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MicroStrategy's Ongoing Bitcoin AcquisitionMicroStrategy, a major holder of Bitcoin, has completed a convertible notes offering to purchase more BTC. The company announced the completion of a 2.25% convertible senior notes offering, raising $800 million, with $100 million from an option to purchase. The net proceeds of approximately $786 million will be used to acquire additional Bitcoin and for general corporate purposes. MicroStrategy recently bought 11,931 BTC for $786 million, bringing their total holdings to 226,331 BTC. Despite significant Bitcoin investments, the company reported losses in 2024. MicroStrategy's founder, Michael Saylor, has been actively involved in Bitcoin acquisitions since 2020. The company's strategy of using Bitcoin as its primary reserve currency has led to substantial BTC purchases over time. While MicroStrategy continues to invest in Bitcoin, their financial reports show ongoing losses, highlighting the volatility of the cryptocurrency market. Read more AI-generated news on:

MicroStrategy's Ongoing Bitcoin Acquisition

MicroStrategy, a major holder of Bitcoin, has completed a convertible notes offering to purchase more BTC. The company announced the completion of a 2.25% convertible senior notes offering, raising $800 million, with $100 million from an option to purchase. The net proceeds of approximately $786 million will be used to acquire additional Bitcoin and for general corporate purposes. MicroStrategy recently bought 11,931 BTC for $786 million, bringing their total holdings to 226,331 BTC. Despite significant Bitcoin investments, the company reported losses in 2024. MicroStrategy's founder, Michael Saylor, has been actively involved in Bitcoin acquisitions since 2020. The company's strategy of using Bitcoin as its primary reserve currency has led to substantial BTC purchases over time. While MicroStrategy continues to invest in Bitcoin, their financial reports show ongoing losses, highlighting the volatility of the cryptocurrency market. Read more AI-generated news on:
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DeFi Technologies reaguje na obvinění z manipulace s akciemiSpolečnost DeFi Technologies Inc., poskytovatel produktů obchodovaných na burze, vyvrátila tvrzení o manipulaci s akciemi v nedávné zprávě CoinSnacks. Zpráva tvrdila, že se společnost zapojila do pochybných praktik, aby zvýšila cenu svých akcií, což vedlo k výraznému poklesu hodnoty akcií. Společnost DeFi Technologies odmítla zprávu jako pomlouvavou a zavádějící a připsala pokles ceny akcií prodejcům nakrátko. Společnost také odhalila nevyžádanou nabídku kanadské investiční banky, což vyvolalo obavy z manipulace s trhem. Navzdory kontroverzi zůstává DeFi Technologies ohledně svých budoucích vyhlídek optimistická. Tento incident zdůrazňuje výzvy, kterým čelí společnosti v kryptoprostoru, kde volatilita trhu a vnější vlivy mohou ovlivnit výkonnost akcií. Odpověď společnosti podtrhuje důležitost transparentnosti a integrity v odvětví kryptoměn. Přečtěte si další zprávy generované AI na:

DeFi Technologies reaguje na obvinění z manipulace s akciemi

Společnost DeFi Technologies Inc., poskytovatel produktů obchodovaných na burze, vyvrátila tvrzení o manipulaci s akciemi v nedávné zprávě CoinSnacks. Zpráva tvrdila, že se společnost zapojila do pochybných praktik, aby zvýšila cenu svých akcií, což vedlo k výraznému poklesu hodnoty akcií. Společnost DeFi Technologies odmítla zprávu jako pomlouvavou a zavádějící a připsala pokles ceny akcií prodejcům nakrátko. Společnost také odhalila nevyžádanou nabídku kanadské investiční banky, což vyvolalo obavy z manipulace s trhem. Navzdory kontroverzi zůstává DeFi Technologies ohledně svých budoucích vyhlídek optimistická. Tento incident zdůrazňuje výzvy, kterým čelí společnosti v kryptoprostoru, kde volatilita trhu a vnější vlivy mohou ovlivnit výkonnost akcií. Odpověď společnosti podtrhuje důležitost transparentnosti a integrity v odvětví kryptoměn. Přečtěte si další zprávy generované AI na:
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Rostoucí zájem o bitcoinové ETF v AustráliiPrvní australský bitcoinový burzovně obchodovaný fond (ETF) na australské burze cenných papírů uzavřel svůj první den s objemem obchodů 1,3 milionu dolarů, což je zlomek debutu amerických bitcoinových ETF za 4,5 miliardy dolarů. Navzdory rozdílům ve velikosti trhu zůstává VanEck ohledně růstu ETF optimistický. Firma zaznamenala velký zájem ze strany retailových a profesionálních investorů. ETF, VBTC, otevřel na 13,24 USD a uzavřel na 13,34 USD s 96 476 zobchodovanými akciemi. Generální ředitel společnosti VanEck v asijsko-pacifickém regionu zdůraznil poptávku po regulovaných a transparentních investičních možnostech. Zatímco VBTC je prvním spotovým bitcoinovým ETF na ASX, další dva bitcoinové ETF se již obchodují v Austrálii. Byly také spuštěny Monochrome Bitcoin ETF a Global X 21Shares Bitcoin ETF. Rostoucí zájem o bitcoinové ETF odráží širší trend směrem k přístupným a známým investičním nástrojům v kryptoprostoru. Přečtěte si další zprávy generované AI na:

Rostoucí zájem o bitcoinové ETF v Austrálii

První australský bitcoinový burzovně obchodovaný fond (ETF) na australské burze cenných papírů uzavřel svůj první den s objemem obchodů 1,3 milionu dolarů, což je zlomek debutu amerických bitcoinových ETF za 4,5 miliardy dolarů. Navzdory rozdílům ve velikosti trhu zůstává VanEck ohledně růstu ETF optimistický. Firma zaznamenala velký zájem ze strany retailových a profesionálních investorů. ETF, VBTC, otevřel na 13,24 USD a uzavřel na 13,34 USD s 96 476 zobchodovanými akciemi. Generální ředitel společnosti VanEck v asijsko-pacifickém regionu zdůraznil poptávku po regulovaných a transparentních investičních možnostech. Zatímco VBTC je prvním spotovým bitcoinovým ETF na ASX, další dva bitcoinové ETF se již obchodují v Austrálii. Byly také spuštěny Monochrome Bitcoin ETF a Global X 21Shares Bitcoin ETF. Rostoucí zájem o bitcoinové ETF odráží širší trend směrem k přístupným a známým investičním nástrojům v kryptoprostoru. Přečtěte si další zprávy generované AI na:
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Zásoby bitcoinových těžařů dosáhly 14letého minima uprostřed tlaků na polovinuPodle údajů z IntoTheBlock rezervy bitcoinových těžařů dosáhly nejnižší úrovně za více než 14 let a 19. června klesly na 1,90 milionu BTC z 1,95 milionu BTC na začátku roku. Událost snížení na polovinu, která každé čtyři roky snižuje odměny za těžbu, vytváří tlak na marže těžařů, což je vede k výprodeji zásob. Navzdory poklesu držby bitcoinů zůstává dolarová hodnota těchto rezerv vysoká, což naznačuje, že těžaři se přizpůsobili měnícím se podmínkám na trhu. Odborníci předpovídají nárůst hashrate bitcoinu v roce 2025 po poklesu po polovičním snížení, protože výrobní náklady rostou kvůli klesajícím odměnám za bitcoiny a zvýšené konkurenci. Tento trend je považován za normální pro současnou tržní fázi, protože těžaři se přizpůsobují vyvíjejícímu se prostředí těžby kryptoměn. Přečtěte si další zprávy generované AI na:

Zásoby bitcoinových těžařů dosáhly 14letého minima uprostřed tlaků na polovinu

Podle údajů z IntoTheBlock rezervy bitcoinových těžařů dosáhly nejnižší úrovně za více než 14 let a 19. června klesly na 1,90 milionu BTC z 1,95 milionu BTC na začátku roku. Událost snížení na polovinu, která každé čtyři roky snižuje odměny za těžbu, vytváří tlak na marže těžařů, což je vede k výprodeji zásob. Navzdory poklesu držby bitcoinů zůstává dolarová hodnota těchto rezerv vysoká, což naznačuje, že těžaři se přizpůsobili měnícím se podmínkám na trhu. Odborníci předpovídají nárůst hashrate bitcoinu v roce 2025 po poklesu po polovičním snížení, protože výrobní náklady rostou kvůli klesajícím odměnám za bitcoiny a zvýšené konkurenci. Tento trend je považován za normální pro současnou tržní fázi, protože těžaři se přizpůsobují vyvíjejícímu se prostředí těžby kryptoměn. Přečtěte si další zprávy generované AI na:
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Policista maří bitcoinové podvody zaměřené na starší ženyVe White Settlement v Texasu zabránil policista podvodu, kdy byla starší žena podvodem imitátorem Chase Bank oklamána, aby vložila 40 000 dolarů do bitcoinového bankomatu. Policejní oddělení Bílé osady zasáhlo poté, co znepokojený občan nahlásil podezřelou aktivitu. Podvodník oběti vyhrožoval zatčením, pokud finanční prostředky nepošle, což je běžná taktika v takových schématech. Pachatel ženu přesvědčil, aby si vybrala peníze z místní banky Chase a vložila je do bitcoinového bankomatu v obchodě. I přes složení 23 900 dolarů se policii podařilo zastavit další ztráty. Seržant James Stewart, který na výzvu reagoval, s obětí soucítil, zatímco náčelník policie Christopher Cook pochválil občana, který incident nahlásil. Probíhají snahy získat finanční prostředky zpět a vrátit je oběti. Přečtěte si další zprávy generované AI na:

Policista maří bitcoinové podvody zaměřené na starší ženy

Ve White Settlement v Texasu zabránil policista podvodu, kdy byla starší žena podvodem imitátorem Chase Bank oklamána, aby vložila 40 000 dolarů do bitcoinového bankomatu. Policejní oddělení Bílé osady zasáhlo poté, co znepokojený občan nahlásil podezřelou aktivitu. Podvodník oběti vyhrožoval zatčením, pokud finanční prostředky nepošle, což je běžná taktika v takových schématech. Pachatel ženu přesvědčil, aby si vybrala peníze z místní banky Chase a vložila je do bitcoinového bankomatu v obchodě. I přes složení 23 900 dolarů se policii podařilo zastavit další ztráty. Seržant James Stewart, který na výzvu reagoval, s obětí soucítil, zatímco náčelník policie Christopher Cook pochválil občana, který incident nahlásil. Probíhají snahy získat finanční prostředky zpět a vrátit je oběti. Přečtěte si další zprávy generované AI na:
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Prozkoumání fóra svobody v Oslu prostřednictvím krypto objektivuV roce 2023 jsem se zúčastnil více než tuctu konferencí, včetně hostování některých jako MC se zaujatostí pro bitcoiny. Oslo Freedom Forum vyniklo jako strhující událost, kde aktivisté a baviči z celého světa sdíleli své příběhy. Diskuse sahaly od bitcoinu po nástroje finanční svobody, přičemž významné osobnosti jako Jack Dorsey zdůrazňovaly význam bitcoinu. Zážitky mimo jeviště byly stejně obohacující, od tance s kolumbijským hudebníkem po zapojení do hlubokých rozhovorů. Tato událost zanechala trvalý dopad a podnítila úvahy o globálních problémech a síle slov při řízení změn. Navzdory ponurému uznání bojů lidstva fórum také zdůraznilo odolnost a radost ze společného úsilí o lepší svět. I když se nejedná o událost zaměřenou na kryptoměny, nabízí Oslo Freedom Forum jedinečnou perspektivu, která přesahuje tradiční konference, takže je povinnou návštěvou pro ty, kteří hledají inspiraci a smysluplná spojení v kryptoprostoru. Přečtěte si další zprávy generované AI na:

Prozkoumání fóra svobody v Oslu prostřednictvím krypto objektivu

V roce 2023 jsem se zúčastnil více než tuctu konferencí, včetně hostování některých jako MC se zaujatostí pro bitcoiny. Oslo Freedom Forum vyniklo jako strhující událost, kde aktivisté a baviči z celého světa sdíleli své příběhy. Diskuse sahaly od bitcoinu po nástroje finanční svobody, přičemž významné osobnosti jako Jack Dorsey zdůrazňovaly význam bitcoinu. Zážitky mimo jeviště byly stejně obohacující, od tance s kolumbijským hudebníkem po zapojení do hlubokých rozhovorů. Tato událost zanechala trvalý dopad a podnítila úvahy o globálních problémech a síle slov při řízení změn. Navzdory ponurému uznání bojů lidstva fórum také zdůraznilo odolnost a radost ze společného úsilí o lepší svět. I když se nejedná o událost zaměřenou na kryptoměny, nabízí Oslo Freedom Forum jedinečnou perspektivu, která přesahuje tradiční konference, takže je povinnou návštěvou pro ty, kteří hledají inspiraci a smysluplná spojení v kryptoprostoru. Přečtěte si další zprávy generované AI na:
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Vytváření bezpečné superinteligence ve světě kryptoměnBývalý spoluzakladatel OpenAI Ilya Sutskever spolu s inženýrem Danielem Levym a investorem Danielem Grossem založili společnost Safe Superintelligence, Inc. (SSI), aby zlepšili bezpečnost a schopnosti umělé inteligence (AI). Společnost se sídlem v USA s pobočkami v Palo Alto a Tel Avivu si klade za cíl vyvíjet AI bezpečným způsobem. Sutskever a Levy opustili OpenAI v květnu po obavách o směřování AI. Trojice, včetně Grosse, se zaměří na řízení a ovládání systémů AI chytřejších než lidé, známé jako umělá všeobecná inteligence (AGI). Tento krok přichází poté, co OpenAI rozpustila svůj tým Superalignment, což vyvolalo diskuse o rizicích AI. Nábor inženýrů a výzkumníků SSI signalizuje novou kapitolu ve vývoji AI v kryptokomunitě, přičemž osobnosti jako Vitalik Buterin a Elon Musk vyjadřují opatrnost a obhajují odpovědné praktiky školení AI. Přečtěte si další zprávy generované AI na:

Vytváření bezpečné superinteligence ve světě kryptoměn

Bývalý spoluzakladatel OpenAI Ilya Sutskever spolu s inženýrem Danielem Levym a investorem Danielem Grossem založili společnost Safe Superintelligence, Inc. (SSI), aby zlepšili bezpečnost a schopnosti umělé inteligence (AI). Společnost se sídlem v USA s pobočkami v Palo Alto a Tel Avivu si klade za cíl vyvíjet AI bezpečným způsobem. Sutskever a Levy opustili OpenAI v květnu po obavách o směřování AI. Trojice, včetně Grosse, se zaměří na řízení a ovládání systémů AI chytřejších než lidé, známé jako umělá všeobecná inteligence (AGI). Tento krok přichází poté, co OpenAI rozpustila svůj tým Superalignment, což vyvolalo diskuse o rizicích AI. Nábor inženýrů a výzkumníků SSI signalizuje novou kapitolu ve vývoji AI v kryptokomunitě, přičemž osobnosti jako Vitalik Buterin a Elon Musk vyjadřují opatrnost a obhajují odpovědné praktiky školení AI. Přečtěte si další zprávy generované AI na:
Solana Gaming Studio Mirror World Labs Raises $12M in Series A FundingMirror World Labs, a Solana gaming studio, has secured $12 million in its first Series A funding round led by Bitkraft, Galaxy Interactive, Big Brain Holdings, and others to advance the development of its gaming rollup, Sonic. CEO Chris Zhu stated that the funds will be utilized to enhance the Sonic protocol by introducing sandbox environments, customizable gaming primitives, and extensible data types. The aim is to onboard new developers to the Solana gaming ecosystem and facilitate existing game producers in utilizing the Sonic SVM and HyperGrid Framework. The Sonic protocol, launched in March, has already been adopted by 50 gaming clients, resulting in successful gaming sessions for games like Mahjong Meta and Matr1x Fire. Mirror World Labs, established in 2022, focuses on developing Solana gaming infrastructure and has raised a total of $16 million in venture capital funding. Read more AI-generated news on:

Solana Gaming Studio Mirror World Labs Raises $12M in Series A Funding

Mirror World Labs, a Solana gaming studio, has secured $12 million in its first Series A funding round led by Bitkraft, Galaxy Interactive, Big Brain Holdings, and others to advance the development of its gaming rollup, Sonic. CEO Chris Zhu stated that the funds will be utilized to enhance the Sonic protocol by introducing sandbox environments, customizable gaming primitives, and extensible data types. The aim is to onboard new developers to the Solana gaming ecosystem and facilitate existing game producers in utilizing the Sonic SVM and HyperGrid Framework. The Sonic protocol, launched in March, has already been adopted by 50 gaming clients, resulting in successful gaming sessions for games like Mahjong Meta and Matr1x Fire. Mirror World Labs, established in 2022, focuses on developing Solana gaming infrastructure and has raised a total of $16 million in venture capital funding. Read more AI-generated news on:
NYDFS Grants Cumberland BitLicense for Crypto TradingThe New York State Department of Financial Services (NYDFS) has issued a BitLicense to Cumberland, a cryptocurrency trading company, allowing it to function as a virtual currency entity. Cumberland intends to establish strong trading partnerships with institutional counterparts in New York using the BitLicense. As one of the 33 firms holding this license, Cumberland asserts itself as a leading principal trading firm. Since 2015, crypto businesses in New York have needed a BitLicense to operate. Critics, such as Mayor Eric Adams, have criticized the program for hindering innovation and economic progress. New York authorities have taken legal action against Genesis Global Trading and Gemini for alleged investor fraud. Fidelity selected Cumberland to trade Bitcoin for an investment vehicle before the SEC approved a spot Bitcoin ETF. Cumberland operates across North America, Europe, and Asia. Read more AI-generated news on:

NYDFS Grants Cumberland BitLicense for Crypto Trading

The New York State Department of Financial Services (NYDFS) has issued a BitLicense to Cumberland, a cryptocurrency trading company, allowing it to function as a virtual currency entity. Cumberland intends to establish strong trading partnerships with institutional counterparts in New York using the BitLicense. As one of the 33 firms holding this license, Cumberland asserts itself as a leading principal trading firm. Since 2015, crypto businesses in New York have needed a BitLicense to operate. Critics, such as Mayor Eric Adams, have criticized the program for hindering innovation and economic progress. New York authorities have taken legal action against Genesis Global Trading and Gemini for alleged investor fraud. Fidelity selected Cumberland to trade Bitcoin for an investment vehicle before the SEC approved a spot Bitcoin ETF. Cumberland operates across North America, Europe, and Asia. Read more AI-generated news on:
Crypto Market Analysis and ForecastThe S&P 500 Index (SPX) is hovering near its peak, while Bitcoin (BTC) has been losing ground, indicating an oversupply of Bitcoin. Despite outflows in Bitcoin exchange-traded funds, long-term investors remain unfazed. The number of wallets holding 10 BTC or more has reached a record high. Although Bitcoin appears weak in the short term, it is expected to find support within its current range. The S&P 500 is showing an upward trend, with potential resistance at 5,450. Bitcoin faces a critical support level at $64,602, while Ether (ETH) struggles with resistance at $3,604. BNB, Solana, XRP, Toncoin, Dogecoin, and Cardano are also analyzed for potential price movements. Investors are advised to conduct their own research before making any decisions. Read more AI-generated news on:

Crypto Market Analysis and Forecast

The S&P 500 Index (SPX) is hovering near its peak, while Bitcoin (BTC) has been losing ground, indicating an oversupply of Bitcoin. Despite outflows in Bitcoin exchange-traded funds, long-term investors remain unfazed. The number of wallets holding 10 BTC or more has reached a record high. Although Bitcoin appears weak in the short term, it is expected to find support within its current range. The S&P 500 is showing an upward trend, with potential resistance at 5,450. Bitcoin faces a critical support level at $64,602, while Ether (ETH) struggles with resistance at $3,604. BNB, Solana, XRP, Toncoin, Dogecoin, and Cardano are also analyzed for potential price movements. Investors are advised to conduct their own research before making any decisions. Read more AI-generated news on:
Signal President Criticizes EU Proposal on Encrypted ChatsThe president of Signal, a messaging app, has criticized a revised European Union proposal aiming to monitor encrypted chats under a new name. The EU Commission initially introduced the Chat Control law in mid-2022 to compel messaging apps to create a backdoor for end-to-end encrypted messages. Despite the EU Parliament committee rejecting mass screening of encrypted communications in November, a revised version of the law proposes an alternative method called 'upload moderation' to combat online child sexual abuse material. Signal's President, Meredith Whittaker, argues that 'upload moderation' is a ploy to undermine encryption, making private chats vulnerable to exploitation by hackers and hostile entities. Whittaker stresses the importance of protecting end-to-end encryption as a crucial privacy tool in an era of extensive surveillance. The proposed Chat Control law would require telecommunication operators to implement 'upload moderation' to combat child exploitation material, a move criticized by Whittaker and encryption experts as creating security vulnerabilities. Read more AI-generated news on:

Signal President Criticizes EU Proposal on Encrypted Chats

The president of Signal, a messaging app, has criticized a revised European Union proposal aiming to monitor encrypted chats under a new name. The EU Commission initially introduced the Chat Control law in mid-2022 to compel messaging apps to create a backdoor for end-to-end encrypted messages. Despite the EU Parliament committee rejecting mass screening of encrypted communications in November, a revised version of the law proposes an alternative method called 'upload moderation' to combat online child sexual abuse material. Signal's President, Meredith Whittaker, argues that 'upload moderation' is a ploy to undermine encryption, making private chats vulnerable to exploitation by hackers and hostile entities. Whittaker stresses the importance of protecting end-to-end encryption as a crucial privacy tool in an era of extensive surveillance. The proposed Chat Control law would require telecommunication operators to implement 'upload moderation' to combat child exploitation material, a move criticized by Whittaker and encryption experts as creating security vulnerabilities. Read more AI-generated news on:
Bitcoin Runes Boost Bitcoin Transaction FeesBitcoin Runes, a protocol for issuing fungible tokens on the Bitcoin network, has generated over 2,500 Bitcoin (BTC) in transaction fees within two months, showcasing the rise of Bitcoin-native decentralized finance (DeFi). Since its launch during the 2024 Bitcoin halving, Runes has accumulated fees worth $163 million, providing a significant revenue stream for Bitcoin miners post-halving. The dominance of Runes in issuing tokens on the blockchain is evident, with 12.2% of transactions related to Runes, while BRC-20 and Ordinals transactions make up 5% and 0.6%, respectively. This surge in transaction fees not only benefits miners but also highlights the growing interest in Bitcoin-native DeFi. With daily transaction counts surpassing other token standards, Runes continue to outperform in on-chain activity, solidifying their position in the evolving crypto landscape. Read more AI-generated news on:

Bitcoin Runes Boost Bitcoin Transaction Fees

Bitcoin Runes, a protocol for issuing fungible tokens on the Bitcoin network, has generated over 2,500 Bitcoin (BTC) in transaction fees within two months, showcasing the rise of Bitcoin-native decentralized finance (DeFi). Since its launch during the 2024 Bitcoin halving, Runes has accumulated fees worth $163 million, providing a significant revenue stream for Bitcoin miners post-halving. The dominance of Runes in issuing tokens on the blockchain is evident, with 12.2% of transactions related to Runes, while BRC-20 and Ordinals transactions make up 5% and 0.6%, respectively. This surge in transaction fees not only benefits miners but also highlights the growing interest in Bitcoin-native DeFi. With daily transaction counts surpassing other token standards, Runes continue to outperform in on-chain activity, solidifying their position in the evolving crypto landscape. Read more AI-generated news on:
Bitcoin Layer-2 Network Stacks Resumes Block Production After DowntimeBitcoin's layer-2 network Stacks recently faced a nine-hour downtime due to unexpected mining behavior and a Bitcoin reorg. The network's token, Stacks (STX), dropped over 8% to $1.89 after block production resumed. Coolpad Group, a telecommunications firm, is investing $13.5 million in crypto mining rigs. The Bank for International Settlements (BIS) reported a rise in wholesale central bank digital currency (CBDC) experiments. BlackRock's chief investment officer mentioned that financial advisers are cautious about U.S. spot Bitcoin ETFs. Despite challenges, Bitcoin continues its adoption journey, with over $100 billion raised for crypto startups since 2014. Additionally, presidential candidate Donald Trump aims to support the crypto industry. In the gaming sector, Axie Infinity's creator plans to move away from Discord, while SocialFi enhances gaming revenue. Read more AI-generated news on:

Bitcoin Layer-2 Network Stacks Resumes Block Production After Downtime

Bitcoin's layer-2 network Stacks recently faced a nine-hour downtime due to unexpected mining behavior and a Bitcoin reorg. The network's token, Stacks (STX), dropped over 8% to $1.89 after block production resumed. Coolpad Group, a telecommunications firm, is investing $13.5 million in crypto mining rigs. The Bank for International Settlements (BIS) reported a rise in wholesale central bank digital currency (CBDC) experiments. BlackRock's chief investment officer mentioned that financial advisers are cautious about U.S. spot Bitcoin ETFs. Despite challenges, Bitcoin continues its adoption journey, with over $100 billion raised for crypto startups since 2014. Additionally, presidential candidate Donald Trump aims to support the crypto industry. In the gaming sector, Axie Infinity's creator plans to move away from Discord, while SocialFi enhances gaming revenue. Read more AI-generated news on:
Astrology and Cryptocurrency: A New Trend Among Gen Z TradersA growing number of young investors, particularly from Gen Z, are turning to unconventional methods like astrology and tarot cards to guide their trading decisions in the cryptocurrency market. Influenced by the belief that everything, including market trends and planetary movements, follows a cyclical pattern, these traders are using lunar cycles and astrological symbols to time their trades. While older generations may be skeptical of such practices, for Gen Z, astrology has become mainstream. The pandemic has played a role in this shift, with a rise in mobile identities leading to an increased interest in astrology apps. Despite the skepticism, traders like Stefaniya Nova have reported significant earnings by combining intuition and astrology in their trading strategies. This trend coincides with the growing presence of retail investors in the cryptocurrency market, marking a new era of unconventional trading methods. Read more AI-generated news on:

Astrology and Cryptocurrency: A New Trend Among Gen Z Traders

A growing number of young investors, particularly from Gen Z, are turning to unconventional methods like astrology and tarot cards to guide their trading decisions in the cryptocurrency market. Influenced by the belief that everything, including market trends and planetary movements, follows a cyclical pattern, these traders are using lunar cycles and astrological symbols to time their trades. While older generations may be skeptical of such practices, for Gen Z, astrology has become mainstream. The pandemic has played a role in this shift, with a rise in mobile identities leading to an increased interest in astrology apps. Despite the skepticism, traders like Stefaniya Nova have reported significant earnings by combining intuition and astrology in their trading strategies. This trend coincides with the growing presence of retail investors in the cryptocurrency market, marking a new era of unconventional trading methods. Read more AI-generated news on:
Europe's New Political Landscape and the Crypto IndustryThe European Union's new parliament is expected to uphold its favorable stance towards the cryptocurrency sector. Following the recent elections, the EU faces a transformed political landscape with shifts in representation and ideologies. Despite the diverse approaches of member states on key issues like EU grants, migration, and climate change, Europe has managed to cater to the needs of the crypto industry. The dominant European People's Party (EPP) has shown a pragmatic and technology-neutral approach, providing stability for crypto businesses. The rise of far-right parties, though economically supportive, may introduce stricter financial regulations. However, Europe's unified crypto regulation, exemplified by the Markets in Crypto-Assets Regulation (MiCA), positions the continent as a global leader in the crypto space. Moving forward, the EU aims to enhance regulatory frameworks for decentralized finance and non-fungible tokens while balancing investor protection and industry growth. Read more AI-generated news on:

Europe's New Political Landscape and the Crypto Industry

The European Union's new parliament is expected to uphold its favorable stance towards the cryptocurrency sector. Following the recent elections, the EU faces a transformed political landscape with shifts in representation and ideologies. Despite the diverse approaches of member states on key issues like EU grants, migration, and climate change, Europe has managed to cater to the needs of the crypto industry. The dominant European People's Party (EPP) has shown a pragmatic and technology-neutral approach, providing stability for crypto businesses. The rise of far-right parties, though economically supportive, may introduce stricter financial regulations. However, Europe's unified crypto regulation, exemplified by the Markets in Crypto-Assets Regulation (MiCA), positions the continent as a global leader in the crypto space. Moving forward, the EU aims to enhance regulatory frameworks for decentralized finance and non-fungible tokens while balancing investor protection and industry growth. Read more AI-generated news on:
The Illusion of Whale Watching in CryptoTracking the movements of Bitcoin (BTC) whales, individuals holding significant amounts of Bitcoin, may not provide valuable insights, according to traders. Despite being a popular way to speculate on market sentiment, Glassnode lead analyst James Check, also known as “Checkmatey,” advised against relying on this metric for generating 'true alpha.' While it is believed that whales can influence the market, interpreting their actions can be subjective. For instance, dormant addresses with large holdings becoming active could indicate selling, but not always. Pseudonymous crypto analyst TXMC cautioned against making hasty conclusions based on whale metrics, as these entities may have complex wallet management strategies. Although social media posts on whale movements attract attention, analysts like Viviek Sen still use them to predict market trends. However, the accuracy and reliability of such data remain questionable in the volatile world of cryptocurrency. Read more AI-generated news on:

The Illusion of Whale Watching in Crypto

Tracking the movements of Bitcoin (BTC) whales, individuals holding significant amounts of Bitcoin, may not provide valuable insights, according to traders. Despite being a popular way to speculate on market sentiment, Glassnode lead analyst James Check, also known as “Checkmatey,” advised against relying on this metric for generating 'true alpha.' While it is believed that whales can influence the market, interpreting their actions can be subjective. For instance, dormant addresses with large holdings becoming active could indicate selling, but not always. Pseudonymous crypto analyst TXMC cautioned against making hasty conclusions based on whale metrics, as these entities may have complex wallet management strategies. Although social media posts on whale movements attract attention, analysts like Viviek Sen still use them to predict market trends. However, the accuracy and reliability of such data remain questionable in the volatile world of cryptocurrency. Read more AI-generated news on:
Tether's Impact on Emerging Markets and Global FinanceTether's CEO, Paolo Ardoino, highlighted the crucial role of USDT in driving demand for the US dollar in developing countries. With over 300 million users globally, USDT serves as a digital dollar, offering vital financial services to underbanked communities. This stablecoin facilitates efficient money transfers and storage, bypassing traditional financial systems. Tether's significant holdings in US Treasuries, amounting to $90.87 billion as of March 31, 2024, reflect its growing influence in finance. As the dominant stablecoin with a market cap exceeding $112 billion, USDT plays a pivotal role in the cryptocurrency market. Despite facing regulatory scrutiny, Tether continues to witness steady growth in demand, especially in emerging markets like Nigeria, Turkey, Thailand, and Brazil. Ardoino debunked claims of potential US government targeting, emphasizing Tether's commitment to transparency and compliance. Read more AI-generated news on:

Tether's Impact on Emerging Markets and Global Finance

Tether's CEO, Paolo Ardoino, highlighted the crucial role of USDT in driving demand for the US dollar in developing countries. With over 300 million users globally, USDT serves as a digital dollar, offering vital financial services to underbanked communities. This stablecoin facilitates efficient money transfers and storage, bypassing traditional financial systems. Tether's significant holdings in US Treasuries, amounting to $90.87 billion as of March 31, 2024, reflect its growing influence in finance. As the dominant stablecoin with a market cap exceeding $112 billion, USDT plays a pivotal role in the cryptocurrency market. Despite facing regulatory scrutiny, Tether continues to witness steady growth in demand, especially in emerging markets like Nigeria, Turkey, Thailand, and Brazil. Ardoino debunked claims of potential US government targeting, emphasizing Tether's commitment to transparency and compliance. Read more AI-generated news on:
Deutsche Telekom Expands Crypto Ventures with Bitcoin MiningDeutsche Telekom's T-Mobile division has revealed plans to venture into Bitcoin mining, building on its existing involvement in the crypto space. Since 2023, the telecommunications giant has been running a Bitcoin node and operating Bitcoin Lightning Network nodes. At the BTC Prague event, Dirk Röder, head of Web3 infrastructure at Deutsche Telekom, discussed the concept of 'digital monetary photosynthesis.' The company has also been active in Web3 as a Polygon validator since June 2023, utilizing its infrastructure to explore new revenue streams. As one of 100 validators on Polygon, Deutsche Telekom has contributed to the platform's proof-of-stake consensus mechanism. Additionally, the firm has partnered with to support AI-driven autonomous agents in various sectors like healthcare and supply chain management. This collaboration highlights Deutsche Telekom's commitment to innovation in the crypto and AI space. Read more AI-generated news on:

Deutsche Telekom Expands Crypto Ventures with Bitcoin Mining

Deutsche Telekom's T-Mobile division has revealed plans to venture into Bitcoin mining, building on its existing involvement in the crypto space. Since 2023, the telecommunications giant has been running a Bitcoin node and operating Bitcoin Lightning Network nodes. At the BTC Prague event, Dirk Röder, head of Web3 infrastructure at Deutsche Telekom, discussed the concept of 'digital monetary photosynthesis.' The company has also been active in Web3 as a Polygon validator since June 2023, utilizing its infrastructure to explore new revenue streams. As one of 100 validators on Polygon, Deutsche Telekom has contributed to the platform's proof-of-stake consensus mechanism. Additionally, the firm has partnered with to support AI-driven autonomous agents in various sectors like healthcare and supply chain management. This collaboration highlights Deutsche Telekom's commitment to innovation in the crypto and AI space. Read more AI-generated news on:
Crypto Advocates Launch Voter Education ProjectThree executives from major cryptocurrency mining companies in the U.S. have established a nonprofit organization to educate voters about Bitcoin. The Bitcoin Voter Project, led by executives from Marathon Digital Holdings, Riot Platforms, and CleanSpark, aims to inform voters about digital assets. Unlike a PAC, the project is registered as a 501(c)(4) and is nonpartisan. The initiative, which coincided with a meeting between mining representatives and former President Trump, plans to support candidates who back digital assets. With $5 million allocated for research and voter education, the project seeks to engage potential voters and influence elections. While single-issue crypto voters may not dominate the 2024 election, their impact could sway results in swing states. Various crypto advocacy groups have endorsed the project, which has already garnered hundreds of sign-ups. The upcoming debate between President Biden and Trump, along with other potential candidates like Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Chase Oliver, highlights the growing influence of crypto voters in the political landscape. Read more AI-generated news on:

Crypto Advocates Launch Voter Education Project

Three executives from major cryptocurrency mining companies in the U.S. have established a nonprofit organization to educate voters about Bitcoin. The Bitcoin Voter Project, led by executives from Marathon Digital Holdings, Riot Platforms, and CleanSpark, aims to inform voters about digital assets. Unlike a PAC, the project is registered as a 501(c)(4) and is nonpartisan. The initiative, which coincided with a meeting between mining representatives and former President Trump, plans to support candidates who back digital assets. With $5 million allocated for research and voter education, the project seeks to engage potential voters and influence elections. While single-issue crypto voters may not dominate the 2024 election, their impact could sway results in swing states. Various crypto advocacy groups have endorsed the project, which has already garnered hundreds of sign-ups. The upcoming debate between President Biden and Trump, along with other potential candidates like Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Chase Oliver, highlights the growing influence of crypto voters in the political landscape. Read more AI-generated news on:
NiceHash Introduces New Firmware Powered by MARA for Retail MinersCloud crypto mining platform NiceHash has launched a new firmware product in collaboration with Marathon Digital, allowing retail and home miners access to the mining company's technology. Marketed as NiceHash Firmware Powered by MARA, the firmware combines features developed by Marathon Digital, the largest Bitcoin miner by market cap. Marathon Digital's chief technology officer, Ashu Swami, stated that the new firmware, introduced in March, will be available to over 200,000 ASICs and enterprise clients. Users will pay a 2% fee, or 1.4% when using the NiceHash pool. The firmware is compatible with various ASIC mining machine models and algorithms, including Kadena's Blake2s algorithm for KDA coin mining. NiceHash also offers features like autotuning, temperature control, and a mobile app for remote ASIC management. In addition to software and mining services, NiceHash operates a hashrate market where ASIC owners can sell their hashing power for any supported coin. Read more AI-generated news on:

NiceHash Introduces New Firmware Powered by MARA for Retail Miners

Cloud crypto mining platform NiceHash has launched a new firmware product in collaboration with Marathon Digital, allowing retail and home miners access to the mining company's technology. Marketed as NiceHash Firmware Powered by MARA, the firmware combines features developed by Marathon Digital, the largest Bitcoin miner by market cap. Marathon Digital's chief technology officer, Ashu Swami, stated that the new firmware, introduced in March, will be available to over 200,000 ASICs and enterprise clients. Users will pay a 2% fee, or 1.4% when using the NiceHash pool. The firmware is compatible with various ASIC mining machine models and algorithms, including Kadena's Blake2s algorithm for KDA coin mining. NiceHash also offers features like autotuning, temperature control, and a mobile app for remote ASIC management. In addition to software and mining services, NiceHash operates a hashrate market where ASIC owners can sell their hashing power for any supported coin. Read more AI-generated news on:
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