Binance Academy: Year in Review 2019


How much education did Binance Academy deliver to the public in 2019? 

Here’s a neat stat: Binance Academy users have spent a total of 6,450,000 minutes reading our articles over the past 12 months. That’s almost 13 years of time spent learning about blockchain and cryptocurrencies. In addition, our YouTube videos recorded a total of 12,515 hours (521 days) of playback.

We were able to do this by releasing 25 videos, 95 articles, and 120 glossary terms to Binance Academy.

Here are some of our favorite articles from throughout the year:

Throughout the past 12 months, the Binance Academy team has been growing and working hard to bring an endless stream of high-quality educational information to you. But we haven’t only been creating content. We’ve also been buidling. In 2019, we have been passionate about accessibility and making our content available to everyone, so we expanded our content into two more languages, Indonesian and Japanese. We also added Text-to-Speech on all of our articles.

During 2019, we rebuilt our entire site from the ground up to make it faster and more reliable. With this, came an entirely new redesign. Don’t believe us? Why not take a look at the old Binance Academy on the Wayback machine? With this update came one of our most requested features, light & dark mode. You showed us that you LOVED our update and rated us among the top 3 products on ProductHunt!

In our drive towards making our content as accessible as possible, we also released numerous applications. In early 2019 we released our Progressive Web App, allowing you to install Binance Academy on your computer and read our content offline. Later in the year, we brought Binance Academy to your mobile devices and released our dedicated iOS and Android applications. 

And that's not all. Binance Academy also built a Bitcoin Halving countdown, where you can check how far we are from the next Bitcoin Halving event. You can also see Bitcoin’s current block, price, and supply.

We’re extremely grateful to our community and we want your voices to be heard. That’s why we also released our feature request board. We enabled our readers to be able to vote for the next features on Academy. And our readers told us that they wanted interactivity! So, we delivered. Throughout 2019, we released three fun and engaging quizzes for you to test your knowledge. Our first quiz was focused on safety, a phishing quiz. Next, we created a glossary quiz, to test how well versed you are on crypto-jargon. Lastly, we released a bitcoin history quiz, through which you can familiarize yourself with the origin of Bitcoin and blockchain.

We couldn’t have done all of this alone. You, the community also played a significant role. Throughout the year, we accepted 46 community content submissions and held two (very successful) bounty programs to crowd-source glossary terms. Our community is amazing and we want to thank each and every one of you for your tremendous contributions to bringing blockchain and cryptocurrency education to the world. 

If you’re interested in contributing, we’re always open to content submissions and translator applications. Take a look through our translation guidelines or our content submission guidelines. We hope to hear from you soon.

You might be wondering what’s to come in 2020. There are many exciting features to look forward to. We’re planning to add a course feature to Binance Academy so that you can work your way through a course and receive a certificate of completion. The era of E-Learning has just begun and we’re diving in head-first to give you unrivaled access to blockchain and cryptocurrency education.

We’ve also heard lots of requests for an improved categorization system for Binance Academy material. And you’ll be pleased to know that we will be working on delivering this to you. Gone are the days where everything is tied to four categories: “Blockchain”, “Economics”, “Security”, and “Tutorials”. We’ll be bringing in more granularity and difficulty tags such as “Beginner”, “Intermediate”, and “Advanced” to make it easier for you to find content.

While we’re on the topic of content, we’re pleased to mention that throughout 2020 we’ll be doubling the amount of content we release each week. During 2019, we had a release schedule of one new article every Monday. Now you get to look forward to twice as much content as we will be releasing two new articles per week on Mondays and Wednesdays. 

If there’s anything that you’re passionate about and would like added as a feature to Binance Academy, feel free to add it to our product request board. We’re always looking for feedback and look forward to hearing your suggestions.

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