Fellow traders, can you imagine, the year is 2024, and Bitcoin has become the native currency of the online world. What started as a revolutionary idea was now a trillion-dollar network spanning every corner of the globe. While traditional banks still operated in the physical world, Bitcoin had become the financial backbone powering global commerce in cyberspace.

As more people and businesses turned to using Bitcoin, its value rises exponentially over the years. Now, being a shareholder of this digital currency is like owning stock in the bank of the future. Every ten minutes, Bitcoin's network of miners and validators powered up their computers to process transactions and release new Bitcoins onto the electronic streets of the Internet. This is how value was created- through the energy and resources poured into maintaining such a vast monetary network.

Everyone today & tomorrow will see Bitcoin for what it IS - sound digital money without political or corporate control. Young people who grew up with the Internet realized they didn't need permission to participate in this new digital economy. All they needed was the willingness to learn, an internet connection, and a way to acquire some fraction of a Bitcoin. From there, their financial lives could take them anywhere & with that connectivity reached across the planet.

This story illustrates why we should all strive to become shareholders in Bitcoin over the coming years. By accumulating SATS on a regular basis, users gain ownership over a financial network that is bound to transform the world. In the new digital age, Bitcoin offers perhaps the greatest opportunity for wealth creation we have ever seen. I'm here to help guide anyone interested in capitalizing on this revolution!


MicroStrategy now Holds 190,000 BTC, at a total cost of over $5.93 billion as of Jan 2024. MicroStrategy considers itself the world’s first Bitcoin development company.
