How Do I Do a One-time Purchase of the Index-linked Plan?


 Main Takeaways

  • Binance has introduced the Auto-Invest Index-Linked Plan.

  • This plan is linked to the Top 10 Equal-Weighted Index that allows you to easily track the performance of the top 10 digital assets.

  • This step-by-step guide is here to help you do a one-time purchase of the Index-Linked Plan.

Learn all you need to know to make a one-time purchase of the Index-Linked Plan through this step-by-step guide.

With the introduction of Binance’s new Auto-Invest Index-Linked Plan, users can automate the purchase of cryptocurrencies that make up the Binance CoinMarketCap (CMC) Top 10 Equal-Weighted Index. To further simplify the process, we’ve prepared a guide that you can follow when making a one-time purchase of a lump-sum worth of the Index-Linked Plan with Auto-Invest to automate your regular crypto purchases. 

  1. Go to [Earn] - [Auto-Invest] - [Subscribe] - [Index-Linked], then proceed to [Create a plan].

  1. From there, you can set up the frequency of purchases, selecting from a range of available options. For example, if you want to make automated purchases daily, you can create a [Daily] plan and set the exact time on which the purchase will be executed every day, down to an hour.

  1. Once you have scheduled your plan, you will be able to see it under [My Plan].

  1. At the scheduled time (e.g. 1:00 PM), your plan will be executed, which will be reflected in the updated balance.

  1. If needed, you can pause the plan by following [My Plan] - [Status] - [Toggle Paused]. Please note that, as long as your plan is paused and not redeemed, the assets will go through monthly rebalancing. 

  1. Congratulations! You have now made a one-time purchase of the Index-Linked Plan tracking the top 10 coins by market capitalization (excluding stablecoins) with monthly rebalancing. 

Note: Cryptocurrencies purchased through the Index-Linked Plan will be retained within the Auto-Invest account. They will not be deposited into your Flexible account. They also do not generate Simple Earn rewards. To check your purchased cryptocurrencies, please go to “View Details”.

Additional: How do I redeem my assets into the spot wallet? 

(This information is for users who want to use Index-Linked Plans as a one-time purchase of cryptocurrencies into their spot wallet.)

  1. For your cryptocurrencies to be redeemed to your spot wallet, go to [My Plan] - [View Details] - [Redeem] - [100%]

  2. Now, all your one-time purchases will appear in your spot wallet! 

Please note that redeeming your assets to your spot wallet will remove your constant and dynamic exposure to the top 10 highest-market cap coins, rebalanced monthly.

Read the following articles to learn more about Binance’s Auto-Invest Index-Linked Plan and additional resources:

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