Displaying NFTs: How Best To Show Off Your Collection


Main Takeaways

  • Millions of people are now active in the NFT marketplace. Buyers, sellers, and proud owners alike are busy figuring out how best to display their collections.

  • Offline solutions include printing NFTs out, putting them up on screens or in special frames, or even having digital collectibles on display in a physical gallery. 

  • Online options include relying on social media, digital marketplaces, special NFT online galleries, and leveraging the power of the metaverse.

The non-fungible token (NFT) market is now worth billions of dollars, and owners of digital artwork are thinking hard about the best ways to display their collections. This article lists seven different ways for people to show off their NFTs.

Around 2.3 million people bought NFTs in 2021, according to a report by CNBC. Total sales of NFTs for that year, according to various estimates, ranged between $17.5 billion and $40 billion. Either way: lots of money is being spent on NFTs, and an increasing number of new collectors have been joining the space lately.

An NFT, or non-fungible token, is a digital item that exists on a blockchain and holds unique metadata and identification codes that make it distinguishable from any other asset. NFTs can thus be used to record and authenticate ownership rights to both digital and real-world objects, allowing to prove ownership of something that could otherwise be digitally duplicated. The most popular category of NFTs bought in 2021 was collectibles — think digital art.

With so many people owning NFTs, the pressing question now is how best to showcase one’s collection. This article will look at seven popular ways to do so. From intuitive offline ideas to the latest metaverse solutions, get ready to be inspired!

The Best Ways To Display NFTs: Three Offline Ideas

Even though NFTs are digital assets, there’s nothing that prevents you from displaying them as physical objects in the real world. In this section, we will look at printing NFTs, showing them on screens or in special frames, or even having digital artwork on display at a physical gallery.

Printing NFTs 

With physical visual art, it’s easy to know what to do: it can be framed and then displayed on your wall. Well, now, with the rise of digital collectibles, there are companies out there that will print your NFT using art-level production techniques. In keeping with the ownership-proving ethos of the NFT space, those providing a proper service will ensure that anyone requesting a print is the true owner of the work. Additionally, owners can create QR codes to display alongside the physical NFT print, which can then be scanned for verification.

Screens and frames

A simple way to bring an NFT into the physical world is to use the functionality of a smart TV to display your digital art. This is especially easy with models that support “art modes.” 

For an even better experience, there are now digital NFT display frames on the market. These specialized devices allow users to display NFTs beyond basic still images, extending your NFT showcasing capabilities to GIFs, animations and videos. They can be set up to show an entire collection (and associated QR codes of provenance) rather than a single item. Some dedicated NFT frames will also connect to a user’s wallet to ensure genuine ownership prior to any display.

Physical galleries

Anyone collecting at the top end of the market may also want to consider reaching out to one of the increasing number of physical galleries that are starting to put the work into understanding and showing NFT art. Forward-thinking galleries are putting the technology and high-end screens in place to display digital art, and provide a real-world platform to big NFT collectors holding notable artwork.

The Best Ways To Display NFTs: Three Online Ideas

Although there are some great ways to showcase NFTs physically, the fact is that NFTs are, first and foremost, digital-native assets. Naturally, there are a number of ways to display them in the online world. In this section, we will look at options such as leveraging social media, using digital marketplaces, and relying on specialized online NFT galleries.

Social media

This is probably the easiest and most popular way of flexing your NFT online. It can be as simple as displaying the NFT you bought as the profile picture on your social media accounts. You can also post your collection across various platforms and feeds to share with as many friends and followers as possible. Minimal fuss, maximum recognition.

Digital marketplaces

Think of all the people who visit NFT marketplaces each day to buy and sell digital collectibles. Displaying your collection online through these popular platforms is another option for showcasing your purchases to a broad audience. This method also allows for verification of ownership, as the NFT marketplaces require users to connect their wallets. On top of that, it is a great way to engage other NFT enthusiasts rather than the more general audience you’d find on social media.

Online NFT galleries

This is the next step up. Given the growing popularity of NFTs, there are now a number of online art spaces dedicated to providing users a way to display their NFTs, and even put on digital art shows and exhibitions. Again, you’ll need to connect your blockchain wallet to prove ownership. As always, if you decide to engage with a third-party digital asset service, it is a good idea to do your research into its background to make sure you can trust it.

Display Your NFTs in The Metaverse

For those looking to use their NFTs to further explore the potential of Web3, there is always a wealth of metaverse options to consider. Don’t let your thinking be confined to more obvious solutions! The metaverse offers a virtual world full of new ways of creating and sharing artistic work. 

A variety of virtual worlds already exist where users can buy digital land and use that space to put on an immersive exhibition of their NFT art for others to see and explore. There are even art galleries and entire districts within different metaverse communities that can host your NFTs in various formats. Ultimately, it all comes down to researching these new opportunities and familiarizing yourself with how it all works.

NFT Owners Are In Control

There are many options for NFT owners to choose from when it comes to showing off their collections. From offline solutions, such as physical prints and dedicated NFT frames, to online opportunities, ranging from social media and digital marketplaces to NFT galleries and the metaverse, the possibilities will only expand as technology continues to advance. Ultimately, in the decentralized spirit of Web3, it’s up to each individual to decide how best to control their data and assets, including how best to display their NFTs. Take some inspiration from this guide, always do your own research, and have fun showing off your NFTs to the world!

Read the following helpful articles to learn more about NFTs, digital art, and the metaverse:

Disclaimer: NFTs are an emerging asset class that is still evolving. The information in this article should not be construed as investment or financial advice. Always do your own research before making any decision to buy, sell or trade NFTs.

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