Binance Square
Md Asif Rahman
Photographer & Journalist
Označeno To se mi líbí
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Ahoj Jsem Asif z Bangladéše. Pracuji jako strážník v Bangladéši. No, pojďme k tomu hlavnímu. Mému otci je nyní 65 let. Byl to obchodník. V roce 2017 můj otec Haas zahájil potravinářský obchod s kuřecím, kravským, kozím atd. Ale po dvou letech začala po celém světě obrovská epidemie Covid-19. A tentokrát byl obchod mého otce zcela zničen. Všechny investiční peníze jsou ztraceny. Odtamtud jsme teď nemohli vstát. V té době ztratil můj otec v bangladéšské taka asi 20 milionů. 80 % těchto peněz bylo půjčeno od bank a lidí. Od té doby žijeme velmi těžký život. Můj otec je teď starý. Takže všechny dluhy padly na mě. Je velmi obtížné řídit rodinu s částkou, kterou vydělám. Nevím, jestli ještě někdy budu moci žít normální život. Ale vím, že na světě stále žijí dobří lidé. Je tu někdo, kdo by mi mohl podat malou pomocnou ruku k návratu do normálního života. Nakonec chci říct, že jsem člověk jako ty a chci žít normální život. Jako kdyby $BTC $BNB $SHIB #BinanceLaunchpool #Memecoins #cpi
Jsem Asif z Bangladéše. Pracuji jako strážník v Bangladéši.
No, pojďme k tomu hlavnímu.
Mému otci je nyní 65 let. Byl to obchodník. V roce 2017 můj otec Haas zahájil potravinářský obchod s kuřecím, kravským, kozím atd. Ale po dvou letech začala po celém světě obrovská epidemie Covid-19. A tentokrát byl obchod mého otce zcela zničen. Všechny investiční peníze jsou ztraceny. Odtamtud jsme teď nemohli vstát. V té době ztratil můj otec v bangladéšské taka asi 20 milionů. 80 % těchto peněz bylo půjčeno od bank a lidí.
Od té doby žijeme velmi těžký život. Můj otec je teď starý. Takže všechny dluhy padly na mě. Je velmi obtížné řídit rodinu s částkou, kterou vydělám. Nevím, jestli ještě někdy budu moci žít normální život. Ale vím, že na světě stále žijí dobří lidé. Je tu někdo, kdo by mi mohl podat malou pomocnou ruku k návratu do normálního života.
Nakonec chci říct, že jsem člověk jako ty a chci žít normální život.
Jako kdyby
#BinanceLaunchpool #Memecoins #cpi
Zobrazit originál
Vytvořte svůj první příspěvek o libovolném páru mincí pomocí hashtagu #BecomeCreator a získejte šanci vyhrát podíl ve výši 5 000 USD v poukázkách na tokeny BNB. Toto je vaše příležitost připojit se k řadám tvůrců Binance Square! A nezapomeňte podpořit své oblíbené tvůrce na Binance Square Creator Awards. Hlasujte denně, abyste odemkli podíl ve výši 10 000 USD na poukázkách na slevu z obchodních poplatků. Další informace o propagačních akcích Binance Square Creator Awards 2024 najdete zde. Začněte hned a udělejte svou značku! $SOL $USDC {spot}(USDCUSDT) {spot}(SOLUSDT)
Vytvořte svůj první příspěvek o libovolném páru mincí pomocí hashtagu #BecomeCreator a získejte šanci vyhrát podíl ve výši 5 000 USD v poukázkách na tokeny BNB. Toto je vaše příležitost připojit se k řadám tvůrců Binance Square!

A nezapomeňte podpořit své oblíbené tvůrce na Binance Square Creator Awards. Hlasujte denně, abyste odemkli podíl ve výši 10 000 USD na poukázkách na slevu z obchodních poplatků.

Další informace o propagačních akcích Binance Square Creator Awards 2024 najdete zde.

Začněte hned a udělejte svou značku!
Zobrazit originál
Ahoj Jsem Asif z Bangladéše. Pracuji jako strážník v Bangladéši. No, pojďme k tomu hlavnímu. Mému otci je nyní 65 let. Byl to obchodník. V roce 2017 můj otec Haas zahájil potravinářský obchod s kuřecím, kravským, kozím atd. Ale po dvou letech začala po celém světě obrovská epidemie Covid-19. A tentokrát byl obchod mého otce zcela zničen. Všechny investiční peníze jsou ztraceny. Odtamtud jsme teď nemohli vstát. V té době ztratil můj otec v bangladéšské taka asi 20 milionů. 80 % těchto peněz bylo půjčeno od bank a lidí. Od té doby žijeme velmi těžký život. Můj otec je už starý. Takže všechny dluhy padly na mě. Je velmi obtížné řídit rodinu s částkou, kterou vydělám. Nevím, jestli ještě někdy budu moci žít normální život. Ale vím, že na světě stále žijí dobří lidé. Je tu někdo, kdo by mi mohl podat malou pomocnou ruku k návratu do normálního života. Nakonec chci říct, že jsem člověk jako ty a chci žít normální život. Asif #BinanceTournament #BTCFOMCWatch #CPIAlert #TopCoinsJune2024 $GFT $CTK $ELF {future}(IOTAUSDT) {spot}(GFTUSDT)
Jsem Asif z Bangladéše. Pracuji jako strážník v Bangladéši.
No, pojďme k tomu hlavnímu.
Mému otci je nyní 65 let. Byl to obchodník. V roce 2017 můj otec Haas zahájil potravinářský obchod s kuřecím, kravským, kozím atd. Ale po dvou letech začala po celém světě obrovská epidemie Covid-19. A tentokrát byl obchod mého otce zcela zničen. Všechny investiční peníze jsou ztraceny. Odtamtud jsme teď nemohli vstát. V té době ztratil můj otec v bangladéšské taka asi 20 milionů. 80 % těchto peněz bylo půjčeno od bank a lidí.
Od té doby žijeme velmi těžký život. Můj otec je už starý. Takže všechny dluhy padly na mě. Je velmi obtížné řídit rodinu s částkou, kterou vydělám. Nevím, jestli ještě někdy budu moci žít normální život. Ale vím, že na světě stále žijí dobří lidé. Je tu někdo, kdo by mi mohl podat malou pomocnou ruku k návratu do normálního života.
Nakonec chci říct, že jsem člověk jako ty a chci žít normální život.

#BinanceTournament #BTCFOMCWatch #CPIAlert #TopCoinsJune2024 $GFT $CTK $ELF
Zobrazit originál
Ahoj Jsem Asif z Bangladéše. Pracuji jako strážník v Bangladéši. No, pojďme k tomu hlavnímu. Mému otci je nyní 65 let. Byl to obchodník. V roce 2017 můj otec Haas zahájil potravinářský obchod s kuřecím, kravským, kozím atd. Ale po dvou letech začala po celém světě obrovská epidemie Covid-19. A tentokrát byl obchod mého otce zcela zničen. Všechny investiční peníze jsou ztraceny. Odtamtud jsme teď nemohli vstát. V té době ztratil můj otec v bangladéšské taka asi 20 milionů. 80 % těchto peněz bylo půjčeno od bank a lidí. Od té doby žijeme velmi těžký život. Můj otec je už starý. Takže všechny dluhy padly na mě. Je velmi obtížné řídit rodinu s částkou, kterou vydělám. Nevím, jestli ještě někdy budu moci žít normální život. Ale vím, že na světě stále žijí dobří lidé. Je tu někdo, kdo by mi mohl podat malou pomocnou ruku k návratu do normálního života. Nakonec chci říct, že jsem člověk jako ty a chci žít normální život. Jako kdyby #IOprediction #Binance200M #TopCoinsJune2024 #ETHETFsApproved #FIT21 $BTC $BNB $BNB
Jsem Asif z Bangladéše. Pracuji jako strážník v Bangladéši.
No, pojďme k tomu hlavnímu.
Mému otci je nyní 65 let. Byl to obchodník. V roce 2017 můj otec Haas zahájil potravinářský obchod s kuřecím, kravským, kozím atd. Ale po dvou letech začala po celém světě obrovská epidemie Covid-19. A tentokrát byl obchod mého otce zcela zničen. Všechny investiční peníze jsou ztraceny. Odtamtud jsme teď nemohli vstát. V té době ztratil můj otec v bangladéšské taka asi 20 milionů. 80 % těchto peněz bylo půjčeno od bank a lidí.
Od té doby žijeme velmi těžký život. Můj otec je už starý. Takže všechny dluhy padly na mě. Je velmi obtížné řídit rodinu s částkou, kterou vydělám. Nevím, jestli ještě někdy budu moci žít normální život. Ale vím, že na světě stále žijí dobří lidé. Je tu někdo, kdo by mi mohl podat malou pomocnou ruku k návratu do normálního života.
Nakonec chci říct, že jsem člověk jako ty a chci žít normální život.
Jako kdyby

#IOprediction #Binance200M #TopCoinsJune2024 #ETHETFsApproved #FIT21 $BTC $BNB $BNB
Hello I am Asif from Bangladesh. I work as a constable in Bangladesh. Well, let's come to the main point. My father is now 65 years old. He was a businessman. In 2017, my father Haas started the food business of chicken, cow, goat etc. But after two years, a huge epidemic started all over the world Covid-19. And this time my father's business was completely destroyed. All investment money is lost. We could not stand up from there now. At that time, my father lost about 20 lakhs in Bangladeshi taka. 80% of this money was borrowed from banks and people. Since then we have been living a very difficult life. My Father is old now. So all the debts fell on me. It has become very difficult to run the family with the amount that I earn. I don't know if I will ever be able to live a normal life again. But I know that there are still good people alive in the world. Is there anyone here who can give me a little helping hand to get back to normal life. Finally I want to say that I am a human like you and want to live a normal life. Asif #IOprediction #Binance200M #TopCoinsJune2024 #ETHETFsApproved $MEME $BNB $SOL
I am Asif from Bangladesh. I work as a constable in Bangladesh.
Well, let's come to the main point.
My father is now 65 years old. He was a businessman. In 2017, my father Haas started the food business of chicken, cow, goat etc. But after two years, a huge epidemic started all over the world Covid-19. And this time my father's business was completely destroyed. All investment money is lost. We could not stand up from there now. At that time, my father lost about 20 lakhs in Bangladeshi taka. 80% of this money was borrowed from banks and people.
Since then we have been living a very difficult life. My Father is old now. So all the debts fell on me. It has become very difficult to run the family with the amount that I earn. I don't know if I will ever be able to live a normal life again. But I know that there are still good people alive in the world. Is there anyone here who can give me a little helping hand to get back to normal life.
Finally I want to say that I am a human like you and want to live a normal life.
#IOprediction #Binance200M #TopCoinsJune2024 #ETHETFsApproved $MEME $BNB $SOL
Hello I am Asif from Bangladesh. I work as a constable in Bangladesh. Well, let's come to the main point. My father is now 65 years old. He was a businessman. In 2017, my father Haas started the food business of chicken, cow, goat etc. But after two years, a huge epidemic started all over the world Covid-19. And this time my father's business was completely destroyed. All investment money is lost. We could not stand up from there now. At that time, my father lost about 20 lakhs in Bangladeshi taka. 80% of this money was borrowed from banks and people. Since then we have been living a very difficult life. My Father is old now. So all the debts fell on me. It has become very difficult to run the family with the amount that I earn. I don't know if I will ever be able to live a normal life again. But I know that there are still good people alive in the world. Is there anyone here who can give me a little helping hand to get back to normal life. Finally I want to say that I am a human like you and want to live a normal life. Asif #Binance200M #BnbAth #TopCoinsJune2024 #ETHETFsApproved $BTC $ETH $USDC
I am Asif from Bangladesh. I work as a constable in Bangladesh.
Well, let's come to the main point.
My father is now 65 years old. He was a businessman. In 2017, my father Haas started the food business of chicken, cow, goat etc. But after two years, a huge epidemic started all over the world Covid-19. And this time my father's business was completely destroyed. All investment money is lost. We could not stand up from there now. At that time, my father lost about 20 lakhs in Bangladeshi taka. 80% of this money was borrowed from banks and people.
Since then we have been living a very difficult life. My Father is old now. So all the debts fell on me. It has become very difficult to run the family with the amount that I earn. I don't know if I will ever be able to live a normal life again. But I know that there are still good people alive in the world. Is there anyone here who can give me a little helping hand to get back to normal life.
Finally I want to say that I am a human like you and want to live a normal life.

#Binance200M #BnbAth #TopCoinsJune2024 #ETHETFsApproved $BTC $ETH $USDC
To avoid scams on Binance P2P, follow these safety tips: 1. **Verify the user**: Check the user's verification level and reputation score. Higher levels and a good reputation reduce the risk. 2. **Use Binance's escrow service**: The escrow service holds funds until the transaction is complete, protecting you from fraud. 3. **Be cautious of unusually low prices**: If a deal seems too good to be true, it probably is. 4. **Don't share personal info**: Never share personal information, such as passwords or credit card details. 5. **Use secure payment methods**: Stick to payment methods supported by Binance, like credit cards or bank transfers. 6. **Communicate through Binance's chat**: Avoid moving conversations to external platforms or sharing personal contact info. 7. **Double-check transaction details**: Ensure the amount, asset, and recipient's information are correct before confirming. 8. **Report suspicious users**: If you suspect a scammer, report them to Binance's support immediately. Always prioritize caution and follow these guidelines to minimize the risk of falling victim to scams in Binance P2P transactions. #Binance55thProject(IO) #BnbAth #TopCoinsJune2024 #ETHETFsApproved #FIT21 $SOL $DOGE $BNB
To avoid scams on Binance P2P, follow these safety tips:

1. **Verify the user**: Check the user's verification level and reputation score. Higher levels and a good reputation reduce the risk.

2. **Use Binance's escrow service**: The escrow service holds funds until the transaction is complete, protecting you from fraud.

3. **Be cautious of unusually low prices**: If a deal seems too good to be true, it probably is.

4. **Don't share personal info**: Never share personal information, such as passwords or credit card details.

5. **Use secure payment methods**: Stick to payment methods supported by Binance, like credit cards or bank transfers.

6. **Communicate through Binance's chat**: Avoid moving conversations to external platforms or sharing personal contact info.

7. **Double-check transaction details**: Ensure the amount, asset, and recipient's information are correct before confirming.

8. **Report suspicious users**: If you suspect a scammer, report them to Binance's support immediately.
Always prioritize caution and follow these guidelines to minimize the risk of falling victim to scams in Binance P2P transactions.

#Binance55thProject(IO) #BnbAth #TopCoinsJune2024 #ETHETFsApproved #FIT21 $SOL $DOGE $BNB
💸turn your 100$ in million💸 Follow these steps 1: Buy at least 20$ $PEPE coins and hold it for 2025 for buying you can wait or it's also a good price to buy 2: Buy 20$ $SHIB coin and also hold it for a year and wait for buying it can go down more 3:Buy 60$ $BNB and also wait for a down fall BNB can go to 1000$ or more then for daily updates and 100 accurate signals follow me #Binance55thProject(IO) #BnbAth #StartInvestingInCrypto #altcoins #BlackRock
💸turn your 100$ in million💸
Follow these steps

1: Buy at least 20$ $PEPE coins and hold it for 2025 for buying you can wait or it's also a good price to buy

2: Buy 20$ $SHIB coin and also hold it for a year and wait for buying it can go down more

3:Buy 60$ $BNB and also wait for a down fall BNB can go to 1000$ or more then
for daily updates and 100 accurate signals follow me
😂😂😂 no one trust me
no one trust me
Hello I am Asif from Bangladesh. I work as a constable in Bangladesh. Well, let's come to the main point. My father is now 65 years old. He was a businessman. In 2017, my father Haas started the food business of chicken, cow, goat etc. But after two years, a huge epidemic started all over the world Covid-19. And this time my father's business was completely destroyed. All investment money is lost. We could not stand up from there now. At that time, my father lost about 20 lakhs in Bangladeshi taka. 80% of this money was borrowed from banks and people. Since then we have been living a very difficult life. My Father is old now. So all the debts fell on me. It has become very difficult to run the family with the amount that I earn. I don't know if I will ever be able to live a normal life again. But I know that there are still good people alive in the world. Is there anyone here who can give me a little helping hand to get back to normal life. Finally I want to say that I am a human like you and want to live a normal life. Asif #Binance55thProject(IO) #BnbAth #StartInvestingInCrypto #FIT21 $BTC $ETH $BNB
I am Asif from Bangladesh. I work as a constable in Bangladesh.
Well, let's come to the main point.
My father is now 65 years old. He was a businessman. In 2017, my father Haas started the food business of chicken, cow, goat etc. But after two years, a huge epidemic started all over the world Covid-19. And this time my father's business was completely destroyed. All investment money is lost. We could not stand up from there now. At that time, my father lost about 20 lakhs in Bangladeshi taka. 80% of this money was borrowed from banks and people.
Since then we have been living a very difficult life. My Father is old now. So all the debts fell on me. It has become very difficult to run the family with the amount that I earn. I don't know if I will ever be able to live a normal life again. But I know that there are still good people alive in the world. Is there anyone here who can give me a little helping hand to get back to normal life.
Finally I want to say that I am a human like you and want to live a normal life.

#Binance55thProject(IO) #BnbAth #StartInvestingInCrypto #FIT21 $BTC $ETH $BNB
Hello I am Asif from Bangladesh. I work as a constable in Bangladesh. Well, let's come to the main point. My father is now 65 years old. He was a businessman. In 2017, my father Haas started the food business of chicken, cow, goat etc. But after two years, a huge epidemic started all over the world Covid-19. And this time my father's business was completely destroyed. All investment money is lost. We could not stand up from there now. At that time, my father lost about 20 lakhs in Bangladeshi taka. 80% of this money was borrowed from banks and people. Since then we have been living a very difficult life. My Father is old now. So all the debts fell on me. It has become very difficult to run the family with the amount that I earn. I don't know if I will ever be able to live a normal life again. But I know that there are still good people alive in the world. Is there anyone here who can give me a little helping hand to get back to normal life. Finally I want to say that I am a human like you and want to live a normal life. Asif $BTC $BNB $SHIB #BinanceLaunchPool🔥 l #MemeCoinsToTheMoon #cpi
I am Asif from Bangladesh. I work as a constable in Bangladesh.
Well, let's come to the main point.
My father is now 65 years old. He was a businessman. In 2017, my father Haas started the food business of chicken, cow, goat etc. But after two years, a huge epidemic started all over the world Covid-19. And this time my father's business was completely destroyed. All investment money is lost. We could not stand up from there now. At that time, my father lost about 20 lakhs in Bangladeshi taka. 80% of this money was borrowed from banks and people.
Since then we have been living a very difficult life. My Father is old now. So all the debts fell on me. It has become very difficult to run the family with the amount that I earn. I don't know if I will ever be able to live a normal life again. But I know that there are still good people alive in the world. Is there anyone here who can give me a little helping hand to get back to normal life.
Finally I want to say that I am a human like you and want to live a normal life.
#BinanceLaunchPool🔥 l #MemeCoinsToTheMoon #cpi
what i want to say! In today's world, almost all of us are living with financial problems in one way or another. This does not mean that there is no wealth in the world. Literally half of the world's wealth is orbited by a handful of people. If those people don't spread their accumulated money around the world then this problem will never be solved. What a big problem but I never see anyone talking about it. Take a closer look around you, the only people who have money are earning money or who have had a mountain. The poor people of the society are getting poorer day by day. Let's be aware, know the truth and come forward in social service. Thanks $BTC $ETH $BNB #altcoins #BinanceLaunchPool🔥 #BlackRock #MicroStrategy #buythedip
what i want to say!

In today's world, almost all of us are living with financial problems in one way or another. This does not mean that there is no wealth in the world. Literally half of the world's wealth is orbited by a handful of people. If those people don't spread their accumulated money around the world then this problem will never be solved.
What a big problem but I never see anyone talking about it. Take a closer look around you, the only people who have money are earning money or who have had a mountain. The poor people of the society are getting poorer day by day.
Let's be aware, know the truth and come forward in social service.

#altcoins #BinanceLaunchPool🔥 #BlackRock #MicroStrategy #buythedip
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