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$SHIB Severokorejští kryptohackeři od té doby ukradli 3 miliardy dolarů 2017, říká Rada bezpečnosti OSN: Zpráva Sledujte ❤️ + Like 😉 Děkuji, bratře Staňte se vítězem živého vysílání #HotTrends #ETH #BOME #crypro #STX Hackerské útoky na kryptoměny spojené se Severní Koreou dosáhly mezi lety 2017 a 2023 celkem 3 miliardy dolarů, uvedla ve čtvrtek jihokorejská tisková agentura Yonhap s odkazem na studii Rady bezpečnosti Organizace spojených národů (OSN). Panel Rady bezpečnosti OSN vyšetřuje 17 kryptografických loupeží v roce 2023, za které mohla být zodpovědná Severní Korea, které byly oceněny na více než 750 milionů dolarů, dodala zpráva. Podle zprávy bylo mezi lety 2017 a 2023 podezřelých z kybernetických útoků na firmy spojené s kryptoměnami celkem 58. Zpráva uvádí, že Severní Korea získává přibližně 50 % svých příjmů v cizí měně z kybernetických útoků, které se používají k financování jejích $XRP zbraňových programů. Severní Korea se zaměřuje na kryptoprůmysl jako způsob, jak se vyhnout sankcím, uvádí zpráva a označuje zemi za „nejplodnějšího $BNB kyberzloděje na světě“. V prosinci kyberbezpečnostní firma Recorded Future také vypočítala, že 3 miliardy dolarů v kryptoměně ukradla za posledních šest let hackerská organizace Lazarus Group napojená na Severní Koreu. Čtěte více: Evropský parlament schválil nové zákony o sankcích, které se vztahují i ​​na kryptoměny
Severokorejští kryptohackeři od té doby ukradli 3 miliardy dolarů
2017, říká Rada bezpečnosti OSN: Zpráva
Sledujte ❤️ + Like 😉 Děkuji, bratře
Staňte se vítězem živého vysílání
#HotTrends #ETH #BOME #crypro #STX
Hackerské útoky na kryptoměny spojené se Severní Koreou dosáhly mezi lety 2017 a 2023 celkem 3 miliardy dolarů, uvedla ve čtvrtek jihokorejská tisková agentura Yonhap s odkazem na studii Rady bezpečnosti Organizace spojených národů (OSN).
Panel Rady bezpečnosti OSN vyšetřuje 17 kryptografických loupeží v roce 2023, za které mohla být zodpovědná Severní Korea, které byly oceněny na více než 750 milionů dolarů, dodala zpráva.
Podle zprávy bylo mezi lety 2017 a 2023 podezřelých z kybernetických útoků na firmy spojené s kryptoměnami celkem 58. Zpráva uvádí, že Severní Korea získává přibližně 50 % svých příjmů v cizí měně z kybernetických útoků, které se používají k financování jejích $XRP zbraňových programů.
Severní Korea se zaměřuje na kryptoprůmysl jako způsob, jak se vyhnout sankcím, uvádí zpráva a označuje zemi za „nejplodnějšího $BNB kyberzloděje na světě“.
V prosinci kyberbezpečnostní firma Recorded Future také vypočítala, že 3 miliardy dolarů v kryptoměně ukradla za posledních šest let hackerská organizace Lazarus Group napojená na Severní Koreu.
Čtěte více: Evropský parlament schválil nové zákony o sankcích, které se vztahují i ​​na kryptoměny
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$BTC $ETH $BNB Historie kryptoměn: Bitcoin — Reakce Satoshi Nakamota na globální finanční krizi V roce 2008, na vrcholu globální finanční krize, anonymní postava jménem Satoshi Nakamoto navrhla Bitcoin, průlomový elektronický hotovostní systém. #HotTrends #ETH #BOME #crypro #STX
Historie kryptoměn: Bitcoin — Reakce Satoshi Nakamota na globální finanční krizi
V roce 2008, na vrcholu globální finanční krize, anonymní postava jménem Satoshi Nakamoto navrhla Bitcoin, průlomový elektronický hotovostní systém.
#HotTrends #ETH #BOME #crypro #STX
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#HotTrends #ETH #crypro #BTCUSDT #BTC KRÁTKÝ VOLÁNÍ TRH/NÁKUPNÍ OBJEDNÁVKA 68000-67300 5-25X TP1: 65500 30 % TP2: 62200 30 % TP3: 59 000 40 % DCA STOP LOSS: 75 000 časový rámec týdenní převzetí na vlastní riziko
#HotTrends #ETH #crypro #BTCUSDT #BTC





TP1: 65500 30 %
TP2: 62200 30 %
TP3: 59 000 40 %


STOP LOSS: 75 000

časový rámec týdenní převzetí na vlastní riziko
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💥💥💥 Největší altseason v historii hned za rohem! Můžete udělat 2x-5x, kupovat alts, když to začne. Ale 1000x možné pouze během shakeoutu! Nenechte se vytřást, ale využijte propadů během býčího běhu! #BTC #BOME #crypro 🔥🔥🔥🔥 #TrendingTopic : #HotTrends $SOL $BTC $INJ
Největší altseason v historii hned za rohem!
Můžete udělat 2x-5x, kupovat alts, když to začne.
Ale 1000x možné pouze během shakeoutu!
Nenechte se vytřást, ale využijte propadů během býčího běhu!
#BTC #BOME #crypro 🔥🔥🔥🔥 #TrendingTopic : #HotTrends $SOL $BTC $INJ
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Ahoj, Binance Square! Získejte zdarma 🥳🥳 100 💰USD 🥳🥳 Získejte to hned, pospěšte si ⬆️ Postupujte podle následujících kroků jeden po druhém: 1. Sledujte mě pro další aktualizace. 2. Lajkujte, sdílejte a do komentáře napište hotovo. 3. Ukažte mi své uznání tím, že mi dáte tip. [Claim From Here....]( #HotTrends #ETH #crypro #BTC
Ahoj, Binance Square!
Získejte zdarma 🥳🥳 100 💰USD 🥳🥳 Získejte to hned, pospěšte si ⬆️ Postupujte podle následujících kroků jeden po druhém:
1. Sledujte mě pro další aktualizace.
2. Lajkujte, sdílejte a do komentáře napište hotovo.
3. Ukažte mi své uznání tím, že mi dáte tip.
Claim From Here....

#HotTrends #ETH #crypro #BTC
Zobrazit originál
Všechno nejlepší Shiba Inu za 1 USD cestu Možné??? Možné… Možné!!! Nedivte se… Nebuď zděšený… Neváhejte Již brzy Víra a vášeň Destiny – JEDEN USD 1000X procent #SHIBA✅🚀 #HotTrends #crypro #ETH
Všechno nejlepší Shiba Inu za 1 USD cestu
Nedivte se…
Nebuď zděšený…
Již brzy
Víra a vášeň
Destiny – JEDEN USD
1000X procent
#HotTrends #crypro #ETH
Where to? ETH ETFs? Strategic delay: The launch of Bitcoin ETFs in the US market has been postponed to ensure better market integration. Ethereum-linked ETFs are proposed to be launched in December instead of May to allow the traditional financial sector to fully digest the Bitcoin ETF wave. Regulatory challenges: The SEC needs to resolve some evidentiary points within the grantor trust framework. The SEC's history of delaying its decisions on cryptocurrency-related financial products suggests that anticipation for quick approval may be overly optimistic. Potential impact: A possible delay in the launch of Ethereum-related ETFs could be a strategic move, ensuring that they are launched in a market that is more mature and ready for their integration. This approach may ultimately be beneficial to Ethereum enthusiasts and investors, marking an important step in integrating the cryptocurrency into traditional financial products#HotTrends #ETH #BOME #crypro #STX
Where to? ETH ETFs?
Strategic delay:
The launch of Bitcoin ETFs in the US market has been postponed to ensure better market integration.
Ethereum-linked ETFs are proposed to be launched in December instead of May to allow the traditional financial sector to fully digest the Bitcoin ETF wave.
Regulatory challenges:
The SEC needs to resolve some evidentiary points within the grantor trust framework.
The SEC's history of delaying its decisions on cryptocurrency-related financial products suggests that anticipation for quick approval may be overly optimistic.
Potential impact:
A possible delay in the launch of Ethereum-related ETFs could be a strategic move, ensuring that they are launched in a market that is more mature and ready for their integration.
This approach may ultimately be beneficial to Ethereum enthusiasts and investors, marking an important step in integrating the cryptocurrency into traditional financial products#HotTrends #ETH #BOME #crypro #STX
Nadeem Crypto trader
doplňkové odměny až 10 usdt
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#HotTrends #sol #DOGE

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Odměna: 2 USDT 💎 Připojte se k Airdropu 🔴 Dokončete všechny úkoly 🔴 Odešlete podrobnosti 🔴 Hotovo#alashark63#alashark63#alashark63#crypro #ETH #BTC
Odměna: 2 USDT
💎 Připojte se k Airdropu
🔴 Dokončete všechny úkoly
🔴 Odešlete podrobnosti
🔴 Hotovo#alashark63#alashark63#alashark63#crypro #ETH #BTC
$BTC $59k will be the lower level of this dump season. Until that, be careful. As I said, consolidation will be hard! ---Tell me some coins you want me to analyze, I wi#HotTrends #ETH #BOME #crypro #STX
$BTC $59k will be the lower level of this dump season.
Until that, be careful.
As I said, consolidation will be hard!
---Tell me some coins you want me to analyze, I wi#HotTrends #ETH #BOME #crypro #STX
Nadeem Crypto trader
doplňkové odměny až 10 usdt
claim reward here
#HotTrends #sol #DOGE

Zobrazit originál
dnes jsme vydělali hodně štěstí zítra je pátek, možná uvidíme nějaký trhový výpadek tak pozor přátelé podíl na zisku zde je to pomoc při obnově ztráty není příliš pozdě.#HotTrends #ETH #BOME #crypro #crypro
dnes jsme vydělali hodně štěstí
zítra je pátek, možná uvidíme nějaký trhový výpadek
tak pozor přátelé
podíl na zisku
zde je to pomoc při obnově ztráty není příliš pozdě.#HotTrends #ETH #BOME #crypro #crypro
Citovaný obsah byl odebrán.
Bitcoin (BTC) Price Collapsing Again After Short-Lived Recovery BTC $65,720 -2.96% Cover image via U.Today The Bitcoin (BTC) price is on the ropes once again, struggling to gain enough bullish momentum.   Earlier this Thursday, the largest cryptocurrency slipped below the $65,000 level on major spot exchanges, according to data provided by CoinGecko.  Over the past four hours alone, more than $37 million worth of long positions have been liquidated, CoinGlass sta shows.  However, short positions are still in the lead by liquidations over the past 24 hours, nearing $120 million.  A short-lived bounce   On Wednesday, Bitcoin bulls gathered enough strength to convincingly push the price of the largest cryptocurrency above the $67,000 level following dovish comments made by Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell. In fact, Bitcoin even briefly managed to top $68,000 before retracing lower. However, this resistance level has proven to be very tough to crack.#HotTrends #ETH #BOME #crypro #STX
Bitcoin (BTC) Price Collapsing Again After Short-Lived Recovery
Cover image via U.Today
The Bitcoin (BTC) price is on the ropes once again, struggling to gain enough bullish momentum.  
Earlier this Thursday, the largest cryptocurrency slipped below the $65,000 level on major spot exchanges, according to data provided by CoinGecko. 
Over the past four hours alone, more than $37 million worth of long positions have been liquidated, CoinGlass sta shows. 
However, short positions are still in the lead by liquidations over the past 24 hours, nearing $120 million. 
A short-lived bounce  
On Wednesday, Bitcoin bulls gathered enough strength to convincingly push the price of the largest cryptocurrency above the $67,000 level following dovish comments made by Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell. In fact, Bitcoin even briefly managed to top $68,000 before retracing lower. However, this resistance level has proven to be very tough to crack.#HotTrends #ETH #BOME #crypro #STX
Nadeem Crypto trader
doplňkové odměny až 10 usdt
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#HotTrends #sol #DOGE

Encrypted grapevine! 📢According to data from Farside Investors, yesterday (March 22) the spot Bitcoin ETF experienced net outflows for 4 consecutive days, totaling up to US$332.1 million! 😱 But don’t worry, let’s take a look at the specific data distribution. First, Grayscale GBTC had the largest net outflow, reaching $358.8 million. In comparison, the capital inflows of other companies are pretty good. Bitwise BITB had a net inflow of $12 million; ARK 21Shares' ARKB had a net inflow of $2 million; Franklin EZBC had a net inflow of $3.8 million; VanEck HODL had a net inflow of $1.8 million; Fidelity FBTC had a net inflow of $2.9 million, although it hit a record The lowest inflow recorded in a single day, but overall there was an increase. While the spot Bitcoin ETF saw continuous net outflows, we also saw inflows from several others. This shows that the market's attitude is still relatively neutral, and everyone does not need to worry too much. Here, we also encourage everyone to talk about your views on spot Bitcoin ETFs in the comment area, communicate and learn together, and make progress together!#HotTrends #ETH #BOME #crypro #STX
Encrypted grapevine! 📢According to data from Farside Investors, yesterday (March 22) the spot Bitcoin ETF experienced net outflows for 4 consecutive days, totaling up to US$332.1 million! 😱 But don’t worry, let’s take a look at the specific data distribution.
First, Grayscale GBTC had the largest net outflow, reaching $358.8 million. In comparison, the capital inflows of other companies are pretty good. Bitwise BITB had a net inflow of $12 million; ARK 21Shares' ARKB had a net inflow of $2 million; Franklin EZBC had a net inflow of $3.8 million; VanEck HODL had a net inflow of $1.8 million; Fidelity FBTC had a net inflow of $2.9 million, although it hit a record The lowest inflow recorded in a single day, but overall there was an increase.
While the spot Bitcoin ETF saw continuous net outflows, we also saw inflows from several others. This shows that the market's attitude is still relatively neutral, and everyone does not need to worry too much. Here, we also encourage everyone to talk about your views on spot Bitcoin ETFs in the comment area, communicate and learn together, and make progress together!#HotTrends #ETH #BOME #crypro #STX
Nadeem Crypto trader
doplňkové odměny až 10 usdt
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#HotTrends #sol #DOGE

Bitcoin at 1 million dollars? Arthur Hayes sees ETF-driven rise, but… Hayes attributed Bitcoin's rise to $70,000 to ETFs. Investors have started to show a greater preference for BTC. In the wake of fluctuating bitcoin [BTC] prices, Arthur Hayes, co-founder of BitMEX, has issued an optimistic forecast for the future of the cryptocurrency. In the latest episode of “The Wolf of All Streets” podcast, Hayes envisioned Bitcoin reaching unprecedented heights. He commented, "One million? I don't think people have enough imagination...Why was it as fast as 70,000? Because a group of people can now check a box and buy some Bitcoin ETF.” Recent statistics reinforce his argument. The top ten Bitcoin spot ETFs witnessed a notable 15% increase in net inflows, reaching $2.57 billion just last week. This is a jump from the $2.24 billion recorded the previous week. The executive interpreted this trend as a clear indicator of growing interest on the part of the global investment community. Disillusioned by the declining returns of traditional bonds, investors are now considering Bitcoin ETFs as a lucrative, low-risk diversification option. To Wall Street and Beyond: The ETF Revolution The shift towards Bitcoin ETFs has not gone unnoticed by financial experts. Grant Engelbart, Vice President and Investment Strategist at Carson Group, highlighted the trend in a recent interview with Bloomberg ETF IQ. He revealed, “We have seen a handful of advisors allocate an average of 3.5% to two client households.” Engelbart shed light on the strategic financing of these investments. He noted a trend where investors are reallocating assets from other segments of their portfolios. These are especially growth funds and aggressive equity positionsun1000000#HotTrends #ETH #BOME #crypro #STX
Bitcoin at 1 million dollars? Arthur Hayes sees ETF-driven rise, but…
Hayes attributed Bitcoin's rise to $70,000 to ETFs.
Investors have started to show a greater preference for BTC.
In the wake of fluctuating bitcoin [BTC] prices, Arthur Hayes, co-founder of BitMEX, has issued an optimistic forecast for the future of the cryptocurrency.
In the latest episode of “The Wolf of All Streets” podcast, Hayes envisioned Bitcoin reaching unprecedented heights. He commented,
"One million? I don't think people have enough imagination...Why was it as fast as 70,000? Because a group of people can now check a box and buy some Bitcoin ETF.”
Recent statistics reinforce his argument. The top ten Bitcoin spot ETFs witnessed a notable 15% increase in net inflows, reaching $2.57 billion just last week.
This is a jump from the $2.24 billion recorded the previous week.
The executive interpreted this trend as a clear indicator of growing interest on the part of the global investment community.
Disillusioned by the declining returns of traditional bonds, investors are now considering Bitcoin ETFs as a lucrative, low-risk diversification option.
To Wall Street and Beyond: The ETF Revolution
The shift towards Bitcoin ETFs has not gone unnoticed by financial experts.
Grant Engelbart, Vice President and Investment Strategist at Carson Group, highlighted the trend in a recent interview with Bloomberg ETF IQ. He revealed,
“We have seen a handful of advisors allocate an average of 3.5% to two client households.”
Engelbart shed light on the strategic financing of these investments. He noted a trend where investors are reallocating assets from other segments of their portfolios.
These are especially growth funds and aggressive equity positionsun1000000#HotTrends #ETH #BOME #crypro #STX
Nadeem Crypto trader
doplňkové odměny až 10 usdt
claim reward here
#HotTrends #sol #DOGE

Citovaný obsah byl odebrán.
$BOME WHY is it pumping. 3 days ago I told you guys that BoMe token will drop and a dip bellow $0.01is inevitable, and it did happen. If you are one of my followers who did my advice to short and set a take profit at 0.01 CONGRATULATIONS! we made a lot of money! now is the time to go Long Position! the FED FOMC meeting is over and the interest rate being unchange valuing at 5.5% is a very favorable mark for the market until the next interest rate at June. market will go ballistic including all MEME coin due to the meme coin event. the same with my last prediction, the price of BOME could soar above $0.03 making new all time high. for those who have losses and never sell it only a matter of time before your portfolio will recover and will have profit. Hold on tight guys, this is gonna be exciting! goodluck trading!#STX #crypro #BOME #ETH #HotTrends
$BOME WHY is it pumping.
3 days ago I told you guys that BoMe token will drop and a dip bellow $0.01is inevitable, and it did happen.
If you are one of my followers who did my advice to short and set a take profit at 0.01 CONGRATULATIONS! we made a lot of money!
now is the time to go Long Position! the FED FOMC meeting is over and the interest rate being unchange valuing at 5.5% is a very favorable mark for the market until the next interest rate at June.
market will go ballistic including all MEME coin due to the meme coin event. the same with my last prediction, the price of BOME could soar above $0.03 making new all time high.
for those who have losses and never sell it only a matter of time before your portfolio will recover and will have profit. Hold on tight guys, this is gonna be exciting!
goodluck trading!#STX #crypro #BOME #ETH #HotTrends
Citovaný obsah byl odebrán.