Binance Square
Bharat K Chhanga
Trader and Invester Since 2017
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Manipulace trhu!!Schéma Pump and Dump v kryptoměně je forma manipulace s trhem, kdy je cena kryptoměny uměle navyšována („pumpa“) prostřednictvím zavádějících nebo nepravdivých informací, humbuku nebo koordinovaného nákupu skupinou lidí. Jakmile cena výrazně stoupne, organizátoři systému „odloží“ svůj majetek tím, že je prodají za zvýšenou cenu. Tento náhlý výprodej způsobí pád ceny a zanechá většinu investorů, kteří nakupovali během pumpy, velké ztráty. Typicky jsou schémata pump and dump častější u malých kryptoměn s nízkou tržní kapitalizací, se kterými se snadněji manipuluje.

Manipulace trhu!!

Schéma Pump and Dump v kryptoměně je forma manipulace s trhem, kdy je cena kryptoměny uměle navyšována („pumpa“) prostřednictvím zavádějících nebo nepravdivých informací, humbuku nebo koordinovaného nákupu skupinou lidí.
Jakmile cena výrazně stoupne, organizátoři systému „odloží“ svůj majetek tím, že je prodají za zvýšenou cenu.
Tento náhlý výprodej způsobí pád ceny a zanechá většinu investorů, kteří nakupovali během pumpy, velké ztráty.
Typicky jsou schémata pump and dump častější u malých kryptoměn s nízkou tržní kapitalizací, se kterými se snadněji manipuluje.
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Některé věci se naučili poté, co hodlovali bitcoiny od začátku roku 2017 Odtud získáte dobrý nápad. 1. Nikdy nevěřte něčím cenovým předpovědím. 2. "Nediverzifikujte" do jiných kryptoměn; žádný z nich není ve skutečnosti decentralizovaný, všechno kromě bitcoinu je shitcoin (ano, opravdu) a všechno je to hazard. Smyslem bitcoinu není hazard, ale ukončení novodobého otroctví (fiat měna). 3. Když všichni, koho znáte, mluví o bitcoinech, jste na vrcholu býčího trhu. Pravděpodobně budete příliš bujarí na to, abyste si to uvědomili. Při zpětném pohledu to bude zřejmé. 4. Neobchodujte s některými altcoiny stranou, abyste získali více bitcoinů. Nejsi tak chytrý a je velká pravděpodobnost, že ztroskotáš.

Některé věci se naučili poté, co hodlovali bitcoiny od začátku roku 2017

Odtud získáte dobrý nápad.
1. Nikdy nevěřte něčím cenovým předpovědím.
2. "Nediverzifikujte" do jiných kryptoměn; žádný z nich není ve skutečnosti decentralizovaný, všechno kromě bitcoinu je shitcoin (ano, opravdu) a všechno je to hazard. Smyslem bitcoinu není hazard, ale ukončení novodobého otroctví (fiat měna).
3. Když všichni, koho znáte, mluví o bitcoinech, jste na vrcholu býčího trhu. Pravděpodobně budete příliš bujarí na to, abyste si to uvědomili. Při zpětném pohledu to bude zřejmé.
4. Neobchodujte s některými altcoiny stranou, abyste získali více bitcoinů. Nejsi tak chytrý a je velká pravděpodobnost, že ztroskotáš.
Zobrazit originál
Pravda o býčím a medvědím trhu !!Lidé se vždy ptají: "Kdy začne altsezona?" Moje odpověď: Pravděpodobně nikdy — alespoň ne jako za starých dobrých časů. Ty velké účty, které hypují takzvanou 'altsezonu', jen prodávají sny. Viděl jsem dost bull runů, abych to věděl. Cyklus 2017-2018? Byl divoký, pravděpodobně jeden z nejlepších, protože trh byl tehdy tak jiný. Nebyly nekonečné coiny na výběr, žádné futures pro většinu tokenů a většina altcoinů se obchodovala v párech s Bitcoinem. Když trh vzrostl, všechno šlo nahoru společně.

Pravda o býčím a medvědím trhu !!

Lidé se vždy ptají: "Kdy začne altsezona?" Moje odpověď: Pravděpodobně nikdy — alespoň ne jako za starých dobrých časů. Ty velké účty, které hypují takzvanou 'altsezonu', jen prodávají sny. Viděl jsem dost bull runů, abych to věděl. Cyklus 2017-2018? Byl divoký, pravděpodobně jeden z nejlepších, protože trh byl tehdy tak jiný. Nebyly nekonečné coiny na výběr, žádné futures pro většinu tokenů a většina altcoinů se obchodovala v párech s Bitcoinem. Když trh vzrostl, všechno šlo nahoru společně.
Truth of Life !!Stop obsessing over candlestick charts and take a moment to think about the bigger picture. If you’re one of those people constantly glued to your phone, checking every market move, you’re doing more harm than good, not just to your portfolio but to your social life as well. Believe me, watching charts 24/7 doesn’t make you a better trader—it just burns you out. When you’re so focused on those red and green candles, you end up missing the life happening around you. Have you found yourself ski

Truth of Life !!

Stop obsessing over candlestick charts and take a moment to think about the bigger picture.
If you’re one of those people constantly glued to your phone, checking every market move, you’re doing more harm than good, not just to your portfolio but to your social life as well.
Believe me, watching charts 24/7 doesn’t make you a better trader—it just burns you out.
When you’re so focused on those red and green candles, you end up missing the life happening around you.
Have you found yourself ski
Crypto Last Quator !!🚨🚀🔥 80% of past# Octobers have been positive. During election years, October, November, and December were always positive. Additionally, when September was positive, October, November, and December were also always positive.

Crypto Last Quator !!

80% of past# Octobers have been positive.
During election years, October, November, and December were always positive.
Additionally, when September was positive, October, November, and December were also always positive.
The Hidden Mistake That Makes You Lose Money Every Time !!Have you ever wondered why so many people lose money in trading or investments? Here's the truth: most people enter the market with low capital and expect huge profits. This is a common mistake that often leads to frustration, losses, and regret. Let me help you avoid that trap and develop strong financial strategies that actually work. Follow me, like all my posts, and I'll teach you how to invest smarter and avoid common mistakes. The Common Mistake Many people believe that they can trade

The Hidden Mistake That Makes You Lose Money Every Time !!

Have you ever wondered why so many people lose money in trading or investments? Here's the truth: most people enter the market with low capital and expect huge profits. This is a common mistake that often leads to frustration, losses, and regret.
Let me help you avoid that trap and develop strong financial strategies that actually work. Follow me, like all my posts, and I'll teach you how to invest smarter and avoid common mistakes.
The Common Mistake
Many people believe that they can trade
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Přestaňte doufat, začněte se učit: těžká lekce obchodníka. Kdy většina obchodníků ztrácí hodně peněz? Obvykle je to tehdy, když zadají DLOUHOU nebo KRÁTKOU objednávku a pak začnou spoléhat na naději místo na strategii. Scénář často vypadá takto: uzavřete obchod, a když se začne pohybovat ve váš prospěch, začnete být optimističtí a očekáváte, že bude pokračovat ve stoupání. Ale když se trh obrátí, místo toho, abyste opustili obchod, lpíte na naději a věříte, že se to odrazí ve váš prospěch. Na druhou stranu, když se obchod hned od začátku pohybuje proti vám, držíte se a doufáte v obrat. Někdy se cena krátce pohne ve váš prospěch a vy si pomyslíte: „Konečně to jde nahoru“, jen aby se zase obrátila. Cyklus pokračuje – naděje nahrazuje analýzu a zanedlouho obchod dosáhne likvidační úrovně.

Přestaňte doufat, začněte se učit: těžká lekce obchodníka. Kdy většina obchodníků ztrácí hodně peněz?

Obvykle je to tehdy, když zadají DLOUHOU nebo KRÁTKOU objednávku a pak začnou spoléhat na naději místo na strategii.
Scénář často vypadá takto: uzavřete obchod, a když se začne pohybovat ve váš prospěch, začnete být optimističtí a očekáváte, že bude pokračovat ve stoupání.
Ale když se trh obrátí, místo toho, abyste opustili obchod, lpíte na naději a věříte, že se to odrazí ve váš prospěch.
Na druhou stranu, když se obchod hned od začátku pohybuje proti vám, držíte se a doufáte v obrat.
Někdy se cena krátce pohne ve váš prospěch a vy si pomyslíte: „Konečně to jde nahoru“, jen aby se zase obrátila. Cyklus pokračuje – naděje nahrazuje analýzu a zanedlouho obchod dosáhne likvidační úrovně.
Reasons Why Bitcoin (BTC) Can Rally in 'Uptober' As October, or Uptober as it is known in the crypto community, has arrived, Bitcoin has a good chance of rising. October has always been a good month for Bitcoin. In the past, it has seen the start of five significant bull markets. With current technical and market conditions, a repeat may occur this year. The following five factors could lead to a Bitcoin rally in October. Robust technical position: For the past few months, resistance has been formed by the upper edge of a descending channel

Reasons Why Bitcoin (BTC) Can Rally in 'Uptober'

As October, or Uptober as it is known in the crypto community, has arrived, Bitcoin has a good chance of rising.
October has always been a good month for Bitcoin. In the past, it has seen the start of five significant bull markets. With current technical and market conditions, a repeat may occur this year.
The following five factors could lead to a Bitcoin rally in October.
Robust technical position: For the past few months, resistance has been formed by the upper edge of a descending channel
Zobrazit originál
Novinky z trhu!!Toto poslední čtvrtletí nebude pro trh s kryptoměnami příliš dobré. Na trhu vždy přicházely pozitivní zprávy, například snižování úrokových sazeb. Pokud trhy dávají tolik pozitivních zpráv, je pod nimi velké nebezpečí.

Novinky z trhu!!

Toto poslední čtvrtletí nebude pro trh s kryptoměnami příliš dobré.
Na trhu vždy přicházely pozitivní zprávy, například snižování úrokových sazeb. Pokud trhy dávají tolik pozitivních zpráv, je pod nimi velké nebezpečí.
Why are people more interested in trading meme coins? Highly volatile: Most of the people trade crypto to make quick money and they trade memecoins thinking their $100 will turn into $100k with this meme. Low liquidity: Meme coins are illiquid and easy to move. A few thousands buys and these memecoins print multiple X's cheap prices: Meme coin prices start after multiple zero decimals and it's the psychology of traders that they think if it's cheap it will provide the most returns. Low marketcap and huge returns. Meme coins are now playing a

Why are people more interested in trading meme coins?

Highly volatile:
Most of the people trade crypto to make quick money and they trade memecoins thinking their $100 will turn into $100k with this meme.
Low liquidity:
Meme coins are illiquid and easy to move. A few thousands buys and these memecoins print multiple X's
cheap prices:
Meme coin prices start after multiple zero decimals and it's the psychology of traders that they think if it's cheap it will provide the most returns.
Low marketcap and huge returns.
Meme coins are now playing a
Current Situation of USDT !!At this stage, for Altcoins, it's advisable to look at USDT.D As USDT.D is just few steps aways from the Bearish flag breakout. Once a Bearish flag breakout is successfully completed. Then we can officially declare that Altseason 2024 is started till then keep accumulating. Usdt dominance downtrend is generally good for alts

Current Situation of USDT !!

At this stage, for Altcoins, it's advisable to look at USDT.D
As USDT.D is just few steps aways from the Bearish flag breakout. Once a Bearish flag breakout is successfully completed.
Then we can officially declare that Altseason 2024 is started till then keep accumulating.
Usdt dominance downtrend is generally good for alts
10 Promising Cryptocurrencies Under $0.10 to Watch.. Make you Rich Amidst the giants of the crypto world like Bitcoin and Ethereum, numerous lesser-known cryptocurrencies offer potential lucrative opportunities. Below is a curated list of 25 altcoins, each priced under $0.10, that are making waves in the market. 1. eCash (XEC) Position: 95 Capitalization: $698 Million Peak Valuation: $736 Million Market Share: 0.03% Availability: 19.8 Trillion Ceiling: 21 Trillion Debut: 2020 Record High: $0.00059 Record Low: $0.000017 2. ARPA Chain (ARPA) Position: 460 Capital

10 Promising Cryptocurrencies Under $0.10 to Watch.. Make you Rich

Amidst the giants of the crypto world like Bitcoin and Ethereum, numerous lesser-known cryptocurrencies offer potential lucrative opportunities. Below is a curated list of 25 altcoins, each priced under $0.10, that are making waves in the market.
1. eCash (XEC)
Position: 95
Capitalization: $698 Million
Peak Valuation: $736 Million
Market Share: 0.03%
Availability: 19.8 Trillion
Ceiling: 21 Trillion
Debut: 2020
Record High: $0.00059
Record Low: $0.000017
2. ARPA Chain (ARPA)
Position: 460
#Altcoins : Bigger Dips = Bigger Opportunities 🚨 Here’s why the dips are a gift in this market👇 Nothing has changed in my opinion. These dips are just opportunities in disguise! 🎁 🔹 I’m still expecting a godcandle for altcoins, and when that hits, the parabolic run will begin! 🚀 🔹 This feels like 2016 all over again, and the vibes for 2024 are even stronger 🔥 Stay patient, and be ready for the next big move! 🌐 #AltcoinSeason #Crypto #BullRun #ParabolicRun $BTC $ETH $BNB

#Altcoins : Bigger Dips = Bigger Opportunities 🚨

Here’s why the dips are a gift in this market👇
Nothing has changed in my opinion. These dips are just opportunities in disguise! 🎁
🔹 I’m still expecting a godcandle for altcoins, and when that hits, the parabolic run will begin! 🚀
🔹 This feels like 2016 all over again, and the vibes for 2024 are even stronger 🔥
Stay patient, and be ready for the next big move!
🌐 #AltcoinSeason #Crypto #BullRun #ParabolicRun $BTC $ETH $BNB
Life Lessons !!STOP spending a lot of your time on these telegram games to get the Airdrop. Learn something that can make you money. If you really want to make it in crypto. Learn to trade, trade your own money and make it. These airdrops are so rushed, millions of people are doing it. You ain't getting anything. people spent months on hamster, saw big dreams looking at their in app balance and got $10 worth of Airdrop. you could have done a lot better if you spent that time learning a skill rather than tap

Life Lessons !!

STOP spending a lot of your time on these telegram games to get the Airdrop. Learn something that can make you money.
If you really want to make it in crypto. Learn to trade, trade your own money and make it.
These airdrops are so rushed, millions of people are doing it. You ain't getting anything.
people spent months on hamster, saw big dreams looking at their in app balance and got $10 worth of Airdrop.
you could have done a lot better if you spent that time learning a skill rather than tap
𝗛𝗼𝘄 𝘁𝗼 𝗚𝗲𝗻𝗲𝗿𝗮𝘁𝗲 $𝟱𝟬𝟬-$𝟮𝟬𝟬𝟬 𝗪𝗶𝘁𝗵𝗼𝘂𝘁 𝗧𝗿𝗮𝗱𝗶𝗻𝗴... 10 Ways If you're looking to generate a steady income in the blockchain industry without engaging in trading, there are plenty of opportunities that tap into your skills and interests. Here are some strategies you can consider: 1. Freelancing as a Blockchain Developer or Content Creator Blockchain Developer: If you possess technical skills, there’s a huge demand for blockchain developers to build decentralized applications, smart contracts, and more. Content Creation: Whether it's writing for crypto bl

𝗛𝗼𝘄 𝘁𝗼 𝗚𝗲𝗻𝗲𝗿𝗮𝘁𝗲 $𝟱𝟬𝟬-$𝟮𝟬𝟬𝟬 𝗪𝗶𝘁𝗵𝗼𝘂𝘁 𝗧𝗿𝗮𝗱𝗶𝗻𝗴... 10 Ways

If you're looking to generate a steady income in the blockchain industry without engaging in trading, there are plenty of opportunities that tap into your skills and interests.
Here are some strategies you can consider:
1. Freelancing as a Blockchain Developer or Content Creator
Blockchain Developer: If you possess technical skills, there’s a huge demand for blockchain developers to build decentralized applications, smart contracts, and more.
Content Creation: Whether it's writing for crypto bl
Offcourse !!By far the best September for #Bitcoin ✅ Are we ready for UPTOBER? $BTC

Offcourse !!

By far the best September for #Bitcoin ✅
Are we ready for UPTOBER?
How to Spot Pumps and Dumps in Crypto: What Goes Up Must Come Down Pumps and dumps are a well-known phenomenon in the crypto world, and they can be tempting for traders looking to make quick profits. However, every sudden pump is almost always followed by a dump (retest), leaving inexperienced traders holding the bag if they aren't careful. Here’s a guide on how to spot these patterns, why they happen, and what to look out for. What Is a Pump and Dump? A pump-and-dump scheme involves inflating the price of a cryptocurrency artificially, usually by creating hyp

How to Spot Pumps and Dumps in Crypto: What Goes Up Must Come Down

Pumps and dumps are a well-known phenomenon in the crypto world, and they can be tempting for traders looking to make quick profits.
However, every sudden pump is almost always followed by a dump (retest), leaving inexperienced traders holding the bag if they aren't careful. Here’s a guide on how to spot these patterns, why they happen, and what to look out for.
What Is a Pump and Dump?
A pump-and-dump scheme involves inflating the price of a cryptocurrency artificially, usually by creating hyp
DONALD TRUMP GOES BIG ON #BITCOIN BIG BREKING 🚨 Donald Trump has made some bold claims about Bitcoin and crypto if he's elected president. He's promised that Bitcoin and crypto will "skyrocket like never before" under his leadership. This isn't the first time Trump has expressed support for crypto - he's also proposed creating a strategic Bitcoin reserve and vowed to end the "war on crypto" waged by the Biden administration . Trump's plans for crypto include making the US the "world capital for crypto and Bitcoin" and ensurin



Donald Trump has made some bold claims about Bitcoin and crypto if he's elected president. He's promised that Bitcoin and crypto will "skyrocket like never before" under his leadership.
This isn't the first time Trump has expressed support for crypto - he's also proposed creating a strategic Bitcoin reserve and vowed to end the "war on crypto" waged by the Biden administration .
Trump's plans for crypto include making the US the "world capital for crypto and Bitcoin" and ensurin
Buying Bitcoin feels like playing an emotional game of Jenga. One minute you're thinking, "Yes! I'm Buying Bitcoin feels like playing an emotional game of Jenga. One minute you're thinking, "Yes! I'm a genius! I'll sell at the peak and live large!" Then, out of nowhere, the price crashes, leaving you wondering if you just bought a bag of useless cat food. Selling? That's like trying to nail the perfect jump in Mario Kart. You're convinced, "I've mastered the market! I'll cash out at the top and ride off into crypto-wealth!" But suddenly, the price skyrockets, and you're left questioning if you

Buying Bitcoin feels like playing an emotional game of Jenga. One minute you're thinking, "Yes! I'm

Buying Bitcoin feels like playing an emotional game of Jenga. One minute you're thinking, "Yes! I'm a genius! I'll sell at the peak and live large!" Then, out of nowhere, the price crashes, leaving you wondering if you just bought a bag of useless cat food.
Selling? That's like trying to nail the perfect jump in Mario Kart. You're convinced, "I've mastered the market! I'll cash out at the top and ride off into crypto-wealth!" But suddenly, the price skyrockets, and you're left questioning if you
🚀 Is This the Perfect Time to Enter? Identify the Next Big Breakout in 3 Simple Steps! 🚀 Stay sharp, traders! Knowing when to enter or exit can make all the difference. Here’s a simple guide on how to master trend trading with three key types: Healthy Trend, Strong Trend, and Weak Trend. Each offers unique opportunities to maximize your profits. Let’s dive in! 🔍 🧠 1. Healthy Trend: The Perfect Balance In a Healthy Trend, prices consistently rise with pullbacks—perfect for buying the dip. Wait for the price to touch the 20MA and look for a reversal signal like a bullish engulfing c

🚀 Is This the Perfect Time to Enter? Identify the Next Big Breakout in 3 Simple Steps! 🚀

Stay sharp, traders! Knowing when to enter or exit can make all the difference. Here’s a simple guide on how to master trend trading with three key types: Healthy Trend, Strong Trend, and Weak Trend. Each offers unique opportunities to maximize your profits. Let’s dive in! 🔍
🧠 1. Healthy Trend: The Perfect Balance
In a Healthy Trend, prices consistently rise with pullbacks—perfect for buying the dip. Wait for the price to touch the 20MA and look for a reversal signal like a bullish engulfing c
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