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#ETHBreaks2k #ETHBreaks2k Ethereum (ETH) has broken through the $2,000 level, but not in the way you might expect. Instead of surging past this milestone, ETH has actually fallen to this level, testing its 16-month lows from November 2023.¹
#VoteToListOnBinance #VoteToListOnBinance We now invite users to participate and vote on the first batch of Vote to List projects. How to Vote: - Each user can vote for up to 5 projects, with the option to vote for fewer if desired. Each verified account can only allocate one vote for one project. - Users must be logged in to their verified Binance accounts and hold a minimum of at least 0.01 BNB in their master accounts throughout the Voting Period for their votes to be eligible.
$ETH $ETH From the scratch to the skies." That’s the story we’ve built together. Thanks for sticking with us through thick and thin, building this powerhouse community since day one. Your belief in us fuels everything we do. 🙌
$BNB **BNB** هي العُملة الأصليّة لِبورصة **Binance**، وَاحِدة مِن أَكبر مِنَصّات التّداول عَالميًا. بَدَأت كَرمز ERC-20 عَلى شَبَكة إيثيريوم، ثُمّ انتَقَلت إِلى بَلوك تشين خاصّ بها (Binance Chain) لِدَعْم سُرعة المُعاملات وَتخفيض التّكاليف. تُستَخدَم BNB لِخَصم رُسوم التّداول، والمُشاركة في إِطلاق العُملات (Launchpad)، وَتَمْويل مشاريع عَلَى شَبَكة **Binance Smart Chain** (BSC) المُختَصّة بِالتّطبيقات اللامركزيّة (dApps). بِالإضافة، تَعتمِد آليّة "حَرق الرُّموز" لِتَقليل العَرض وَزيادة الندَرة، مِمّا يُعزّز قيمتها. رَغم نَجاحها، تُواجه انتِقاداتٍ حَول مَركزية الشَّبكة. تَبقى BNB أَداة مَركزية في اِقتصاد Binance الواسِع، وَجسرًا بَين التّقليدي وَاللامركزي.
#AiXBTSecurityBreach Popular AI bot and influencer AiXBT fell victim to a security breach, losing 55.5 ETH (~$105,000) after a hacker accessed its secure dashboard and queued malicious transactions. Developer RXBT confirmed it wasn’t due to agent manipulation and has since implemented additional security measures, including server migrations and access key swaps.
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