Yesterday I started an article about L2 where I write about first six most popular Layer 2 and today I will continue with following six

Just to recap I wrote a word about a project, give some entrys and give a conclusion after the graph. For part one check yesterdays article

  • What Is SKALE Network (SKL)?

SKALE, described as a modular blockchain network, is designed to bring scalability to Ethereum. SKALE is the only blockchain network capable of running an unlimited number of fast, on-demand, pooled-security Blockchains with zero gas fees to end users. These individual chains are known as SKALE chains and can be dapp-specific or shared.

The project’s website says it wants to enable people to build and run DApps in a “decentralized modular cloud built for real-world needs and configured for your requirements.” This emphasis on decentralization isn’t at the expense of security.

According to SKALE, those who build on this platform can run Solidity smart contracts “thousands of times faster at a fraction of the mainnet cost” — with games and content streaming services among the projects that already take advantage of its infrastructure

In green are my entry points and in red I will slowly skale out of that project. Must say I haven't played myself in previous bull run and still holding the bag. We can see bottom W formation forming on a weekly. The moral of this story is pay yourself on the way up don't get stuck in a hipe

  • What Is Loopring [LRC]?

LRC is the Ethereum-based cryptocurrency token of Loopring, an open protocol designed for the building of decentralized crypto exchanges.

Loopring’s purported goal is to combine centralized order matching with decentralized on-blockchain order settlement into a hybridized product that will take the best aspects of both centralized and decentralized exchanges

To be honest with you I don't see LRS hit ATH soon because there are better projects for L2 specially on Ethereum

  • What Is MetisDAO (METIS)?

Metis is an Ethereum Layer-2 scaling solution aiming to solve the blockchain trilemma: that blockchains cannot be decentralized, secure, and scalable simultaneously. It also strives to solve Ethereum's biggest challenges: speed, cost and scalability

Metis wants to help developers create and manage existing decentralized applications (dApps), while also supporting developers and entrepreneurs who want to build and launch new dApps. It also integrates the Decentralized Autonomous Company (DAC) framework into its Layer 2 infrastructure to help developers and businesses move from Web 2.0 to Web 3.0

Metis has a lot of liquidity below 70 dollars. If it reaches any of those prices I will slowly skale into this project because after the research and preparing for this article I saw a big potential for this asset

  • What is Aevo?

Aevo is a decentralized derivatives exchange focused on options, perpetuals, and pre-launch trading.

Aevo runs on the Aevo L2, a custom Ethereum rollup built using the Optimism stack. This enables Aevo to support over 5,000 transactions per second and process over $30 billion in trading volume.

The exchange uses a hybrid model - an off-chain central limit order book for matching trades, combined with on-chain settlement of the actual trades using smart contracts on Ethereum L2. This allows Aevo to provide a high-performance, low-latency trading experience similar to centralized exchanges while maintaining the security and transparency of decentralized settlement.

Aevo is built by the team that launched Ribbon Finance

I am not a holder of this asset but I will buy it just because of potential if it reaches ATH. 7X is good for my taste

  • What Is Lisk (LSK)?

Lisk is striving to on-board 100,000,000 users into crypto and web3 by offering an accessible blockchain application platform and an industry leading JavaScript SDK

Released in 2019, the Lisk SDK enables developers to build application-specific blockchains entirely in JavaScript, the most widely used programming language in the world. To get a deep-dive into the Lisk SDK, please visit the Lisk SDK documentation or watch Lisk.js 2019 and Lisk.js 2022 and to better understand why Lisk is important watch the following videos: The Case for Lisk and The Ultimate Vision for Lisk

Released in 2022, the Lisk blockchain application platform allows interoperability between all application-specific blockchains built with the Lisk SDK. With other words, users are now able to use DeFi, NFT or Metaverse blockchain applications on Lisk

The Lisk project is managed by the Lisk Foundation, a non-profit entity based in Zug, Switzerland. A local team of experts specialized in law and finance, as well as yearly audits, ensure the proper handling of funds and regulatory compliance under the supervision of the Swiss Federal Foundation Supervisory Authority (ESA, Eidgenössische Stiftungsaufsicht)

The Lisk products are developed by the Lightcurve GmbH, a Berlin based blockchain studio. With a team of over 40 blockchain experts, Lightcurve is researching, developing and promoting the Lisk SDK and the Lisk blockchain application platform

If LSK finds support at 1.8 it will go to at least 3.6 in other hand I will load my bags and pay myself at red levels. I don't think LSK will reach ATH this bull run

  • What is Cartesi (CTSI)?

Cartesi is an app-specific rollup protocol with a virtual machine that runs Linux distributions, creating a richer and broader design space for DApp developers.

Cartesi Rollups offer a modular scaling solution, deployable as L2, L3, or sovereign rollups, while maintaining strong base layer security guarantees

For the last one I drawn a pattern and let us see if I hit a jackpot 😂

This is all from me in this 2 part series, hope you enjoyed reading and learn something new

More articles coming in the future stay tooned

Trade safely pay yourself and stay GOATED

Mad love and respect

#Layer2Altcoins #SKALE #CTSI #MetisOnBinance