Binance Square
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#Floki Safemoon es una moneda con un año de edad totalmente deflacionaria. Está moneda tiene un mecanismo de quema que hace que su precio suba rápidamente. solo mira sus graficas Está moneda te hará rico de verdad. Si no me crees invierte solo lo que puedas permitirte. Por ejemplo, un 10% de tu cartera, y a finales del 2025 ya me cuentas. 🔥 Floki SafeMoon is a community driven deflationary project and aims to outperform Dogecoin, we completely waive the contract and burn liquidity forever making it a 100% safe project. 🚀 🐶 Floki SafeMoon (FSM) | The real Dogecoin killer 🔥 🗓 Launch date: March 18, 2023 🔐 Total Supply: 1,000,000,000,000,000 ✅ Launch 100% to pancakeswap ✅ 100% of liquidity burned ✅ Maximum 1% per wallet ✅ Tax 1% (0.5% Burn - 0.5% LP) ✅ Safe project ✅ No team token ✅ Ownership renounced ✅ Diamond hands community ✅ Next Dogecoin Killer 🌚 Contract: 0x40fa6cc54b5843fe78996f499ec55d05557340c3 💎 Buy on PancakeSwap V2: 💎 Buy on Poocoin: 💎 Dextools: 💎 Website: 💎 Twitter: 💎 Telegram:
#Floki Safemoon es una moneda con un año de edad totalmente deflacionaria.
Está moneda tiene un mecanismo de quema que hace que su precio suba rápidamente. solo mira sus graficas

Está moneda te hará rico de verdad.
Si no me crees invierte solo lo que puedas permitirte. Por ejemplo, un 10% de tu cartera, y a finales del 2025 ya me cuentas.

🔥 Floki SafeMoon is a community driven deflationary project and aims to outperform Dogecoin, we completely waive the contract and burn liquidity forever making it a 100% safe project. 🚀

🐶 Floki SafeMoon (FSM) | The real Dogecoin killer 🔥

🗓 Launch date: March 18, 2023

🔐 Total Supply: 1,000,000,000,000,000

✅ Launch 100% to pancakeswap
✅ 100% of liquidity burned
✅ Maximum 1% per wallet
✅ Tax 1% (0.5% Burn - 0.5% LP)
✅ Safe project
✅ No team token
✅ Ownership renounced
✅ Diamond hands community
✅ Next Dogecoin Killer

🌚 Contract: 0x40fa6cc54b5843fe78996f499ec55d05557340c3

💎 Buy on PancakeSwap V2:

💎 Buy on Poocoin:

💎 Dextools:

💎 Website:

💎 Twitter:

💎 Telegram:
Claro, porque te estoy vigilando. yo compro tus monedas cuando las vendes, y vendo tus monedas, cuando las compras 😛😂😂
Claro, porque te estoy vigilando. yo compro tus monedas cuando las vendes, y vendo tus monedas, cuando las compras 😛😂😂
graceful crypto
I am still not understanding how to predict the market analysis and losing my asset from day to day! Some times it's funny game because when you buy two or three different products(tockens) the token i sold increases steadily after all and the the token i hold depreciates soon. where as almost usually both tokens prices used to increase to gether and drops together previously. so that there is something weird with this trading. Anyone to clarify it please🤲 where are you? want your professional explanation.
Dicen que Bitcoin se convertirá en moneda de reserva. pero que clase de confianza puede dar a las instituciones si un día compran millones en BTC para luego al siguiente día.
Dicen que Bitcoin se convertirá en moneda de reserva. pero que clase de confianza puede dar a las instituciones si un día compran millones en BTC para luego al siguiente día.

Se liga, mano, o Bitcoin chegou em 2009, vindo de um tal de Satoshi Nakamoto, esse aí ninguém sabe quem é direito, mas o cara foi firmeza demais. O bagulho é o seguinte: Bitcoin é uma moeda digital, só que sem ter um banco ou governo no controle. O barato é que não tem papel moeda nem moeda física, tudo é no digital, e a segurança vem dessa rede de computadores que fica trocando ideia com os códigos.

Os caras que mineram Bitcoin são tipo uns matemáticos malucos, fazendo uns cálculos pesados pra ganhar uns pedaços dessa moeda. E a parada fica assim: o preço do Bitcoin sobe e desce sem parar, como se fosse montanha-russa, porque depende de quem compra, quem vende e como o mercado tá na vibe. Mas não vacila, mano, porque essa moeda é mó doida: pode parecer que tá subindo, mas uma hora pode cair que nem pedra.

O melhor de tudo é que o Bitcoin não tem dono, é descentralizado, ninguém controla. Não é igual o dinheiro tradicional que você vê por aí, que o governo fica imprimindo e regulando. Aqui, quem tem, tem, e quem não tem, vai ter que correr atrás. Só que, pra não se ferrar, tem que ter muito estudo, visão e saber o que tá fazendo. Quem entrar no corre e acertar, pode ver o retorno bem pesado, mas tem que ficar ligado porque o risco é grande também.

Então, se tá afim de entrar nessa, mano, já sabe: é estratégia, estudo e não ter medo de arriscar, porque o jogo é brabo. Se der bom, a parada é sinistra, mas tem que estar esperto, porque o mercado pode virar a qualquer momento.

#BtcNewHolder #BtcNewHolder #satoshiNakamato $BTC
Al siguiente día, encontrarse con pérdidas millonarias, por su alta volatilidad.
Al siguiente día, encontrarse con pérdidas millonarias, por su alta volatilidad.

Se liga, mano, o Bitcoin chegou em 2009, vindo de um tal de Satoshi Nakamoto, esse aí ninguém sabe quem é direito, mas o cara foi firmeza demais. O bagulho é o seguinte: Bitcoin é uma moeda digital, só que sem ter um banco ou governo no controle. O barato é que não tem papel moeda nem moeda física, tudo é no digital, e a segurança vem dessa rede de computadores que fica trocando ideia com os códigos.

Os caras que mineram Bitcoin são tipo uns matemáticos malucos, fazendo uns cálculos pesados pra ganhar uns pedaços dessa moeda. E a parada fica assim: o preço do Bitcoin sobe e desce sem parar, como se fosse montanha-russa, porque depende de quem compra, quem vende e como o mercado tá na vibe. Mas não vacila, mano, porque essa moeda é mó doida: pode parecer que tá subindo, mas uma hora pode cair que nem pedra.

O melhor de tudo é que o Bitcoin não tem dono, é descentralizado, ninguém controla. Não é igual o dinheiro tradicional que você vê por aí, que o governo fica imprimindo e regulando. Aqui, quem tem, tem, e quem não tem, vai ter que correr atrás. Só que, pra não se ferrar, tem que ter muito estudo, visão e saber o que tá fazendo. Quem entrar no corre e acertar, pode ver o retorno bem pesado, mas tem que ficar ligado porque o risco é grande também.

Então, se tá afim de entrar nessa, mano, já sabe: é estratégia, estudo e não ter medo de arriscar, porque o jogo é brabo. Se der bom, a parada é sinistra, mas tem que estar esperto, porque o mercado pode virar a qualquer momento.

#BtcNewHolder #BtcNewHolder #satoshiNakamato $BTC
La operación ideal es haber entrado en corto, y cuando empieze a subir, venderla y dejar pasar un tiempo a que se aclaren las cosas con esta moneda
La operación ideal es haber entrado en corto, y cuando empieze a subir, venderla y dejar pasar un tiempo a que se aclaren las cosas con esta moneda
Polémica en Binance: $TROY bajo monitoreo por manipulación de precios

La comunidad cripto despertó hoy con un movimiento inesperado: Binance ha colocado a $TROY bajo una etiqueta de “En observación” debido a presuntos casos de manipulación de precios, lo que ha desatado una dramática caída en su valor. En las últimas 24 horas, la criptomoneda ha perdido más del 27% de su valor, desplomándose de un máximo diario de $0.008262 a un mínimo de $0.005015, según los datos de la plataforma.

Este marcado descenso pone en tela de juicio la estabilidad de $TROY y la confianza de los inversores. Los rumores sobre movimientos sospechosos en el mercado de esta moneda han circulado durante semanas, y la decisión de Binance de etiquetarla oficialmente confirma las sospechas. Con un volumen de 20.25 mil millones de TROY negociados en 24 horas, el impacto de esta decisión no solo se refleja en el precio, sino también en el sentimiento general del mercado.

¿Es un caso perdido?
Los indicadores técnicos pintan un panorama sombrío. El RSI muestra una sobreventa constante, mientras que los movimientos abruptos de volumen insinúan posibles intentos de manipulación en el pasado reciente. Aunque la moneda experimentó un breve rally, los inversores parecen estar perdiendo confianza rápidamente, y las perspectivas a corto plazo son inciertas.

La medida de Binance envía un mensaje contundente: no tolerará proyectos que operen fuera de los estándares éticos. Sin embargo, también genera críticas por su posible impacto en pequeños inversores que ahora enfrentan pérdidas significativas.

¿Qué sigue?
Con la moneda bajo escrutinio, es probable que Binance y otros actores importantes vigilen de cerca los movimientos de $TROY. ¿Será esto el principio del fin para esta criptomoneda, o logrará recuperar su credibilidad? El tiempo lo dirá, pero la lección queda clara: el mercado cripto no perdona.
Muy buena elección, aunque yo agregaría algo de Hbar y render.
Muy buena elección, aunque yo agregaría algo de Hbar y render.
Ismael Viieira
Galera, faz um mês que montei minha carteira de cripto , minha carteira está boa ou preciso trocar alguma cripto ? Me ajudem dando dicas aí nós comentários . Obrigado a todos que comentar
Vende la mitad, paga medicinas, deja el resto holdeando en XRP el tiempo que puedas aguantar y ponte a trabajar, no dependas únicamente de las Criptomonedas. Y ora por tu madre.
Vende la mitad, paga medicinas, deja el resto holdeando en XRP el tiempo que puedas aguantar y ponte a trabajar, no dependas únicamente de las Criptomonedas. Y ora por tu madre.
Hope this gets u well i have 200 usd investment in crypto , but have two situationhave a sick mum and I want to get rich what should I do sell off crypto and pay sick bills for my mum or hold crypto and wait others to save my mum. thanks advice accordingly please.
XRP seguirá corrigiendo un poco más hasta 1,60 para luego rebotar fuertemente hasta los 4.5$
XRP seguirá corrigiendo un poco más hasta 1,60 para luego rebotar fuertemente hasta los 4.5$

Our research indicates that XRP could experience a correction of 27-30%, and this potential drop may be tied to broader market dynamics led by Bitcoin (BTC).

Here’s the connection:
1. BTC’s Dominance Affects Altcoins: Historically, when BTC enters a consolidation or correction phase, altcoins like XRP often follow suit. If BTC struggles to maintain key support levels, XRP’s recent rally could lose momentum as the market shifts into risk-off mode.
2. Market Sentiment: XRP’s price action is closely tied to Bitcoin’s performance, as BTC remains the market leader. A bearish trend in BTC often triggers a ripple effect (pun intended), affecting altcoin sentiment and liquidity.
3. Correlation Data: Our team’s analysis shows a strong correlation between BTC and XRP in the past month. If BTC experiences a pullback, it’s likely to drag XRP down proportionally, exacerbating the predicted 27-30% correction.
4. Profit Rotation: As BTC approaches key resistance levels, traders often rotate profits into stablecoins or other assets, leaving XRP and other altcoins exposed to selling pressure.
cierto que xrp tiene una cantidad grande de monedas que mes a mes se van liberando.Pero eso cambiará cuando entren los bancos y las instituciones a comprar grandes cantidades.
cierto que xrp tiene una cantidad grande de monedas que mes a mes se van liberando.Pero eso cambiará cuando entren los bancos y las instituciones a comprar grandes cantidades.
هذا هو السبب في أن XRP هو واحد من أكثر العملات مكروهًا:
يعتبر XRP واحدًا من أكثر العملات مكروهًا في عالم العملات المشفرة، وهناك عدة أسباب لذلك. أحد الأسباب الرئيسية هو ارتفاع أسعارها القصير، والذي غالبًا ما يستمر فقط من أربعة إلى خمسة أسابيع قبل أن يؤدي إلى تصحيحات حادة. لقد أدى هذا الأداء غير المتسق إلى رؤية الكثيرين لـ XRP كخيار استثماري أقل موثوقية.
سبب آخر للاستياء تجاه XRP هو مبيعات Ripple الشهرية من XRP من حسابات الضمان، والتي يدعي بعض النقاد أنها تكبت السعر وتعيق نموه. ومع ذلك، فقد رفضت إدارة Ripple هذه الادعاءات باستمرار.
بالإضافة إلى ذلك، كانت الكمية العالية من XRP نقطة جدل منذ إطلاقه. يرى بعض المستثمرين أن هذا عامل سلبي، يساهم في عدم شعبية العملة.
على الرغم من هذه الانتقادات، لا يزال XRP عملة بديلة رائدة وقد تمكن من الحفاظ على وجود قوي في السوق. حتى أن بعض المحللين يتوقعون مستقبلًا صعوديًا لـ XRP، مع أهداف سعرية محتملة تتراوح من 11 دولارًا إلى 27.$XRP دولار

#xrp #Xrp🔥🔥
no hay que vender. hay que comprar mas en las caídas, y si no tienes liquidez, simplemente espera. cuando el mercado se recupere volverá a subir.
no hay que vender. hay que comprar mas en las caídas, y si no tienes liquidez, simplemente espera. cuando el mercado se recupere volverá a subir.
$XRP Holders! Did You Notice $BTC has Broken 92k Support and Now Going To Retest 95.5K. If It Fails Then It will take a Feast of 88K, 85K Instantly. Then What will Happen to XRP it will be 30% Down! Make Sure The whales and Big Players only Buy the Dump and Sell on High. Read My Existing Post With Elephant Trunk Drop Down Pattern ! XRP Will also follow the Same Behavior ! Be Updated & Prepared ! The Bears are Dominant Now ! Sell Your XRP before dump!

Buenos consejos. eso mismo pensaba hacer yo. olvidarme de los gráficos y de tradear hasta que terminen estás fiestas
Buenos consejos. eso mismo pensaba hacer yo. olvidarme de los gráficos y de tradear hasta que terminen estás fiestas
crypto daily
🚨 Market Alert: Why You Should Stay Out of the Crypto Market Until January 2nd 🚨
As we near the end of the year, the crypto market is preparing for a period of heightened uncertainty. With major developments looming, the smartest strategy right now might be to hit pause and stay away from the market until January 2nd. Here’s why holding back could save you unnecessary risks and set you up for a more solid start in the new year.
What’s Happening in the Market?
Big changes are on the horizon. USDT (Tether), one of the most widely used stablecoins, is set to be delisted from exchanges and platforms across Europe. This regulatory shakeup is causing waves of uncertainty, and the implications for the broader market are significant. Here's what we might face:
Massive Volatility: Expect wild price swings as traders react to the news. The market is likely to be directionless and unpredictable, making it tough to make profitable moves.
Liquidity Crunch: The removal of USDT from major trading pairs could cause price dislocations, affecting everything from altcoins to Bitcoin itself. The lack of liquidity will only add to the market’s turbulence.
In short, the next few days are full of potential pitfalls for both seasoned traders and newcomers alike.
Why Staying Safe Makes Sense Right Now
1. Protect Your Portfolio First
While volatility can present short-term opportunities, the risks far outweigh the potential rewards right now. It's far smarter to prioritize the safety of your holdings over chasing quick gains. A single misstep in a volatile market could result in significant losses.
2. Navigate the Turbulence
The crypto market is already known for its erratic nature. With major news like the USDT delisting adding fuel to the fire, traditional trading strategies may fail to deliver. By stepping back temporarily, you avoid unnecessary stress and the possibility of getting caught in a volatile downturn.
3. Patience Leads to Opportunity
Sometimes, the best strategy is to simply wait it out. After the initial shock wears off, the market will likely stabilize, presenting clearer opportunities to invest. Waiting until January 2nd can give you the time needed to make better-informed decisions and enter the market with confidence.
What You Can Do Instead
1. Strategize and Research
Use this time to dive deeper into market trends, evaluate promising projects, and refine your trading strategies. Preparation now will pay off later when the market stabilizes.
2. Diversify Your Portfolio
Consider reallocating your assets into more stable options or alternative assets that align with your risk profile. Diversification is key to managing risk during uncertain times.
3. Stay Informed
Monitor updates on USDT and other key market developments. Staying up to date will ensure you're ready to jump on any opportunities once the market begins to calm down.
Final Thought: The Best Move Might Be No Move at All
In uncertain times, the safest bet might just be staying on the sidelines. With the crypto market facing potential chaos, waiting until January 2nd could give you the clarity you need to make informed decisions. Remember, there will always be new opportunities, but your financial safety should always be your top priority.
Once the dust settles, you'll be in the best position to navigate the market with confidence. Stay informed, stay prepared, and let the turbulence pass. 🌐💼
#SolvProtocolMegadrop #BinanceAlphaAlert #MicroStrategyStockSale #BTCMiningPeak #BTCXmasOrDip?
estamos en un mercado alcista y pronto habrá una recuperación del precio. es cierto que tiene que haber correcciones, pero no tan profundas
estamos en un mercado alcista y pronto habrá una recuperación del precio. es cierto que tiene que haber correcciones, pero no tan profundas
Major breakout and dump coming

As we mentioned before major daily support which is holding price is now 93K$ support zone and soon the support will break to the downside and bear candles with high volume can lead and we may have bear market for a while after that so be aware of this dump which is already happening and this is just beginning.

support is touching any breakout to the downside of 93K$ may cause high volume dump and our targets would rich.

DISCLAIMER: ((trade based on your own decision))
<<press like👍 if you enjoy💚
Para eso posteas, y diciendo que lo que dices vale dinero? yo no pagaría un duro a estafadores como tú, que lo único que hacen es promocionar memes de mierda en las que estás tú.
Para eso posteas, y diciendo que lo que dices vale dinero? yo no pagaría un duro a estafadores como tú, que lo único que hacen es promocionar memes de mierda en las que estás tú.
I made $5M+ in crypto from 0
7 years, 3 cycles - been through it all

Few people realize this, but this cycle is different

Here’s what’s changed, what’s coming next, and how to make ur first million this cycle

This will separate winners from losers

➮ Before I start...

✧ Most people would charge $1,000+ for this info, but I’m sharing it FREE cause I’ve been through it and want to help others who are still in the trenches.

And if you find this useful, give it a like, repost, comment or follow — your support means a lot! @Tracer

1/➮ I've been through 3 cycles now, and every cycle they convince you that it's the same as before, and that's quite true

✧ But this cycle is really different, and you can't just ignore this fact

This thread will convince u of this and how to use it to profit

Here is one alt I'm betting on now for 50-300x 👇

Trump’s inauguration is less than 30 days away, and the $BTC reserve is almost here.

This is the most bullish catalyst in the history of crypto.

Golden Bullrun will kick off in January, with Bitcoin starting its climb toward $1M.

In 2025, many crypto-oriented changes are set to begin as early as Q1.

The U.S. is on track to become the leading crypto country, with Trump at the forefront.

While some still doubt this, smart money is already preparing by accumulating promising coins.

That’s why I’ve scanned over 450 altcoins to find the ones primed to grow first.

Here is the coin I’m buying now and holding until the end of 2025 👇

MoonPrime Games ($LUNAR)

In every market cycle, there’s always that one project—the one that breaks through, transforms industries, and turns early investors into legends. This cycle, my pick for the next 10,000x opportunity is MoonPrime Games ($LUNAR).

Why? It’s not just another crypto gaming token. It’s an industry disruptor, combining AI and gaming in ways we’ve never seen before.
Why $LUNAR Is a Game-Changer

🔥 AI-Powered Gaming Revolution

MoonPrime Games is rewriting the rules of gaming by integrating AI-powered NPCs into their games:

Smart NPCs: These are not your average pre-programmed characters. The NPCs in MoonPrime’s flagship game, Z-DAY, adapt to your actions and choices. You can even talk to them via voice, and they’ll respond dynamically.
Unprecedented immersion: Imagine gaming experiences where every character is alive, evolving, and interacting like never before.

This isn’t just a gimmick—it’s the future of gaming. And MoonPrime is the first to do it.

🎮 Real, Working Products

$LUNAR isn’t just a vision; it’s a project with live products and a roadmap being executed right now.

Z-DAY Game: Launching in just 4 days on December 30, this game is already generating hype with its AI-powered NPCs.
AI Browser App: Don’t believe the hype? Test the tech for yourself at MoonPrime.Games, where the AI is already live.
3MAG Gaming Platform: Their platform is live and ready, bringing blockchain gaming to the masses.

🏆 Perfect Timing: The Altcoin Season Is Here

With altcoin season heating up, this is the moment to position yourself for the biggest gains. $LUNAR is currently at $7M market cap, the same starting point as GALA in 2020, which exploded to a $5.4B market cap in just 11 months.

Missed GALA? Don’t miss $LUNAR.
The Numbers Don’t Lie

GALA took 700x gains in less than a year.
$LUNAR has the technology, vision, and momentum to do the same—or even surpass it.

My Next 10,000x Bet Is $LUNAR 🚀

💡 Here’s why I’m all in:

Innovative AI technology that’s changing how we think about gaming.
Real products live today, not just promises.
Unmatched potential for growth as gaming and AI take center stage in the crypto space.

The clock is ticking, and early adopters are already piling in. Don’t let weak hands scare you off the next 10,000x opportunity.

📈 Get in before the Z-DAY launch on December 30 and ride the wave of innovation. This isn’t just another altcoin—it’s the future of gaming and AI.

👉 Buy $LUNAR now and secure your spot in history.



#GMTBurnVote #BitwiseBitcoinETF #CryptoRegulation2025 #BTCXmasOrDip? #XmasCryptoMiracles
Todos se esperan una fuerte corrección antes de entrar a la altseasion, pero y si no se da esa corrección, y no dan oportunidad de comprar más a precios bajos? piensalo
Todos se esperan una fuerte corrección antes de entrar a la altseasion, pero y si no se da esa corrección, y no dan oportunidad de comprar más a precios bajos? piensalo
Altcoins: The Re-Accumulation Phase Before a Massive Rally
The #Altcoin market is displaying a classic re-accumulation pattern, reminiscent of prior cycles observed in 2015, 2018-2019, and now 2022-2023. A closer look at the charts reveals the formation of double bottoms with higher lows, a strong bullish signal that often precedes explosive upward moves. The Relative Strength Index (RSI) adds to the bullish narrative, consistently showing rebounds during these consolidation phases. Key levels marked in green on historical charts highlight how these quiet periods are where the market builds its foundation for the next rally. Smart investors often utilize these phases to strategically position themselves for the inevitable breakout, making patience a critical virtue.

Based on historical trends and current technical indicators, altcoins appear poised for significant gains in the months ahead. As the market consolidates, strong hands are accumulating, while weak hands are shaken out—a cycle we’ve witnessed repeatedly. This "calm before the storm" presents a golden opportunity for traders and investors to prepare for the next wave. With the charts and RSI signaling steady upward momentum, the market sentiment suggests that those who remain patient and disciplined could reap substantial rewards as altcoins head toward new highs.

#altcoins #Altcoins! #BitwiseBitcoinETF
Tiene sentido lo que dices. o bien pasarán los usdt a bitcoin, o bien lo convierten a otra moneda estable. si lo pasan a bitcoin. entonces subirá el bitcoin junto a las criptos
Tiene sentido lo que dices. o bien pasarán los usdt a bitcoin, o bien lo convierten a otra moneda estable. si lo pasan a bitcoin. entonces subirá el bitcoin junto a las criptos
USDT delisting??? Is this really a matter to worry about??
The upcoming ban of usdt in EU exchanges(on 30 December) has created much fear in the whole crypto market... I know the fear is very small but you need to take a quick action...As it is just a Fud. .I am not trying to spread fear but remember the LUNA crash(from 119$ to 0.0001)...
If you still have usdt holdings then I would advise you to convert them into FDUSD or USDC by 1:1 ratio.. If you have bought coins with your usdt in spot, then check if their other trading pairs are available.. If present then you don't need to worry about.. Sell your holdings later on these pairs when you achieve your target..
I know USDT is a very large company with the billions of dollars in reserves, but it is better to be cautious.. They don't have any audit till now, they don't even follow any regulations and we often hear the news against it..
I think it may be a start of bull run... If FUD increases by 30 dec,, then all the usdt holdings will start flowing into Btc, big caps and memes... and we all will see a wonderful altseason. . Get ready.
I may be wrong and all I said is just a prediction so please don't criticize.. You still have time to convert your stable holdings .. DYOR...
De esas monedas te estás arriesgando mucho con babydoge. En cuanto recuperes lo invertido, quitatela de encima. Por otro lado. la paciencia es clave para obtener ganancias.
De esas monedas te estás arriesgando mucho con babydoge. En cuanto recuperes lo invertido, quitatela de encima. Por otro lado. la paciencia es clave para obtener ganancias.
Sidra Khalid 7866
I am going to Fed up, there is not a single penny profit, and have lost my $80 in this instance.
Guys please suggest me what I need to do wait or withdraw ..? 🧐🥺😢

Ya hace tiempo que binance no deja operar con USDT pero no pasó nada. la gente está usando ahora USDC en su lugar. No sucumban al miedo y mantengan sus monedas.
Ya hace tiempo que binance no deja operar con USDT pero no pasó nada. la gente está usando ahora USDC en su lugar. No sucumban al miedo y mantengan sus monedas.
Engz pay
اخاف من انهيار عملة USDT اكثر من انهيار البتكوين

و لماذا USDT صعب انهياره ؟

إقرا البوست ضروري حتى اوضح لك

• ال USDT هو العمود الفقري للسيولة في هذا السوق بأكمله و متشعب في 99٪ من المشاريع و موفر سيولة على كل الشبكات نقدر نقول مثل الدولار الامريكي و تشعبه في التجارة العالمية صعب تزيحه من مكانه

• نرجع للوراء و نتذكر كيف تم فك ارتباط USDT بالدولار بنسبة قليلة جدا بعدها مباشرة شاهدنا خوف كبير جدا و نزل البتكوين الى 15 الف دولار

• في حالة اذا انهار رغم انها صعب سنشاهد انهيار المنصات و المشاريع مثل تأثير الدومينو و نهاية لسوق العملات الرقمية لأننا نتكلم عن عملة قيمتها السوقية 140B$ مليار دولار و متشعبة💲

و لا ننسى منصات و شركات استثمارية قوية انهارت مثل LUNA FTX Celsius و USDT لم تنهار و ورائها حيتان عملاقة ما تقدر تخيل كم راس مالهم قادرين يحافظوا على السعر مستقر

• الان نفس السيناريو يتم إعادته و التضييق عليه بالقوانين و القضايا لكن الغريب و لا شيء سيأثر عليه و ازاحته من مكانته تحتاج سنين طويلة لهذا لا تخاف من انهياره
Por eso la paciencia es clave, y no sucumbir al miedo
Por eso la paciencia es clave, y no sucumbir al miedo
Jolynn Montee YFip
a mais ou menos uma hora atrás resolvi sair da posição com uma perca de 20% em média, como sou muito azarado, eu já sabia que quando eu jogasse a toalha as coisas iam melhorar pra quem ficasse no mercado. pois bem, foi oque aconteceu, as moedas que perdi 20% do meu investimento subiram pelo menos 10% até o momento.
totalmente de acuerdo. yo personalmente estoy holdeando a largo plazo y no me dejo llevar por lo que haga el precio a corto plazo. No pienso vender nada a las ballenas.
totalmente de acuerdo. yo personalmente estoy holdeando a largo plazo y no me dejo llevar por lo que haga el precio a corto plazo. No pienso vender nada a las ballenas.
Qaiser _ ali1234
Avoid Selling at a Loss: Don’t Hand Over Your Money to Market Whales

In the world of investing, particularly in stocks and cryptocurrencies, one piece of advice stands out: “Don’t sell at a loss.” Yet, many investors, especially beginners, fall prey to emotional decisions and end up selling prematurely. Understanding market dynamics and the role of major players, like “whales,” is crucial to avoiding these pitfalls.

Who Are Whales?

"Whales" are large investors or institutions with significant market influence. Their extensive holdings enable them to manipulate price movements to their advantage, often at the expense of smaller investors.

How Do Losses Happen?

1. Fear and Panic: Sudden price drops, often triggered by whale sell-offs, cause small investors to panic and sell, fearing further losses.

2. Psychological Manipulation: Whales employ strategies to create an illusion of an impending market crash, allowing them to scoop up assets at undervalued prices.

3. Emotional Reactions: Successful investing requires patience and discipline, but fear often leads to hasty, regrettable decisions.

Why Hold Your Ground?

1. Market Volatility is Normal: Price fluctuations are a natural part of market behavior. Riding out these ups and downs often yields better results in the long run.
cuando todos pensaban que Bitcoin IVA a subir a 120 150 0 incluso 200000. las ballenas tumbaron el mercado, ahora que todos piensan. que va a bajar mucho, harán todo lo contrario.
cuando todos pensaban que Bitcoin IVA a subir a 120 150 0 incluso 200000. las ballenas tumbaron el mercado, ahora que todos piensan. que va a bajar mucho, harán todo lo contrario.
simple simon the profiler
🚨😱 Today, We've Entered the Last Bear Trap Before the Historic Bull Rally! 🔥📈
The crypto market is at a *critical juncture* today, and we're witnessing the *final bear trap* before a potential *historic bull rally*! 📉🔒 If you've been waiting for the perfect moment to enter the market or make your next move, *this is it*!

Bitcoin (BTC) is gearing up for a massive *price surge*, with the *next target* set at *260,000*! 🚀💰 And the best part? *Altcoins* are going to *skyrocket* alongside it! 🌕💥 Let’s break down why this could be the *last bear trap* and how the *bullish reversal* is already in motion. 🔑📊

*What is a Bear Trap? 🐻🚨*

A *bear trap* occurs when the market *appears to be in a downtrend*, causing traders to *sell off* their positions in fear of further losses. However, this decline is often *temporary* and quickly followed by a *sharp reversal*—known as the *bull rally*. 🔄💥

Right now, many investors are *fearful* due to *short-term declines*, but this is *precisely the moment* when the market sets up for a *massive upward move*. The recent market dip has been nothing but a *trap* to shake out weak hands before the *real rally* begins. 📉🛑

*Why Bitcoin (BTC) Could Reach260,000 🚀💰*

1. *Institutional Interest 💼📈*
- *Institutional adoption* of Bitcoin is at an all-time high, with major players like *Tesla*, *MicroStrategy*, and even traditional financial giants like *BlackRock* showing increasing interest in *Bitcoin* as a *store of value*. As more *corporations* and *hedge funds* add Bitcoin to their balance sheets, the demand will skyrocket. 📊🏦

2. *Bitcoin Halving Cycle 🔄⏳*
- Bitcoin’s *halving events*—which occur roughly every four years—have historically led to *massive price increases*. The next halving is *scheduled for 2024*, and the *reduced supply of new BTC* will put *upward pressure* on the price as demand continues to rise. 📅🔑

3. *Global Economic Uncertainty 🌍💥*
- With *inflation* rising and *central banks* printing money, more people are turning to *Bitcoin* as a hedge against *fiat currency devaluation*. As *traditional markets* face volatility, *Bitcoin* is becoming increasingly viewed as *digital gold*. 🏦💰

4. *FOMO and Retail Adoption 💸📲*
- As *Bitcoin’s price* continues to rise, *Fear of Missing Out (FOMO)* will drive *retail investors* back into the market. The *media* will amplify the rally, attracting new buyers and pushing the price even higher. 📈🔥


*Altcoins Will Skyrocket 🚀🌕*
When *Bitcoin* takes off, *altcoins* typically follow in its wake, often with even *bigger gains*. Here’s why altcoins are set to *skyrocket* alongside BTC:

1. *DeFi and NFT Growth 📊🎨*
- *Decentralized Finance (DeFi)* platforms and *Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs)* have gained massive popularity, and *Ethereum (ETH)* remains the go-to platform for these innovations. As *Ethereum* and other smart contract platforms like *Solana (SOL)* and *Avalanche (AVAX)* continue to grow, their native tokens will see *substantial appreciation*. 🌐💎

2. *Layer 2 Solutions ⚡💡*
- Ethereum’s *Layer 2 scaling solutions* (e.g., *Polygon (MATIC)* and *Arbitrum*) are solving the network’s *scalability issues* and lowering *transaction fees*, making them more attractive for users and developers. As *Ethereum 2.0* continues to roll out, expect *huge growth* in *Layer 2 altcoins*. 📈⚡

3. *New Market Trends 🚀💥*
- The *NFT market* and the rise of *play-to-earn games* are driving *new demand* for altcoins in the *gaming* and *entertainment* sectors. Altcoins that are integrated into these emerging markets, such as *The Sandbox (SAND)* or *Decentraland (MANA)*, will likely see massive growth in the upcoming rally. 🎮🖼️

4. *Institutional Investment in Altcoins 💼📊*
- Just as *institutions* are adopting *Bitcoin*, many are now setting their sights on *Ethereum* and other *altcoins* with strong use cases. *ETH*, *Polkadot (DOT)*, and *Chainlink (LINK)* are attracting more institutional capital, which will drive prices up as demand increases. 🏦🔗


*The Bottom Line: Get Ready for the Bull Rally 🔥🚀*

The *bear trap* we’re seeing today is just the final shakeout before the *historic bull rally*. Bitcoin’s *target of $260,000* is within reach, and altcoins are primed to *explode* in value as the market enters the next phase of growth. 🌍💥

If you’ve been waiting for the perfect moment to invest or add to your position, *this is it*! Prepare for *massive gains* as the market shifts from *fear* to *greed* and the *bullish momentum* takes over. 💰📈


*Are you ready for the next bull run?* Let us know your thoughts on the *BTC price target* and which *altcoins* you're excited about! 🚀💬




#BTCNextMove #USUALAnalysis #CorePCESignalsShift #ElSalvadorBTCReserve #MarketCorrectionBuyOrHODL?
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