queman y queman tokens y el suministro nunca baja, hablan de nuevos desarrollos y proyectos y no sube, shiba es una basura. moneda de mierda.
$SHIB Several sources provide price predictions for Shiba Inu (SHIB) in 2025, with varying degrees of optimism: * SDLC Corp: Predicts a range of $0.0000423 to $0.0000505, with an average price of $0.0000464. * Benzinga: Forecasts a potential range of $0.0000234 to $0.0000899, highlighting significant volatility. * InvestingHaven: Predicts a range of $0.0000234 to $0.0000888. * Changelly: Predicts an average price of $0.0000326. * CoinCodex: Predicts a maximum price of $0.000106. It's important to note that these are predictions and the actual price of SHIB in 2025 will depend on various factors, including market sentiment, technological advancements, and overall economic conditions. Important Considerations: * Volatility: The cryptocurrency market, including SHIB, is known for its volatility. Prices can fluctuate significantly within short periods. * Market Sentiment: Positive news, developments within the Shiba Inu ecosystem, and broader market trends can impact the price. * Technological Advancements: The development of Shibarium, a layer-2 solution for the Shiba Inu ecosystem, could potentially boost the token's value. * Regulatory Environment: Changes in cryptocurrency regulations can influence the market. Disclaimer: This information is for educational purposes only and should not be considered financial advice. Always conduct your own research and consult with a financial advisor before making any investment decisions.
Shiba Inu (SHIB) cai em volume e preço: o que vem a seguir?
A Shiba Inu (SHIB) acumula uma valorização de 150% em 2024. No entanto, entre os dias 10 e 16 de dezembro, o volume de negociações da memecoin diminuiu em US$ 2,80 bilhões.
Esse movimento coincide com a queda de 10% registrada na semana passada. Nesse sentido, a SHIB experimentará um declínio prolongado?
Interesse na Shiba Inu cai em relação às máximas da semana passada
Em 10 de dezembro, o volume de negociações da Shiba Inu era de US$ 3,58 bilhões. Normalmente, um aumento no volume indica um interesse crescente dos investidores e maior liquidez do mercado. Na maioria dos casos, isso é visto como um bom sinal. Portanto, não foi surpreendente que o aumento no volume coincidisse com a recuperação de preço da memecoin para US$ 0,000030.
No entanto, no fechamento da matéria, o volume caiu para US$ 708 milhões, sugerindo menos interações dos investidores com a SHIB. Portanto, se a métrica continuar a cair, o preço pode cair abaixo de US$ 0,000027 no curto prazo.
Volume da Shiba Inu. Fonte: Santiment
Além disso, dados do IntoTheBlock revelam uma queda significativa no Tempo de Retenção de Moedas, que rastreia quanto tempo uma criptomoeda é mantida sem ser transacionada ou vendida.
Um aumento nessa métrica sinaliza uma manutenção de longo prazo, um sinal tipicamente otimista. Por outro lado, o declínio recente indica que muitos detentores de curto prazo começaram a vender suas participações. Se essa tendência persistir, ela pode exercer pressão de venda sobre o valor da SHIB.
Tempo de Retenção de Moedas Shiba Inu. Fonte: IntoTheBlock
Previsão de preço
Entre a última semana de setembro e 9 de dezembro, a SHIB foi negociada dentro de um canal de alta. Este é um padrão gráfico definido por duas linhas de tendência ascendentes, representando resistência no topo e suporte na parte inferior.
Quando o token sobe acima das linhas de tendência superior e inferior, seu preço pode aumentar. No entanto, para a SHIB, o gráfico diário mostra que ele caiu abaixo da linha de tendência inferior. Isso indica que a tendência de alta foi invalidada e uma correção prolongada pode ocorrer.
Gráfico da Shiba Inu no TradingView
Se esse for o caso, o valor da memecoin pode cair para US$ 0,000022. Em um cenário altamente pessimista, com o volume de negociação caindo novamente, o preço pode atingir US$ 0,000018.
No entanto, se a pressão de compra aumentar, isso pode mudar e a memecoin pode subir para US$ 0,000033.
O artigo Shiba Inu (SHIB) cai em volume e preço: o que vem a seguir? foi visto pela primeira vez em BeInCrypto Brasil.
Shiba Inu has burned 17 million tokens, sparking excitement among investors. According to predictions, SHIB's price could reach:
- $0.000035 by Q1 2025 - $0.000050 by Q2 2025 - $0.000100 by Q4 2025
These predictions are based on SHIB's current market trends and the impact of token burning on its supply and demand.
🚨🚨🚨What Innovative Consumer-Facing Mini Dapps Ideas You’d Like to See on LINE🚨🚨🚨
The rise of Mini Dapps on LINE has opened up new avenues for innovation and creativity. As a platform with millions of users, LINE is poised to revolutionize the way consumers interact with Mini Dapps. Here are some innovative consumer-facing Mini Dapps ideas that I would like to see on LINE:
1. Virtual Rewards: A Mini Dapp that rewards users with exclusive virtual items or discounts for completing specific tasks or achieving milestones. 2. Social Gaming: A Mini Dapp that enables users to compete in friendly games or challenges, with leaderboards and rewards for top performers. 3. Personalized Avatars: A Mini Dapp that allows users to create customized avatars, with options to purchase virtual clothing, accessories, or other items. 4. Interactive Storytelling: A Mini Dapp that enables users to engage with immersive stories, with choices that influence the narrative and outcome.
These ideas have the potential to transform the way consumers interact with Mini Dapps on LINE. By leveraging the power of Mini Dapps, LINE can create a more engaging and immersive experience for its users.
está confirmado patrones alcistas hace ya 6 meses, y nada que sube, shiba es una basura.
Crypto Man MAB
Shiba Inu $SHIB has recently confirmed another bullish pattern, adding to a series of breakouts that have consistently led to upward continuations. This momentum suggests the potential for yet another significant price move, with a key target of $0.000081 now coming into focus.
If this breakout holds, $SHIB could experience a rally greater than many anticipate. Reaching the $0.000081 target would represent an impressive climb of over 180%, and the initial stages of this surge may already be underway. As $SHIB maintains its bullish trajectory, this move could unfold right before our eyes.
sólo hablan mierda queman y queman tokens el suministro nunca baja hablan de nuevos desarrollos y proyectos y ésa moneda de mierda no sube shiba es una basura no se dejen engañar
sólo hablan mierda, queman y queman tokens y el suministro nunca baja, hablan de nuevos desarrollos y proyectos y ésa basura de moneda no sube, shiba es una moneda de mierda
غموض حول مستقبل SHIB ماذا يحدث خلف الكواليس؟
تحليل بسيط لعملة شيبا إينو والمستجدات اللي ممكن تأثر عليها ببساطة، سعر SHIB حاليًا حوالي 0.00002722، وده بعد ما انخفض بنسبة 4% في الـ24 ساعة اللي فاتت. أعلى سعر وصل ليه كان 0.00002884 وأقل نقطة عند 0.00002683. ده معناه إن العملة في حالة تذبذب واضح الفترة دي. تحليل تحركات الحيتان فيه أخبار عن حوت كبير قام بتحريك 6.17 مليون دولار في $PEPE و 2 مليون دولار في SHIB على منصة Binance. الحركة دي ممكن تتفسر على إنها نية بيع، وده يخلي السوق يتأثر سلبًا لو المستثمرين قلقوا وبدأوا يبيعوا. لكن العكس ممكن يحصل لو الحوت بدأ يسحب الكميات دي لمحفظته الخاصة بدل ما يبيعها، وده مؤشر إيجابي على إنه واثق في مستقبل العملة. الوضع العام للـ SHIB على مدار السنة، العملة محققة ارتفاع 170%، وده إنجاز كبير. لكن في آخر 7 أيام، السعر نزل حوالي 11.9%، ومع ذلك مازال فيه نمو بنسبة 8.7% في آخر شهر. الدعم والمقاومة: فيه دعم عند مستوى 0.00001795 (يعني لو السعر نزل هنا ممكن يرتد لأعلى). المقاومة اللي جاية عند 0.00003457، ولو السعر كسرها، هيكون فيه فرصة صعود جديدة. الفترة الجاية محتاجة متابعة أخبار الحيتان وتحركاتهم لأنها بتأثر بشكل مباشر على السعر. لو الحيتان بدأت تسحب العملة أو تشتري كميات أكبر، ده هيبقى مؤشر إيجابي ويدفع السعر لفوق. أما لو بدأ البيع، السوق ممكن ينزل أكتر. الأفضل دلوقتي إنك تتابع مستوى الدعم والمقاومة عشان تقرر الوقت المناسب للشراء أو البيع و ده طبعا مجرد تحليل و رأي مش نصيحة مالية $SHIB
sólo hablan mierda, queman y queman tokens y el suministro nunca baja, hablan de nuevos desarrollos y proyectos y ésa moneda de mierda no sube, Shiba es una basura..
🚀 ¿Qué pasaría si SHIBA INU (SHIB) llega a 1 centavo? 🐾💰
Imagina este escenario: SHIB alcanzando $0.01 USD. ¿Qué significaría para el mundo cripto y para tu cartera? 👇
🔢 Cálculo rápido: Hoy en día, hay cerca de 589 billones de SHIB en circulación. Si cada token valiera $0.01, la capitalización de mercado sería: $5.89 TRILLONES DE DÓLARES 🤑
¡Eso es más grande que Apple, Microsoft y hasta economías enteras! 🌎 ¿Es esto posible? Veamos:
🔥 ¿La clave? QUEMAS MASIVAS DE TOKENS Para que SHIB alcance ese precio de forma realista, sería necesario reducir su suministro actual. Por ejemplo:
Si quemamos el 99% del suministro, quedaría 5.89 billones de tokens.
Entonces, con SHIB a $0.01, la capitalización sería más razonable: $58.9 mil millones, un valor similar a proyectos como Ethereum o Binance Coin.
💡 ¿Qué significa para ti?
Si SHIB llega a $0.01 y compraste barato (ej., $0.00001), una inversión de $100 USD se convertiría en: ¡$1,000,000 USD! 🚀🔥
📊 Conclusión: Para que SHIB llegue a 1 centavo, necesitamos: 1️⃣ Grandes quemas de tokens. 2️⃣ Más adopción global. 3️⃣ Crecimiento en su ecosistema.
Así que, si crees en SHIB... ¡mantente atento y #HODL! 🐕🔥
sólo hablan mierda, queman y queman tokens y el suministro nunca baja, hablan de nuevos desarrollos y proyectos y ésa basura de moneda no sube, shiba es una moneda de mierda..
A Grande Oportunidade de Investir em Shiba Inu: Potencial Futuro e Queima de Tokens
Situação Atual de $SHIB O mercado de criptomoedas está repleto de oportunidades para investidores atentos às tendências emergentes. Entre essas oportunidades, a Shiba Inu (SHIB) destaca-se como uma criptomoeda com potencial significativo de crescimento. Neste artigo, exploraremos o comportamento atual de mercado da SHIB, sua cotação atual, o potencial futuro de preço segundo especialistas e o impacto da queima massiva de tokens. Nosso objetivo é fornecer uma visão persuasiva e informativa para quem está considerando investir em SHIB.
Comportamento Atual de Mercado O Shiba Inu tem demonstrado um comportamento de mercado interessante e promissor. Recentemente, a SHIB tem se consolidado como uma das criptomoedas mais discutidas e analisadas pelos investidores. A comunidade fervorosa de apoiadores da SHIB, conhecida como ShibArmy, tem desempenhado um papel crucial na promoção e adoção da moeda. Isso tem gerado um aumento constante no volume de transações e na visibilidade da SHIB no mercado.
Cotação Atual Atualmente, o Shiba Inu está cotado em aproximadamente $0.00001 por token. Esse preço relativamente baixo apresenta uma oportunidade única para investidores que buscam altos retornos com um investimento inicial modesto. A baixa cotação também facilita a entrada no mercado para novos investidores, permitindo a aquisição de grandes quantidades de SHIB com um capital relativamente pequeno.
Potencial de Preço Futuro Segundo Especialistas Especialistas do setor de criptomoedas veem um grande potencial para o crescimento do Shiba Inu nos próximos anos. Algumas previsões sugerem que a SHIB pode multiplicar seu valor atual por 10 vezes ou mais. Essa expectativa é baseada em vários fatores, incluindo a crescente adoção da SHIB como método de pagamento, parcerias estratégicas e a expansão do ecossistema Shiba Inu através de projetos como o ShibaSwap. Além disso, o mercado de criptomoedas em geral está se tornando mais aceito e regulado, o que pode levar a um influxo de capital institucional e maior confiança dos investidores. Isso cria um ambiente propício para que moedas promissoras, como a SHIB, experimentem um crescimento significativo em valor.
Impacto da Queima Massiva de Tokens Um dos fatores mais empolgantes e diferenciadores para a Shiba Inu é a estratégia de queima massiva de tokens. A queima de tokens é um processo no qual uma certa quantidade de tokens é permanentemente retirada de circulação, reduzindo a oferta total. Isso tem um efeito deflacionário, aumentando o valor dos tokens restantes. Recentemente, a comunidade ShibArmy e os desenvolvedores da SHIB implementaram várias iniciativas de queima de tokens, que têm o potencial de impactar positivamente o preço da moeda. Com menos tokens em circulação e uma demanda crescente, a economia básica da oferta e demanda sugere que o preço da SHIB pode experimentar uma valorização significativa.
Conclusão Investir em Shiba Inu representa uma oportunidade única no atual cenário de criptomoedas. Com um comportamento de mercado promissor, uma cotação atrativa, previsões otimistas de especialistas e uma estratégia de queima de tokens eficaz, a SHIB possui todos os ingredientes necessários para um futuro brilhante. Para investidores que buscam diversificar seus portfólios e aproveitar o potencial de crescimento exponencial, a Shiba Inu é uma escolha a ser seriamente considerada. Agora é o momento ideal para considerar investir em SHIB e posicionar-se para aproveitar os potenciais altos retornos que esta criptomoeda pode oferecer. Seja parte da revolução Shiba Inu e veja seu investimento crescer junto com o futuro promissor dessa moeda.
sólo hablan mierda, queman y queman tokens y el suministro nunca baja, hablan de nuevos desarrollos y proyectos y ésa moneda de mierda no sube, shiba es una basura..
هل ينجح شيبا إينو (SHIB) في كسر المقاومة مع ارتفاع معدل الحرق؟
SHIB يتداول (SHIB) حاليًا عند سعر $0.0000281، محققًا ارتفاعًا طفيفًا بنسبة 0.51% خلال الـ 24 ساعة الماضية، وزيادة ملحوظة بنسبة 12% خلال الشهر الأخير. ومع ذلك، يواجه SHIB صعوبة في تجاوز مستوى المقاومة الأساسي عند $0.00002888. لكن خلال الساعات الـ 24 الماضية، شهد معدل حرق SHIB ارتفاعًا كبيرًا، مما يعكس نشاطًا متزايدًا من مجتمع العملة. كشف متتبع المعاملات الشهير Shibburm أن حاملي SHIB يقومون بنشاط بحرق التوكنات عبر إرسالها إلى محافظ مغلقة. وخلال يوم واحد فقط، قفز معدل الحرق بنسبة 572.29%، حيث تم إرسال 72,847,617 من التوكنات إلى عناوين غير قابلة للإنفاق. وكانت أكبر عملية نقل مفردة قد شهدت حرق 70,605,175 SHIB قبل ساعة واحدة فقط، مما أثار تفاؤلًا كبيرًا بشأن التزام المجتمع بخفض المعروض المتداول من العملة. وخلال الأسبوع الماضي، تم حرق 94,189,104 من توكنات SHIB. تحركات السوق ودلالاتها يأتي هذا الارتفاع في معدل الحرق في ظل تحركات أوسع للسوق، حيث حاولت SHIB تحقيق اختراق جديد لكنها فشلت في الحفاظ على الزخم فوق مستوى المقاومة عند $0.00002888. وفي وقت كتابة هذا التقرير، يتم تداولها عند $0.00002848، أقل بقليل من ذروتها. على الرغم من ذلك، فقد ارتفعت بنسبة 17% منذ 10 ديسمبر، مدفوعة بحماس متزايد داخل مجتمع والمشاعر الإيجابية المرتبطة بتدفقات رأس المال الأخيرة إلى الإيثريوم. توقعات مستقبلية لمتداولي SHIB تشير التحليلات الفنية إلى آفاق مختلطة. رغم أن الرسم البياني اليومي يُظهر هيكلًا صعوديًا للسوق، إلا أن هناك انخفاضًا في ضغط الشراء، ما يظهر في تراجع مؤشر تدفق المال (MFI) من 80 إلى 61. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، قد تعيق أوامر البيع الكبيرة في النطاق $0.000032 إلى $0.000035 أي مكاسب إضافية على المدى القصير. احتمالية الاختراق مع ذلك، يشير التفاؤل المتزايد في سوق المشتقات إلى إمكانية حدوث انتعاش جديد. يقوم بعض المتداولين بالاستعداد لاختراق محتمل فوق منطقة المقاومة عند $0.000030. وإذا تحقق ذلك، قد يستهدف SHIB ارتفاعًا أوسع، حيث يُنظر إلى مستوى $0.000040 كحاجز نفسي رئيسي.
Shiba Inu, one of the most popular meme coins, has recently burned 17 million tokens, according to data from Shibburn.com. Will it bump the SHIB price? While the data from Shibburn represents a further step in the token’s deflationary process, the total value of the burned tokens is only around $500. In comparison to Shiba Inu’s massive market capitalization of approximately $16.58 billion, the impact will be minimal. Token burning is a strategy for reducing a cryptocurrency’s overall supply, hence enhancing its scarcity and value. However, the small-scale burn indicates that its immediate impact on Shiba Inu’s price trajectory is limited. Nonetheless, their is more to the story The Shiba Inu’s Community and Ecosystem Fuel Optimism Shiba Inu has evolved as a speculative asset, attracting great interest due to its vast and active community. This participation has been critical to its survival in the volatile field of meme currency.
Shiba Inu (SHIB) price chart. Source: CMC The coin has maintained relative stability, recently trading at just above $0.000028 and holding its position near the 21-day moving average (DMA). Positive sentiment remains high, bolstered by a bounce from the 50DMA earlier this week, suggesting that bullish momentum could persist. Some of this optimism can be credited to broader developments in the United States, where the incoming Trump administration and Congress are likely to support cryptocurrency. This might bring regulatory certainty, benefiting the entire cryptocurrency industry, including meme coins like Shiba Inu. Potential for Parabolic Growth? Analysts and traders are speculating about Shiba Inu’s potential for a parabolic rally. A prominent crypto trader, Astekz, recently highlighted SHIB’s “parabolic potential” based on its chart movements.
Similarly, another analyst, CryptoBull, predicted a probable breakout from a long-term downturn that began in the 2021 highs. Shiba Inu’s healthy environment is essential to these optimistic predictions. The token is integrated with a variety of utilities, including decentralized finance (DeFi) applications and NFT platforms, which provide real-world value to the SHIB token. How High Could Shiba Inu Soar? Exponential growth for SHIB is possible if it breaks over its previous all-time high of $0.000090 and enters price discovery. According to Fibonacci retracement research, SHIB’s market capitalization might rise by ten times from its current price, surpassing $150 billion. Although these figures might appear lofty, supporters contend that they are doable in the event that Bitcoin hits $200,000, which would increase its market value to roughly $4 trillion. Given its dominance in the meme currency category, many people think it believable that Shiba Inu’s market capitalization would only be 4% of Bitcoin’s under such circumstances.
SHIB PRICE PREDICTION – 2025 Analyst Platform2025 Peak SHIB Price Prediction% Increase Over Current PriceBitget$0.0000366630.28%Binance$0.000030006.61%Changelly$0.00006684137.53%CoinCodex$0.00005999113.20%Benzinga$0.0000441056.72%Average Prediction$0.0000477269.67% While the optimism sounds good, most platforms are predicting a much more conservative SHIB Price in 2025. Changelly is the most optimistic with a 137% SHIB price prediction increase in 2025, while Binance is predicting only a 6.61% increase over the current price. $SHIB
shiba es una basura, queman y queman tokens y el suministro nunca baja, hablan de nuevos desarrollos y proyectos y no sube, solo hablan mierda, Shiba es una moneda de mierda
Mastering Crypto
What Could 50,000,000 Shiba Inu (SHIB) Be Worth in 2025? 🤔💰
The Future Potential of $SHIB Coin
As we look toward 2025, Shiba Inu remains a favorite topic among crypto enthusiasts. Known as the "Dogecoin killer," SHIB has cemented its place in the meme coin space. But how much could 50,000,000 SHIB be worth in the near future?
📊 Current Market Overview
At its current price of $0.00002780, Shiba Inu is still a relatively affordable option for investors. Its value hinges on factors like adoption, Shibarium’s success, market sentiment, and the performance of the broader cryptocurrency market.
If Shiba Inu can replicate its previous bull run or follow a similar trajectory as other successful meme coins, the results could be remarkable. However, as with all meme coins, volatility and risk are part of the equation.
💥 Future Value Projections
Using SHIB's current price of $0.00002780, let’s calculate its potential value in 2025 under different growth scenarios.
1. Quantity Held: 50,000,000 SHIB
2. Growth Scenarios: 5x, 10x, and 50x
Baseline Value
Current Value of 50,000,000 SHIB: $1,390
Scenario 1: 5x Growth
Future Price:
Future Value of 50,000,000 SHIB: $6,950
Scenario 2: 10x Growth
Future Price:
Future Value of 50,000,000 SHIB: $13,900
Scenario 3: 50x Growth
Future Price:
Future Value of 50,000,000 SHIB: $69,500
Summary of Potential Outcomes
Current Value: $1,390
At 5x growth: $6,950
At 10x growth: $13,900
At 50x growth: $69,500
What’s your prediction for SHIB by 2025? Will it follow the path of massive growth or remain a speculative asset? Share your thoughts below! 💬👇
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queman y queman tokens y el suministro nunca baja, hablan de nuevos desarrollos y proyectos y ésa basura no sube, Shiba es una moneda de mierda...
Para que a Shiba Inu (SHIB) atinja 1 dólar, a capitalização de mercado precisaria ser de 589 trilhões de dólares, o que é praticamente impossível dado que é muito maior que o PIB global. Para isso acontecer, seria necessário uma redução drástica na oferta de tokens (por meio de queima) e uma adoção global significativa. Portanto, é altamente improvável que SHIB atinja esse valor sem mudanças enormes no ecossistema.
ya dejen de hacerle propaganda a ésa basura de moneda,
Shiba Inu is sleeping right now, but don’t let that fool you—it could wake up anytime and charge ahead like a bull! 🚀 Don’t miss the chance to grab some SHIB tokens while it’s still calm. #shiba⚡ #Shibainuholder #mememcoinseason2024 $SHIB
shiba es una basura, queman y queman tokens y el suministro nunca baja, hablan de nuevos desarrollos y proyectos y no sube nada, shiba es una moneda de mierda
😍🚀 Can $SHIB Realistically Reach $0.01 or Even $1? (MOST DEBATED)! 🐕💰
Shiba Inu ($SHIB) has captivated millions of investors worldwide, but is it realistic for the token to hit $0.01—or even the elusive $1? Let’s break it down to see what’s possible and what’s not.
1️⃣ Can $SHIB Hit $1? 🚀
Unfortunately, the idea of SHIB reaching $1 is highly unrealistic. Here’s why:
🌍 Unrealistic Market Cap: With a circulating supply of 589 trillion tokens, achieving $1 per token would require a market cap of $589 trillion—far exceeding the size of the global economy. 🔥 Token Burns Wouldn’t Be Enough: Even if 90% of SHIB’s supply were burned, leaving 58.9 trillion tokens, the required market cap would still be an unattainable $58.9 trillion.
2️⃣ Is $0.01 Achievable? 💡
Reaching $0.01 is more feasible but still presents significant challenges:
📊 Market Cap at $0.01: SHIB would require a $5.89 trillion market cap to hit $0.01, assuming no further token burns. This is within the realm of possibility during a peak bull market, though still extremely ambitious. 🔥 The Role of Token Burns: Consistent and substantial burns through initiatives like Shibarium and community efforts could lower the market cap requirement, making $0.01 more achievable.
What Could Drive $SHIB’s Price Growth? 🛠️
🔥 Token Burns: Large-scale burns are critical to reducing supply and boosting scarcity. ⚙️ Real-World Utility: Expanding SHIB’s ecosystem through projects like Shibarium, decentralized finance (DeFi) applications, NFTs, and the metaverse is key to sustaining long-term value. 💬 Community Support: SHIB thrives on its passionate community. Maintaining enthusiasm and engagement will remain essential for growth. 📈 Favorable Market Trends: A strong crypto bull run could push SHIB closer to $0.01, but $1 remains unattainable without significant global economic changes.
🎯 Final Thoughts $1: Out of reach unless the global financial landscape undergoes a revolutionary transformation. $0.01: Achievable over the long term with consistent token burns, increased adoption, and favorable market conditions, but it will require significant progress.
What’s your opinion? Can $SHIB hit these ambitious targets, or are they just dreams? Share your thoughts below and join the debate! 🐕🔥
Just 1.9 Trillion SHIB in 24 Hours: What's Really Happening?
Over the past 24 hours, dog-themed cryptocurrency Shiba Inu (SHIB) has seen a significant drop in its large transaction volume, a metric denoting whale activity, sparking questions about what might be driving this slowdown.
According to recent IntoTheBlock data, the volume of Shiba Inu large transactions, defined as those over $100,000, has dropped by 76.21% in the last 24 hours, amounting to just 1.9 trillion SHIB, or approximately $54.1 million in value.
Over the same 24-hour period, Shiba Inu’s price has dropped by 2.05%, now trading at $0.00002744. Additionally, its trading volume has dropped by 9.05%, amounting to $854 million per CoinMarketCap data. The drop in large transaction volume and trading activity might reflect the cautious sentiment in the market aligning with profit-taking.
The crypto market rebounded in Wednesday's trading session, and SHIB wasn't left out. Shiba Inu declined for two consecutive days at the start of the week, hitting a low of $0.0000242 on Tuesday before recovering.
SHIB’s price and volume drop might suggest the token is entering a consolidation phase following its recent price increase, which saw it reach highs of $0.0000334 on Dec. 8. A drop in large transactions amid the cool-off might occur as traders and investors hold off on significant moves.
Recent price movements may have prompted short-term traders to lock in profits, leading to a temporary lull in large transaction volumes.
SHIB price action
Shiba Inu's price rebound paused at the $0.000030 level on Dec. 12, signaling that bears are selling on rallies.
The RSI has returned to the midway, indicating a balance of supply and demand. Shiba Inu may remain rangebound between the 50-day SMA of $0.0000244 and the overhead resistance of $0.00003344.
Buyers will have an advantage if they push the price above $0.00003344. Shiba Inu might rise to $0.000039 and then to $0.000046. The advantage will shift in favor of the bears if the SHIB price falls below the 50-day SMA.
It is expected that confidence might improve if the United States Federal Reserve decreases interest rates at its Dec. 18 meeting. On the other hand, if prices maintain their declines, support is envisaged near the daily SMA 50 at $0.0000244.
Shiba Inu's price prediction is a hot topic, and experts have made some interesting forecasts.
For 2024, the predicted minimum, average, and maximum prices are $0.0000259, $0.0000359964, and $0.0000389961, respectively.
Looking ahead to 2025, the minimum, average, and maximum prices are expected to be $0.0000489951, $0.000049995, and $0.000059994. For the longer term, predictions suggest that Shiba Inu's price could reach:
$0.0000719928 (minimum), $0.0000739926 (average), and $0.0000859914 (maximum) by 2026
$0.0001039896(minimum), $0.0001079892(average), and $0.0001229877(maximum) by 2027
$0.0003129687(minimum), $0.0003239676 (average), and $0.0003659634 (maximum) by 2030
Keep in mind that these predictions are based on technical analysis and should not be taken as investment advice. It's essential to do your own research and consider multiple sources before making any investment decisions.$SHIB
shiba es una basura, queman y queman tokens, y el suministro no baja, el precio no sube nada, Shiba es una moneda de mierda
Trader HuSsain
🔥 $SHIB to $1 or $0.01: Is It Possible? Let’s Break It Down! 🐕🚀
The $SHIB dream is alive in every holder’s heart, but how realistic is it to see Shiba Inu hit $1 or even $0.01? Let’s dive into the numbers, challenges, and potential catalysts shaping SHIB’s future.
💰 CAN SHIB REACH $1? Let’s be real: 🌐 Market Cap Reality: With 589 trillion tokens in circulation, SHIB would need a $589 trillion market cap to hit $1—that’s more than the entire world’s GDP! 🔥 Burning Tokens: Even burning 90% of SHIB’s supply would leave 58.9 trillion tokens, requiring a market cap of $58.9 trillion. It’s still far out of reach.
💎 IS $0.01 THE GOAL? This target feels more realistic: 📈 Market Cap Math: To hit $0.01, SHIB would need a $5.89 trillion market cap—massive, but achievable during a future crypto bull run. 🔥 Burns + Utility: Aggressive token burns and real-world use cases (Shibarium, NFTs, DeFi) will be critical to reducing supply and driving adoption.
⚡ WHAT DRIVES SHIB’S POTENTIAL? 1️⃣ Token Burns: Trillions of tokens must be burned to create scarcity and support price growth. 2️⃣ Utility Development: Projects like Shibarium, ShibaSwap, and SHIB NFTs must gain traction to add value. 3️⃣ Community Power: The SHIB Army’s strength fuels momentum, but substance must back the hype. 4️⃣ Bull Market Momentum: A crypto bull run could push SHIB closer to $0.01, though $1 remains out of reach for now.
🌟 FINAL THOUGHTS • $1? Unlikely—market cap requirements make it almost impossible. • $0.01? Possible, but it requires massive burns, widespread adoption, and strong market conditions.
🚀 The Journey to $0.01 Starts Today 🚀 Every burn, every project, every innovation brings SHIB closer to the dream. Join the SHIB Army and help shape the future of one of crypto’s most exciting tokens!
shiba es una basura, queman y queman tokens y el suministro nunca baja, hablan de nuevos desarrollos y proyectos y no sube nada, Shiba es una moneda de mierda..
😱 🚨 Shiba Inu Burn Rate Drops! Is a SHIB Price Crash to $0.000024 Coming?👇
(FOLLOW ME ❤️ 🫶) $SHIB Shiba Inu (SHIB) has faced a sharp retracement after its recent rally, sparking concerns among investors. With a 13% weekly drop and a 2% dip today, many are questioning whether SHIB is on its way to testing the $0.000024 support level. 🔥 Burn Rate Slumps Amid Price Decline The SHIB burn rate plummeted over 100% this week, according to Shibburn. In the last 24 hours, a temporary surge of 425% was recorded as over 70 million tokens were burned. Despite this, the burn rate's overall trend is declining, reflecting weaker market enthusiasm.
📉 On-Chain Data Signals Selling Pressure Exchange Netflow: High deposits on exchanges suggest rising selling pressure. Active Addresses: A 7% drop in active addresses in 24 hours indicates fading interest. Whale Activity: Profit-taking by whales has triggered negative sentiment and a sell-off#BTC B
📊 Technical Analysis: Is $0.000024 Imminent? Current Price: $0.00002755, with a 24-hour range of $0.00002741–$0.0000288. Key Indicators: Weak signals from RSI, Ichimoku Cloud, and EMAs hint at further downside. Critical Levels: Resistance: $0.0000275 (50-day EMA). Support: $0.000024 remains a strong floor, but a break below could signal further losses.
🐾 Can New Tokens Revive SHIB? The anticipated launches of TREAT and SHIFU tokens by Shytoshi Kusama may reignite community interest. However, the immediate outlook suggests caution, as market sentiment remains bearish. Stay informed and engaged with the latest updates on SHIB! #BTC #SHIB #Binance #ETH #SOL $SHIB
shiba es una basura, queman y queman tokens y el suministro nunca baja, hablan de nuevos desarrollos y proyectos y no sube i, shiba es una moneda de mierda
قفز معدل حرق SHIB بنسبة 515.33% — هل سيتبع السعر ذلك؟
شارك متتبع المعاملات الشهير Shibburn، الذي يراقب تحويلات SHIB إلى محافظ نهاية الموت، أنه منذ صباح أمس، كان جيش SHIB نشطًا في دفع العملات الميم إلى الفرن الافتراضي لمحافظ الصفر. أثارت أفعالهم على مدار اليوم الماضي ارتفاعًا كبيرًا في معدل الحرق اليومي. حدث هذا بينما حاول سعر ثاني أكبر عملة مشفرة ميم، شiba إينو، الاختراق لكنه فشل في تجاوز المقاومة عند 0.00002888 دولار. قفز معدل الحرق بنسبة 515% البيانات التي شاركها المصدر المذكور أعلاه كشفت أنه بين عشية وضحاها، ارتفع معدل حرق SHIB بشكل هائل بنسبة 572.29%، مع قفل 72,847,617 SHIB في محافظ غير قابلة للإنفاق. كانت أكبر عملية نقل فردية إلى محفظة "الجحيم" تحتوي على 70,605,175 قطعة SHIB، وقد تم تنفيذها منذ حوالي ساعة. الثانية الأكبر حملت 1,724,757 SHIB قبل 22 ساعة، وفقًا لـ Shibburn. قراءة معدل الحرق على مدار الأسبوع الماضي لا تبدو متفائلة جدًا. تُظهر تغريدة حديثة من Shibburn أنه على مدار الأيام السبعة الماضية، أرسل المجتمع 94,189,104 SHIB إلى محافظ صفر. لقد كانت الغالبية العظمى من الحرق دائمًا من قبل مستخدمي SHIB، حيث دخلت مؤخرًا بعض المشاريع الجديدة في عالم العملات المشفرة للمساعدة حيث أحرقوا عدة مليارات من قيمة SHIB. يقول فريق تطوير SHIB نفسه أنهم يقومون أيضًا بتحويل حوالي 400,000,000 شiba إينو إلى عناوين blockchain غير قابلة للإنفاق كل شهر. بطاقة أداء سعر SHIB بينما أظهر معدل حرق العملة المشفرة الميم البارزة زيادة كبيرة، إلا أن السعر حتى الآن فشل في اتباع خطواته. عرضت SHIB زيادة تقارب 4%، مختبرة مستوى مقاومة 0.00002888 دولار، لكنها تراجعت بعد ذلك وتتغير الأيدي عند 0.00002848 دولار في وقت كتابة هذه المقالة. ومع ذلك، فإن الأخبار الجيدة هي أنه منذ 10 ديسمبر، حققت شiba إينو حركة صعودية تزيد عن 17%. $SHIB
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