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#GALA/USDT 🚀 🔺 Odtržení od sestupného trojúhelníku v denním časovém rámci 🧐 ✔️ Pokud se prolomení potvrdí, očekávejte 90-100% pohyb nahoru 📈 Vaše myšlenky na další velký krok $GALA? 💭👇 #altcoins #Megadrop #btc70k #MtGox #StartInvestingInCrypto Děkuji za přečtení článku. Nezapomeňte mě sledovat, abyste odebírali všechny nové příspěvky a články ☺️ ❤️ LIKE 🫂SLEDUJTE 🗳 DOTAZ NEBO SDÍLEJTE ⌨️ KOMENTÁŘ

🔺 Odtržení od sestupného trojúhelníku v denním časovém rámci 🧐

✔️ Pokud se prolomení potvrdí, očekávejte 90-100% pohyb nahoru 📈

Vaše myšlenky na další velký krok $GALA ? 💭👇

#altcoins #Megadrop #btc70k #MtGox #StartInvestingInCrypto
Děkuji za přečtení článku. Nezapomeňte mě sledovat, abyste odebírali všechny nové příspěvky a články ☺️ ❤️ LIKE 🫂SLEDUJTE 🗳 DOTAZ NEBO SDÍLEJTE ⌨️ KOMENTÁŘ
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Nový Solana Memecoin Pepe Bitcoin (PEPEBTC) exploduje o 14 000 % do 48 hodin – měli byste si ho koupit?Šílení memecoinů Solana pokračuje uprostřed větších memecoinů, jako je Shiba Inu (SHIB), Dogecoin (DOGE) a DogWifHat (WIF), které se v posledních týdnech obchodovaly stranou a ztrácely na síle. Pepe Bitcoin (PEPEBTC), nový memecoin Solana, který byl uveden na trh tento týden, je připraven v nadcházejících dnech explodovat o více než 14 000 %. V současné době lze Pepe Bitcoin zakoupit pouze prostřednictvím decentralizovaných burz Solana, jako je Jupiter a Raydium, a první investoři budou v nadcházejících dnech dosahovat obrovských výnosů. První investoři do SHIB a DOGE dosáhli astronomických výnosů a Pepe Bitcoin by se mohl stát dalším virálním memecoinem.

Nový Solana Memecoin Pepe Bitcoin (PEPEBTC) exploduje o 14 000 % do 48 hodin – měli byste si ho koupit?

Šílení memecoinů Solana pokračuje uprostřed větších memecoinů, jako je Shiba Inu (SHIB), Dogecoin (DOGE) a DogWifHat (WIF), které se v posledních týdnech obchodovaly stranou a ztrácely na síle.

Pepe Bitcoin (PEPEBTC), nový memecoin Solana, který byl uveden na trh tento týden, je připraven v nadcházejících dnech explodovat o více než 14 000 %.
V současné době lze Pepe Bitcoin zakoupit pouze prostřednictvím decentralizovaných burz Solana, jako je Jupiter a Raydium, a první investoři budou v nadcházejících dnech dosahovat obrovských výnosů.
První investoři do SHIB a DOGE dosáhli astronomických výnosů a Pepe Bitcoin by se mohl stát dalším virálním memecoinem.
Zobrazit originál
Top 3 altcoiny s 50x potenciálem: Bitgert, Notcoin & PepeV neustále se vyvíjejícím světě kryptoměn je identifikace altcoinů s potenciálem přinášet masivní výnosy náročným, ale vzrušujícím úsilím. Mezi nesčetnými digitálními aktivy si Bitgert, Notcoin a Pepe nedávno získaly pozornost pro své působivé vyhlídky růstu. Zde je bližší pohled na tyto tři slibné altcoiny, které by mohly potenciálně nabídnout 50x návratnost. Bitgert (BRISE) Bitgert se stal impozantním hráčem na trhu s kryptoměnami díky své inovativní technologii blockchainu a závazku k udržitelnosti. Hlavním lákadlem platformy je její vysokorychlostní blockchain schopný zpracovávat transakce nebývalou rychlostí s minimálními poplatky. Tato efektivita v kombinaci s robustním ekosystémem podporujícím DeFi, NFT a dApps staví Bitgert jako vysoce škálovatelné řešení pro vývojáře i uživatele. Strategická partnerství a neustálý vývoj společnosti Bitgert navíc vybudovaly silnou komunitu a rostoucí adopci, což z ní činí hlavního uchazeče o významné výnosy.

Top 3 altcoiny s 50x potenciálem: Bitgert, Notcoin & Pepe

V neustále se vyvíjejícím světě kryptoměn je identifikace altcoinů s potenciálem přinášet masivní výnosy náročným, ale vzrušujícím úsilím. Mezi nesčetnými digitálními aktivy si Bitgert, Notcoin a Pepe nedávno získaly pozornost pro své působivé vyhlídky růstu. Zde je bližší pohled na tyto tři slibné altcoiny, které by mohly potenciálně nabídnout 50x návratnost.
Bitgert (BRISE)
Bitgert se stal impozantním hráčem na trhu s kryptoměnami díky své inovativní technologii blockchainu a závazku k udržitelnosti. Hlavním lákadlem platformy je její vysokorychlostní blockchain schopný zpracovávat transakce nebývalou rychlostí s minimálními poplatky. Tato efektivita v kombinaci s robustním ekosystémem podporujícím DeFi, NFT a dApps staví Bitgert jako vysoce škálovatelné řešení pro vývojáře i uživatele. Strategická partnerství a neustálý vývoj společnosti Bitgert navíc vybudovaly silnou komunitu a rostoucí adopci, což z ní činí hlavního uchazeče o významné výnosy.
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Linea pokračuje po hacknutí na Velocore DEX odčerpá 10 milionů $Linea blockchain pokračuje po hacku ve výši 10 milionů dolarů na Velocore DEX a odhaluje probíhající bezpečnostní výzvy v kryptoměnách navzdory přísným auditům. Decentralizovaná burza (DEX) Velocore, která je postavena na blockchainech zkSync a Linea, byla hacknuta a bylo vyčerpáno přibližně 10 milionů dolarů. Blockchain Linea krátce přestal fungovat, ale od té doby obnovil normální provoz. Narušení bezpečnosti Velocore DEX a okamžité akce Hack ovlivnil tokeny poskytovatele likvidity společnosti Velocore, které jsou nezbytné pro její funkce, a v důsledku toho bylo do hlavní sítě Ethereum převedeno více než 700 ETH. Před incidentem bylo Velocore podrobeno bezpečnostním auditům společností jako Zokyo, Hacken a Scalebit.

Linea pokračuje po hacknutí na Velocore DEX odčerpá 10 milionů $

Linea blockchain pokračuje po hacku ve výši 10 milionů dolarů na Velocore DEX a odhaluje probíhající bezpečnostní výzvy v kryptoměnách navzdory přísným auditům.

Decentralizovaná burza (DEX) Velocore, která je postavena na blockchainech zkSync a Linea, byla hacknuta a bylo vyčerpáno přibližně 10 milionů dolarů. Blockchain Linea krátce přestal fungovat, ale od té doby obnovil normální provoz.
Narušení bezpečnosti Velocore DEX a okamžité akce
Hack ovlivnil tokeny poskytovatele likvidity společnosti Velocore, které jsou nezbytné pro její funkce, a v důsledku toho bylo do hlavní sítě Ethereum převedeno více než 700 ETH. Před incidentem bylo Velocore podrobeno bezpečnostním auditům společností jako Zokyo, Hacken a Scalebit.
Zobrazit originál
Analýza cen: BTC, ETH, BNB, SOL, XRP, DOGE, TON, SHIB, ADA, AVAXBitcoin a ether mohou strávit více času v rozmezí, než zahájí trendový pohyb. Bitcoin je již několik dní omezen na dosah, což naznačuje tahanici mezi býky a medvědy o nadvládu. Obchodní společnost Mosaic Asset věří, že „uvolnění finančních podmínek“ by mohlo podpořit obchodování s rizikem a bitcoin by mohl být na pokraji průlomu směrem vzhůru. Zakladatel a generální ředitel CryptoQuant Ki Young Ju v příspěvku na X řekl, že bitcoin zůstal v roce 2020 po dobu šesti měsíců blízko 10 000 USD s vysokou aktivitou v řetězci, než v roce 2021 raketově vyroste na 64 000 USD. Podobný trend byl pozorován v roce 2024 s „1 miliardou USD přidanou denně do nových velrybích peněženek, pravděpodobně do úschovy.“


Bitcoin a ether mohou strávit více času v rozmezí, než zahájí trendový pohyb.

Bitcoin je již několik dní omezen na dosah, což naznačuje tahanici mezi býky a medvědy o nadvládu. Obchodní společnost Mosaic Asset věří, že „uvolnění finančních podmínek“ by mohlo podpořit obchodování s rizikem a bitcoin by mohl být na pokraji průlomu směrem vzhůru.
Zakladatel a generální ředitel CryptoQuant Ki Young Ju v příspěvku na X řekl, že bitcoin zůstal v roce 2020 po dobu šesti měsíců blízko 10 000 USD s vysokou aktivitou v řetězci, než v roce 2021 raketově vyroste na 64 000 USD. Podobný trend byl pozorován v roce 2024 s „1 miliardou USD přidanou denně do nových velrybích peněženek, pravděpodobně do úschovy.“
Zobrazit originál
Mt. Gox převádí 42 830 BTC v tajemném pohybu 2,9 miliardy $: Týdenní shrnutí kryptoměnSvět kryptoměn zažívá v poslední době významný vývoj. Od regulačních posunů a pohybů trhu k technologickému pokroku a zapojení celebrit se krajina rychle vyvíjí. Pojďme se ponořit do některých z nejpozoruhodnějších událostí, včetně záhadného převodu 10 miliard dolarů z Mt. Gox. Spot Ether ETF schváleny uprostřed kontroverze SEC Kryptokomunita byla překvapena, když SEC Trading and Markets Division schválila více spotových Ether ETF. Toto rozhodnutí se lišilo od dřívějšího nesouhlasného postoje předsedy SEC Garyho Genslera, což naznačuje vnitřní posun v rámci SEC. Schválení, které bylo provedeno s využitím delegované pravomoci spíše než úplným hlasováním komise, vyvolalo otázky ohledně konzistentnosti regulačních přístupů v rámci komise.

Mt. Gox převádí 42 830 BTC v tajemném pohybu 2,9 miliardy $: Týdenní shrnutí kryptoměn

Svět kryptoměn zažívá v poslední době významný vývoj.
Od regulačních posunů a pohybů trhu k technologickému pokroku a zapojení celebrit se krajina rychle vyvíjí.
Pojďme se ponořit do některých z nejpozoruhodnějších událostí, včetně záhadného převodu 10 miliard dolarů z Mt. Gox.
Spot Ether ETF schváleny uprostřed kontroverze SEC
Kryptokomunita byla překvapena, když SEC Trading and Markets Division schválila více spotových Ether ETF. Toto rozhodnutí se lišilo od dřívějšího nesouhlasného postoje předsedy SEC Garyho Genslera, což naznačuje vnitřní posun v rámci SEC. Schválení, které bylo provedeno s využitím delegované pravomoci spíše než úplným hlasováním komise, vyvolalo otázky ohledně konzistentnosti regulačních přístupů v rámci komise.
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Cena dogecoinu: Whale Shifts 421M DOGE Sparking Cenové spekulaceCena dogecoinu vyrovnala část svých ztrát uprostřed masivních transakcí s velrybami ve výši 421 milionů DOGE. Čtěte dále a dozvíte se více o potenciálních budoucích pohybech DOGE. Cena dogecoinů dnes obnovila některé ze svých nedávných ztrát, ale masivní transakce s velrybami vyvolaly na trhu nové spekulace. Nedávná zpráva od Whale Alert, přední platformy pro sledování transakcí v řetězci, odhalila, že 421 milionů DOGE v hodnotě 6,61 milionů $ bylo přesunuto mezi neznámé peněženky. Tento významný převod vyvolal značný rozruch mezi investory a analytiky.

Cena dogecoinu: Whale Shifts 421M DOGE Sparking Cenové spekulace

Cena dogecoinu vyrovnala část svých ztrát uprostřed masivních transakcí s velrybami ve výši 421 milionů DOGE. Čtěte dále a dozvíte se více o potenciálních budoucích pohybech DOGE.

Cena dogecoinů dnes obnovila některé ze svých nedávných ztrát, ale masivní transakce s velrybami vyvolaly na trhu nové spekulace. Nedávná zpráva od Whale Alert, přední platformy pro sledování transakcí v řetězci, odhalila, že 421 milionů DOGE v hodnotě 6,61 milionů $ bylo přesunuto mezi neznámé peněženky. Tento významný převod vyvolal značný rozruch mezi investory a analytiky.
Zobrazit originál
Cena mincí Pepe klesá s tím, jak velryba pokračuje v dumpingu PEPE, co bude dál?Cena mincí Pepe klesá, protože významná velryba nadále vyhazuje velké množství PEPE, což vyvolává obavy trhu a spekulace o budoucí trajektorii mince. Cena Pepe Coin, meme mince s žabím tématem, nedávno dosáhla historického maxima a přitáhla značnou pozornost. Tento cenový nárůst se však setkal s vlnou vybírání zisků ze strany hlavních držitelů, což vedlo k výraznému poklesu jeho hodnoty. Zejména jedna velryba aktivně vyhazovala velké množství PEPE, což vyvolalo obavy a spekulace o budoucí trajektorii mince.

Cena mincí Pepe klesá s tím, jak velryba pokračuje v dumpingu PEPE, co bude dál?

Cena mincí Pepe klesá, protože významná velryba nadále vyhazuje velké množství PEPE, což vyvolává obavy trhu a spekulace o budoucí trajektorii mince.

Cena Pepe Coin, meme mince s žabím tématem, nedávno dosáhla historického maxima a přitáhla značnou pozornost. Tento cenový nárůst se však setkal s vlnou vybírání zisků ze strany hlavních držitelů, což vedlo k výraznému poklesu jeho hodnoty. Zejména jedna velryba aktivně vyhazovala velké množství PEPE, což vyvolalo obavy a spekulace o budoucí trajektorii mince.
Crypto Analyst Shares $2,000 Portfolio Recommendation: Pinpoints 5 Meme Coins, Including Pepe Coin, In a tweet, renowned analyst Ardizor shared his advice for a friend looking to start investing in cryptocurrencies with a $2,000 budget. The portfolio recommendation consists of five tokens: Pepe (PEPE), Ponke (PONKE), Mog Coin (MOG), Myro (MYRO), and Brett (BRETT). Ardizor suggests allocating the funds as follows: $600 in PEPE, $400 each in PONKE and MOG, and $300 each in MYRO and BRETT. Pepe (PEPE) – $600 Allocation Pepe, the largest allocation in Ardizor’s recommended portfolio, is currently trading at $0.00001474, up 10.07% in the last 24 hours. The token’s price has ranged from a low of $0.00001319 to a high of $0.00001503 during this period. Despite being 15.22% below its all-time high of $0.00001718 reached on May 27, 2024, Pepe remains a strong contender in the meme coin space. Ponke (PONKE) – $400 Allocation Ponke, the second-largest allocation, is currently trading at $0.4295, up 4.47% in the last 24 hours. The token’s price has fluctuated between a low of $0.3997 and a high of $0.4893. Ponke is currently 25.47% below its all-time high of $0.5763, which was reached on May 27, 2024. Mog Coin (MOG) – $400 Allocation Mog Coin, another $400 allocation in the portfolio, is trading at $0.000001268, up 4.47% in the last 24 hours. The token’s price has ranged from a low of $0.000001164 to a high of $0.00000154. Mog Coin is currently 29.21% below its all-time high of $0.000001794, which was reached on May 29, 2024. New Meme Coin to Watch Aiming to be Next $BONK, $WIF or $MEW Milei Moneda is a new meme coin inspired by the political and economic views of Javier Milei, an Argentine president known for his libertarian and pro-Bitcoin stance. You have an opportunity with the ongoing low presale price to get in early! Myro (MYRO) – $300 Allocation Myro, one of the two $300 allocations in the portfolio, is currently trading at $0.2533, up 1.45% in the last 24 hours. The token’s price has moved between a low of $0.2439 and a high of $0.2656. Myro is currently 43.24% below its all-time high of $0.4465, which was reached on March 9, 2024. Brett (BRETT) – $300 Allocation Brett, the final $300 allocation in Ardizor’s recommended portfolio, is trading at $0.08825, up 4.38% in the last 24 hours. The token’s price has ranged from a low of $0.08392 to a high of $0.09755. Brett is currently 9.02% below its all-time high of $0.09755, which was reached just 14 hours ago on May 30, 2024. Ardizor’s diverse portfolio recommendation, spanning across various tokens with different market caps and growth potentials, aims to provide a balanced approach for investors looking to capitalize on the cryptocurrency market’s potential gains by 2025. #altcoins #btc70k #FIT21 #FIT21 #Megadrop #pepe⚡ Thank you for reading the article. Do not forget to follow me to receive all new posts and articles ☺️ ❤️LIKE 🫂FOLLOW 🗳REQUOTE OR RESHARE ⌨️ COMMENT

Crypto Analyst Shares $2,000 Portfolio Recommendation: Pinpoints 5 Meme Coins, Including Pepe Coin,

In a tweet, renowned analyst Ardizor shared his advice for a friend looking to start investing in cryptocurrencies with a $2,000 budget. The portfolio recommendation consists of five tokens: Pepe (PEPE), Ponke (PONKE), Mog Coin (MOG), Myro (MYRO), and Brett (BRETT).
Ardizor suggests allocating the funds as follows: $600 in PEPE, $400 each in PONKE and MOG, and $300 each in MYRO and BRETT.
Pepe (PEPE) – $600 Allocation
Pepe, the largest allocation in Ardizor’s recommended portfolio, is currently trading at $0.00001474, up 10.07% in the last 24 hours. The token’s price has ranged from a low of $0.00001319 to a high of $0.00001503 during this period.
Despite being 15.22% below its all-time high of $0.00001718 reached on May 27, 2024, Pepe remains a strong contender in the meme coin space.
Ponke (PONKE) – $400 Allocation
Ponke, the second-largest allocation, is currently trading at $0.4295, up 4.47% in the last 24 hours.
The token’s price has fluctuated between a low of $0.3997 and a high of $0.4893. Ponke is currently 25.47% below its all-time high of $0.5763, which was reached on May 27, 2024.
Mog Coin (MOG) – $400 Allocation
Mog Coin, another $400 allocation in the portfolio, is trading at $0.000001268, up 4.47% in the last 24 hours.
The token’s price has ranged from a low of $0.000001164 to a high of $0.00000154. Mog Coin is currently 29.21% below its all-time high of $0.000001794, which was reached on May 29, 2024.
New Meme Coin to Watch Aiming to be Next $BONK, $WIF or $MEW
Milei Moneda is a new meme coin inspired by the political and economic views of Javier Milei, an Argentine president known for his libertarian and pro-Bitcoin stance. You have an opportunity with the ongoing low presale price to get in early!
Myro (MYRO) – $300 Allocation
Myro, one of the two $300 allocations in the portfolio, is currently trading at $0.2533, up 1.45% in the last 24 hours.
The token’s price has moved between a low of $0.2439 and a high of $0.2656. Myro is currently 43.24% below its all-time high of $0.4465, which was reached on March 9, 2024.
Brett (BRETT) – $300 Allocation
Brett, the final $300 allocation in Ardizor’s recommended portfolio, is trading at $0.08825, up 4.38% in the last 24 hours.
The token’s price has ranged from a low of $0.08392 to a high of $0.09755. Brett is currently 9.02% below its all-time high of $0.09755, which was reached just 14 hours ago on May 30, 2024.
Ardizor’s diverse portfolio recommendation, spanning across various tokens with different market caps and growth potentials, aims to provide a balanced approach for investors looking to capitalize on the cryptocurrency market’s potential gains by 2025.
#altcoins #btc70k #FIT21 #FIT21 #Megadrop #pepe⚡
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Pepe Whale Profits Nearly $5 Million Despite Token’s Price DropOne Pepe token whale has made a one month profit of almost $5 million despite the token crashing by more than 17% from its record high. The whale with wallet address “0x546” sold 660.7 billion tokens of PEPE at the value of $9.52 million and sent them to Binance. Lookonchain reported that this move rendered a 52% return on investment (ROI). Following this major transaction, the whale’s wallet now holds only $161,449 in cryptocurrency. The price of $PEPE has fallen nearly 20% from its peak. In the past 10 minutes, a whale deposited all 660.7B $PEPE($9.52M) bought a month ago into #Binance, making ~$4.95M, with an ROI of 52%. — Lookonchain (@lookonchain) May 30, 2024 In a tweet by crypto analyst Davie Satoshi on X, the current position of the Pepe token (PEPE) might actually be a wave 4 of a major wave 3. Normally, wave 4 should be a triangle pattern and take place in the position of 23-30% correction. Wave 4 according to Satoshi is really hard to diagnose and assess and has the effect of causing a lot of confusion among investors. If market actions in the coming days tend to look confusing it will add the presence of wave 4. One possible count for $PEPE is that we are currently in wave 4 of this major wave 3. Typically, wave 4 tends to be a triangle pattern and corrects about 23-30%. In general, I hate wave 4's because the are the hardest wave to gauge and evaluate. If the action over the next few… — davie satoshi (@NFTdavie) May 30, 2024 Satoshi brings out the fact that wave four is characterized by uncertainty and one should avoid trading during this period, as the waves may appear in various forms. He notes that wave 4 usually contains many patterns, parameters, and types of movement, thus making it very difficult for investors to determine when the market trends are going to change. Fluctuations characteristic to memecoins such as Pepe can result in incredible profits; however, they also mean that investors take significant risks. Hence, investors should be careful and ensure they are informed of such investments as they have high risks involved. $PEPE is currently trading at a price of $0.00001432, with a 1.9% price drop as per Coinmarketcap data. #pepe⚡ #altcoins #ETHETFsApproved #btc70k #Megadrop Thank you for reading the article. Do not forget to follow me to receive all new posts and articles ☺️ ❤️LIKE 🫂FOLLOW 🗳REQUOTE OR RESHARE ⌨️ COMMENT

Pepe Whale Profits Nearly $5 Million Despite Token’s Price Drop

One Pepe token whale has made a one month profit of almost $5 million despite the token crashing by more than 17% from its record high. The whale with wallet address “0x546” sold 660.7 billion tokens of PEPE at the value of $9.52 million and sent them to Binance. Lookonchain reported that this move rendered a 52% return on investment (ROI). Following this major transaction, the whale’s wallet now holds only $161,449 in cryptocurrency.
The price of $PEPE has fallen nearly 20% from its peak.

In the past 10 minutes, a whale deposited all 660.7B $PEPE ($9.52M) bought a month ago into #Binance, making ~$4.95M, with an ROI of 52%.
— Lookonchain (@lookonchain) May 30, 2024
In a tweet by crypto analyst Davie Satoshi on X, the current position of the Pepe token (PEPE) might actually be a wave 4 of a major wave 3. Normally, wave 4 should be a triangle pattern and take place in the position of 23-30% correction. Wave 4 according to Satoshi is really hard to diagnose and assess and has the effect of causing a lot of confusion among investors. If market actions in the coming days tend to look confusing it will add the presence of wave 4.
One possible count for $PEPE is that we are currently in wave 4 of this major wave 3.

Typically, wave 4 tends to be a triangle pattern and corrects about 23-30%. In general, I hate wave 4's because the are the hardest wave to gauge and evaluate. If the action over the next few…
— davie satoshi (@NFTdavie) May 30, 2024

Satoshi brings out the fact that wave four is characterized by uncertainty and one should avoid trading during this period, as the waves may appear in various forms. He notes that wave 4 usually contains many patterns, parameters, and types of movement, thus making it very difficult for investors to determine when the market trends are going to change.
Fluctuations characteristic to memecoins such as Pepe can result in incredible profits; however, they also mean that investors take significant risks. Hence, investors should be careful and ensure they are informed of such investments as they have high risks involved.
$PEPE is currently trading at a price of $0.00001432, with a 1.9% price drop as per Coinmarketcap data.

#pepe⚡ #altcoins #ETHETFsApproved #btc70k #Megadrop
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Nový memecoin Degen Doge (DEGDOGE) exploduje o 14 000 % do 48 hodinŠílení memecoinů Solana pokračuje uprostřed větších memecoinů, jako je Shiba Inu (SHIB), Dogecoin (DOGE) a DogWifHat (WIF), které se v posledních týdnech obchodovaly stranou a ztrácely na síle. Degen Doge (DEGDOGE), nový memecoin Solana, který byl uveden na trh tento týden, je připraven explodovat v nadcházejících dnech o více než 14 000 %. V současné době lze Degen Doge zakoupit pouze prostřednictvím decentralizovaných burz Solana, jako je Jupiter a Raydium, a první investoři budou v nadcházejících dnech dosahovat obrovských výnosů. První investoři do SHIB a DOGE dosáhli astronomických výnosů a Degen Doge se mohl stát dalším virálním memecoinem.

Nový memecoin Degen Doge (DEGDOGE) exploduje o 14 000 % do 48 hodin

Šílení memecoinů Solana pokračuje uprostřed větších memecoinů, jako je Shiba Inu (SHIB), Dogecoin (DOGE) a DogWifHat (WIF), které se v posledních týdnech obchodovaly stranou a ztrácely na síle.

Degen Doge (DEGDOGE), nový memecoin Solana, který byl uveden na trh tento týden, je připraven explodovat v nadcházejících dnech o více než 14 000 %.
V současné době lze Degen Doge zakoupit pouze prostřednictvím decentralizovaných burz Solana, jako je Jupiter a Raydium, a první investoři budou v nadcházejících dnech dosahovat obrovských výnosů.
První investoři do SHIB a DOGE dosáhli astronomických výnosů a Degen Doge se mohl stát dalším virálním memecoinem.
Memecoins dominate crypto open interest charts taking 4 out of top 10 spotsThe memecoin frenzy has been the buzz of the crypto community this bull season. Pepe and WIF have surged into the top 20 cryptocurrencies by market capitalization within a year of their public launch. These memecoins have gained significant traction in the crypto leverage market, where traders either go short or long on their prices. Four out of the top 10 cryptocurrencies by open interest (OI) are memecoins, with Pepe (PEPE) leading the charge with $812.6 million in OI and nearly half of Solana’s (SOL) $1.7 billion in OI. Apart from Pepe, Dogecoin (DOGE), Bonk (BONK), and Dogwifhat (WIF) also made it to the top 10. Bitcoin (BTC) is leading the chart with $11.1 billion in OI, followed by Ethereum (ETH) with $9.15 billion. Another thing to note is the significant difference in OI from top to bottom. Bitcoin's OI is $11 billion, while the tenth-placed Near Protocol (NEAR) has only $230 million in OI, indicating the major difference in traders’ interest. The recent rise in OI for memecoins comes from its bullish momentum over the past couple of weeks when Pepe hit a new all-time high while WIF reached a new multi-week high above $3.30. Open Interest refers to the total amount of pending derivative contracts that have not yet been settled. In a futures contract, for every seller, a buyer is required to settle the contract. A contract is deemed “open” from the moment it is opened by the buyer or seller until it is closed by the counterparty. OI increases when new contracts are added and decreases when contracts are settled. In contrast to the trading volume, OI is continuous data. A growing OI indicates bullish momentum in the market as leverage traders open more contracts in anticipation of price momentum. Despite the surge in the prices of memecoins and the rise in OI, the funding rates remained negative for the memecoins across crypto exchanges. Funding rates represent the cost of holding a position in a perpetual swap or futures contract relative to the asset’s spot price. Positive funding rates indicate a bullish market sentiment while a negative funding rate indicates a bearish sentiment. #PEPE‏ #EarnFreeCrypto2024 #ETHETFsApproved #FIT21 #altcoins Thank you for reading the article. Do not forget to follow me to receive all new posts and articles ☺️ ❤️LIKE 🫂FOLLOW 🗳REQUOTE OR RESHARE ⌨️ COMMENT

Memecoins dominate crypto open interest charts taking 4 out of top 10 spots

The memecoin frenzy has been the buzz of the crypto community this bull season. Pepe and WIF have surged into the top 20 cryptocurrencies by market capitalization within a year of their public launch.
These memecoins have gained significant traction in the crypto leverage market, where traders either go short or long on their prices.
Four out of the top 10 cryptocurrencies by open interest (OI) are memecoins, with Pepe (PEPE) leading the charge with $812.6 million in OI and nearly half of Solana’s (SOL) $1.7 billion in OI.
Apart from Pepe, Dogecoin (DOGE), Bonk (BONK), and Dogwifhat (WIF) also made it to the top 10. Bitcoin (BTC) is leading the chart with $11.1 billion in OI, followed by Ethereum (ETH) with $9.15 billion.

Another thing to note is the significant difference in OI from top to bottom. Bitcoin's OI is $11 billion, while the tenth-placed Near Protocol (NEAR) has only $230 million in OI, indicating the major difference in traders’ interest.
The recent rise in OI for memecoins comes from its bullish momentum over the past couple of weeks when Pepe hit a new all-time high while WIF reached a new multi-week high above $3.30.
Open Interest refers to the total amount of pending derivative contracts that have not yet been settled. In a futures contract, for every seller, a buyer is required to settle the contract.
A contract is deemed “open” from the moment it is opened by the buyer or seller until it is closed by the counterparty. OI increases when new contracts are added and decreases when contracts are settled. In contrast to the trading volume, OI is continuous data.
A growing OI indicates bullish momentum in the market as leverage traders open more contracts in anticipation of price momentum.
Despite the surge in the prices of memecoins and the rise in OI, the funding rates remained negative for the memecoins across crypto exchanges.
Funding rates represent the cost of holding a position in a perpetual swap or futures contract relative to the asset’s spot price. Positive funding rates indicate a bullish market sentiment while a negative funding rate indicates a bearish sentiment.
#PEPE‏ #EarnFreeCrypto2024 #ETHETFsApproved #FIT21 #altcoins
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Cenová akce PEPE: Směřujeme k tvrdé konsolidaci?Cena PEPE dosáhla rekordního maxima 27. května, což bylo způsobeno schválením klíčových přihlášek Ether ETF v USA. Cena vzrostla o 7,60% a dosáhla 0,00001725 $, což je 88% nárůst od doby, kdy SEC schválila přihlášky ETF. Navzdory prudkému nárůstu zůstává technický výhled PEPE medvědí kvůli pokračujícímu vybírání zisků velkých investorů. Cenová akce Pepeho ($PEPE ) nebyla nic menšího než velkolepá. 27. května cena PEPE vzrostla na rekordní maximum, což bylo způsobeno nedávným schválením klíčových evidencí Ethereum exchange-traded fondu (ETF) v USA, nicméně investoři se obávají, že by se cena mohla konsolidovat, než dosáhnou jakýchkoli dalších zisků.

Cenová akce PEPE: Směřujeme k tvrdé konsolidaci?

Cena PEPE dosáhla rekordního maxima 27. května, což bylo způsobeno schválením klíčových přihlášek Ether ETF v USA.
Cena vzrostla o 7,60% a dosáhla 0,00001725 $, což je 88% nárůst od doby, kdy SEC schválila přihlášky ETF.
Navzdory prudkému nárůstu zůstává technický výhled PEPE medvědí kvůli pokračujícímu vybírání zisků velkých investorů.
Cenová akce Pepeho ($PEPE ) nebyla nic menšího než velkolepá. 27. května cena PEPE vzrostla na rekordní maximum, což bylo způsobeno nedávným schválením klíčových evidencí Ethereum exchange-traded fondu (ETF) v USA, nicméně investoři se obávají, že by se cena mohla konsolidovat, než dosáhnou jakýchkoli dalších zisků.
Best Meme Coins To Invest In Today Sunday, May 26 – King Shiba, PepeSoraAI, Smog, AstroPepeXNews of the Ethereum ETF approval has caused a frenzy in the crypto market. This fanfare has trickled into the meme coin category, increasing demand for meme-based tokens. Analysts have predicted that Ethereum-based meme coins would experience a significant upsurge. In line with this positive outlook, the market’s total market cap has reached $60 billion. Trading volumes paint an even more impressive picture, with meme coin transaction activity exceeding $9.4 billion in the last 24 hours alone. This marks a 40% surge in volume compared to the previous day. Best Meme Coins To Invest In Today Today’s examination of the top meme coins to monitor includes PepeSoraAI, King Shiba, and AstroPepeX. We also analyze a new token, Smog, which is currently making waves amidst the Ether ETF approval. We will delve into recent developments, market trends, and other factors contributing to the upward trajectory of these meme tokens. Pepe Sora AI combines artificial intelligence with blockchain technology, revolutionizing digital asset interaction. Meanwhile, promotes secure and efficient transactions through blockchain technology. The multichain developer app by AstroPeX enables users to create tokens on seven blockchains using ChatGPT AI. 1. Smog (SMOG) SMOG is currently valued at $0.05092 per token and has witnessed a notable uptick in trading activity over the past 24 hours. Meanwhile, its price surged by 1.1% over the previous 24 hours before retracting by 4%. This upswing builds on a 6.56% increase since Smog’s launch. The project launched its second season of airdrops on April 4th. This ongoing campaign evaluates SMOG holders’ on-chain engagement since the token’s inception. Also, participants are rewarded for completing community challenges through the second season’s questboard on Zealy. Investors are encouraged to consider trading SMOG to optimize their XP gains. It also enables them to engage in challenges hosted on Zealy to earn rewards. Furthermore, SMOG’s recent performance reflects positive market sentiment. This is supported by its innovative approach to incentivizing token holders. It also incorporates several features that promote community participation, including a massive airdrop. This strategy aims to enhance user engagement and reward active contributors within the SMOG ecosystem. 2. AstroPepeX (APX) AstroPepeX (APX) is an innovative Binance and Ethereum blockchain token. It introduces a groundbreaking concept to cryptocurrencies by being entirely AI-generated. Its creation without human interference ensures APX remains free from biases and manipulation. Furthermore, the mission of the APX community is to integrate AI into Ethereum’s development process. This dedication to AI-driven solutions and innovation positions AstroPepeX as a compelling and forward-looking project. It provides investment opportunities in the crypto space, symbolizing a leap into the future of decentralized finance. Moreover, the project provides utilities to its users and other tokens through its AI-powered token development feature. The multichain developer app by AstroPeX enables users to create tokens on seven blockchains using ChatGPT AI. The creation process is straightforward and entails only a few steps. Users input their ideas and requirements, and the app generates and publishes the token code. In its latest announcement on Twitter, APX revealed the launch of the project’s v2. This version includes: Free GPT 3.5/DALLE-2 deploysIntroduction of new token types (anti-whale)On-chain emission of imagesAutomatic contract verificationCompatibility with EVM networks and SolanaSupport for BitTensorEnhanced responsesRedesigned UI Furthermore, APX has teased a forthcoming strategic partnership set to elevate the project to new heights. The token’s Fear and Greed Index shows 82 (Extreme Greed). It has also displayed 15 green days in the last 30 days. APX is trading at $0.0001188 reflecting a 58.66% increase over the last seven days. 3. King Shiba (KINGSHIBA) King Shiba token is a decentralized digital currency. It draws inspiration from. Japanese lore and operates on the Binance Chain network. The token’s uniqueness lies in its distinctive deflationary mechanism reward system. Furthermore, the coin promotes secure and efficient transactions through blockchain technology. It seeks to develop a decentralization project that gives users greater control while ensuring transparency. This feature gives it an edge over conventional banking systems. A notable aspect of the project is its rewards system. It allocates token holders a percentage of each transaction, creating a potential passive income stream. The project also integrates decentralization, accessibility, security, intrinsic value, and a rewards system to potentially attract investors. Moreover, KINGSHIBA’s inherent significance strengthens the token, making it scarce. This feature aims to increase the token’s value and ensures it keeps appreciating over time. It allows staking and farming which enables the holder to earn passive income. Meanwhile, the project operates on a community governance strategy. The token holders constitute the DAO which ensures the development of utilities for the token. The King Shiba has undergone a full audit, its contract has been renounced, and liquidity has been locked forever. Moreover, it partnered with Chainlink to further give the token more exposure. King Shiba’s remarkable performance is noteworthy, exhibiting an 11.20% price increase in the last seven days. The price of King KINGSHIB stands at $0.003626, reflecting a 9.80% price surge in the last 24 hours and a YTD increase of 18.20%. 2. PepeSoraAI (PEPESORA) Pepe Sora AI merges artificial intelligence with blockchain technology. The platform aims to innovate how users engage with digital assets, particularly decentralized finance (DeFi). The project leverages advanced AI algorithms to provide intelligent solutions tailored to market needs. Furthermore, Pepe Sora AI utilizes the Sora blockchain platform. The project aspires to usher in a new era of digital innovation, breaking boundaries and fostering creativity within the community. One distinctive feature of the meme coin is its AI-powered solutions, offering personalized recommendations, predictive analytics, and automated trading strategies. The algorithms continuously optimize performance. This enables users to maximize returns and explore new market opportunities. Moreover, PEPESORA’s DAO feature allows community participation in decision-making through on-chain voting mechanisms. Furthermore, Pepe Sora AI employs robust measures. These measures include encryption protocols, multi-signature wallets, and smart contract auditing. The project thrives on community-driven development, encouraging collaboration through initiatives, hackathons, and developer grants. PEPESORA token’s recent listing on different platforms saw price and market capitalization fluctuations but surged in trading volume, indicating heightened market activity. The project has also collaborated with various platforms to expand its reach and incentivize its ecosystem. The token is trading at $0.0001233 indicating a 24 hours uptick of 35%. It is also trading above its 200-day SMA and has posted 20 green days in the last 30. PEPESORA trades 20% higher than last week and 115% higher than last month. #PEPE‏ #ETHETFsApproved #FIT21 #altcoins #btc70k Thank you for reading the article. Do not forget to follow me to receive all new posts and articles ☺️ ❤️LIKE 🫂FOLLOW 🗳REQUOTE OR RESHARE ⌨️ COMMENT

Best Meme Coins To Invest In Today Sunday, May 26 – King Shiba, PepeSoraAI, Smog, AstroPepeX

News of the Ethereum ETF approval has caused a frenzy in the crypto market. This fanfare has trickled into the meme coin category, increasing demand for meme-based tokens. Analysts have predicted that Ethereum-based meme coins would experience a significant upsurge.
In line with this positive outlook, the market’s total market cap has reached $60 billion. Trading volumes paint an even more impressive picture, with meme coin transaction activity exceeding $9.4 billion in the last 24 hours alone. This marks a 40% surge in volume compared to the previous day.
Best Meme Coins To Invest In Today
Today’s examination of the top meme coins to monitor includes PepeSoraAI, King Shiba, and AstroPepeX. We also analyze a new token, Smog, which is currently making waves amidst the Ether ETF approval. We will delve into recent developments, market trends, and other factors contributing to the upward trajectory of these meme tokens.
Pepe Sora AI combines artificial intelligence with blockchain technology, revolutionizing digital asset interaction. Meanwhile, promotes secure and efficient transactions through blockchain technology. The multichain developer app by AstroPeX enables users to create tokens on seven blockchains using ChatGPT AI.
1. Smog (SMOG)
SMOG is currently valued at $0.05092 per token and has witnessed a notable uptick in trading activity over the past 24 hours. Meanwhile, its price surged by 1.1% over the previous 24 hours before retracting by 4%. This upswing builds on a 6.56% increase since Smog’s launch.
The project launched its second season of airdrops on April 4th. This ongoing campaign evaluates SMOG holders’ on-chain engagement since the token’s inception. Also, participants are rewarded for completing community challenges through the second season’s questboard on Zealy.
Investors are encouraged to consider trading SMOG to optimize their XP gains. It also enables them to engage in challenges hosted on Zealy to earn rewards. Furthermore, SMOG’s recent performance reflects positive market sentiment.
This is supported by its innovative approach to incentivizing token holders. It also incorporates several features that promote community participation, including a massive airdrop. This strategy aims to enhance user engagement and reward active contributors within the SMOG ecosystem.
2. AstroPepeX (APX)
AstroPepeX (APX) is an innovative Binance and Ethereum blockchain token. It introduces a groundbreaking concept to cryptocurrencies by being entirely AI-generated. Its creation without human interference ensures APX remains free from biases and manipulation.
Furthermore, the mission of the APX community is to integrate AI into Ethereum’s development process. This dedication to AI-driven solutions and innovation positions AstroPepeX as a compelling and forward-looking project. It provides investment opportunities in the crypto space, symbolizing a leap into the future of decentralized finance.
Moreover, the project provides utilities to its users and other tokens through its AI-powered token development feature. The multichain developer app by AstroPeX enables users to create tokens on seven blockchains using ChatGPT AI. The creation process is straightforward and entails only a few steps. Users input their ideas and requirements, and the app generates and publishes the token code.

In its latest announcement on Twitter, APX revealed the launch of the project’s v2. This version includes:

Free GPT 3.5/DALLE-2 deploysIntroduction of new token types (anti-whale)On-chain emission of imagesAutomatic contract verificationCompatibility with EVM networks and SolanaSupport for BitTensorEnhanced responsesRedesigned UI
Furthermore, APX has teased a forthcoming strategic partnership set to elevate the project to new heights. The token’s Fear and Greed Index shows 82 (Extreme Greed). It has also displayed 15 green days in the last 30 days. APX is trading at $0.0001188 reflecting a 58.66% increase over the last seven days.
3. King Shiba (KINGSHIBA)
King Shiba token is a decentralized digital currency. It draws inspiration from. Japanese lore and operates on the Binance Chain network. The token’s uniqueness lies in its distinctive deflationary mechanism reward system.
Furthermore, the coin promotes secure and efficient transactions through blockchain technology. It seeks to develop a decentralization project that gives users greater control while ensuring transparency. This feature gives it an edge over conventional banking systems.

A notable aspect of the project is its rewards system. It allocates token holders a percentage of each transaction, creating a potential passive income stream. The project also integrates decentralization, accessibility, security, intrinsic value, and a rewards system to potentially attract investors.

Moreover, KINGSHIBA’s inherent significance strengthens the token, making it scarce. This feature aims to increase the token’s value and ensures it keeps appreciating over time. It allows staking and farming which enables the holder to earn passive income.
Meanwhile, the project operates on a community governance strategy. The token holders constitute the DAO which ensures the development of utilities for the token. The King Shiba has undergone a full audit, its contract has been renounced, and liquidity has been locked forever.

Moreover, it partnered with Chainlink to further give the token more exposure. King Shiba’s remarkable performance is noteworthy, exhibiting an 11.20% price increase in the last seven days. The price of King KINGSHIB stands at $0.003626, reflecting a 9.80% price surge in the last 24 hours and a YTD increase of 18.20%.
2. PepeSoraAI (PEPESORA)
Pepe Sora AI merges artificial intelligence with blockchain technology. The platform aims to innovate how users engage with digital assets, particularly decentralized finance (DeFi). The project leverages advanced AI algorithms to provide intelligent solutions tailored to market needs.
Furthermore, Pepe Sora AI utilizes the Sora blockchain platform. The project aspires to usher in a new era of digital innovation, breaking boundaries and fostering creativity within the community. One distinctive feature of the meme coin is its AI-powered solutions, offering personalized recommendations, predictive analytics, and automated trading strategies.
The algorithms continuously optimize performance. This enables users to maximize returns and explore new market opportunities. Moreover, PEPESORA’s DAO feature allows community participation in decision-making through on-chain voting mechanisms.

Furthermore, Pepe Sora AI employs robust measures. These measures include encryption protocols, multi-signature wallets, and smart contract auditing. The project thrives on community-driven development, encouraging collaboration through initiatives, hackathons, and developer grants.
PEPESORA token’s recent listing on different platforms saw price and market capitalization fluctuations but surged in trading volume, indicating heightened market activity. The project has also collaborated with various platforms to expand its reach and incentivize its ecosystem.
The token is trading at $0.0001233 indicating a 24 hours uptick of 35%. It is also trading above its 200-day SMA and has posted 20 green days in the last 30. PEPESORA trades 20% higher than last week and 115% higher than last month.
#PEPE‏ #ETHETFsApproved #FIT21 #altcoins #btc70k
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Investice Spotlight 2024: Prozkoumání 34,5 milionů dolarů získaných společností BlockDAG, plus statistiky o Hedera a Pepe CoinMilovníci kryptoměn neustále hledají ty nejslibnější investiční příležitosti. Tento článek se ponoří do tří hlavních hráčů ve světě kryptoměn: Hedera (HBAR), Pepe (PEPE) a BlockDAG (BDAG). Každá z těchto kryptoměn přináší na stůl odlišné vlastnosti a růstový potenciál. Naše analýza zváží jejich jedinečné výhody, vliv aplikací pro těžbu kryptoměn pro Android, nejnovější partnerství společnosti Hedera a kolísající ceny Pepe. Hedera (HBAR): Inovace s klíčovými partnerstvími

Investice Spotlight 2024: Prozkoumání 34,5 milionů dolarů získaných společností BlockDAG, plus statistiky o Hedera a Pepe Coin

Milovníci kryptoměn neustále hledají ty nejslibnější investiční příležitosti. Tento článek se ponoří do tří hlavních hráčů ve světě kryptoměn: Hedera (HBAR), Pepe (PEPE) a BlockDAG (BDAG). Každá z těchto kryptoměn přináší na stůl odlišné vlastnosti a růstový potenciál. Naše analýza zváží jejich jedinečné výhody, vliv aplikací pro těžbu kryptoměn pro Android, nejnovější partnerství společnosti Hedera a kolísající ceny Pepe.
Hedera (HBAR): Inovace s klíčovými partnerstvími
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Shytoshi Kusama, hlavní vývojář Shiba Inu, naráží na SHIB Spot ETFStále živá komunita Shiba Inu bzučí vzrušením, protože člen týmu projektu a hlavní vývojář, Shytoshi Kusama, znovu podnítil diskusi o SHIB Spot ETF. Tento vtip přichází uprostřed rostoucího nadšení kolem schválení Ethereum Spot ETF Komisí pro cenné papíry a burzy Spojených států (SEC) ve čtvrtek 23. Shiba Inu Lead Dev Sparks SHIB Spot ETFs Diskuze Náznak Shytoshi Kusamy na platformě X (dříve Twitter) podnítil zájem a důvěru mezi investory a nadšenci Shiba Inu, což naznačuje, že projekt se může připravovat na velký posun v odvětví kryptoměn.

Shytoshi Kusama, hlavní vývojář Shiba Inu, naráží na SHIB Spot ETF

Stále živá komunita Shiba Inu bzučí vzrušením, protože člen týmu projektu a hlavní vývojář, Shytoshi Kusama, znovu podnítil diskusi o SHIB Spot ETF. Tento vtip přichází uprostřed rostoucího nadšení kolem schválení Ethereum Spot ETF Komisí pro cenné papíry a burzy Spojených států (SEC) ve čtvrtek 23.
Shiba Inu Lead Dev Sparks SHIB Spot ETFs Diskuze
Náznak Shytoshi Kusamy na platformě X (dříve Twitter) podnítil zájem a důvěru mezi investory a nadšenci Shiba Inu, což naznačuje, že projekt se může připravovat na velký posun v odvětví kryptoměn.
Massive Crypto Bull Market INCOMING! 💰 Best Cryptos for 25-50X GainsThe crypto market is on the cusp of a remarkable surge, with potential exponential returns for savvy investors. Certain cryptocurrencies stand out, promising substantial growth, and this article dives into those poised for 25-50 times gains. As the bull run of 2024 gains momentum, understanding which coins could lead the pack is crucial for anyone looking to capitalize on this financial wave. This analysis offers insights on top contenders that could redefine investment portfolios with their upcoming rise. BlastUP Presale: A Beacon of Predictability in the Volatile Crypto Space Presale tokens are immune to market’s wild swings with their price pinned to a certain level. Predictability is one of the key benefits of presale projects such as BlastUP. BlastUP is the first launchpad on Blast, the only Layer 2 solution with native yield for ETH and stablecoins. In just a few weeks of its presale, this platform has raised over $6 million which speaks much for its wide recognition among savvy investors. The presale of BlastUP tokens is underway, offering a decent chance to invest in a promising asset at a low price. Those who buy BlastUP tokens at this stage gain exclusive access to an Airdrop distributing a portion of free tokens. Besides, they can get extra rewards through staking. BlastUP is committed to fostering a robust community with the Blast ecosystem where everyone benefits from mutual growth. With ambitious plans to combine AI and Web3 tools, BlastUP aims to create a truly rewarding and safe environment for smooth DApps launches. BlastUP is on the rise, fueling crypto startups with a community-first vibe and innovation at its heart. It is quickly becoming the go-to hub in the Blast ecosystem, with big plans through 2026. Ethereum Price Analysis: Bulls Take the Lead Ethereum’s price is making strong moves as it trades between $2,894.30 and $3,215.93 currently. With a significant 24.59% rise over the past week and an 18.08% increase in the last month, it’s clear the momentum is with buyers. The price has gone up greatly by 81.59% over the past six months, indicating a longer-term uptrend. Facing its next challenge, ETH approaches a resistance level at $3,361.08, with potential to push towards $3,682.72 if the bullish trend continues. However, support waits at $2,717.80 should the price dip, with a further cushion at $2,396.16. The RSI nears the middle, suggesting some balance in the current market sentiment, while the Stochastic implies the potential for an upcoming lift as it resides below typical buying areas. Current indicators and price action suggest Ethereum is in an impulsive phase, with the recent price changes hinting at a strong upward trend. NEAR Protocol Price Movement and Future Outlook NEAR has seen a significant rise over the last six months, jumping 320.17%. In the past month, it grew by 9.54%, which is a positive sign. However, it witnessed a slight dip of 4.37% in the previous week. Currently, NEAR’s price is moving within a range of $6.71 to $8.68. The market indicators suggest that NEAR is neither in an impulsive nor corrective move currently. With a relatively stable moving average, NEAR may soon test the nearest resistance level at $9.59. If it can break past this, the next target could be the $11.56 level. Support levels to watch lie at $5.65 and then at $3.68 if a downward trend develops. Render (RNDR) Price Movement and Forecast Render crypto has been active with the current price ranging between $9.38 and $11.11. The price has gone down by 4.43% this week but has increased by 9.66% over the past month. Looking at the past six months, the coin has impressively climbed by 199.30%. RNDR is currently facing its next resistance level at $12.17, with support at $8.71. The coin’s movement is more corrective as it moves below the 10-day and 100-day average prices of $10.31 and $10.70, respectively. However, with an RSI of 35.52, indicating that it is not in the overbought territory, and a relatively low Stochastic value, there may be room for upward movement. The negative MACD level also suggests caution for immediate bullish momentum. Conclusion The enthusiasm for cryptocurrencies is at an all-time high with expectations of significant growth. ETH, NEAR, and RNDR, while possessing solid frameworks, may not offer the same explosive short-term growth that new projects might. Among these, BlastUP stands out due to its innovative concept and the support it receives from being part of the larger Blast ecosystem. It is this unique positioning of BlastUP that suggests its potential for substantial gains, positioning it at the forefront for investors aiming for high returns in the unfolding bull market. #PEPE‏ #btc70k #altcoins #BinanceLaunchpool #ETHETFsApproved Thank you for reading the article. Do not forget to follow me to receive all new posts and articles ☺️ ❤️LIKE 🫂FOLLOW 🗳REQUOTE OR RESHARE ⌨️ COMMENT

Massive Crypto Bull Market INCOMING! 💰 Best Cryptos for 25-50X Gains

The crypto market is on the cusp of a remarkable surge, with potential exponential returns for savvy investors. Certain cryptocurrencies stand out, promising substantial growth, and this article dives into those poised for 25-50 times gains. As the bull run of 2024 gains momentum, understanding which coins could lead the pack is crucial for anyone looking to capitalize on this financial wave. This analysis offers insights on top contenders that could redefine investment portfolios with their upcoming rise.
BlastUP Presale: A Beacon of Predictability in the Volatile Crypto Space
Presale tokens are immune to market’s wild swings with their price pinned to a certain level. Predictability is one of the key benefits of presale projects such as BlastUP.
BlastUP is the first launchpad on Blast, the only Layer 2 solution with native yield for ETH and stablecoins. In just a few weeks of its presale, this platform has raised over $6 million which speaks much for its wide recognition among savvy investors.
The presale of BlastUP tokens is underway, offering a decent chance to invest in a promising asset at a low price.
Those who buy BlastUP tokens at this stage gain exclusive access to an Airdrop distributing a portion of free tokens. Besides, they can get extra rewards through staking.
BlastUP is committed to fostering a robust community with the Blast ecosystem where everyone benefits from mutual growth. With ambitious plans to combine AI and Web3 tools, BlastUP aims to create a truly rewarding and safe environment for smooth DApps launches.
BlastUP is on the rise, fueling crypto startups with a community-first vibe and innovation at its heart. It is quickly becoming the go-to hub in the Blast ecosystem, with big plans through 2026.
Ethereum Price Analysis: Bulls Take the Lead
Ethereum’s price is making strong moves as it trades between $2,894.30 and $3,215.93 currently. With a significant 24.59% rise over the past week and an 18.08% increase in the last month, it’s clear the momentum is with buyers. The price has gone up greatly by 81.59% over the past six months, indicating a longer-term uptrend. Facing its next challenge, ETH approaches a resistance level at $3,361.08, with potential to push towards $3,682.72 if the bullish trend continues. However, support waits at $2,717.80 should the price dip, with a further cushion at $2,396.16. The RSI nears the middle, suggesting some balance in the current market sentiment, while the Stochastic implies the potential for an upcoming lift as it resides below typical buying areas. Current indicators and price action suggest Ethereum is in an impulsive phase, with the recent price changes hinting at a strong upward trend.
NEAR Protocol Price Movement and Future Outlook
NEAR has seen a significant rise over the last six months, jumping 320.17%. In the past month, it grew by 9.54%, which is a positive sign. However, it witnessed a slight dip of 4.37% in the previous week. Currently, NEAR’s price is moving within a range of $6.71 to $8.68. The market indicators suggest that NEAR is neither in an impulsive nor corrective move currently. With a relatively stable moving average, NEAR may soon test the nearest resistance level at $9.59. If it can break past this, the next target could be the $11.56 level. Support levels to watch lie at $5.65 and then at $3.68 if a downward trend develops.
Render (RNDR) Price Movement and Forecast
Render crypto has been active with the current price ranging between $9.38 and $11.11. The price has gone down by 4.43% this week but has increased by 9.66% over the past month. Looking at the past six months, the coin has impressively climbed by 199.30%. RNDR is currently facing its next resistance level at $12.17, with support at $8.71. The coin’s movement is more corrective as it moves below the 10-day and 100-day average prices of $10.31 and $10.70, respectively. However, with an RSI of 35.52, indicating that it is not in the overbought territory, and a relatively low Stochastic value, there may be room for upward movement. The negative MACD level also suggests caution for immediate bullish momentum.
The enthusiasm for cryptocurrencies is at an all-time high with expectations of significant growth. ETH, NEAR, and RNDR, while possessing solid frameworks, may not offer the same explosive short-term growth that new projects might. Among these, BlastUP stands out due to its innovative concept and the support it receives from being part of the larger Blast ecosystem. It is this unique positioning of BlastUP that suggests its potential for substantial gains, positioning it at the forefront for investors aiming for high returns in the unfolding bull market.
#PEPE‏ #btc70k #altcoins #BinanceLaunchpool #ETHETFsApproved
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5 Best Penny Cryptos to Buy TodayWith the bull run of 2024 picking up pace, finding the right cryptocurrencies at low prices can be a game changer for investors hungry for growth. This selection zeroes in on five cryptocurrencies with immense potential, each available for pennies on the dollar. Presented in detail, these choices are poised for consideration when building a portfolio ready to capitalize on the bustling market. The insights offered aim to give readers a clear advantage in selecting promising cryptocurrencies before they possibly surge in value. CYBRO Gets on Crypto Whale’s Radar with Presale of Its Tokens CYBRO is a new aggregator platform on Blast that smooths the way towards high earnings on this L2 blockchain. Blast is famous for its unique offering of more generous yield for ETH and stablecoins than other L2 solutions provide. CYBRO plays a crucial role in this ecosystem as it helps users get the most out of this key advantage. Currently, CYBRO runs a presale of its native tokens at just $0.02, an astounding 66% discount from its future listing price, which will give a 200% ROI. There is a rumor that a crypto whale is considering buying a hefty scoop of $CYBRO tokens to secure a place in this promising project. Only 21% of the total supply is allocated for the presale, and around 25 million tokens have already been sold out. Holders of CYBRO tokens will get staking rewards, an exclusive Airdrop, marketplace cashback, reduced trading and lending fees, and the in-house insurance program. CYBRO will enable crypto growth through diverse investments within the Blast ecosystem and beyond, offering strategies from conservative to high-yield. It prioritizes maximizing returns with efficient crypto transactions. The future improvements include AIBroker for chatbot-assisted investments and One-Click Investment for optimizing yields via DeFi and CeFi integration. Polygon (MATIC) Price Movement and Future Outlook Polygon’s price is between $0.64 and $0.72, with its price having gone up almost 6% in the last week. Over the last month, Polygon has seen a small drop of about 2%. In half a year, it has fallen by over 4%. The price is now below the 10-day average of $0.74 but close to the 100-day average of $0.72. It might test the next resistance at $0.76 or fall to the support level of $0.60. The price moves hint at a mix of ups and downs without a clear direction. XRP Price Movement: A Brief Analysis The price of XRP is currently hovering between $0.49 and $0.53. The nearby resistance level is at $0.55, suggesting that if the price goes up, it might face a hurdle there. Conversely, if the price drops, there’s support at $0.47, where it could possibly bounce back. Over the last week, XRP has seen a slight increase of 1.35% in its value, but looking at the last month and six months, there’s been a decline of 5.29% and 15.18%, respectively. At the moment, the price isn’t showing a strong upward or downward trend, as indicated by a neutral RSI close to 46.96 and a MACD Level near zero. The short-term and long-term averages sitting at the same level ($0.53) also suggest price stability for now. With these metrics, XRP’s price seems to be in a consolidation phase rather than making significant impulsive or corrective moves. Pyth Network Price Fluctuation Analysis The price range for Pyth Network (PYTH) is between $0.35 and $0.44. PYTH faced a decrease of 2.62% over the past week. In the last month, its value dropped by 36.50%, suggesting a downward momentum, but it’s up by 14.59% over the past six months. The technical indicators show a simple moving average (SMA) of $0.44 over 10 days and $0.45 over 100 days. The Relative Strength Index (RSI) is at 35.73 and the Stochastic at 25.98, both hinting that the coin might be in the oversold territory, meaning more sellers than buyers recently. MACD Level is slightly negative at -0.01. PYTH is currently in a corrective phase, with the main challenge being to break the resistance at $0.50 and later, potentially aiming for $0.60. Support levels are at $0.32 and $0.22, which investors will watch if the price declines. Pepe Crypto Sees Remarkable Growth Trend $PEPE (PEPE) is witnessing a strong upward movement, with a price range currently sitting between $0.00000777 and $0.00001107. Over the past week, the coin has surged by 30.01%, showing impressive growth. Monthly and six-monthly changes are even more striking, at 99.94% and 1150.27% respectively. The price action seems to be in an impulsive phase as it pushes against the resistance levels of $0.00001298 and, beyond that, $0.00001628. Support is holding at $0.00000638, with even stronger support at $0.00000308, suggesting potential stability for pullbacks. The Relative Strength Index (RSI) nears the middle ground, indicating that the coin could continue its momentum without being overbought or oversold. Conclusion Investing in penny cryptos like MATIC, XRP, PYTH, and PEPE might not yield quick profits. Their growth potential in the short term is limited. The focus is on CYBRO, a unique marketplace on the Blast blockchain. CYBRO is expected to release in the second quarter of 2024. It allows users to earn from Blast’s built-in yield features. For those looking to invest early, CYBRO’s presale offers a chance to buy in at an attractive price, setting the stage for possible future gains as the bull run continues. #PEPE‏ #altcoins #buythedip #btc70k #EarnFreeCrypto2024 Thank you for reading the article. Do not forget to follow me to receive all new posts and articles ☺️ ❤️LIKE 🫂FOLLOW 🗳REQUOTE OR RESHARE ⌨️ COMMENT

5 Best Penny Cryptos to Buy Today

With the bull run of 2024 picking up pace, finding the right cryptocurrencies at low prices can be a game changer for investors hungry for growth. This selection zeroes in on five cryptocurrencies with immense potential, each available for pennies on the dollar. Presented in detail, these choices are poised for consideration when building a portfolio ready to capitalize on the bustling market. The insights offered aim to give readers a clear advantage in selecting promising cryptocurrencies before they possibly surge in value.
CYBRO Gets on Crypto Whale’s Radar with Presale of Its Tokens
CYBRO is a new aggregator platform on Blast that smooths the way towards high earnings on this L2 blockchain. Blast is famous for its unique offering of more generous yield for ETH and stablecoins than other L2 solutions provide. CYBRO plays a crucial role in this ecosystem as it helps users get the most out of this key advantage.
Currently, CYBRO runs a presale of its native tokens at just $0.02, an astounding 66% discount from its future listing price, which will give a 200% ROI. There is a rumor that a crypto whale is considering buying a hefty scoop of $CYBRO tokens to secure a place in this promising project. Only 21% of the total supply is allocated for the presale, and around 25 million tokens have already been sold out.
Holders of CYBRO tokens will get staking rewards, an exclusive Airdrop, marketplace cashback, reduced trading and lending fees, and the in-house insurance program.
CYBRO will enable crypto growth through diverse investments within the Blast ecosystem and beyond, offering strategies from conservative to high-yield. It prioritizes maximizing returns with efficient crypto transactions. The future improvements include AIBroker for chatbot-assisted investments and One-Click Investment for optimizing yields via DeFi and CeFi integration.
Polygon (MATIC) Price Movement and Future Outlook
Polygon’s price is between $0.64 and $0.72, with its price having gone up almost 6% in the last week. Over the last month, Polygon has seen a small drop of about 2%. In half a year, it has fallen by over 4%. The price is now below the 10-day average of $0.74 but close to the 100-day average of $0.72. It might test the next resistance at $0.76 or fall to the support level of $0.60. The price moves hint at a mix of ups and downs without a clear direction.
XRP Price Movement: A Brief Analysis
The price of XRP is currently hovering between $0.49 and $0.53. The nearby resistance level is at $0.55, suggesting that if the price goes up, it might face a hurdle there. Conversely, if the price drops, there’s support at $0.47, where it could possibly bounce back. Over the last week, XRP has seen a slight increase of 1.35% in its value, but looking at the last month and six months, there’s been a decline of 5.29% and 15.18%, respectively. At the moment, the price isn’t showing a strong upward or downward trend, as indicated by a neutral RSI close to 46.96 and a MACD Level near zero. The short-term and long-term averages sitting at the same level ($0.53) also suggest price stability for now. With these metrics, XRP’s price seems to be in a consolidation phase rather than making significant impulsive or corrective moves.
Pyth Network Price Fluctuation Analysis
The price range for Pyth Network (PYTH) is between $0.35 and $0.44. PYTH faced a decrease of 2.62% over the past week. In the last month, its value dropped by 36.50%, suggesting a downward momentum, but it’s up by 14.59% over the past six months. The technical indicators show a simple moving average (SMA) of $0.44 over 10 days and $0.45 over 100 days. The Relative Strength Index (RSI) is at 35.73 and the Stochastic at 25.98, both hinting that the coin might be in the oversold territory, meaning more sellers than buyers recently. MACD Level is slightly negative at -0.01. PYTH is currently in a corrective phase, with the main challenge being to break the resistance at $0.50 and later, potentially aiming for $0.60. Support levels are at $0.32 and $0.22, which investors will watch if the price declines.
Pepe Crypto Sees Remarkable Growth Trend
$PEPE (PEPE) is witnessing a strong upward movement, with a price range currently sitting between $0.00000777 and $0.00001107. Over the past week, the coin has surged by 30.01%, showing impressive growth. Monthly and six-monthly changes are even more striking, at 99.94% and 1150.27% respectively. The price action seems to be in an impulsive phase as it pushes against the resistance levels of $0.00001298 and, beyond that, $0.00001628. Support is holding at $0.00000638, with even stronger support at $0.00000308, suggesting potential stability for pullbacks. The Relative Strength Index (RSI) nears the middle ground, indicating that the coin could continue its momentum without being overbought or oversold.
Investing in penny cryptos like MATIC, XRP, PYTH, and PEPE might not yield quick profits. Their growth potential in the short term is limited. The focus is on CYBRO, a unique marketplace on the Blast blockchain. CYBRO is expected to release in the second quarter of 2024. It allows users to earn from Blast’s built-in yield features. For those looking to invest early, CYBRO’s presale offers a chance to buy in at an attractive price, setting the stage for possible future gains as the bull run continues.
#PEPE‏ #altcoins #buythedip #btc70k #EarnFreeCrypto2024
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Pepe price hits new all-time high: here’s why it’s soaringPepe price hits $0.0000142 ATH, showcasing its resilience and market prominence.Ethereum’s surge and altcoin rotation among the factors fueling Pepe’s rally.Despite early investor profit-taking, bullish sentiment persists, fueled by whale activity. In a remarkable turn of events, the price of Pepe price has surged to a new all-time high, reaching approximately $0.0000142. This surge marks a significant milestone for the frog-themed meme coin, as it solidifies its position as one of the top performers in the crypto market. Notably, the current bullish momentum in Pepe’s price comes after a period of internal challenges among developers, indicating a remarkable turnaround for the cryptocurrency. Despite its rocky start, $PEPE has gained substantial traction in recent times, with its market capitalization exceeding $5.77 billion. What is behind the current Pepe price surge? The altcoin market, including Pepe, has benefited from a notable shift in investor sentiment, with capital flowing from Bitcoin to alternative assets. This rotation of funds has fueled the ongoing altcoin recovery, with Pepe emerging as a standout performer in this resurgence. Pepe’s adoption and liquidity have also played a crucial role in its price appreciation. With deep liquidity of nearly $60 million in Wrapped Ether (WETH) and over 223,000 holders facilitating approximately 2 million transfers, Pepe has demonstrated robust on-chain activity. However, amidst the euphoria surrounding Pepe’s price surge, there are also signs of caution. On-chain data analysts like Lookonchain have flagged instances of profit-taking by early Pepe (PEPE) investors. Nevertheless, despite these concerns, bullish sentiment remains strong, with heightened whale purchase activity in the Pepe ecosystem fueling expectations of a fresh bull run in the coming weeks. Moreover, the potential approval of spot Ether ETFs by the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) could provide further catalysts for Pepe’s upward trajectory. The current Pepe price surge seems to closely mirror that of Ethereum (ETH) amid the hype created by the potential ether ETFs approval. Pepe followed suit, highlighting the interconnectedness of various cryptocurrencies within the broader market ecosystem. #PEPE‏ #ETHETFS #pizzaday #altcoins #BTC Thank you for reading the article. Do not forget to follow me to receive all new posts and articles ☺️ ❤️LIKE 🫂FOLLOW 🗳REQUOTE OR RESHARE ⌨️ COMMENT

Pepe price hits new all-time high: here’s why it’s soaring

Pepe price hits $0.0000142 ATH, showcasing its resilience and market prominence.Ethereum’s surge and altcoin rotation among the factors fueling Pepe’s rally.Despite early investor profit-taking, bullish sentiment persists, fueled by whale activity.
In a remarkable turn of events, the price of Pepe price has surged to a new all-time high, reaching approximately $0.0000142.
This surge marks a significant milestone for the frog-themed meme coin, as it solidifies its position as one of the top performers in the crypto market.

Notably, the current bullish momentum in Pepe’s price comes after a period of internal challenges among developers, indicating a remarkable turnaround for the cryptocurrency.
Despite its rocky start, $PEPE has gained substantial traction in recent times, with its market capitalization exceeding $5.77 billion.
What is behind the current Pepe price surge?
The altcoin market, including Pepe, has benefited from a notable shift in investor sentiment, with capital flowing from Bitcoin to alternative assets.
This rotation of funds has fueled the ongoing altcoin recovery, with Pepe emerging as a standout performer in this resurgence.
Pepe’s adoption and liquidity have also played a crucial role in its price appreciation. With deep liquidity of nearly $60 million in Wrapped Ether (WETH) and over 223,000 holders facilitating approximately 2 million transfers, Pepe has demonstrated robust on-chain activity.
However, amidst the euphoria surrounding Pepe’s price surge, there are also signs of caution. On-chain data analysts like Lookonchain have flagged instances of profit-taking by early Pepe (PEPE) investors.
Nevertheless, despite these concerns, bullish sentiment remains strong, with heightened whale purchase activity in the Pepe ecosystem fueling expectations of a fresh bull run in the coming weeks.
Moreover, the potential approval of spot Ether ETFs by the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) could provide further catalysts for Pepe’s upward trajectory. The current Pepe price surge seems to closely mirror that of Ethereum (ETH) amid the hype created by the potential ether ETFs approval.
Pepe followed suit, highlighting the interconnectedness of various cryptocurrencies within the broader market ecosystem.
#PEPE‏ #ETHETFS #pizzaday #altcoins #BTC
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Investors Monitor TON Coin TrendsBitcoin‘s price recently surpassed $70,300, leading to a significant recovery in altcoins, with TON Coin trading at $6.5. Despite the overall market positivity, TON Coin hasn’t achieved new highs. What are the future predictions for TON Coin? What’s in store for investors at this juncture? Why Did TON Coin Stall? TON Coin experienced notable gains even during a pessimistic market phase. However, as the market began to rise, TON Coin’s growth halted, which isn’t uncommon for altcoins that initially diverge positively. With the waning excitement, profit-taking in TON Coin became evident. Additionally, the long-term risk of heavy selling persists since a small group holds 90% of TON Coin’s supply. The Average Coin Age metric shows a lack of confidence among current investors, indicating a decreasing tendency to hold their coins. What’s Affecting Network Growth? Potential TON Coin investors appear disinterested in the network’s growth. The Telegram-supported crypto’s prolonged upward trend might require consolidation for further advancement. Signs of this weakening are already visible. Key Takeaways for Investors The $7.0 resistance level remains unbroken for TON Coin.Current support level is crucial at $6.5, with a short-term risk of falling to $6.2.A potential downward shift to $5.4 could occur if investor behavior doesn’t shift.If the $6 support holds or there’s a bounce from $6.5, investor interest might revive, potentially targeting the $7 and $9 levels. The ongoing downward trend may persist unless there’s a shift in investor behavior. The response at the $6 support level will be crucial in determining the extent of the decline. A bounce from this level or sustained support at $6.5 could renew investor interest and drive accumulation, with the $7 level becoming a target once again. #altcoins #Toncoin #pizzaday #ETHETFS #btc70k Thank you for reading the article. Do not forget to follow me to receive all new posts and articles ☺️ ❤️LIKE 🫂FOLLOW 🗳REQUOTE OR RESHARE ⌨️ COMMENT

Investors Monitor TON Coin Trends

Bitcoin‘s price recently surpassed $70,300, leading to a significant recovery in altcoins, with TON Coin trading at $6.5. Despite the overall market positivity, TON Coin hasn’t achieved new highs. What are the future predictions for TON Coin? What’s in store for investors at this juncture?
Why Did TON Coin Stall?
TON Coin experienced notable gains even during a pessimistic market phase. However, as the market began to rise, TON Coin’s growth halted, which isn’t uncommon for altcoins that initially diverge positively. With the waning excitement, profit-taking in TON Coin became evident.
Additionally, the long-term risk of heavy selling persists since a small group holds 90% of TON Coin’s supply. The Average Coin Age metric shows a lack of confidence among current investors, indicating a decreasing tendency to hold their coins.
What’s Affecting Network Growth?
Potential TON Coin investors appear disinterested in the network’s growth. The Telegram-supported crypto’s prolonged upward trend might require consolidation for further advancement. Signs of this weakening are already visible.
Key Takeaways for Investors
The $7.0 resistance level remains unbroken for TON Coin.Current support level is crucial at $6.5, with a short-term risk of falling to $6.2.A potential downward shift to $5.4 could occur if investor behavior doesn’t shift.If the $6 support holds or there’s a bounce from $6.5, investor interest might revive, potentially targeting the $7 and $9 levels.
The ongoing downward trend may persist unless there’s a shift in investor behavior. The response at the $6 support level will be crucial in determining the extent of the decline. A bounce from this level or sustained support at $6.5 could renew investor interest and drive accumulation, with the $7 level becoming a target once again.
#altcoins #Toncoin #pizzaday #ETHETFS #btc70k
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