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XRPS作为Ripple生态龙一项目,涉及XRC20、Defi、NFTfi、RWA等细分赛道,在Ripple生态中扮演非常重要的角色,在这个牛市大周期中究竟能达到多少的市值?在此我跟大家一起计算一下保守估值。 1 对标uni,大牛市市值起码500-1000亿,保守估值达到uni市值的十分之一50亿,现市值0.18亿,还有278倍以上空间。 2 这个牛市XRP市值一定会破千亿,甚至会破历史新高,而XRPS作为XRP生态的龙一,XRP的生态治理代币,市值达到XRP市值的十分之一100亿也是保守预估,现市值0.18亿,有555倍以上空间。 以上保守估值仅针对这个牛市周期,并且未计算手续费回购销毁部分。通缩机制的核心价值在于提高筹码的价值空间,无法预估。 [拳头]预祝XRPS的所有持有者们在这个大牛市周期收获满满,心想事成! #XRPS社区空投活动进行中 ,评论区领取👇#XRPS $SOL $XRP
1 对标uni,大牛市市值起码500-1000亿,保守估值达到uni市值的十分之一50亿,现市值0.18亿,还有278倍以上空间。
2 这个牛市XRP市值一定会破千亿,甚至会破历史新高,而XRPS作为XRP生态的龙一,XRP的生态治理代币,市值达到XRP市值的十分之一100亿也是保守预估,现市值0.18亿,有555倍以上空间。
#XRPS社区空投活动进行中 ,评论区领取👇#XRPS $SOL $XRP
比特币10万见? FX168财经报社(亚太)讯 多家外媒与加密社群引述专家预测指出,中国有望在三个月内撤销比特币与撤销加密货币禁令。中国此前出于金融风险和环境问题而禁止加密货币,但由于香港批准比特币ETF,禁令可能解除。新加坡国立大学学者Ben Charoenwong表示,资本流动已超出控制范围。 加密货币媒体CoinPedia、知名加密社群BitcoinLFG透露,以对加密货币采取强硬立场而闻名的中国,似乎很快就会重新考虑对比特币的禁令。这一消息恰逢香港在接受比特币方面迈出了重大一步,包括批准比特币现货ETF。 送个福利大家防身👉瑞波生态龙头项目小瑞波🤗瑞波网关空投600个小瑞波, 每人限领一次 ,价值很高,数量有限。传送门 浏览器打开(不用任何授权) #大盘走势 #美联储何时降息? #Megadrop #ENA #XRPS $BTC $ETH $BNB

FX168财经报社(亚太)讯 多家外媒与加密社群引述专家预测指出,中国有望在三个月内撤销比特币与撤销加密货币禁令。中国此前出于金融风险和环境问题而禁止加密货币,但由于香港批准比特币ETF,禁令可能解除。新加坡国立大学学者Ben Charoenwong表示,资本流动已超出控制范围。

送个福利大家防身👉瑞波生态龙头项目小瑞波🤗瑞波网关空投600个小瑞波, 每人限领一次 ,价值很高,数量有限。传送门
#大盘走势 #美联储何时降息? #Megadrop #ENA #XRPS $BTC $ETH $BNB
After years in the game, I have a few tips for days like today: Stay off of Twitter so you don't let the flip-flopping knob lords on here drag you down! Stop staring at your charts. Just close them and walk away! This has all happened before and we have been through much worse. This too, shall pass. BTC is still up 300% from lows, and we are way higher than anyone thought we would be at this stage in the cycle. Chill guys [666] #大盘走势 #比特币减半 #ENA #XRPS #XRP $BTC $ETH $BNB
After years in the game, I have a few tips for days like today: Stay off of Twitter so you don't let the flip-flopping knob lords on here drag you down! Stop staring at your charts. Just close them and walk away! This has all happened before and we have been through much worse. This too, shall pass. BTC is still up 300% from lows, and we are way higher than anyone thought we would be at this stage in the cycle. Chill guys [666]
#大盘走势 #比特币减半 #ENA #XRPS #XRP $BTC $ETH $BNB
The Hong Kong Witnesses reminds us that “a day in the currency world is a year in the world”? I just laughed to death. The Hong Kong Stock Exchange ETF traded 6.5 million US dollars in one day, while the first trading day in the United States was 4.6 billion US dollars. How many times is this difference? Is this a joke? The Bitcoin spot ETF launched in Hong Kong is listed, and mainland investors are not yet allowed to participate in the transaction, so this consideration may not be too small. No wonder the market fell instead of compensating for the increase. Ripple Gateway airdrops 600 small Ripples. Families register in 30 seconds as long as they see it. The first airdrop is 600 coins. Each person can only receive it once. The value is very high and the quantity is limited. Portal: Copy the browser and open it without authorizing anything. It is very safe. Register an account to get airdrops! If you have broad influence, you can also contact me. Amm is currently ranked second and will soon be ranked first. #香港加密货币ETF #大盘走势 #ENA #XRPS #XRP $BTC $ETH $SOL
The Hong Kong Witnesses reminds us that “a day in the currency world is a year in the world”?

I just laughed to death. The Hong Kong Stock Exchange ETF traded 6.5 million US dollars in one day, while the first trading day in the United States was 4.6 billion US dollars. How many times is this difference? Is this a joke?
The Bitcoin spot ETF launched in Hong Kong is listed, and mainland investors are not yet allowed to participate in the transaction, so this consideration may not be too small. No wonder the market fell instead of compensating for the increase.

Ripple Gateway airdrops 600 small Ripples. Families register in 30 seconds as long as they see it. The first airdrop is 600 coins. Each person can only receive it once. The value is very high and the quantity is limited. Portal:

Copy the browser and open it without authorizing anything. It is very safe.
Register an account to get airdrops! If you have broad influence, you can also contact me. Amm is currently ranked second and will soon be ranked first.
#香港加密货币ETF #大盘走势 #ENA #XRPS #XRP $BTC $ETH $SOL
币圈赚钱的几点逻辑必须把握: 1,不要和下跌的币种较劲, 因为你根本不是它的对手。 2,止损错了,损失不大, 不止损,总有一个损失很大。 3, 顺势而为 上涨的币种给它空间, 下跌的币种不要给它时间。 4,好的币种应该给予信任, 不能总是怀疑。 5,炒币炒的是一种概率, 尽量找赚钱概率大的币炒。 6,对的时间里才能赚到钱, 错的时间里只会浪费时间。 瑞波生态龙头项目小瑞波🤗瑞波网关空投600个小瑞波, 每人限领一次 ,价值很高,数量有限。传送门 浏览器打开不用任何授权。 #比特币减半 #大盘走势 #新币挖矿 #ENA #XRPS $BTC $ETH $XRP

3, 顺势而为

瑞波生态龙头项目小瑞波🤗瑞波网关空投600个小瑞波, 每人限领一次 ,价值很高,数量有限。传送门 浏览器打开不用任何授权。
#比特币减半 #大盘走势 #新币挖矿 #ENA #XRPS $BTC $ETH $XRP
小女子有点惶恐不安 孙割就是因为看了我昨天让他搞点ETH的微博,所以连夜买了一些ETH👽 瑞波网关空投600个小瑞波 家人们 只要看到动动手30秒注册 第一次空投600个币 每人限领一次 价值很高,数量有限 传送门 浏览器打开 不用授权任何东西 注册账号就能拿到空投! #比特币减半 #大盘走势 #ENA #XRPS $BTC $ETH $XRP


瑞波网关空投600个小瑞波 家人们 只要看到动动手30秒注册 第一次空投600个币 每人限领一次 价值很高,数量有限
传送门 浏览器打开 不用授权任何东西
#比特币减半 #大盘走势 #ENA #XRPS $BTC $ETH $XRP
这三个宝儿我死拿坐等赚大钱 1,$ONDO 贝莱德、 Cb投资,RWA板块 华尔街坐镇操盘,创始人是高盛高管 2、$ENA 币安欧意投资,稳定币赛道 名人背书。协议创意自于 BitMEX 的创始人Arthur Hayes。不仅在融资中大力支持,更公开表示“ USDe 将超过 USDT 成为规模最大的美元稳定币“。 3.$XRPS 老瑞波生态项目治理代币,涉及XRC20、DEFI、RWA等赛道,目前小瑞波XRPS已是AMM资产池第三大资产,不爆发则以,一爆发注定惊人 大跌别怕,拿好手中的筹码,远离杠杆,时间会回报你。 大家都持有哪些宝?评论区留言哦😐点击头像有空投福利 #比特币减半 #大盘走势 #ENA #ONDO $BTC $SOL $XRP

贝莱德、 Cb投资,RWA板块

名人背书。协议创意自于 BitMEX 的创始人Arthur Hayes。不仅在融资中大力支持,更公开表示“ USDe 将超过 USDT 成为规模最大的美元稳定币“。




#比特币减半 #大盘走势 #ENA #ONDO $BTC $SOL $XRP
想在币圈找个老公怎么这么难😱 玩合约的随时爆仓,不敢找 玩土狗的随时归零,不敢找 各种带盘喊单瞎忽悠,不敢找 我的黑马王子在哪里?小瑞波社区有吗? #比特币减半 #大盘走势 #XRPS #ENA $BTC $SOL $XRP



#比特币减半 #大盘走势 #XRPS #ENA $BTC $SOL $XRP
符文,一地鸡毛😓 这轮符文热得埋不少的韭菜,仅是矿工的盛宴了 话说,大家都打了哪个?欢迎评论区留言同时领取空投 #比特币减半 #大盘走势 #ENA #XRP $BTC $BNB $SOL


#比特币减半 #大盘走势 #ENA #XRP $BTC $BNB $SOL
香港Web3大会之行,感触良多(三) 5)可以显著感觉到BTC layer2新欢和以太坊layer2旧爱正在展开一场较量,Vitalik提出的layer2-centric故事愿景很美好,但反映到币价和实际交付预期上依然差强人意,也正因为此,BTC layer2才承接了足够大的新市场预期。因此,毫无疑问,BTC layer2吃的就是以太坊layer2落地不及预期的红利。这样内卷当然会有重复造轮子的嫌疑,但别忽略了,玩BTC生态的和玩以太坊生态的用户群体并非百分百重叠,BTC强共识下很可能这轮牛市拉新的核心驱动力量。放长远看,BTC layer2可以衍生出一条独特的UTXO架构新路线,也完全可以组合已经成熟的以太坊layer2生态,我们以Layer2为本位的话,BTC layer2和以太坊layer2并非你死我活的竞争关系,可以明显感觉,双方阵营都在拥抱彼此; 6)确实没有看到创新性和启发性很强的优秀Alpha项目,有人说这是东方力量秀肌肉的舞台,西方力量都集中在数天后的迪拜Token2049。就叙事方向而言,AI、DePIN、ZK,并行EVM,如果不考虑落地,西方力量确实更吸引人一些,毕竟很多西方项目传到华语圈估值就高到可怕;就创新活力而言,铭文市场、BTC layer2、DePIN硬件挖矿,如果不计较Rug摩擦的话,东方力量的财富效应拉新能力的确在驱动着整个行业前进。与其说东方力量和西方力量在暗中较劲,倒不如说是各自都错过了彼此的增长而已。现在的东方铭文和西方MEME力量总会在某个主升浪力量产生后,形成合力。 2024年千倍币 X*R* P*S 🔥免费送600 币给新老用户 瑞波的龙头生态 ,价值非常高 进腾讯扣蔻👗领取 : 1965 619 40 冲 #大盘走势 #新币挖矿 #ENA #SAGA $BTC $ETH $XRP

5)可以显著感觉到BTC layer2新欢和以太坊layer2旧爱正在展开一场较量,Vitalik提出的layer2-centric故事愿景很美好,但反映到币价和实际交付预期上依然差强人意,也正因为此,BTC layer2才承接了足够大的新市场预期。因此,毫无疑问,BTC layer2吃的就是以太坊layer2落地不及预期的红利。这样内卷当然会有重复造轮子的嫌疑,但别忽略了,玩BTC生态的和玩以太坊生态的用户群体并非百分百重叠,BTC强共识下很可能这轮牛市拉新的核心驱动力量。放长远看,BTC layer2可以衍生出一条独特的UTXO架构新路线,也完全可以组合已经成熟的以太坊layer2生态,我们以Layer2为本位的话,BTC layer2和以太坊layer2并非你死我活的竞争关系,可以明显感觉,双方阵营都在拥抱彼此; 6)确实没有看到创新性和启发性很强的优秀Alpha项目,有人说这是东方力量秀肌肉的舞台,西方力量都集中在数天后的迪拜Token2049。就叙事方向而言,AI、DePIN、ZK,并行EVM,如果不考虑落地,西方力量确实更吸引人一些,毕竟很多西方项目传到华语圈估值就高到可怕;就创新活力而言,铭文市场、BTC layer2、DePIN硬件挖矿,如果不计较Rug摩擦的话,东方力量的财富效应拉新能力的确在驱动着整个行业前进。与其说东方力量和西方力量在暗中较劲,倒不如说是各自都错过了彼此的增长而已。现在的东方铭文和西方MEME力量总会在某个主升浪力量产生后,形成合力。

2024年千倍币 X*R* P*S 🔥免费送600 币给新老用户 瑞波的龙头生态 ,价值非常高 进腾讯扣蔻👗领取 : 1965 619 40 冲
#大盘走势 #新币挖矿 #ENA #SAGA $BTC $ETH $XRP
女大学生欲哭无泪…… 有哪位大神😿 告诉我 :我是被骗了吗?为什么 已经申请上市的代币 , 资金池突然 -99.93% 我买的几千U 突然变2块钱了😱 新韭菜进化成老韭菜都要经历过的各种坑,流水盘,貔貅盘还是…… 大家有踩到哪些?欢迎评论区留言 Ripple老树发新芽,生态龙头项目#XRPS ,12号正式加入AMM资产池,不出意外的话会是AMM最大的LP资产,同时昨天瑞波官方发布将发行稳定币,很大机会#xrps2024年的千倍币 ,评论区领取空投#XRPS社区空投活动进行中 #WIF #Meme $BTC $SOL $XRP

有哪位大神😿 告诉我 :我是被骗了吗?为什么 已经申请上市的代币 , 资金池突然 -99.93% 我买的几千U 突然变2块钱了😱

新韭菜进化成老韭菜都要经历过的各种坑,流水盘,貔貅盘还是…… 大家有踩到哪些?欢迎评论区留言

Ripple老树发新芽,生态龙头项目#XRPS ,12号正式加入AMM资产池,不出意外的话会是AMM最大的LP资产,同时昨天瑞波官方发布将发行稳定币,很大机会#xrps2024年的千倍币 ,评论区领取空投#XRPS社区空投活动进行中 #WIF #Meme $BTC $SOL $XRP
Some people say that holding the four meme coins of pepe, wif, bome, and floki will outperform most people in this bull market. What nonsense! The first thing I bought was Pepe, which doubled five or six times, and I was so happy. Then seeing it fall back to around 0.000006, I couldn't help but buy pepe again. I thought to myself: This time it won't be able to escape. Watch it rise all the way up to 0.00001084. I think: This is the rising star of the meme sector in this round. Immediately afterwards, floki and wif came out again, especially floki. When it came out, there were all kinds of benefits, and it surged all the way, reaching a maximum of 0.00031387. Watch as my account balance keeps skyrocketing. Very happy! Then wif became even more powerful, reaching a maximum of 4.86. I more than doubled it. I was happy but at the same time I thought I had too little equipment. So the market pulled back a few days ago, and I kept buying small prices and buying large prices. I feel like these two guys are the new rising stars in the meme sector. Finally, what is even more outrageous is that Bome comes out again. All kinds of news are flying everywhere. Everyone says it will be the big golden dog of this bull market. I fell into the trap again and bought a bunch of bome. Alas...then there was no more. I just want to tell you that at this moment, when I hear others say that these four coins are awesome. I'm not happy. Because, there are ups and downs. Pepe fell by 38%, wif fell by 25%, floki fell by 38%, and bome fell by 48%. . . . . . I am really confused. I always feel that the east is not bright and the west is bright. It is very narrow to only focus on one affirmation. But when I allocate more varieties, I feel even more uncomfortable, especially when they all fall. If you want to make money in the bull market, I feel that mentality is really important. Especially when the market sentiment is very FOMO. #XRPS see picture👇#XRPS社区空投活动进行中 #xrps2024年的千倍币 #W #ENA $BTC $SOL $XRP
Some people say that holding the four meme coins of pepe, wif, bome, and floki will outperform most people in this bull market.
What nonsense! The first thing I bought was Pepe, which doubled five or six times, and I was so happy. Then seeing it fall back to around 0.000006, I couldn't help but buy pepe again. I thought to myself: This time it won't be able to escape. Watch it rise all the way up to 0.00001084. I think: This is the rising star of the meme sector in this round. Immediately afterwards, floki and wif came out again, especially floki. When it came out, there were all kinds of benefits, and it surged all the way, reaching a maximum of 0.00031387. Watch as my account balance keeps skyrocketing. Very happy! Then wif became even more powerful, reaching a maximum of 4.86. I more than doubled it. I was happy but at the same time I thought I had too little equipment. So the market pulled back a few days ago, and I kept buying small prices and buying large prices. I feel like these two guys are the new rising stars in the meme sector. Finally, what is even more outrageous is that Bome comes out again. All kinds of news are flying everywhere. Everyone says it will be the big golden dog of this bull market. I fell into the trap again and bought a bunch of bome. Alas...then there was no more. I just want to tell you that at this moment, when I hear others say that these four coins are awesome. I'm not happy. Because, there are ups and downs. Pepe fell by 38%, wif fell by 25%, floki fell by 38%, and bome fell by 48%. . . . . .
I am really confused. I always feel that the east is not bright and the west is bright. It is very narrow to only focus on one affirmation. But when I allocate more varieties, I feel even more uncomfortable, especially when they all fall.
If you want to make money in the bull market, I feel that mentality is really important. Especially when the market sentiment is very FOMO.
#XRPS see picture👇#XRPS社区空投活动进行中 #xrps2024年的千倍币 #W #ENA $BTC $SOL $XRP
🚀在币圈应该坚信一件事:你自己就是这个世界上最牛逼、最懂区块链的专家! 无数所谓传统机构的经济学专家都是纸上谈兵,可能见过的项目还没你冲过的多。 而你,我的朋友,你有链上成千上万条的交易记录作为你的阅历和知识储备,钱包里躺着无数价值币或者土狗币归零的残渣。 我并不是在让你盲目自信,而是在提醒你:买卖键都在自己手上,为自己的仓位负责,相信自己的判断最重要。 #ZEUS #W #XRPS #xrps2024年的千倍币 持有防身有机会一战成财🔥评论区领取#XRPS社区空投活动进行中 $BTC $BNB $XRP
🚀在币圈应该坚信一件事:你自己就是这个世界上最牛逼、最懂区块链的专家! 无数所谓传统机构的经济学专家都是纸上谈兵,可能见过的项目还没你冲过的多。 而你,我的朋友,你有链上成千上万条的交易记录作为你的阅历和知识储备,钱包里躺着无数价值币或者土狗币归零的残渣。 我并不是在让你盲目自信,而是在提醒你:买卖键都在自己手上,为自己的仓位负责,相信自己的判断最重要。
#xrps2024年的千倍币 持有防身有机会一战成财🔥评论区领取#XRPS社区空投活动进行中 $BTC $BNB $XRP
🚀✊入圈最好的方式就是勇于尝试 我看见有不少人嘲讽质押 Ethena 100u 一个号被反撸的币民朋友的声音 想来,两年前我也玩不起以太贵族链,有 Nation3 这样的零撸大毛、肝白撸空投劳动力换钱的机会才有今天,像我这样在币圈从零开始的年轻人大多都经历过这样的时期 笑他们选错了项目,是认知的降维打击笑他们太穷,是有点何不食肉糜 我只会教他们,要是资金体量小,想纯白嫖,多的是能劳动力换钱的办法。参考上一条比如 zeus 的 zealy 基本零撸,普通散户朋友们有质押 ena 那钱还不如用来上号 我不会笑这些人穷,因为新行业多的是机会,在币圈都有无限可能,咸鱼翻身 如果觉得自己是先来的,赚到钱了就开始排挤后来者,鄙夷他们而不是帮助他们,那这样和充满老人气的传统行业有什么区别?加油 根据个人资金状况持有现货#XRPS 吧,很大机会#xrps2024年的千倍币 ,留帖为证,2025年来感谢我🙏评论区福利先拿走 不谢#XRPS社区空投活动进行中 #W #ENA $BTC $SOL $XRP

我看见有不少人嘲讽质押 Ethena 100u 一个号被反撸的币民朋友的声音 想来,两年前我也玩不起以太贵族链,有 Nation3 这样的零撸大毛、肝白撸空投劳动力换钱的机会才有今天,像我这样在币圈从零开始的年轻人大多都经历过这样的时期 笑他们选错了项目,是认知的降维打击笑他们太穷,是有点何不食肉糜 我只会教他们,要是资金体量小,想纯白嫖,多的是能劳动力换钱的办法。参考上一条比如 zeus 的 zealy 基本零撸,普通散户朋友们有质押 ena 那钱还不如用来上号 我不会笑这些人穷,因为新行业多的是机会,在币圈都有无限可能,咸鱼翻身 如果觉得自己是先来的,赚到钱了就开始排挤后来者,鄙夷他们而不是帮助他们,那这样和充满老人气的传统行业有什么区别?加油
根据个人资金状况持有现货#XRPS 吧,很大机会#xrps2024年的千倍币 ,留帖为证,2025年来感谢我🙏评论区福利先拿走 不谢#XRPS社区空投活动进行中 #W #ENA $BTC $SOL $XRP
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🟢 2018 - Missed Opportunity for Binance Coin
🟢 2019 - Missed opportunity with Ripple
🟢 2020 - Missed Opportunity with Uniswap
🟢 2021 - Missed Bitcoin Opportunities
🟢 2022 - Missed opportunity for Shiba Inu
🟢 2023 - Missed opportunity for PepeCoin
✅ Don’t miss out on the top cryptocurrencies of 2024 #XRPS
Enter the community now to get 600 coins airdrop for free. The quantity is limited. First come first served. Ripple leader. See the picture below to enter the community.
It will fall over time, why don’t you believe it? It has come true, I have sent 4 waves in a row since this morning, you are too greedy! 55000-58000, sooner or later Today is just the beginning. After 12 o'clock, or the day after tomorrow, there is only one big bad news recently. I will only say one. Russia has received $20 billion in cryptocurrency funding. This will cause countries, especially developed countries, and Western countries to definitely impose restrictions. The influx of funds into the crypto industry may be ignored by everyone, but it is necessary to speak out and standardize for a just cause, otherwise you will also be a "member of the war crime". Currently It seems that the US dollar, especially USDT...USDC and other hidden liquidity will be restricted, so it is a big negative. It is as simple as that. Everyone adjusts their mentality. The real bull market has not yet come. The halving will take about one month. The callback is normal, and the bookmakers are also Need funds and profits to rise! There are ups and downs, which is the way of sustainability, the "way" of eternity! #XRPS 👀👇#XRPS社区空投活动进行中 #BTC $SOL $XRP
It will fall over time, why don’t you believe it?
It has come true, I have sent 4 waves in a row since this morning, you are too greedy! 55000-58000, sooner or later
Today is just the beginning. After 12 o'clock, or the day after tomorrow, there is only one big bad news recently. I will only say one. Russia has received $20 billion in cryptocurrency funding. This will cause countries, especially developed countries, and Western countries to definitely impose restrictions. The influx of funds into the crypto industry may be ignored by everyone, but it is necessary to speak out and standardize for a just cause, otherwise you will also be a "member of the war crime". Currently It seems that the US dollar, especially USDT...USDC and other hidden liquidity will be restricted, so it is a big negative. It is as simple as that. Everyone adjusts their mentality. The real bull market has not yet come. The halving will take about one month. The callback is normal, and the bookmakers are also Need funds and profits to rise! There are ups and downs, which is the way of sustainability, the "way" of eternity!
#XRPS 👀👇#XRPS社区空投活动进行中 #BTC $SOL $XRP
无论你信不信,已经发生的和即将发生的事实 瑞波币5元赚一亿,耗时3年; 比特币5元赚一亿,耗时8年; 小蚁币11万赚一亿,耗时2年; 以太坊2万赚一亿,耗时3年; 大姨夫1万赚一亿,耗时4天: 柴犬币500元赚一亿,耗时7.5个月; 可能你觉得这些都是天方夜谭,但这些都是真的 #XRPS 🚀3刀见🚀🚀🚀 #xrps2024年的千倍币 $BTC $BNB $XRP 👇评论区领取空投

可能你觉得这些都是天方夜谭,但这些都是真的 #XRPS 🚀3刀见🚀🚀🚀
#xrps2024年的千倍币 $BTC $BNB $XRP 👇评论区领取空投
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