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Obchod s Trumpem je stále nedotčen, říká Tom Lee z Fundstrat
Vyloučení odpovědnosti: Obsahuje názory třetích stran. Nejedná se o finanční poradenství. Může obsahovat sponzorovaný obsah.
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when they say shitcoin Notcoin is an example of shitcoin...liquidation every were $NOT
Every Traders knows this pain....🤔 Why does it always happen like this... The plan is always failing... Pain...Pain...Pain... 😢😢😢😢😢😢 #BTC #Binance
Get Usdt as soon as Bitcoin drops to the 80,000 you buy and sell when its up
Remember this The market does not care about you, your opinion and your analysis. Stop using phrases like "the market will/should/needs to go there." I either talk to a trader or I see a trader out there using language like: "It's going to flush today." "The market will pump today to ATH." "The market needs to retrace." If you ever hear someone using those words, you simply know they haven't been in the game long enough. While it's good to have conviction of the moves you are anticipating, it's never certain. Trading is all about Potentials. Probabilities and Odds.
Read this....
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BNB Surpasses 610 USDT with a Narrowed 1.23% Decrease in 24 Hours
Stablecoin Market Cap Reaches $233.54 Billion with USDT Leading
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