🔵Investice do Terra Classic (LUNC) je vysoce riskantní snaha s vysokou odměnou 🤩.
🥦Abyste se stali milionářem s investicí 2 000 $ 🔥do roku 2025, musela by cena LUNC zažít ⚡exponenciální růst.
⬜Za předpokladu, že současná cena LUNC je 0,00009 USD, vaše investice 2 000 USD 🔥by vám přinesla přibližně 22 222 222 tokenů LUNC.
🔵Pojďme prozkoumat tři možné budoucí ceny pro LUNC v roce 2025:
🔴$0,001: Vaše investice by vzrostla více než 10krát, ale stále nedosáhla vašeho milionářského cíle.
🔴0,01 dolaru: Dosáhli byste významných výnosů, ale k dosažení 1 milionu dolarů by bylo zapotřebí značného nárůstu cen.
🔴$0.10: Překročili byste hranici 1 milionu dolarů, abyste dosáhli svého cíle. Tento scénář je však vysoce spekulativní kvůli masivní nabídce a výzvám LUNC.
🦠 Dosažení významného růstu by vyžadovalo:
🪪 Výrazné spálení pro snížení 📉 zásobování
🦠Větší adopce a mainstreamové uznání
⬜Investice do LUNC zůstává vysoce rizikovou činností. Zvážit:_
🔴Diverzifikace vašeho portfolia pro vyvážení spekulativních a stabilních investic
🔴Investujte opatrně a provádějte svůj vlastní výzkum
CZ nemusí nic dělat. A dokud tu budou investoři jako vy, nic se tu neuskuteční. Jste tu jen pro peníze, ne pro pokrok.
S 250 miliony uživatelů na palubě, Binance musí podporovat své uživatele. Investoři LUNC utrpěli v roce 2022 obrovské ztráty. @CZ musí pomoci investorům LUNC a podpořit spalování jejich nabídky. Pouze s jeho podporou může LUNC získat zpět 119 dolarů.
Chlapci, pojďme to udělat trendem #victimof2022 #binancehelpLUNC.
Může $LUNC dosáhnout 119 $ do roku 2025? Zde je důvod, proč je to možné
Myšlenka $LUNC (Luna Classic) znovu získávající svou bývalou slávu a dosahující 119 $ do roku 2025 není tak daleko od reality, jak by se mohlo zdát. Pojďme se podívat na pět přesvědčivých důvodů, proč by tento ambiciózní cíl mohl být realitou.
1. Rozšiřující se ekosystém podporující užitečnost Ekosystém LUNC se rychle vyvíjí, s novými aplikacemi a inovativními případy použití, které jsou zaváděny. Tento rozvoj zvyšuje užitečnost tokenu, podněcuje poptávku a vytváří základy pro potenciální růst ceny. 2. Komunitou poháněná dynamika
Možnost, že $LUNC se vrátí na své historické maximum, je více než jen sen. Zde je 5 důvodů, proč by rok 2025 mohl znamenat jeho návrat: 1. Rostoucí užitečnost: Ekosystém LUNC se rozšiřuje s novými případy použití, zvyšující se poptávkou a potenciálem. 2. Silná komunita: Komunita LUNC pohání spalování tokenů, rozvojové iniciativy a vzácnost. 3. Historický precedens: Kryptoměna zažila významné zotavení a LUNC by mohl být další. 4. Globální adopce: Jak roste adopce kryptoměn, LUNC se připravuje na využití této vlny.
$LUNC you can trade on other Exchanges against usdc if binance is not willing to support the EU community with the Mica regulations you have to trade on other platforms 🤷🏽♂️
tether is algorithm not backed by real money but by assets like ustc
Elon james official
USDT vs. USDC: Key Differences You Need to Know
When exploring stablecoins, two major contenders stand out: USDT (Tether) and USDC (USD Coin). Both are pegged to the U.S. dollar, providing stability in the volatile crypto market, but they differ in terms of their issuers, backing, regulatory adherence, and transparency. Here’s a breakdown:
1. Issuing Organizations USDT: Launched in 2014 by Tether Limited, USDT is one of the oldest and most widely used stablecoins, with a significant presence across global exchanges. USDC: Created in 2018, USDC is issued by Circle in partnership with Coinbase through the Centre Consortium. USDC’s backing from trusted crypto industry players gives it an institutional edge, appealing to businesses seeking reliability.
2. Backing and Reserves USDT: Tether claims 1:1 backing for USDT, but the reserves include not just U.S. dollars but also commercial papers, loans, and other assets. This mix has sparked concerns about the transparency and quality of USDT’s reserves. USDC: Each USDC token is fully backed by U.S. dollars or short-term U.S. Treasury securities, and Circle conducts third-party audits to confirm this, offering a higher level of transparency and trust.
3. Transparency and Verification USDT: Tether has faced criticism for not fully auditing its reserves. While it claims regular reviews, it hasn’t conducted complete public audits, raising concerns about transparency. USDC: Circle provides publicly available audits from independent firms, ensuring a strict 1:1 backing. For those prioritizing transparency, USDC stands out as a reliable choice.
4. Regulatory Approach USDT: Operating in a less regulated environment, Tether has more flexibility but also faces scrutiny from global regulators, creating uncertainty about its regulatory status. USDC: USDC follows strict U.S. regulations, making it a more attractive option for businesses and institutions seeking regulatory certainty. Its compliance with U.S. standards provides a solid foundation for those focused on risk mitigation.
5. Liquidity and Market Presence USDT: As the most widely used stablecoin, USDT dominates in liquidity and trading volume, making it the go-to choice for traders who need quick access to stable assets across various exchanges. USDC: Although less liquid than USDT, USDC is gaining popularity, especially in DeFi and institutional markets, due to its transparency and regulatory adherence.
6. Use Cases and Trust Factors USDT: Popular for its high liquidity, USDT is favored by traders for quick transactions and minimal price fluctuation. USDC: USDC appeals to businesses, institutions, and DeFi users who prioritize transparency, security, and regulatory compliance. Its fully audited reserves and clear backing make it a trustworthy choice.
Summary: Which Stablecoin Should You Choose? Choose USDT if liquidity, fast transactions, and wide exchange access are your priorities. It’s ideal for high-frequency traders who need flexibility. Opt for USDC if you value transparency, security, and regulatory compliance. Its reliable audits and backing by trusted firms make it the safer option for those looking for stability and accountability.
Ultimately, both USDT and USDC serve different purposes, and your choice depends on whether you prioritize market access and liquidity or trust and transparency.
The big problem is the community believes that they are in control. They believe that they are in control. Binance is in control
Eğer piyasanın hakimiyeti elinizde değilse hiçbir şekilde tarih vererek yükseliş vaad edemezsiniz. Eğer elinizde somut bilgiler olmadan bunu yapiyorsaniz bunun adı tavsiye değil manipulasyondur.
Sonra biraz onurlu iseniz ya kalkıp ozur dilersiniz ya da onursuzca verdiginiz tarihleri degistirerek yuzsuzce manipulasyona devam edersiniz..!
DK konusuna gelince...
Oldukça delile dayanan federal boyutta ciddi bir dolandırıcılık konusu (Suçlama değil ispatli) ve mahkeme sonuçları varken, iadesi abd ye yapiliyorken, "biz serbest kalacagini düşünüyoruz " " zaten çekeceği cezayi çekti " " trump onu affeder" hatta onu bakan bile yapar! diyen beyin özürlüleri büyük şaşkınlıkla izliyorum
ve sonra diyorum ki iyi ki sizin gibiler var. siz bu düşüncede olanlar ve bu düşüncelere inanan insanlar olmasaniz baronlar nasil likidite sağlayacak ta btc ve major coinler yükseliş döngüsüne devam edecek ..
Bugune kadar hep dedim .. Asla "aptal olmayin" demiyorum artık ..
Evet siz aptalca beklemeye yada satin almaya devam edin ki sizin paranizla birileri zengin olsun 😉
Why LUNC Could Reach $119 by 2025: A Vision of Possibility
As a cryptocurrency investor, it’s natural to approach bold price predictions with skepticism, especially for a project like Terra Classic ($LUNC ) that has faced significant challenges. However, with strategic developments and emerging market trends, LUNC’s potential to reach $119 by 2025 is not just a dream but a realistic scenario for those with vision and patience.
1. Revival Through Ecosystem Growth
Since its crash, LUNC has focused on rebuilding its ecosystem, with notable upgrades aimed at restoring its utility. Efforts to support decentralized applications (DApps), stablecoins, and staking have been central to this strategy. As the demand for these services increases, the potential for LUNC’s value growth becomes more apparent.
2. Community-Driven Development
LUNC’s active and loyal community plays a pivotal role in its recovery. Community-led governance initiatives, such as token burns, are designed to reduce supply and enhance scarcity. With billions of LUNC tokens already burned, this mechanism sets the stage for a significant price recovery.
3. Historical Comebacks in Crypto
The crypto market has seen many tokens rebound from extreme downturns to reach new all-time highs, including Bitcoin and Ethereum. With its robust infrastructure and engaged community, LUNC is well-positioned to replicate such comebacks.
4. Macro Trends and Adoption
The global crypto industry is projected to grow significantly by 2025, fueled by institutional investments, clearer regulations, and mainstream adoption. By aligning itself with these macro trends, LUNC stands to attract renewed interest and support as a high-potential blockchain project.
5. The Path to $119
Reaching $119 by 2025 will require the achievement of several critical milestones, including:
Aggressive Token Burns: Continued reduction of supply to enhance scarcity.
Adoption Growth: Increased usage of Terra Classic-based applications and services.
Strategic Partnerships: Collaborations that rebuild trust and credibility.
Market Conditions: Broader bullish trends in the cryptocurrency market.
A Final Thought
While reaching $119 is undeniably ambitious, the cryptocurrency market thrives on bold predictions and long-term vision. For investors who believe in LUNC’s revival and are prepared to navigate the risks, this journey offers a chance to be part of a potential historic comeback.
Disclaimer: This article is speculative and intended for informational purposes only. Always conduct thorough research and understand the risks before investing in cryptocurrencies. #LUNC✅ #Lunc2TheMoonSoon
6-دخلت السوق كمستثمر وندمت اني ماحطيت فلوسي كلها بالبتكوين7- فقط البتكوين هو من اعطاني مربح جيد العملات الميمية نفس سعرها لم تتغير كانت الشيبا والدق فقط نفس سعرهن اليوم
-جميع العملات الباقية لم يتغير سعرها تتذبذب او اتنخفض جميع العملات قريبة من سعرها الان اربع سنوات لم ترتفع
في عام 2021 ارتفعت جميع العملات واستبشرنا خير لكن مالبثت ورجعت لنفس سعرها
9- الخلاصة ان هذا السوق لايصلح للاستثمار وسوق خطر جدا ...كم من عملة اختفت الان وكانت من اقوي المشاريع لاتصدق مايقال ولاتضع مالك في اي عملة غير البتكوين
فقط هو البتكوين الصامد القوي وهو من يستحق انت تضع مالك فيه ...الان اصبح غير مغري للاستثمار اصبح عملت تحوط وحفظ للمال
كم من منصة افلست وكم من عملة انهارت ...لم اربح من الا من البتكوين ..جميع عملاتي الاخري فاشلة وخاسرة..خذ العبرة