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Binance Rozbalení dárku k Novému roku 🎁 #BinanceGift #BinanceUnpacking #NewYear2025 #Crypto
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#Alert LINA, BURGER, AST will be delisted at 28/03/2025.
Action :- Work hard Result :- received lower points 😁😂🤭😂😊
#WhiteHouseCryptoSummit Tell my experience :- Donal trum is very active now for take decision about cryptocurrency world. he will discuss about cryptocurrency for upgrade american economy by cryptocurrency. he want that the america is control to all cryptocurrencys and cryptomarket. so he doing action White House Crypto Summit. if trump will be success in this action then american's economy catch big profit. but indian economy will be very dangerous loss. you thinking... how..! because Indian government banned to cryptocurrency and crypto exchange apps. prime minister narendra modi of india and his society hindu(brahman, brahmin) want control all indian economy with all indian peoples and make hindurashtra. but indian peopls don't accepted this decision of narendra modi and hindu society. indian peoples are ignored crypto banned rule and they investing in cryptocurrency. 10 million+ indian are trading in cryptocurrency market and they following to democracy. Cryptocurrencys are giving economy freedom to indian peoples so present prime minister narendra modi and his society hindu can't controlling to indian peoples and them economy power. so indian peoples and them economy being powerfull but indian government's power going in loss. indian government want take tax from crypto traders but can't taking tax. government of india is banned to Binance but 8.7 million indian are using binance. Indian cryptocurrency traders are using banned crypto exchange apps. indian crypto traders are doing very risky work. present government of india and his economy can be very loss again by cryptocurrency and crypto traders.
$USDC is very secure, trustable and profitable coin.if you want that you money upgrade always then you can invest here. you can catch big bullish profit for all time. high invest here and receive high profit. you can upgrade valuem of usdc. you invest here and don't worry. wellcome to you here and invest ever. you can trust me.
#ETH Tell my experience :- ETH is very popular now. this coin is very profitable, valuable, active, high cap market, secure cryptocurrency coin. this coin's volume is 24h high. ETH's market cap in +billion. this is go up bullish for long time and come down bearish for short time. here's Est service is dual option and very good profitable. Hallo guys... wellcome to you here invest ever. you can catch big bullish prifit. highest traders are always invest in here. you can make millionaire, billionaire by ETH. remember always that take high risk and get high profit. you can trust me
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