, adoption of Real World Assets, integration of AI, On-chain solutions, and strategies for user onboarding. Day 1: June 7 | Expedition into Web3 AI Integration & On-Chain Solutions: Discover how AI is integrated with blockchain technology, unlocking new possibilities in automation and governance through on-chain solutions. User Onboarding & Decentralized Finance (DeFi): Explore innovative approaches for enhancing user experience and facilitating the onboarding of new users into the Web3 ecosystem, along with the newest breakthroughs and trends in the DeFi sector.GameFi Revolution: Learn about the emerging trend of GameFi and how blockchain technology is transforming the gaming industry, driving adoption and innovation.  Day 2: June 8 | Peering into the Future of Web3 Scalability & Market Dynamics: Investigate scaling solutions such as Layer 2 and their role in addressing scalability challenges, while understanding market dynamics in decentralized financial markets.Web3 Adoption & Asia-Pacific Blockchain Hub: Explore strategies for driving widespread adoption of Web3 technologies, alongside recognizing the Asia-Pacific region as a key hub for blockchain adoption.Blockchain Security: Delve into the latest advancements and challenges in blockchain security, safeguarding digital assets and infrastructure. During GM Vietnam 2024, attendees can look forward to numerous side events alongside the main conference activities. These diverse side events offer participants additional opportunities for networking, learning, and engaging with the dynamic Web3 community. Visit the official event website at for more details. Ticket Options GM Vietnam 2024 offers three ticket options: Standard Ticket (Free) 2 full days of conference sessions featuring industry experts.Complimentary food and beverage service throughout the conference.Standard event gift set containing conference essentials for all attendees. Professional Ticket ($74 - Discounted from $99) All the benefits of the Standard Ticket.Official After Party ticket included.Complimentary two-day lunch at the conference.Premium event gift set containing exclusive items. Premium Ticket ($499) All the benefits of the Professional Ticket.Pre-conference private dinner with top industry leaders for VIP networking (exclusive). Get your ticket HERE: Exclusive Giveaway: Register for FREE Ticket to Win a Zen Card pack at GM Vietnam 2024! We're excited to announce a giveaway event exclusively for our registered GM Vietnam attendees! You will have the chance to win a Zen Card pack containing 2 Zen Cards, each  exclusively designed with the GM Vietnam 2024 theme.  The Zen Card is an innovative solution that combines hot and cold wallet features, allowing you to store seed phrases automatically within the Zen Card. This hybrid wallet type offers convenience and cost-effectiveness compared to traditional cold wallets and other wallets, making it easily accessible to users.  Here's how to participate: 1. Register for a Ticket Everyone with a registered GM Vietnam 2024 ticket is automatically entered for the giveaway. Make sure you've secured your spot at the event. 2. Win a Zen Card pack! During the 2-day GM Vietnam event, we'll be raffling off 50 Zen Card packs! So be sure to attend the raffle to see if you're a lucky winner. We'll be revealing more details about the Zen Card giveaway, including the specific raffle times and locations, very soon. Keep an eye on our social media channels and website for the latest updates. For more information about GM Vietnam, ticket options, and registration, please visit the official event website at About GM Vietnam GM Vietnam is a leading blockchain event aimed at fostering innovation, knowledge sharing, and networking opportunities within the Web3 community, co-hosted by Kyros Ventures, Ninety Eight and Ancient8. With its immersive agenda, top-notch speakers, and vibrant atmosphere, GM Vietnam is set to be the highlight event of 2024 in the blockchain industry. Discover more: Website: X (Twitter): Facebook: LinkedIn:

GM Vietnam is Back: Lighting the Path to Continuous Web3 Advancement - Get Your FREE Tickets Today!

Last year, GM Vietnam made waves as the premier blockchain event in Vietnam and Southeast Asia, and this year, we're taking it to new heights! Building upon the great success of GM Vietnam 2023, where we welcomed over 6,000 participants, engaged 400+ partners, and hosted 80+ speakers, GM Vietnam 2024 promises to reignite your imagination and inspire innovative ideas once again.
Join us on June 7th and 8th, 2024 at THISKYHALL, as we present the forefront of blockchain innovation and cultural showcase.

Event Venue
GM Vietnam 2024 takes place at the renowned THISKYHALL, located in the bustling center of District 2 in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. This modern venue spans over 4,000 square meters, offering the perfect setting for the event, blending sophistication with innovation.

GM Vietnam 2024 Agenda
Alongside organizers Kyros Ventures, Ninety Eight, Ancient8, and key association digital partner VDCA, attendees at GM Vietnam will have the opportunity to directly interact with the event's prestigious sponsors. These include BingX, zkSync, Holdstation, OKX, CoinEx, Aptos, Galxe, Polkadot, EMURGO, Zen Card, Klaytn, Conflux, Avalanche, Pixelverse, Swing, Persistence, Mantle, Aperture and many more to be announced soon. 

Participants can also meet and socialize with representatives from projects and investment funds joining the conference.
Projects: Tether, Nansen, Arkham, Axie Infinity, Kyber Network, Celestia, Sei Network, Chromia, OneID, Viction, Verichains, CertiK, SafePal, Mocaverse, Ankr, SIPHER, Manta Network, Metis, Pendle, Jupiter, Starship, Orderly Network, Coin98 Wallet, Hooked Protocol, Injective, Pyth Network, Space3, ARC Community, Circle, TZ APAC, Impossible Finance, Band Protocol, SynFutures, Frax Finance, MEXC, Cube Exchange, Tribe, Taiko, Creatory, Maverick Protocol, BSX, Cyborg,, Trust Wallet, The Sandbox, Quantstamp, BlockSec, FriendZone, etc.Investment funds: C2 Ventures, Wintermute, DeFiance Capital, Hashed, The Spartan Group, Delphi Digital, Arche Fund, Saison Capital, Dragonfly, CMT Digital, Arcane Group, Gate Ventures, Matrixport, Vamient Capital, Flowdesk, GSG, Presto Labs, etc.

GM Vietnam 2024 gathers industry leaders and experts from prominent organizations, projects, and initiatives to spark discussions on the latest trends and innovations. This year's focus revolves around new trends such as the re-emergence of DeFi, adoption of Real World Assets, integration of AI, On-chain solutions, and strategies for user onboarding.

Day 1: June 7 | Expedition into Web3
AI Integration & On-Chain Solutions: Discover how AI is integrated with blockchain technology, unlocking new possibilities in automation and governance through on-chain solutions. User Onboarding & Decentralized Finance (DeFi): Explore innovative approaches for enhancing user experience and facilitating the onboarding of new users into the Web3 ecosystem, along with the newest breakthroughs and trends in the DeFi sector.GameFi Revolution: Learn about the emerging trend of GameFi and how blockchain technology is transforming the gaming industry, driving adoption and innovation. 

Day 2: June 8 | Peering into the Future of Web3
Scalability & Market Dynamics: Investigate scaling solutions such as Layer 2 and their role in addressing scalability challenges, while understanding market dynamics in decentralized financial markets.Web3 Adoption & Asia-Pacific Blockchain Hub: Explore strategies for driving widespread adoption of Web3 technologies, alongside recognizing the Asia-Pacific region as a key hub for blockchain adoption.Blockchain Security: Delve into the latest advancements and challenges in blockchain security, safeguarding digital assets and infrastructure.
During GM Vietnam 2024, attendees can look forward to numerous side events alongside the main conference activities. These diverse side events offer participants additional opportunities for networking, learning, and engaging with the dynamic Web3 community. Visit the official event website at for more details.

Ticket Options
GM Vietnam 2024 offers three ticket options:

Standard Ticket (Free)
2 full days of conference sessions featuring industry experts.Complimentary food and beverage service throughout the conference.Standard event gift set containing conference essentials for all attendees.
Professional Ticket ($74 - Discounted from $99)
All the benefits of the Standard Ticket.Official After Party ticket included.Complimentary two-day lunch at the conference.Premium event gift set containing exclusive items.
Premium Ticket ($499)
All the benefits of the Professional Ticket.Pre-conference private dinner with top industry leaders for VIP networking (exclusive).

Get your ticket HERE:

Exclusive Giveaway: Register for FREE Ticket to Win a Zen Card pack at GM Vietnam 2024!

We're excited to announce a giveaway event exclusively for our registered GM Vietnam attendees! You will have the chance to win a Zen Card pack containing 2 Zen Cards, each  exclusively designed with the GM Vietnam 2024 theme. 
The Zen Card is an innovative solution that combines hot and cold wallet features, allowing you to store seed phrases automatically within the Zen Card. This hybrid wallet type offers convenience and cost-effectiveness compared to traditional cold wallets and other wallets, making it easily accessible to users. 

Here's how to participate:
1. Register for a Ticket
Everyone with a registered GM Vietnam 2024 ticket is automatically entered for the giveaway. Make sure you've secured your spot at the event.

2. Win a Zen Card pack!
During the 2-day GM Vietnam event, we'll be raffling off 50 Zen Card packs! So be sure to attend the raffle to see if you're a lucky winner.
We'll be revealing more details about the Zen Card giveaway, including the specific raffle times and locations, very soon. Keep an eye on our social media channels and website for the latest updates.
For more information about GM Vietnam, ticket options, and registration, please visit the official event website at

About GM Vietnam
GM Vietnam is a leading blockchain event aimed at fostering innovation, knowledge sharing, and networking opportunities within the Web3 community, co-hosted by Kyros Ventures, Ninety Eight and Ancient8. With its immersive agenda, top-notch speakers, and vibrant atmosphere, GM Vietnam is set to be the highlight event of 2024 in the blockchain industry.
Discover more:
X (Twitter):
Leading Asian crypto info provider CoinNess launches English Live Feed with free API offerSeoul, South Korea, May 8, 2024—CoinNess, one of the largest cryptocurrency investment information providers in Asia, today launched its English service with a Live Feed feature for global audiences. CoinNess's Live Feed service provides real-time updates for investors in the blockchain and cryptocurrency industry. Founded in 2018, CoinNess has quickly established a strong presence, amassing an extensive user base of over 1 million across Asia, extending beyond South Korea.  Renowned for its rapid distribution of the latest cryptocurrency updates, CoinNess aims to deliver breaking news within five minutes of new industry developments, ensuring continuous, around-the-clock coverage. Since the platform’s launch, the Live Feed feature has generated over 200,000 news briefs for investors. CoinNess is also the largest provider of cryptocurrency investment information for institutions in South Korea. Some 40 crypto-related platforms have integrated CoinNess's Live Feed API into their services. In 2023, CoinNess gained significant attention when it was selected by Naver, South Korea's largest search engine, to be the exclusive provider of live cryptocurrency updates as the internet giant made its first foray into displaying this type of content. In its latest development, CoinNess has forged a partnership with Yonhap Infomax, the financial news provider of the national news agency Yonhap News, to exclusively provide a live crypto feed. On May 7, CoinNess introduced the English Live Feed service for retail investors, along with a business-to-business (B2B) application programming interface (API) that its partners can implement into their services. In addition to Live Feed, CoinNess offers a comprehensive suite of information offerings related to crypto investment, including Asian market analysis, market data, on-chain data, and personalized curation of social media posts. Regarding the company's latest service introduction, CoinNess CEO Kim Jungho said, "Renowned Asian crypto exchanges, legacy media outlets, wallet providers, and online communities have implemented our Live Feed API to offer a fuller user experience for their customers." In preparation for the English Live Feed launch, CoinNess hired over ten professional content writers with extensive backgrounds in the crypto sector. This acquisition of new talent has raised the company's workforce to 50, covering both its Korean and English services. CoinNess boasts a seasoned content team and its own advanced algorithm that monitors and collects real-time data from a wide range of sources, including global media outlets, government agencies, social media platforms, crypto exchanges, and on-chain data providers. This comprehensive approach enables the CoinNess team to publish news briefs within five minutes of an issue breaking out. The platforms that have partnered with CoinNess recognize the value that the timely delivery of professional, concisely written crypto sector news briefs brings to their users. CEO Kim expressed confidence in the new service, saying, “Our crypto Live Feed service is now accessible to institutional investors, including South Korean brokerage firms, through a terminal. This marks the first time in the world such an integration has been offered, demonstrating our service’s content quality.” Lastly, in celebration of its English Live Feed service launch, CoinNess has decided to provide its Live Feed API to partners free of charge for a limited time. If you would like to avail of this value addition for the benefit of your enterprise, don't hesitate to reach out to the CoinNess business team today at

Leading Asian crypto info provider CoinNess launches English Live Feed with free API offer

Seoul, South Korea, May 8, 2024—CoinNess, one of the largest cryptocurrency investment information providers in Asia, today launched its English service with a Live Feed feature for global audiences. CoinNess's Live Feed service provides real-time updates for investors in the blockchain and cryptocurrency industry.
Founded in 2018, CoinNess has quickly established a strong presence, amassing an extensive user base of over 1 million across Asia, extending beyond South Korea. 
Renowned for its rapid distribution of the latest cryptocurrency updates, CoinNess aims to deliver breaking news within five minutes of new industry developments, ensuring continuous, around-the-clock coverage. Since the platform’s launch, the Live Feed feature has generated over 200,000 news briefs for investors.
CoinNess is also the largest provider of cryptocurrency investment information for institutions in South Korea. Some 40 crypto-related platforms have integrated CoinNess's Live Feed API into their services.
In 2023, CoinNess gained significant attention when it was selected by Naver, South Korea's largest search engine, to be the exclusive provider of live cryptocurrency updates as the internet giant made its first foray into displaying this type of content. In its latest development, CoinNess has forged a partnership with Yonhap Infomax, the financial news provider of the national news agency Yonhap News, to exclusively provide a live crypto feed.
On May 7, CoinNess introduced the English Live Feed service for retail investors, along with a business-to-business (B2B) application programming interface (API) that its partners can implement into their services.
In addition to Live Feed, CoinNess offers a comprehensive suite of information offerings related to crypto investment, including Asian market analysis, market data, on-chain data, and personalized curation of social media posts.
Regarding the company's latest service introduction, CoinNess CEO Kim Jungho said, "Renowned Asian crypto exchanges, legacy media outlets, wallet providers, and online communities have implemented our Live Feed API to offer a fuller user experience for their customers."
In preparation for the English Live Feed launch, CoinNess hired over ten professional content writers with extensive backgrounds in the crypto sector. This acquisition of new talent has raised the company's workforce to 50, covering both its Korean and English services.
CoinNess boasts a seasoned content team and its own advanced algorithm that monitors and collects real-time data from a wide range of sources, including global media outlets, government agencies, social media platforms, crypto exchanges, and on-chain data providers. This comprehensive approach enables the CoinNess team to publish news briefs within five minutes of an issue breaking out. The platforms that have partnered with CoinNess recognize the value that the timely delivery of professional, concisely written crypto sector news briefs brings to their users.
CEO Kim expressed confidence in the new service, saying, “Our crypto Live Feed service is now accessible to institutional investors, including South Korean brokerage firms, through a terminal. This marks the first time in the world such an integration has been offered, demonstrating our service’s content quality.”
Lastly, in celebration of its English Live Feed service launch, CoinNess has decided to provide its Live Feed API to partners free of charge for a limited time. If you would like to avail of this value addition for the benefit of your enterprise, don't hesitate to reach out to the CoinNess business team today at
Join Morph’s Revolution with the Launch of Holesky TestnetMorph, an Ethereum layer 2 leading a Consumer Blockchain revolution, has announced the launch of its latest advancement, its Holesky Testnet. This new development comes on the heels of their successful Morph Sepolia Testnet and introduces a highly anticipated platform that showcases significant improvements in blockchain infrastructure and application. Already known for its commitment to consumer-centric solutions, Morph stands as a unique player in the space by focusing on real-world utility over the often speculative nature of many blockchain applications. Unlike traditional platforms that prioritize DeFi and trading, Morph aims to provide services that people can use daily, making blockchain technology an integral part of everyday life. The launch of the Holesky Testnet with its enhanced capabilities is a crucial step towards realizing this vision, bridging the gap between sophisticated technology and practical, everyday applications.  Key Features and Innovations of the Morph Holesky Testnet: Enhanced Performance and Infrastructure The Holesky Testnet operates using Ethereum Holesky as Layer 1, elevating standards for performance and aligning closely with the infrastructure of the anticipated mainnet. This transition promises users a seamless and advanced preview of what to expect with the full launch. Advanced Features EIP-4844 Optimistic zkEVM Integration: This integration significantly reduces transaction costs, making blockchain operations more efficient.Revamped Bridge Mechanism: The updated bridge mechanism now allows for withdrawals to be finalized in just one transaction, enhancing the user experience.Robust Decentralized Sequencer Network: With fully decentralized modules and an increased number of sequencers, the network's backbone is stronger than ever, ensuring unparalleled reliability and security. Economic System Innovations The testnet introduces a novel economic model centered around a decentralized sequencer network, positioning Morph to set new market trends and standards. Impact on the Morph Community For testnet users, prior contributions to the Sepolia testnet are well recorded. Users are now encouraged to transition to the Holesky testnet to benefit from lower fees and superior functionality. For developers, Morph recommends migrating contracts from the Sepolia to the Holesky testnet. Detailed guidance on this process can be found here. The explorer is accessible for tracking deployments and interactions at Holesky Testnet Explorer. Engaging with Morph’s New Testnet: Developers new to Morph's platform can quickly get up to speed through the comprehensive documentation available. For those already familiar with the Sepolia testnet, the core steps to engage with Holesky remain consistent. Start by deep diving into Morph's technology on the About Morph Page, then understand the inner workings of Morph’s infrastructure, and start the development journey with a quickstart guide. For more, review comprehensive Developer Documentation to build innovative blockchain applications. Morph invites the global tech community to join in this revolutionary phase. This new testnet is a significant leap towards realizing a consumer-centric blockchain ecosystem that promises to redefine interaction with technology. About Morph Morph is a fully permissionless EVM L2 that uses a combination of optimistic and zero knowledge rollup technology to enable limitless possibilities in finance, gaming, social media, and entertainment. Morph is the first Layer 2 on Ethereum to launch with a decentralized sequencer, aligning it with several core principles of web3 — decentralization, censorship resistance, and security. The blockchain was built with mainstream audiences like gamers and social media users in mind, making it a user-friendly option for developers who require a chain to build these types of apps on. Website: Telegram: Twitter: Discord: Medium: Linkedin:

Join Morph’s Revolution with the Launch of Holesky Testnet

Morph, an Ethereum layer 2 leading a Consumer Blockchain revolution, has announced the launch of its latest advancement, its Holesky Testnet. This new development comes on the heels of their successful Morph Sepolia Testnet and introduces a highly anticipated platform that showcases significant improvements in blockchain infrastructure and application.
Already known for its commitment to consumer-centric solutions, Morph stands as a unique player in the space by focusing on real-world utility over the often speculative nature of many blockchain applications. Unlike traditional platforms that prioritize DeFi and trading, Morph aims to provide services that people can use daily, making blockchain technology an integral part of everyday life. The launch of the Holesky Testnet with its enhanced capabilities is a crucial step towards realizing this vision, bridging the gap between sophisticated technology and practical, everyday applications. 

Key Features and Innovations of the Morph Holesky Testnet:
Enhanced Performance and Infrastructure
The Holesky Testnet operates using Ethereum Holesky as Layer 1, elevating standards for performance and aligning closely with the infrastructure of the anticipated mainnet. This transition promises users a seamless and advanced preview of what to expect with the full launch.
Advanced Features
EIP-4844 Optimistic zkEVM Integration: This integration significantly reduces transaction costs, making blockchain operations more efficient.Revamped Bridge Mechanism: The updated bridge mechanism now allows for withdrawals to be finalized in just one transaction, enhancing the user experience.Robust Decentralized Sequencer Network: With fully decentralized modules and an increased number of sequencers, the network's backbone is stronger than ever, ensuring unparalleled reliability and security.
Economic System Innovations
The testnet introduces a novel economic model centered around a decentralized sequencer network, positioning Morph to set new market trends and standards.

Impact on the Morph Community
For testnet users, prior contributions to the Sepolia testnet are well recorded. Users are now encouraged to transition to the Holesky testnet to benefit from lower fees and superior functionality.
For developers, Morph recommends migrating contracts from the Sepolia to the Holesky testnet. Detailed guidance on this process can be found here. The explorer is accessible for tracking deployments and interactions at Holesky Testnet Explorer.
Engaging with Morph’s New Testnet:
Developers new to Morph's platform can quickly get up to speed through the comprehensive documentation available. For those already familiar with the Sepolia testnet, the core steps to engage with Holesky remain consistent. Start by deep diving into Morph's technology on the About Morph Page, then understand the inner workings of Morph’s infrastructure, and start the development journey with a quickstart guide. For more, review comprehensive Developer Documentation to build innovative blockchain applications.
Morph invites the global tech community to join in this revolutionary phase. This new testnet is a significant leap towards realizing a consumer-centric blockchain ecosystem that promises to redefine interaction with technology.

About Morph
Morph is a fully permissionless EVM L2 that uses a combination of optimistic and zero knowledge rollup technology to enable limitless possibilities in finance, gaming, social media, and entertainment. Morph is the first Layer 2 on Ethereum to launch with a decentralized sequencer, aligning it with several core principles of web3 — decentralization, censorship resistance, and security. The blockchain was built with mainstream audiences like gamers and social media users in mind, making it a user-friendly option for developers who require a chain to build these types of apps on.
BioMatrix introduces PoY, World's 1st UBI token with 60yrs Issuance CommitmentDUBAI, UAE — BioMatrix, an L1 blockchain wealth distribution platform aimed at providing a globally accessible UBI to everyone, is set to launch the PoY token, marking a significant milestone in the pursuit of universal financial inclusion. This launch aligns with the Beta unveiling of the BioMatrix platform at Token2049 in Dubai on April 17, 2024. A Leap Towards Universal Basic Income with Blockchain In an era of increasing financial inequality, BioMatrix introduces PoY (Proof of You), a revolutionary token that intertwines users’ biological identity with blockchain technology, setting a new benchmark for Universal Basic Income (UBI). With PoY, BioMatrix isn't just launching a token; it's a commitment by BioMatrix to leverage the potential of blockchain and AI technologies for the greater good, promoting a more inclusive digital economy where everyone, anywhere, can partake in secure wealth generation. The Essence of PoY At the heart of BioMatrix, PoY stands as a testament to individuality and empowerment. Each PoY token is a unique representation of the user, created from their BioID. This process not only champions true decentralization but also ensures that the benefits of UBI (Universal Basic Income) are directly and fairly distributed among users. Through the innovative use of AI and ML, BioMatrix simplifies the authentication process, enabling users to seamlessly receive PoY tokens and participate in a broader economic ecosystem, addressing gaping inequalities in today’s society. Empowering Users through UBI BioMatrix commits to a 60-year issuance plan for the PoY tokens, fostering long-term engagement and continuous ecosystem growth. This sustainable approach supports users in educational pursuits, entrepreneurial ventures, and community projects, reinforcing the platform’s role in enhancing users' lives. This sets a precedent in sustainable UBI programs, encouraging early adoption and participation, and rewarding users progressively. Built on Robust Technology The PoY Chain, a proprietary Layer 1 blockchain developed by BioMatrix, exemplifies BioMatrix's commitment to delivering high-speed, secure, and cost-effective digital transactions.  By integrating advanced cryptography, such as Zero-Knowledge Proofs (ZKP) for enhanced security, it ensures the privacy of user data without compromising transaction validity. This pivotal technology not only underpins equitable wealth distribution but also scales the Universal Basic Income (UBI) concept, broadening its impact across various digital and real-world applications. In doing so, it maintains a strong focus on user privacy, marking a significant stride towards a more inclusive and secure digital economy. Revolutionary Consensus Mechanism BioMatrix sets itself apart through the innovative Delegated Proof of Credit (DPOC) consensus mechanism, rewarding participants in the network for their contributions by assigning a "good credit score." This approach redefines and sets a new standard in the blockchain landscape, offering a novel alternative to conventional models like Ethereum's Proof of Stake, and establishing a new benchmark for blockchain efficiency and fairness. Tokenomics: A Future-Proof Design With a maximum supply of 21 billion PoY tokens, BioMatrix introduces a tokenomics model designed for sustainability and growth. This supply is strategically allocated as follows: 1 billion tokens are exclusively reserved for user sign-up bonuses, which aim to boost initial engagement and participation in the ecosystem. Of the remaining 20 billion tokens, 80% (16 billion) are distributed directly to users, supporting the platform's core initiatives and fostering active participation, while the remaining 20% (4 billion) are allocated to support other facets of the ecosystem, such as operational costs and developmental projects. First-stage early adopters stand to benefit significantly from this allocation strategy, receiving the greatest advantages through early access incentives and a larger share of the allocated sign-up bonuses. This ensures that their crucial role in the platform's early phase is both recognized and adequately rewarded. PoY is planned to be listed on several exchanges in the coming months leading up to the official listing in September.  A User-Centric Approach BioMatrix's unique unlocking mechanism, where user participation directly influences the availability of operational and reserve tokens, exemplifies a user-first philosophy. This approach not only democratizes access to blockchain and AI technologies but also aligns with BioMatrix's vision of a more equitable digital future. BioMatrix and PoY are leading the charge in blending tech innovation with social responsibility, striving for a world where technology serves humanity. Whitepaper and More Information: Whitepaper: Platform: App: @BiomatrixAIBot  About BioMatrix: Founded by Silicon Valley experts, BioMatrix is dedicated to reshaping financial inclusion via the PoY token and Universal Basic Income, using biometric scans for secure, feeless crypto transactions. We aim to bridge financial gaps and revolutionize wealth distribution globally. Our technology stands at the intersection of Web2 and Web3, broadening the utility of cryptocurrencies. Join us in our mission to democratize financial access, embodying our mantra: Build your ID, Invest your future, Own your worth. BioMatrix is having a huge giveaway now on their twitter, with 600 USDC up for grabs! Visit Us Online: Web: www.BioMatrix.aiTelegram: Play Store: Store:  Media Contact: Email:

BioMatrix introduces PoY, World's 1st UBI token with 60yrs Issuance Commitment

DUBAI, UAE — BioMatrix, an L1 blockchain wealth distribution platform aimed at providing a globally accessible UBI to everyone, is set to launch the PoY token, marking a significant milestone in the pursuit of universal financial inclusion. This launch aligns with the Beta unveiling of the BioMatrix platform at Token2049 in Dubai on April 17, 2024.

A Leap Towards Universal Basic Income with Blockchain
In an era of increasing financial inequality, BioMatrix introduces PoY (Proof of You), a revolutionary token that intertwines users’ biological identity with blockchain technology, setting a new benchmark for Universal Basic Income (UBI).
With PoY, BioMatrix isn't just launching a token; it's a commitment by BioMatrix to leverage the potential of blockchain and AI technologies for the greater good, promoting a more inclusive digital economy where everyone, anywhere, can partake in secure wealth generation.
The Essence of PoY
At the heart of BioMatrix, PoY stands as a testament to individuality and empowerment. Each PoY token is a unique representation of the user, created from their BioID.

This process not only champions true decentralization but also ensures that the benefits of UBI (Universal Basic Income) are directly and fairly distributed among users. Through the innovative use of AI and ML, BioMatrix simplifies the authentication process, enabling users to seamlessly receive PoY tokens and participate in a broader economic ecosystem, addressing gaping inequalities in today’s society.

Empowering Users through UBI
BioMatrix commits to a 60-year issuance plan for the PoY tokens, fostering long-term engagement and continuous ecosystem growth. This sustainable approach supports users in educational pursuits, entrepreneurial ventures, and community projects, reinforcing the platform’s role in enhancing users' lives.

This sets a precedent in sustainable UBI programs, encouraging early adoption and participation, and rewarding users progressively.
Built on Robust Technology
The PoY Chain, a proprietary Layer 1 blockchain developed by BioMatrix, exemplifies BioMatrix's commitment to delivering high-speed, secure, and cost-effective digital transactions.  By integrating advanced cryptography, such as Zero-Knowledge Proofs (ZKP) for enhanced security, it ensures the privacy of user data without compromising transaction validity.

This pivotal technology not only underpins equitable wealth distribution but also scales the Universal Basic Income (UBI) concept, broadening its impact across various digital and real-world applications. In doing so, it maintains a strong focus on user privacy, marking a significant stride towards a more inclusive and secure digital economy.

Revolutionary Consensus Mechanism
BioMatrix sets itself apart through the innovative Delegated Proof of Credit (DPOC) consensus mechanism, rewarding participants in the network for their contributions by assigning a "good credit score." This approach redefines and sets a new standard in the blockchain landscape, offering a novel alternative to conventional models like Ethereum's Proof of Stake, and establishing a new benchmark for blockchain efficiency and fairness.
Tokenomics: A Future-Proof Design
With a maximum supply of 21 billion PoY tokens, BioMatrix introduces a tokenomics model designed for sustainability and growth. This supply is strategically allocated as follows: 1 billion tokens are exclusively reserved for user sign-up bonuses, which aim to boost initial engagement and participation in the ecosystem. Of the remaining 20 billion tokens, 80% (16 billion) are distributed directly to users, supporting the platform's core initiatives and fostering active participation, while the remaining 20% (4 billion) are allocated to support other facets of the ecosystem, such as operational costs and developmental projects. First-stage early adopters stand to benefit significantly from this allocation strategy, receiving the greatest advantages through early access incentives and a larger share of the allocated sign-up bonuses. This ensures that their crucial role in the platform's early phase is both recognized and adequately rewarded.

PoY is planned to be listed on several exchanges in the coming months leading up to the official listing in September. 

A User-Centric Approach
BioMatrix's unique unlocking mechanism, where user participation directly influences the availability of operational and reserve tokens, exemplifies a user-first philosophy.

This approach not only democratizes access to blockchain and AI technologies but also aligns with BioMatrix's vision of a more equitable digital future.

BioMatrix and PoY are leading the charge in blending tech innovation with social responsibility, striving for a world where technology serves humanity.

Whitepaper and More Information:
Whitepaper: Platform: App: @BiomatrixAIBot 

About BioMatrix:
Founded by Silicon Valley experts, BioMatrix is dedicated to reshaping financial inclusion via the PoY token and Universal Basic Income, using biometric scans for secure, feeless crypto transactions. We aim to bridge financial gaps and revolutionize wealth distribution globally. Our technology stands at the intersection of Web2 and Web3, broadening the utility of cryptocurrencies.

Join us in our mission to democratize financial access, embodying our mantra: Build your ID, Invest your future, Own your worth.

BioMatrix is having a huge giveaway now on their twitter, with 600 USDC up for grabs!

Visit Us Online:
Web: www.BioMatrix.aiTelegram: Play Store: Store: 

Media Contact:
CODA Porto Announces Gathering of Leading Minds in Digital AssetsPorto, Portugal – 1 May 2024 – CODA Porto, a premier conference on digital assets, is thrilled to announce its upcoming event on May 8th and 9th, 2024. This two-day gathering will bring together industry experts, innovators, and enthusiasts from around the world to explore the latest advancements and future potential of blockchain, NFTs, and Web3 technologies. A Platform for Learning and Connection CODA Porto will feature keynote addresses, insightful presentations, and interactive panel discussions led by renowned figures in the digital asset space. Confirmed speakers include Francisco Quartin de Macedo, a pioneer in finance and blockchain, and Roel Wolfert, a Web3 consultant and NFT innovator. Attendees will gain valuable knowledge from these thought leaders and engage in meaningful conversations with peers, fostering collaboration and the exchange of ideas. Exploring the Cutting Edge of Digital Assets The conference agenda delves into a comprehensive range of topics, including: The evolving landscape of blockchain technology and its applications across various industries.Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) and their disruptive potential in areas like art, music, and collectibles.The rise of Web3 and its implications for the future of the Internet. Who Should Attend? CODA Porto is an ideal platform for: Investors and entrepreneurs seeking to explore investment opportunities in digital assets.Developers and technologists are looking to expand their knowledge and expertise in blockchain and Web3 development.Creatives and businesses interested in leveraging NFTs for new forms of expression and monetization.Anyone with a keen interest in understanding the transformative power of digital assets and their impact on the global landscape. Register Today and Be Part of the Conversation Registration for CODA Porto is now open. Visit our website at to secure your spot and join us for this exciting exploration of the digital asset revolution. Contact: Thomas Joyce;

CODA Porto Announces Gathering of Leading Minds in Digital Assets

Porto, Portugal – 1 May 2024 – CODA Porto, a premier conference on digital assets, is thrilled to announce its upcoming event on May 8th and 9th, 2024. This two-day gathering will bring together industry experts, innovators, and enthusiasts from around the world to explore the latest advancements and future potential of blockchain, NFTs, and Web3 technologies.
A Platform for Learning and Connection
CODA Porto will feature keynote addresses, insightful presentations, and interactive panel discussions led by renowned figures in the digital asset space. Confirmed speakers include Francisco Quartin de Macedo, a pioneer in finance and blockchain, and Roel Wolfert, a Web3 consultant and NFT innovator. Attendees will gain valuable knowledge from these thought leaders and engage in meaningful conversations with peers, fostering collaboration and the exchange of ideas.
Exploring the Cutting Edge of Digital Assets
The conference agenda delves into a comprehensive range of topics, including:
The evolving landscape of blockchain technology and its applications across various industries.Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) and their disruptive potential in areas like art, music, and collectibles.The rise of Web3 and its implications for the future of the Internet.
Who Should Attend?
CODA Porto is an ideal platform for:
Investors and entrepreneurs seeking to explore investment opportunities in digital assets.Developers and technologists are looking to expand their knowledge and expertise in blockchain and Web3 development.Creatives and businesses interested in leveraging NFTs for new forms of expression and monetization.Anyone with a keen interest in understanding the transformative power of digital assets and their impact on the global landscape.
Register Today and Be Part of the Conversation
Registration for CODA Porto is now open. Visit our website at to secure your spot and join us for this exciting exploration of the digital asset revolution.
Contact: Thomas Joyce;
Web3 Gaming Powerhouse Emerges: MixMarvel and Yeeha Forge Galaxy Girl InteractiveSingapore – May 1st - Web3 content leader MixMarvel and gaming giant Yeeha Games announced a groundbreaking partnership at Token2049 Dubai, a major blockchain conference attracting over 10,000 attendees. Their new venture, Galaxy Girl Interactive (GGI), aims to revolutionize Web3 gaming in Asia with an AI-powered ecosystem, capitalizing on the surging interest in Web3.  What is GGI? The choice of 'Galaxy Girl' as the name for this venture is a nod to its all-female founding team, a significant milestone in a sector largely dominated by men. This initiative not only showcases leadership diversity but also sets a new standard for representation in Web3 gaming. The GGI logo is a visual representation of what they aim to be: a bridge between Web2 (the current internet) and Web3 (the decentralized internet), promoting seamless dialogue and exchange between the physical world and the Metaverse through a comprehensive suite of services. Galaxy Girl Interactive (GGI) paints its ambitious vision for the future of gaming with the strokes of its logo: two mirrored Gs represent reality and the Metaverse, bridged by the "I" in Interactive. The negative space signifies communication, highlighting GGI's role in connecting these worlds and promoting Web2-Web3 exchange. GGI has extensive ties with game development firms and game developer communities across Asia, aiding numerous games in leveraging the new economy's effects to accelerate globalization, thereby offering greater possibilities and a broader stage. GGI bridges this gap by combining MixMarvel's publishing expertise and strategic finesse with Yeeha Games' technological prowess and platform dominance. Gam3Girl Ventures reinforces this equation as a limited partner, utilizing GGI as its primary publishing collaborator. This potent alliance, supported by a global community network, equips GGI with the resources and reach necessary to emerge as the ultimate solution for Web3 gaming triumph. The GGI Advantage GGI offers aspiring Web3 game creators a comprehensive solution, providing access to a vast library of high-quality content to kickstart their projects. With Web3 gaming friendly infrastructure  enabling cross-chain interoperability and data aggregation, GGI fosters seamless connectivity, opening up endless opportunities for innovation and collaboration. Moreover, GGI serves as a powerful distribution and publishing platform, expanding developers' reach to a wider audience. Supported by key partners, GGI cultivates collaboration and growth in the Web3 gaming realm. Leveraging cutting-edge AI and Rangers Protocol integration, GGI is set to revolutionize Web3 gaming capabilities. Shaping the Future of Web3 Gaming With its focus on community building and empowering creators, GGI is poised to become a major player in shaping the future of Web3 gaming. Their commitment to fostering a vibrant "Galaxy" where players and developers connect and share experiences will undoubtedly have a significant impact on the industry's trajectory. GGI is currently undergoing a comprehensive upgrade powered by AI and Rangers Protocol, promising a full spectrum of value creation for participants. Watch for exciting developments from GGI, including upcoming projects like the highly anticipated MetaCene MMORPG. About MixMarvel MixMarvel is building the world’s leading blockchain content incubation platform and creators community. Pivoting on investment, incubation, and publication, MixMarvel connects Metaverse entrepreneurs, investors, and mass users through industry investment, gaming incubation, asset distribution, infrastructure development, and other diversified scenarios in a new ecosystem of dapps. MixMarvel’s broad ecosystem comprises gaming IPs like DeHero and MetaCene, tech solutions like MixMarvel SDK and Rangers Protocol, investment organizations like MixMarvel DAO Venture, and other network resources for high-quality Web2 and Web3 native gaming projects.  For more information, visit About Yeeha Games Established in 2021 with an impressive $50 million in funding, Yeeha Games stands as a pioneering platform at the forefront of interactive entertainment's new era. Yeeha offers a diverse array of games catering to audiences of all kinds, while also fostering creativity and innovation through user-friendly tools. Within the dynamic gaming ecosystem, users are encouraged to engage in captivating Yeeha Quests and gain comprehensive game insights. Boasting over 300 onboarded games and collaborations with 50+ projects worldwide, Yeeha has garnered a global user base exceeding 200,000 registered users. Additionally, Yeeha has recently introduced its Web3 all-in-one AI Gaming Explorer strategy, which includes the debut of AI KOL DANA (Deep-learning Algorithmic Navigation Agent) to the public. Furthermore, ExplorerGPT and AI-powered spin-off games are set to be released soon, further enriching the Yeeha experience.

Web3 Gaming Powerhouse Emerges: MixMarvel and Yeeha Forge Galaxy Girl Interactive

Singapore – May 1st - Web3 content leader MixMarvel and gaming giant Yeeha Games announced a groundbreaking partnership at Token2049 Dubai, a major blockchain conference attracting over 10,000 attendees. Their new venture, Galaxy Girl Interactive (GGI), aims to revolutionize Web3 gaming in Asia with an AI-powered ecosystem, capitalizing on the surging interest in Web3. 
What is GGI?
The choice of 'Galaxy Girl' as the name for this venture is a nod to its all-female founding team, a significant milestone in a sector largely dominated by men. This initiative not only showcases leadership diversity but also sets a new standard for representation in Web3 gaming. The GGI logo is a visual representation of what they aim to be: a bridge between Web2 (the current internet) and Web3 (the decentralized internet), promoting seamless dialogue and exchange between the physical world and the Metaverse through a comprehensive suite of services.
Galaxy Girl Interactive (GGI) paints its ambitious vision for the future of gaming with the strokes of its logo: two mirrored Gs represent reality and the Metaverse, bridged by the "I" in Interactive. The negative space signifies communication, highlighting GGI's role in connecting these worlds and promoting Web2-Web3 exchange.
GGI has extensive ties with game development firms and game developer communities across Asia, aiding numerous games in leveraging the new economy's effects to accelerate globalization, thereby offering greater possibilities and a broader stage. GGI bridges this gap by combining MixMarvel's publishing expertise and strategic finesse with Yeeha Games' technological prowess and platform dominance. Gam3Girl Ventures reinforces this equation as a limited partner, utilizing GGI as its primary publishing collaborator. This potent alliance, supported by a global community network, equips GGI with the resources and reach necessary to emerge as the ultimate solution for Web3 gaming triumph.
The GGI Advantage
GGI offers aspiring Web3 game creators a comprehensive solution, providing access to a vast library of high-quality content to kickstart their projects. With Web3 gaming friendly infrastructure  enabling cross-chain interoperability and data aggregation, GGI fosters seamless connectivity, opening up endless opportunities for innovation and collaboration. Moreover, GGI serves as a powerful distribution and publishing platform, expanding developers' reach to a wider audience. Supported by key partners, GGI cultivates collaboration and growth in the Web3 gaming realm. Leveraging cutting-edge AI and Rangers Protocol integration, GGI is set to revolutionize Web3 gaming capabilities.
Shaping the Future of Web3 Gaming
With its focus on community building and empowering creators, GGI is poised to become a major player in shaping the future of Web3 gaming. Their commitment to fostering a vibrant "Galaxy" where players and developers connect and share experiences will undoubtedly have a significant impact on the industry's trajectory. GGI is currently undergoing a comprehensive upgrade powered by AI and Rangers Protocol, promising a full spectrum of value creation for participants. Watch for exciting developments from GGI, including upcoming projects like the highly anticipated MetaCene MMORPG.
About MixMarvel
MixMarvel is building the world’s leading blockchain content incubation platform and creators community. Pivoting on investment, incubation, and publication, MixMarvel connects Metaverse entrepreneurs, investors, and mass users through industry investment, gaming incubation, asset distribution, infrastructure development, and other diversified scenarios in a new ecosystem of dapps. MixMarvel’s broad ecosystem comprises gaming IPs like DeHero and MetaCene, tech solutions like MixMarvel SDK and Rangers Protocol, investment organizations like MixMarvel DAO Venture, and other network resources for high-quality Web2 and Web3 native gaming projects.
 For more information, visit

About Yeeha Games
Established in 2021 with an impressive $50 million in funding, Yeeha Games stands as a pioneering platform at the forefront of interactive entertainment's new era. Yeeha offers a diverse array of games catering to audiences of all kinds, while also fostering creativity and innovation through user-friendly tools. Within the dynamic gaming ecosystem, users are encouraged to engage in captivating Yeeha Quests and gain comprehensive game insights. Boasting over 300 onboarded games and collaborations with 50+ projects worldwide, Yeeha has garnered a global user base exceeding 200,000 registered users. Additionally, Yeeha has recently introduced its Web3 all-in-one AI Gaming Explorer strategy, which includes the debut of AI KOL DANA (Deep-learning Algorithmic Navigation Agent) to the public. Furthermore, ExplorerGPT and AI-powered spin-off games are set to be released soon, further enriching the Yeeha experience.
Announcement: $DEDE Coin, the Dino-Meme Cryptocurrency on Solana, Captures Global InterestA Prehistoric Twist in Crypto: In a significant development in the cryptocurrency market, $DEDE, the unique dino-meme coin, has officially launched on the Solana blockchain, promising a blend of prehistoric intrigue and modern blockchain technology. As a fresh face in the crowded meme coin space, $DEDE has distinguished itself with its creative dinosaur theme and robust technological foundation, garnering an impressive base of over 2,500 holders in its first week alone. Market Dynamics and Future Outlook: Despite a currently modest market capitalization of $1 million, down from an initial $7 million, industry experts believe this is just the beginning for $DEDE. The coin's association with the high-speed and low-cost Solana platform suggests a promising horizon, especially with anticipated bullish trends in the crypto markets. Technological Edge and Unique Positioning: $DEDE's appeal lies not only in its nostalgic, dino-themed branding but also in its significant technological advantages. Solana's platform supports $DEDE with fast transaction speeds and minimal fees, setting the stage for the coin to surpass traditional limitations faced by many memecoins. Strategic Launch Timing: The timing of $DEDE's market entry is strategically aligned with expected upward movements in the crypto sector, making it an attractive option for investors looking for potential high returns. Early adopters of $DEDE may find themselves well-positioned for substantial gains as the coin aims for exponential growth in the near future. Community: The Backbone of Success: Community engagement is at the heart of $DEDE's rapid rise. The vibrant, dedicated community around $DEDE includes everyone from cryptocurrency aficionados to those new to the market, each contributing to the coin's journey and shaping its future. This strong community support is pivotal in driving the coin forward, underpinned by a shared vision and collective enthusiasm. Conclusion and Call to Action: As $DEDE continues to navigate the crypto wilderness, its journey represents more than just financial speculation; it is a movement towards innovative, community-driven financial solutions that resonate on a global scale.  For further information on $DEDE and to join the adventure, visit: - Website: - Telegram: https://tme/Dedeportalofficial - Twitter: About $DEDE $DEDE is a cutting-edge dino-themed meme coin leveraging the Solana blockchain to offer a unique blend of speed, efficiency, and community-focused digital finance. With its engaging and imaginative approach to crypto, $DEDE is committed to bringing a prehistoric twist to the modern financial landscape.

Announcement: $DEDE Coin, the Dino-Meme Cryptocurrency on Solana, Captures Global Interest

A Prehistoric Twist in Crypto:
In a significant development in the cryptocurrency market, $DEDE, the unique dino-meme coin, has officially launched on the Solana blockchain, promising a blend of prehistoric intrigue and modern blockchain technology. As a fresh face in the crowded meme coin space, $DEDE has distinguished itself with its creative dinosaur theme and robust technological foundation, garnering an impressive base of over 2,500 holders in its first week alone.
Market Dynamics and Future Outlook:
Despite a currently modest market capitalization of $1 million, down from an initial $7 million, industry experts believe this is just the beginning for $DEDE. The coin's association with the high-speed and low-cost Solana platform suggests a promising horizon, especially with anticipated bullish trends in the crypto markets.

Technological Edge and Unique Positioning:
$DEDE's appeal lies not only in its nostalgic, dino-themed branding but also in its significant technological advantages. Solana's platform supports $DEDE with fast transaction speeds and minimal fees, setting the stage for the coin to surpass traditional limitations faced by many memecoins.

Strategic Launch Timing:
The timing of $DEDE's market entry is strategically aligned with expected upward movements in the crypto sector, making it an attractive option for investors looking for potential high returns. Early adopters of $DEDE may find themselves well-positioned for substantial gains as the coin aims for exponential growth in the near future.

Community: The Backbone of Success:
Community engagement is at the heart of $DEDE's rapid rise. The vibrant, dedicated community around $DEDE includes everyone from cryptocurrency aficionados to those new to the market, each contributing to the coin's journey and shaping its future. This strong community support is pivotal in driving the coin forward, underpinned by a shared vision and collective enthusiasm.

Conclusion and Call to Action:
As $DEDE continues to navigate the crypto wilderness, its journey represents more than just financial speculation; it is a movement towards innovative, community-driven financial solutions that resonate on a global scale. 
For further information on $DEDE and to join the adventure, visit:
- Website:
- Telegram: https://tme/Dedeportalofficial
- Twitter:

About $DEDE
$DEDE is a cutting-edge dino-themed meme coin leveraging the Solana blockchain to offer a unique blend of speed, efficiency, and community-focused digital finance. With its engaging and imaginative approach to crypto, $DEDE is committed to bringing a prehistoric twist to the modern financial landscape.
30k+ Crypto Community Backs CZ in Dynamic Onchain PollIn a significant demonstration of community backing, over 30,000 on-chain users have voiced their support for Changpeng Zhao (CZ), the founder of Binance, through a decentralized opinion poll on AlphaorBeta. This poll, powered by Opinion Labs, sought insights on whether CZ’s contributions to the cryptocurrency world outweigh his past regulatory challenges. Within just 24 hours, the poll garnered extensive participation from top opinion leaders and users alike, marking that the crypto community stands behind CZ. The poll results were decisive: 81% of participants affirmed that CZ’s contributions indeed outweigh his past regulatory missteps. This strong endorsement from the community underscores the impact CZ has had on the cryptocurrency sector and highlights the widespread appreciation for his efforts. Prominent cryptocurrency figures, including Ash Crypto, Pushpendra, and Crypto Rand, along with numerous others, have publicly supported CZ. Additionally, a grassroots movement on Twitter, under the hashtag #JusticeForCZ #JusticeForCrypto, has emerged, further amplifying the community’s voice in advocating for fair regulatory treatment.  This overwhelming show of community and industry support builds upon the substantial backing already illustrated by the 161 letters submitted to the presiding judge last week. These developments mark an important moment in demonstrating that the crypto community’s stance for CZ’s sentence. As CZ’s legal proceedings continue to unfold, the implications of his case extend beyond an individual matter. The outcome could influence the broader landscape of U.S. innovation and regulation in the cryptocurrency industry, affecting how key players like Uniswap, Ripple, and Tornado Cash navigate their legal challenges. The cryptocurrency industry is keenly aware of the need for clear rules and fair treatment. CZ’s case underscores the importance of establishing fair regulatory frameworks to ensure that the industry can continue to thrive and innovate. Link:

30k+ Crypto Community Backs CZ in Dynamic Onchain Poll

In a significant demonstration of community backing, over 30,000 on-chain users have voiced their support for Changpeng Zhao (CZ), the founder of Binance, through a decentralized opinion poll on AlphaorBeta. This poll, powered by Opinion Labs, sought insights on whether CZ’s contributions to the cryptocurrency world outweigh his past regulatory challenges. Within just 24 hours, the poll garnered extensive participation from top opinion leaders and users alike, marking that the crypto community stands behind CZ.
The poll results were decisive: 81% of participants affirmed that CZ’s contributions indeed outweigh his past regulatory missteps. This strong endorsement from the community underscores the impact CZ has had on the cryptocurrency sector and highlights the widespread appreciation for his efforts.
Prominent cryptocurrency figures, including Ash Crypto, Pushpendra, and Crypto Rand, along with numerous others, have publicly supported CZ. Additionally, a grassroots movement on Twitter, under the hashtag #JusticeForCZ #JusticeForCrypto, has emerged, further amplifying the community’s voice in advocating for fair regulatory treatment. 
This overwhelming show of community and industry support builds upon the substantial backing already illustrated by the 161 letters submitted to the presiding judge last week. These developments mark an important moment in demonstrating that the crypto community’s stance for CZ’s sentence.
As CZ’s legal proceedings continue to unfold, the implications of his case extend beyond an individual matter. The outcome could influence the broader landscape of U.S. innovation and regulation in the cryptocurrency industry, affecting how key players like Uniswap, Ripple, and Tornado Cash navigate their legal challenges.
The cryptocurrency industry is keenly aware of the need for clear rules and fair treatment. CZ’s case underscores the importance of establishing fair regulatory frameworks to ensure that the industry can continue to thrive and innovate.
Revolutionizing Revenue: How Hydro Online Enhances Traditional Website Monetization ModelsIn the evolving landscape of digital content, website monetization remains a pivotal challenge for publishers. While traditional models like advertising, subscriptions, and paywalls have dominated this space, innovative platforms like Hydro Online offer new opportunities.  Let’s examine these various monetization strategies, their advantages and limitations, and how Hydro Online fits into this dynamic ecosystem. Advertising: The Old Guard of Monetization What it is: Advertising is the most common form of website monetization. This method involves displaying ads on a website, which generates revenue based on clicks or impressions. Examples: Google Adsense and are popular networks that facilitate ad placement on websites. Pros: Broad Accessibility: Virtually any website can implement some form of advertising.Passive Revenue: Once set up, ads can provide a steady income without ongoing effort from the site owner. Cons: User Experience: Ads can detract from the user experience, potentially driving visitors away.Revenue Inconsistency: Earnings can fluctuate based on traffic, geographical location and the changing landscape of ad blocking technology. How Hydro Online Fits: Unlike traditional ad networks, Hydro Online offers a seamless integration that does not disrupt the user experience with visual ads. This platform can serve as a supplementary revenue stream or a complete replacement for traditional ads, focusing on monetizing user engagement and time spent rather than clicks, thus providing more predictable revenue. Subscriptions: Gated Content for Steady Earnings What it is: Subscriptions involve charging users a recurring fee to access content or services. Examples: Many online news outlets and specialized content creators like The New York Times and Patreon use subscriptions. Pros: Predictable Income: Subscriptions provide a consistent revenue stream.Audience Loyalty: Paying subscribers are often more engaged and invested in the content. Cons: Barrier to Entry: Paywalls can deter potential readers or users who are unwilling or unable to pay.Content Saturation: With so many subscription options available, users may experience fatigue and limit their commitments. How Hydro Online Fits: Hydro Online can be integrated alongside subscription models to offer a hybrid approach. For instance, publishers could monetize shorter visits or less engaged users through Hydro Online while reserving premium content for subscribers, thereby maximizing revenue from various user segments. Paywalls: Exclusive Content for Premium Users What it is: Paywalls restrict access to content, allowing only paying users to view certain articles or resources. Examples: The Wall Street Journal and Harvard Business Review are known for their strict paywall policies. Pros: High Revenue Potential: Premium content can command higher prices.Quality Focus: A focus on paying customers can lead to higher quality and more exclusive content. Cons: Limited Reach: Paywalls significantly reduce the potential audience for content.Dependency on Content Value: The success of a paywall heavily depends on the perceived value of the content behind it. How Hydro Online Fits: For websites utilizing paywalls, Hydro Online can offer an alternative or complementary revenue model. By monetizing the initial engagement on free articles or teaser content, Hydro Online can enhance overall earnings without compromising the premium offering. Other Monetization Options: Donations and Affiliate Marketing What it is: Beyond ads, subscriptions, and paywalls, other models include donations — encouraged by platforms like Ko-fi or Patreon — and affiliate marketing, where publishers earn commissions by promoting products or services. Pros: Flexibility: These models provide additional revenue streams that can be tailored to different types of content and audiences.Community Engagement: Both methods can strengthen the relationship between publishers and their audience. Cons: Unpredictability: Donations and affiliate earnings can be highly variable and not reliable for consistent income.Effort Intensive: Both methods require significant effort to promote and maintain. How Hydro Online Fits: Hydro Online's model of monetizing user time could seamlessly integrate with these methods, offering publishers a steady income from regular content engagement, complementing the less predictable nature of donations and affiliate links. Conclusion In conclusion, while traditional monetization methods have their merits, platforms like Hydro Online introduce a novel approach that respects user experience and provides publishers with a more predictable and hassle-free revenue stream. Whether used in tandem with existing methods or as a standalone model, Hydro Online represents a versatile solution adaptable to the diverse needs of digital publishers. For further information, please visit: Website: Twitter: Telegram: https://tme/Hydro_Online Linkedin:

Revolutionizing Revenue: How Hydro Online Enhances Traditional Website Monetization Models

In the evolving landscape of digital content, website monetization remains a pivotal challenge for publishers. While traditional models like advertising, subscriptions, and paywalls have dominated this space, innovative platforms like Hydro Online offer new opportunities. 
Let’s examine these various monetization strategies, their advantages and limitations, and how Hydro Online fits into this dynamic ecosystem.
Advertising: The Old Guard of Monetization
What it is: Advertising is the most common form of website monetization. This method involves displaying ads on a website, which generates revenue based on clicks or impressions.
Examples: Google Adsense and are popular networks that facilitate ad placement on websites.
Broad Accessibility: Virtually any website can implement some form of advertising.Passive Revenue: Once set up, ads can provide a steady income without ongoing effort from the site owner.
User Experience: Ads can detract from the user experience, potentially driving visitors away.Revenue Inconsistency: Earnings can fluctuate based on traffic, geographical location and the changing landscape of ad blocking technology.
How Hydro Online Fits: Unlike traditional ad networks, Hydro Online offers a seamless integration that does not disrupt the user experience with visual ads. This platform can serve as a supplementary revenue stream or a complete replacement for traditional ads, focusing on monetizing user engagement and time spent rather than clicks, thus providing more predictable revenue.
Subscriptions: Gated Content for Steady Earnings
What it is: Subscriptions involve charging users a recurring fee to access content or services.
Examples: Many online news outlets and specialized content creators like The New York Times and Patreon use subscriptions.
Predictable Income: Subscriptions provide a consistent revenue stream.Audience Loyalty: Paying subscribers are often more engaged and invested in the content.
Barrier to Entry: Paywalls can deter potential readers or users who are unwilling or unable to pay.Content Saturation: With so many subscription options available, users may experience fatigue and limit their commitments.
How Hydro Online Fits: Hydro Online can be integrated alongside subscription models to offer a hybrid approach. For instance, publishers could monetize shorter visits or less engaged users through Hydro Online while reserving premium content for subscribers, thereby maximizing revenue from various user segments.
Paywalls: Exclusive Content for Premium Users
What it is: Paywalls restrict access to content, allowing only paying users to view certain articles or resources.
Examples: The Wall Street Journal and Harvard Business Review are known for their strict paywall policies.
High Revenue Potential: Premium content can command higher prices.Quality Focus: A focus on paying customers can lead to higher quality and more exclusive content.
Limited Reach: Paywalls significantly reduce the potential audience for content.Dependency on Content Value: The success of a paywall heavily depends on the perceived value of the content behind it.
How Hydro Online Fits: For websites utilizing paywalls, Hydro Online can offer an alternative or complementary revenue model. By monetizing the initial engagement on free articles or teaser content, Hydro Online can enhance overall earnings without compromising the premium offering.
Other Monetization Options: Donations and Affiliate Marketing
What it is: Beyond ads, subscriptions, and paywalls, other models include donations — encouraged by platforms like Ko-fi or Patreon — and affiliate marketing, where publishers earn commissions by promoting products or services.
Flexibility: These models provide additional revenue streams that can be tailored to different types of content and audiences.Community Engagement: Both methods can strengthen the relationship between publishers and their audience.
Unpredictability: Donations and affiliate earnings can be highly variable and not reliable for consistent income.Effort Intensive: Both methods require significant effort to promote and maintain.
How Hydro Online Fits: Hydro Online's model of monetizing user time could seamlessly integrate with these methods, offering publishers a steady income from regular content engagement, complementing the less predictable nature of donations and affiliate links.
In conclusion, while traditional monetization methods have their merits, platforms like Hydro Online introduce a novel approach that respects user experience and provides publishers with a more predictable and hassle-free revenue stream. Whether used in tandem with existing methods or as a standalone model, Hydro Online represents a versatile solution adaptable to the diverse needs of digital publishers.

For further information, please visit:
Telegram: https://tme/Hydro_Online
Bitcoin Layer2 BEVM Announces Investment from BitmainBTC Layer2 project BEVM has officially disclosed an investment from Bitmain, the leading manufacturer of cryptocurrency mining servers globally. The precise amount of the investment remains undisclosed. Established in 2013, Bitmain still stands today as a significant figure in the digital asset mining hardware production space. Its Bitcoin mining machines previously commanded over 70% of the global market share. Notably, this marks Bitmain's sole investment in the Bitcoin Layer2 domain to date. Gavin Guo, Core Builder of BEVM Foundation, remarked, "Next, BEVM will delve into exploring Bitcoin hashrate and the PoW ecosystem's application on BEVM, that could help facilitate the migration of trillions of dollars in PoW hashrate assets and a substantial quantity of $BTC to BEVM. This will empower Bitmain assets and unlock liquidity and more diverse financial application scenarios within the BTC Layer2 network." BEVM serves as the pioneer EVM-compatible Bitcoin L2 network founded on the Taproot Consensus, utilizing BTC as Gas. Leveraging native Bitcoin technologies such as Schnorr Signature, MAST, and Bitcoin Light Node Network, it achieves fully decentralized BTC cross-chain functionality, thereby enabling the trustless integration of BTC into a broader spectrum of applications and facilitating genuine BTC liquidity circulation.  BEVM launched its mainnet on March 28th, boasting over 700,000 user addresses and hosting more than 30 ecosystem projects. BEVM also recently announced it had secured tens of millions of dollars in financing, with investors including RockTree Capital, Waterdrip Capital, Arkstream Capital, ViaBTC Capital, and nearly 20 other institutions, resulting in a post-investment valuation of $200 million for the company. For further information about BEVM, please visit or contact  Media Contact: Jhon Zhang Email:

Bitcoin Layer2 BEVM Announces Investment from Bitmain

BTC Layer2 project BEVM has officially disclosed an investment from Bitmain, the leading manufacturer of cryptocurrency mining servers globally. The precise amount of the investment remains undisclosed.
Established in 2013, Bitmain still stands today as a significant figure in the digital asset mining hardware production space. Its Bitcoin mining machines previously commanded over 70% of the global market share. Notably, this marks Bitmain's sole investment in the Bitcoin Layer2 domain to date.
Gavin Guo, Core Builder of BEVM Foundation, remarked, "Next, BEVM will delve into exploring Bitcoin hashrate and the PoW ecosystem's application on BEVM, that could help facilitate the migration of trillions of dollars in PoW hashrate assets and a substantial quantity of $BTC to BEVM. This will empower Bitmain assets and unlock liquidity and more diverse financial application scenarios within the BTC Layer2 network."
BEVM serves as the pioneer EVM-compatible Bitcoin L2 network founded on the Taproot Consensus, utilizing BTC as Gas. Leveraging native Bitcoin technologies such as Schnorr Signature, MAST, and Bitcoin Light Node Network, it achieves fully decentralized BTC cross-chain functionality, thereby enabling the trustless integration of BTC into a broader spectrum of applications and facilitating genuine BTC liquidity circulation. 
BEVM launched its mainnet on March 28th, boasting over 700,000 user addresses and hosting more than 30 ecosystem projects. BEVM also recently announced it had secured tens of millions of dollars in financing, with investors including RockTree Capital, Waterdrip Capital, Arkstream Capital, ViaBTC Capital, and nearly 20 other institutions, resulting in a post-investment valuation of $200 million for the company.
For further information about BEVM, please visit or contact 

Media Contact: Jhon Zhang
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