Binance Square
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L’auteur de « Rich Dad Poor Dad » publie une déclaration cruciale Bitcoin-Vs-Fed Robert Kiyosaki, grand partisan du Bitcoin et entrepreneur éducatif, également célèbre pour son livre populaire sur la littératie financière « Rich Dad Poor Dad », a publié une déclaration importante sur la Réserve fédérale et la crypto-monnaie phare du monde. KIYOSAKI PARTAGE SON POINT DE VUE L’investisseur a partagé sa désapprobation à l’égard de la Fed américaine dans son récent tweet en la critiquant ironiquement (contrairement au conseil populaire de « ne pas combattre la Fed ») et en exhortant sa communauté de 2 millions de personnes sur X à acheter du Bitcoin, ainsi que de l’argent et or. Ce tweet fait suite à un autre message récent de Kiyosaki publié cette semaine. Le 15 février, le gourou de la finance (comme beaucoup l’appellent Kiyosaki) a tweeté qu’il pensait qu’il était beaucoup plus sage de faire confiance au Bitcoin plutôt qu’à la Fed. Il a expliqué les raisons de son mécontentement à l’égard de la banque centrale américaine. Kiyosaki estime que la Fed constitue un problème majeur pour l’économie américaine dans la mesure où elle l’a détruite. Cela a également « appauvri les pauvres et la classe moyenne et sauvé leurs riches amis banquiers », selon son tweet publié jeudi. Robert Kiyosaki appelle ses partisans à prêter moins attention à ce que dit ou fait la Fed et à compter plutôt sur Bitcoin comme valeur refuge. « LE BITCOIN VA DÉCOLLER, L’OR VA S’EFFONDRER » : KIYOSAKI Plus tôt cette semaine, l’investisseur a prédit que Bitcoin allait décoller puisque les banques n’achètent pas de bons du Trésor américain et préfèrent plutôt s’approvisionner en or. Kiyosaki pense que l’or va revenir sous le niveau de 1 200 $ dans un avenir proche – c’est une autre raison qu’il a donnée pour justifier ses attentes quant à la hausse prochaine du prix du Bitcoin. #Write2Earn #BinanceSquare #Bitcoin
L’auteur de « Rich Dad Poor Dad » publie une déclaration cruciale Bitcoin-Vs-Fed
Robert Kiyosaki, grand partisan du Bitcoin et entrepreneur éducatif, également célèbre pour son livre populaire sur la littératie financière « Rich Dad Poor Dad », a publié une déclaration importante sur la Réserve fédérale et la crypto-monnaie phare du monde.


L’investisseur a partagé sa désapprobation à l’égard de la Fed américaine dans son récent tweet en la critiquant ironiquement (contrairement au conseil populaire de « ne pas combattre la Fed ») et en exhortant sa communauté de 2 millions de personnes sur X à acheter du Bitcoin, ainsi que de l’argent et or.

Ce tweet fait suite à un autre message récent de Kiyosaki publié cette semaine. Le 15 février, le gourou de la finance (comme beaucoup l’appellent Kiyosaki) a tweeté qu’il pensait qu’il était beaucoup plus sage de faire confiance au Bitcoin plutôt qu’à la Fed.

Il a expliqué les raisons de son mécontentement à l’égard de la banque centrale américaine. Kiyosaki estime que la Fed constitue un problème majeur pour l’économie américaine dans la mesure où elle l’a détruite. Cela a également « appauvri les pauvres et la classe moyenne et sauvé leurs riches amis banquiers », selon son tweet publié jeudi.

Robert Kiyosaki appelle ses partisans à prêter moins attention à ce que dit ou fait la Fed et à compter plutôt sur Bitcoin comme valeur refuge.


Plus tôt cette semaine, l’investisseur a prédit que Bitcoin allait décoller puisque les banques n’achètent pas de bons du Trésor américain et préfèrent plutôt s’approvisionner en or. Kiyosaki pense que l’or va revenir sous le niveau de 1 200 $ dans un avenir proche – c’est une autre raison qu’il a donnée pour justifier ses attentes quant à la hausse prochaine du prix du Bitcoin.
Les mineurs de Bitcoin sous pression pour vendre, le retracement des prix BTC en dessous de 50 000 $ est-il imminent? Le prix du Bitcoin a bondi de 25 % depuis le lancement ponctuel de l’ETF Bitcoin aux États-Unis et l’accumulation significative de Bitcoin par les grandes baleines en 2024. Compte tenu de la faible offre de BTC associée à la situation croissante des difficultés minières, une augmentation de la taille des blocs pourrait potentiellement accroître #Write2Earn #BinanceSquare #Binance #Bitcoin #BitcoinPrice2024
Les mineurs de Bitcoin sous pression pour vendre, le retracement des prix BTC en dessous de 50 000 $ est-il imminent?

Le prix du Bitcoin a bondi de 25 % depuis le lancement ponctuel de l’ETF Bitcoin aux États-Unis et l’accumulation significative de Bitcoin par les grandes baleines en 2024. Compte tenu de la faible offre de BTC associée à la situation croissante des difficultés minières, une augmentation de la taille des blocs pourrait potentiellement accroître

La chute « rapide, soudaine et forte » du Bitcoin est désormais imminente Bitcoin (BTC) s’efforce de maintenir ses gains au-dessus de la barre des 50 000 $ alors que la première crypto-monnaie cherche un nouveau sommet historique. Alors qu’une partie importante du marché s’attend à ce que Bitcoin poursuive sa dynamique haussière, soutenu par des catalyseurs tels que la réduction de moitié à venir, un autre segment La chute « rapide, soudaine et forte » du Bitcoin est désormais imminente #Write2Earn #Binance #BinanceSquare
La chute « rapide, soudaine et forte » du Bitcoin est désormais imminente

Bitcoin (BTC) s’efforce de maintenir ses gains au-dessus de la barre des 50 000 $ alors que la première crypto-monnaie cherche un nouveau sommet historique. Alors qu’une partie importante du marché s’attend à ce que Bitcoin poursuive sa dynamique haussière, soutenu par des catalyseurs tels que la réduction de moitié à venir, un autre segment La chute « rapide, soudaine et forte » du Bitcoin est désormais imminente
This digital currency is under attack After launching its new stablecoin, PYUSD. PayPal revealed that the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has subpoenaed the company in relation to the stablecoin. PayPal said in its Form 10-Q for the fiscal third quarter that it was required to file documents with the Securities and Exchange Commission and that it was "cooperating" with the securities regulator. On November 1, 2023, we received a subpoena from the SEC’s Enforcement Division regarding the PayPal USD stablecoin,” the filing notes. “The subpoena requests the production of documents. We are cooperating with the Securities and Exchange Commission regarding this application. The filing also notes that PayPal allows its customers to buy, hold, sell, transfer, receive and send Bitcoin, Ethereum, Bitcoin Cash, Litecoin and the stablecoin PYUSD. Additionally, the document states that in August 2023, PayPal partnered with third-party issuer Paxos to issue PYUSD, then launched it to Venmo customers in September 2023. “We have selected custody and issuer partners for PYUSD,” the 10-Q filing adds. In the future, we may select additional custody partners and stablecoin issuing entities. Which are subject to regulatory oversight, capital requirements, and maintain industry certifications for auditing and compliance. Cybersecurity procedures and policies.” PayPal's earnings report comes after the company received approval from the UK's Financial Conduct Authority. After recently pausing cryptocurrency purchases in the UK. PayPal is expected to resume its services after obtaining regulatory approval. However, the company may not be able to add new customers in the future. #BinanceSquare #Binance #PayPal #UssefNews
This digital currency is under attack
After launching its new stablecoin, PYUSD. PayPal revealed that the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has subpoenaed the company in relation to the stablecoin. PayPal said in its Form 10-Q for the fiscal third quarter that it was required to file documents with the Securities and Exchange Commission and that it was "cooperating" with the securities regulator.
On November 1, 2023, we received a subpoena from the SEC’s Enforcement Division regarding the PayPal USD stablecoin,” the filing notes. “The subpoena requests the production of documents. We are cooperating with the Securities and Exchange Commission regarding this application.
The filing also notes that PayPal allows its customers to buy, hold, sell, transfer, receive and send Bitcoin, Ethereum, Bitcoin Cash, Litecoin and the stablecoin PYUSD. Additionally, the document states that in August 2023, PayPal partnered with third-party issuer Paxos to issue PYUSD, then launched it to Venmo customers in September 2023.
“We have selected custody and issuer partners for PYUSD,” the 10-Q filing adds. In the future, we may select additional custody partners and stablecoin issuing entities. Which are subject to regulatory oversight, capital requirements, and maintain industry certifications for auditing and compliance. Cybersecurity procedures and policies.”
PayPal's earnings report comes after the company received approval from the UK's Financial Conduct Authority. After recently pausing cryptocurrency purchases in the UK. PayPal is expected to resume its services after obtaining regulatory approval. However, the company may not be able to add new customers in the future.

Ripple currency continues its impressive successes by obtaining official recognition from the Dubai International Financial Center as one of the digital assets authorized for use. This was preceded by important developments in terms of its work within the United States, as Ripple currency was identified as the only digital asset recognized that - legally - it cannot be considered Financial securities, as confirmed by the ruling issued by Judge Analisa Torres on July 13 last year. Ripple's focus on the Emirate of Dubai comes as it is an important center that is considered a living representation of its proactive approach to overcoming regulatory challenges. This strategic shift emerges against the backdrop of the operational obstacles that the company faced within the United States, which encouraged it to explore new global regions.Ripple chooses the Dubai International Financial Center as its headquarters in the Middle East and North Africa region, citing its favorable regulatory environment and financial technology system.In a move described as smart, in 2020, Ripple chose the Dubai International Financial Center (DIFC) to be its headquarters in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA). Perhaps what encouraged the company to make this decision was the appropriate regulatory arena provided by the Emirate of Dubai, as it provided frameworks It has advanced regulation, in addition to providing a wide transaction network, and we must not forget its reputation for embracing the financial sector and supporting its growth.In addition to its continued expansion in the Middle East and North Africa region, Ripple’s active efforts to obtain operating licenses in various countries around the world have not stopped, including obtaining a license as a Major Payment Institution (MPI) from the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS), in addition to continuing its efforts to It is working hard to obtain business licenses within the United Kingdom and Ireland, in confirmation of its endeavor to fully comply with regulatory laws and adhere to its goal of enhancing its global growth.
Ripple currency continues its impressive successes by obtaining official recognition from the Dubai International Financial Center as one of the digital assets authorized for use. This was preceded by important developments in terms of its work within the United States, as Ripple currency was identified as the only digital asset recognized that - legally - it cannot be considered Financial securities, as confirmed by the ruling issued by Judge Analisa Torres on July 13 last year.
Ripple's focus on the Emirate of Dubai comes as it is an important center that is considered a living representation of its proactive approach to overcoming regulatory challenges. This strategic shift emerges against the backdrop of the operational obstacles that the company faced within the United States, which encouraged it to explore new global regions.Ripple chooses the Dubai International Financial Center as its headquarters in the Middle East and North Africa region, citing its favorable regulatory environment and financial technology system.In a move described as smart, in 2020, Ripple chose the Dubai International Financial Center (DIFC) to be its headquarters in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA). Perhaps what encouraged the company to make this decision was the appropriate regulatory arena provided by the Emirate of Dubai, as it provided frameworks It has advanced regulation, in addition to providing a wide transaction network, and we must not forget its reputation for embracing the financial sector and supporting its growth.In addition to its continued expansion in the Middle East and North Africa region, Ripple’s active efforts to obtain operating licenses in various countries around the world have not stopped, including obtaining a license as a Major Payment Institution (MPI) from the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS), in addition to continuing its efforts to It is working hard to obtain business licenses within the United Kingdom and Ireland, in confirmation of its endeavor to fully comply with regulatory laws and adhere to its goal of enhancing its global growth.
Cryptocurrencies and drugs A recent filing showed that the US Attorney's Office is taking legal action to recover more than $54 million in cryptocurrencies linked to an illegal drug distribution scheme. Cryptocurrencies have been seized. Including 30,000 Ethereum (ETH) coins worth about $53.5 million. US Attorney Seizes $54 Million in Drug-Linked Cryptocurrencies The US Attorney's Office, led by Philip R. Selinger. Civil forfeiture action to recover cryptocurrencies valued at more than $54 million. Which is linked to illegal drug distribution on the dark web, especially in New Jersey. Selinger stressed that they will confiscate any financial gains obtained from criminal activities. Regardless of whether it involves cash or cryptocurrencies. Notably, this action serves as a warning to those who believe that cryptocurrency transactions can protect their illicit behavior from law enforcement. Meanwhile, the scheme implicated Christopher Castelluzzo and his associates. Who conspired to sell drugs between 2010 and 2015. It is worth noting that they expanded their operations to the dark web around 2013. They accepted Bitcoin in exchange for their illegal goods. A multi-agency effort for justice and the filing showed that Castelloso used Bitcoin profits to obtain 30,000 ether during Ethereum's initial coin offering (ICO) in 2014. Along with 30,000 Ethereum Classic in 2016. It is worth noting that cryptocurrencies obtained through these illegal means are now subject to confiscation. Castelloso, who is currently serving a 20-year prison sentence for drug distribution, was... He made plans to evade taxes and transfer 30,000 ether abroad while in prison. However, US authorities uncovered these plans through recorded prison phone calls in 2021 and confiscated cryptocurrencies linked to his drug trafficking. At the same time, this confiscation action is the result of a collaborative effort between several agencies. Including the FBI's Virtual Assets Unit, Homeland Security Investigations, and local law enforcement. #Binance #BinanceSquare
Cryptocurrencies and drugs
A recent filing showed that the US Attorney's Office is taking legal action to recover more than $54 million in cryptocurrencies linked to an illegal drug distribution scheme. Cryptocurrencies have been seized. Including 30,000 Ethereum (ETH) coins worth about $53.5 million.
US Attorney Seizes $54 Million in Drug-Linked Cryptocurrencies The US Attorney's Office, led by Philip R. Selinger. Civil forfeiture action to recover cryptocurrencies valued at more than $54 million. Which is linked to illegal drug distribution on the dark web, especially in New Jersey.
Selinger stressed that they will confiscate any financial gains obtained from criminal activities. Regardless of whether it involves cash or cryptocurrencies. Notably, this action serves as a warning to those who believe that cryptocurrency transactions can protect their illicit behavior from law enforcement.
Meanwhile, the scheme implicated Christopher Castelluzzo and his associates. Who conspired to sell drugs between 2010 and 2015. It is worth noting that they expanded their operations to the dark web around 2013. They accepted Bitcoin in exchange for their illegal goods.
A multi-agency effort for justice and the filing showed that Castelloso used Bitcoin profits to obtain 30,000 ether during Ethereum's initial coin offering (ICO) in 2014. Along with 30,000 Ethereum Classic in 2016. It is worth noting that cryptocurrencies obtained through these illegal means are now subject to confiscation.
Castelloso, who is currently serving a 20-year prison sentence for drug distribution, was... He made plans to evade taxes and transfer 30,000 ether abroad while in prison. However, US authorities uncovered these plans through recorded prison phone calls in 2021 and confiscated cryptocurrencies linked to his drug trafficking.
At the same time, this confiscation action is the result of a collaborative effort between several agencies. Including the FBI's Virtual Assets Unit, Homeland Security Investigations, and local law enforcement.
Why did this digital currency explode by 2500%? Memecoin (MEME) emerged as the hottest coin yesterday, with its first commercial appearance on exchanges sparking huge interest. Thus, airdrop mania seems to be on the horizon. Memecoin rises more than 2,500% From the first hours, the hype around the Meme token's astonishing 2,500% rise was palpable. This meteoric rise of the newly launched token has caught the attention of many, with the price of MEME now reaching $0.025699. The question on everyone's mind is what comes next. Especially with the airdrop event approaching since the demand has already started flowing in. Lookonchain broke the news today. Hinting at MEME's impending airdrop craze. The announced numbers are staggering, with 2.35 billion MEME tokens requested. The move translates to approximately $52.4 million, which represents 13.6% of the offering. Looking at other MEME whales, @Keungzeth requested 24.92 million tokens, worth around $555,000. While @BitroxEth requested 20.62 million tokens, or approximately $459,000. Implications of Increased Demand This massive influx of MEME orders may indicate an impending sell-off. Furthermore, Binance rewards those who bet on BNB, USDT, and FUSD with MEME tokens, indicating a continuous distribution.
Why did this digital currency explode by 2500%?
Memecoin (MEME) emerged as the hottest coin yesterday, with its first commercial appearance on exchanges sparking huge interest. Thus, airdrop mania seems to be on the horizon.
Memecoin rises more than 2,500% From the first hours, the hype around the Meme token's astonishing 2,500% rise was palpable. This meteoric rise of the newly launched token has caught the attention of many, with the price of MEME now reaching $0.025699. The question on everyone's mind is what comes next. Especially with the airdrop event approaching since the demand has already started flowing in.
Lookonchain broke the news today. Hinting at MEME's impending airdrop craze. The announced numbers are staggering, with 2.35 billion MEME tokens requested. The move translates to approximately $52.4 million, which represents 13.6% of the offering.
Looking at other MEME whales, @Keungzeth requested 24.92 million tokens, worth around $555,000. While @BitroxEth requested 20.62 million tokens, or approximately $459,000.
Implications of Increased Demand This massive influx of MEME orders may indicate an impending sell-off. Furthermore, Binance rewards those who bet on BNB, USDT, and FUSD with MEME tokens, indicating a continuous distribution.
Good news awaits digital currencies believes Stephen McClurg, chief investment officer at Valkyrie Investments. The US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) will approve the spot Bitcoin ETF by the end of November. The approval of the spot ETF is crucial to the rise in Bitcoin prices and the bullish momentum of the cryptocurrency market. Spot BTC ETF Could Come in November Stephen McClurg is confident the SEC will approve the Spot BTC ETF this year, chief investment officer says. He joins Galaxy Digital CEO Mike Novogratz. Among the giant financial companies are BlackRock, Fidelity Investments, VanEck, and Invesco (NYSE:IVZ). Valkyrie is also one of the companies racing to gain approval for a Bitcoin exchange-traded fund. The company manages the Valkyrie Bitcoin and Ether Strategy ETF and the Valkyrie Bitcoin Miners ETF. They have a combined asset value of over $51 million and have an active deposit for the Spot Bitcoin ETF. The SEC's consideration of market manipulation and custody issues remains a key question. But this is fair. The approval will bring huge retail and institutional investments within a few weeks of launch. #BinanceSquare #Binance
Good news awaits digital currencies
believes Stephen McClurg, chief investment officer at Valkyrie Investments. The US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) will approve the spot Bitcoin ETF by the end of November.
The approval of the spot ETF is crucial to the rise in Bitcoin prices and the bullish momentum of the cryptocurrency market.
Spot BTC ETF Could Come in November Stephen McClurg is confident the SEC will approve the Spot BTC ETF this year, chief investment officer says. He joins Galaxy Digital CEO Mike Novogratz.
Among the giant financial companies are BlackRock, Fidelity Investments, VanEck, and Invesco (NYSE:IVZ). Valkyrie is also one of the companies racing to gain approval for a Bitcoin exchange-traded fund. The company manages the Valkyrie Bitcoin and Ether Strategy ETF and the Valkyrie Bitcoin Miners ETF. They have a combined asset value of over $51 million and have an active deposit for the Spot Bitcoin ETF.
The SEC's consideration of market manipulation and custody issues remains a key question. But this is fair. The approval will bring huge retail and institutional investments within a few weeks of launch.
Because of the positive changes, it is called 'Rising October'. Here's how #Bitcoin performed in October over the years. #UssefNews
Because of the positive changes, it is called 'Rising October'.

Here's how #Bitcoin performed in October over the years.

Celestia (TIA) Celestia is a lesser-known cryptocurrency that has been gaining momentum in recent weeks. Simply put, Celestia is a new modular blockchain network optimized for scalability through a unique architecture focused on aggregated value. With the recently launched mainnet beta and native TIA token now available on tier 1 exchanges, Celestia seeks to become the data provisioning layer of choice for mainnets like Arbitrum and Optimism. Analysts are excited about Celestia's potential to help scale these leading layer 2 solutions and provide a flexible platform for custom blockchain development. These elements combined to rank the TIA token number one on CoinMarketCap's list of popular cryptocurrencies. Although still in its early stages, the innovative technology being used by Celestia positions it as another high-potential project worth watching throughout November and beyond.
Celestia (TIA)

Celestia is a lesser-known cryptocurrency that has been gaining momentum in recent weeks.

Simply put, Celestia is a new modular blockchain network optimized for scalability through a unique architecture focused on aggregated value.

With the recently launched mainnet beta and native TIA token now available on tier 1 exchanges, Celestia seeks to become the data provisioning layer of choice for mainnets like Arbitrum and Optimism.
Analysts are excited about Celestia's potential to help scale these leading layer 2 solutions and provide a flexible platform for custom blockchain development.

These elements combined to rank the TIA token number one on CoinMarketCap's list of popular cryptocurrencies.
Although still in its early stages, the innovative technology being used by Celestia positions it as another high-potential project worth watching throughout November and beyond.
The USDT crypto stands out with impressive reserves and unparalleled transparency. Indeed Tether offers us an overview of its solid positioning in the market. But what really hides behind this success? Historic Crypto Momentum and Tether’s Wise Investments Tether crypto is among the most popular and widely used. It recently unveiled a telling report for the third quarter of 2023. According to the latter the company recorded the highest percentage of its reserves in cash and cash equivalents at 85.7%.These figures are all the more impressive as a large part of these reserves, i.e. $72.6 billion, is invested in American Treasury bonds, thus guaranteeing a certain stability and security for its users.The report didn’t just highlight Tether’s strong position in terms of reserves. He also highlighted the company’s sound investment choices. During Q3 2023, Tether injected no less than $668.9 million into areas such as sustainable energy, crypto-first mining, data, and P2P technology.These strategic choices show that Tether is not content to rest on its laurels. It actively seeks to diversify and strengthen its investment portfolio.Towards increased transparency The demand for transparency has become one of the rallying cries of the crypto community. Tether, aware of this demand, has taken concrete steps to respond. The Q3 report is an example of this commitment. It has been verified by BDO, a world-renowned accounting firm, ensuring its authenticity.Additionally by reducing collateralized loans by more than $330 million and publicly revealing its assets and liabilities, USDT crypto shows that it is committed to building trust with its users and investors.With such a strong financial position Tether seems ready to face whatever challenges the future brings. Forecasts indicate that by the end of October 2023, the company will have accumulated $4.2 billion in excess reserves.These impressive figures combined with responsible financial management and an unwavering desire for transparency make Tether one of the most reliable and stable cryptocurrencies on the market.
The USDT crypto stands out with impressive reserves and unparalleled transparency. Indeed Tether offers us an overview of its solid positioning in the market. But what really hides behind this success?
Historic Crypto Momentum and Tether’s Wise Investments
Tether crypto is among the most popular and widely used. It recently unveiled a telling report for the third quarter of 2023. According to the latter the company recorded the highest percentage of its reserves in cash and cash equivalents at 85.7%.These figures are all the more impressive as a large part of these reserves, i.e. $72.6 billion, is invested in American Treasury bonds, thus guaranteeing a certain stability and security for its users.The report didn’t just highlight Tether’s strong position in terms of reserves. He also highlighted the company’s sound investment choices.
During Q3 2023, Tether injected no less than $668.9 million into areas such as sustainable energy, crypto-first mining, data, and P2P technology.These strategic choices show that Tether is not content to rest on its laurels. It actively seeks to diversify and strengthen its investment portfolio.Towards increased transparency
The demand for transparency has become one of the rallying cries of the crypto community. Tether, aware of this demand, has taken concrete steps to respond. The Q3 report is an example of this commitment. It has been verified by BDO, a world-renowned accounting firm, ensuring its authenticity.Additionally by reducing collateralized loans by more than $330 million and publicly revealing its assets and liabilities, USDT crypto shows that it is committed to building trust with its users and investors.With such a strong financial position Tether seems ready to face whatever challenges the future brings. Forecasts indicate that by the end of October 2023, the company will have accumulated $4.2 billion in excess reserves.These impressive figures combined with responsible financial management and an unwavering desire for transparency make Tether one of the most reliable and stable cryptocurrencies on the market.
The decline in the market share of the Binance platform despite the rise in the crypto market The Binance platform has long dominated global crypto sector trading, but its market share has continued to decline despite the digital currency sector as a whole recording notable increases. Frank Chaparro pointed out in an opinion article he recently published on the website The Block News points to the continued decline in the market share of the Binance platform - the largest platform for crypto trading in the world - as Chaparro showed that the market share of the Binance platform - considering trading platforms not backed by the US dollar - has fallen from 74% in December of last year to 50%. % during the current month. This decline coincides with the Binance platform losing a number of its senior employees, as at least 16 executives left their work on the platform during the past two years, according to Frank Chaparro in his article. Among the most prominent departures from the Binance platform is Brian Brooks - the former legislator and former CEO of the Binance platform, the US branch (Binance.US), who announced that he was suddenly relinquishing his position on the platform in August of 2021 after holding the position for a period of time. Only three months. Brooks later revealed the real reason that prompted him to make this decision, as he said that “he was not the real person in charge of the company,” adding that the CEO of the Binance platform, Changpeng Zhao - known by the abbreviation CZ - was the actual director of the company. After Brooks left his position on the platform, Brian Schroder assumed the responsibilities of CEO of the Binance.US platform in his place, and the latter’s fate was similar to his predecessor, as Schroder announced - in mid-September - his departure from the platform in the midst of the confrontation with the Binance platform. .US faces many regulatory pressures.
The decline in the market share of the Binance platform despite the rise in the crypto market
The Binance platform has long dominated global crypto sector trading, but its market share has continued to decline despite the digital currency sector as a whole recording notable increases. Frank Chaparro pointed out in an opinion article he recently published on the website The Block News points to the continued decline in the market share of the Binance platform - the largest platform for crypto trading in the world - as Chaparro showed that the market share of the Binance platform - considering trading platforms not backed by the US dollar - has fallen from 74% in December of last year to 50%. % during the current month.
This decline coincides with the Binance platform losing a number of its senior employees, as at least 16 executives left their work on the platform during the past two years, according to Frank Chaparro in his article.
Among the most prominent departures from the Binance platform is Brian Brooks - the former legislator and former CEO of the Binance platform, the US branch (Binance.US), who announced that he was suddenly relinquishing his position on the platform in August of 2021 after holding the position for a period of time. Only three months.
Brooks later revealed the real reason that prompted him to make this decision, as he said that “he was not the real person in charge of the company,” adding that the CEO of the Binance platform, Changpeng Zhao - known by the abbreviation CZ - was the actual director of the company.
After Brooks left his position on the platform, Brian Schroder assumed the responsibilities of CEO of the Binance.US platform in his place, and the latter’s fate was similar to his predecessor, as Schroder announced - in mid-September - his departure from the platform in the midst of the confrontation with the Binance platform. .US faces many regulatory pressures.
A whale transferred $27 million to anonymous accounts according to data provided by Whale Alert. In one recent transaction, whales transferred millions of XRP. With a value of more than $27 million to unknown wallets. In the transfer process, XRP was sent from CryptoCom to unknown wallets. On October 30th. The transaction was spotted by Whale Alert, a popular cryptocurrency tracker, and was conducted by the trading platform. On the same day, another large transaction was made by Bitstamp's anonymous wallet. Also mentioned by Whale Alert. According to a Whale Alert report, 50 million XRP was transferred from to an unknown wallet. The value of the deal was approximately $27.6 million at the time of the transfer. Meanwhile, in another transaction. Whale Alert provided information that an unknown account transferred 26.7 million XRP, worth approximately $14.82 million, to Bitstamp. Whales moving cryptocurrencies off the trading platform indicates that they are likely to hold onto the assets. So, keeping in mind that the market sentiment seems to be bullish on cryptocurrencies.
A whale transferred $27 million to anonymous accounts according to data provided by Whale Alert.
In one recent transaction, whales transferred millions of XRP. With a value of more than $27 million to unknown wallets. In the transfer process, XRP was sent from CryptoCom to unknown wallets. On October 30th. The transaction was spotted by Whale Alert, a popular cryptocurrency tracker, and was conducted by the trading platform.
On the same day, another large transaction was made by Bitstamp's anonymous wallet. Also mentioned by Whale Alert.
According to a Whale Alert report, 50 million XRP was transferred from to an unknown wallet. The value of the deal was approximately $27.6 million at the time of the transfer.
Meanwhile, in another transaction. Whale Alert provided information that an unknown account transferred 26.7 million XRP, worth approximately $14.82 million, to Bitstamp.
Whales moving cryptocurrencies off the trading platform indicates that they are likely to hold onto the assets. So, keeping in mind that the market sentiment seems to be bullish on cryptocurrencies.
The technical ecosystem for digital assets in Europe is witnessing clear growth as institutions expand their services to include decentralized finance (DeFi) in light of the turmoil hanging over the market. A new state of the market report issued by blockchain analytics company Chainalysis shows that the crypto industry has recorded growth in the Central, Northern and Western Europe (CNWE) region, and the report also indicates the United Kingdom’s dominance of the market in its region, in addition to the impact of the Digital Assets Markets Act (MiCA). In the European Union on industry. According to the findings of this study, digital asset transactions in Central, Northern, and Western European countries represented 17.6% of global crypto transactions between July 2022 and June 2023, making it the second largest region in the volume of crypto transactions after North America according to the same measure. Financial institutions - both traditional and decentralized - are striving to engage in the decentralized finance (DeFi) sector in the aforementioned European region by establishing many projects based on the third web (web3) that are directed to investing in specific areas with clear growth, and this is clearly demonstrated by registering... Financial flows exceeding one trillion dollars to invest in this sector, which represents 54% of the total size of the technical system for digital assets, and countries in that region have also recorded growth in the use of lending applications, decentralized trading platforms, and other decentralized finance platforms. The Central, Northern and Western Europe region includes six countries that are ranked among the fifty countries that use digital currencies the most in the world, namely: the United Kingdom, ranked 14th, Spain (22nd), France (23rd), Germany (26th), Italy (37th). ), and the Netherlands (39). You can continue reading to learn more about the reasons behind the adoption of digital currencies in these countries.”
The technical ecosystem for digital assets in Europe is witnessing clear growth as institutions expand their services to include decentralized finance (DeFi) in light of the turmoil hanging over the market.
A new state of the market report issued by blockchain analytics company Chainalysis shows that the crypto industry has recorded growth in the Central, Northern and Western Europe (CNWE) region, and the report also indicates the United Kingdom’s dominance of the market in its region, in addition to the impact of the Digital Assets Markets Act (MiCA). In the European Union on industry.
According to the findings of this study, digital asset transactions in Central, Northern, and Western European countries represented 17.6% of global crypto transactions between July 2022 and June 2023, making it the second largest region in the volume of crypto transactions after North America according to the same measure.
Financial institutions - both traditional and decentralized - are striving to engage in the decentralized finance (DeFi) sector in the aforementioned European region by establishing many projects based on the third web (web3) that are directed to investing in specific areas with clear growth, and this is clearly demonstrated by registering... Financial flows exceeding one trillion dollars to invest in this sector, which represents 54% of the total size of the technical system for digital assets, and countries in that region have also recorded growth in the use of lending applications, decentralized trading platforms, and other decentralized finance platforms.
The Central, Northern and Western Europe region includes six countries that are ranked among the fifty countries that use digital currencies the most in the world, namely: the United Kingdom, ranked 14th, Spain (22nd), France (23rd), Germany (26th), Italy (37th). ), and the Netherlands (39). You can continue reading to learn more about the reasons behind the adoption of digital currencies in these countries.”
BlackRock said Monday its application for a bitcoin exchange-traded fund remains under review by the Securities and Exchange Commission, as the price of the world's largest cryptocurrency soared after rumors on social media that the fund had been approved. A BlackRock spokesperson confirmed that the iShares Bitcoin app is still under review by the regulatory body. The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has not yet approved a Bitcoin ETF in the US. Sources close to the Securities and Exchange Commission also confirmed that the reports are incorrect. The regulator said last month that it had begun additional procedures to determine whether proposed spot bitcoin ETFs from big names including BlackRock, Invesco, Valkyrie and Fidelity should be approved or rejected. In an apparent further delay to ongoing audits that could continue for at least another month. Bitcoin rose towards $30,000 immediately after posts on X indicated that the fund had been approved early Monday morning in the US. Bitcoin's price has since fallen from that peak and is currently trading at $28,400, according to CoinGecko. Approval rumors follow SEC decision not to appeal Grayscale case Monday's rumors came days after the SEC announced it did not plan to appeal an August court ruling that ordered it to reconsider an offer from Grayscale Investments to convert its flagship GBTC fund into a fund. Instant Bitcoin investment. Although the industry is patiently waiting for the approval of the first Spot BTC ETF. However, there are still a number of things that need to happen before it reaches the market. The SEC's decision not to appeal the Grayscale case does not automatically mean that the regulator plans to approve it.
BlackRock said Monday its application for a bitcoin exchange-traded fund remains under review by the Securities and Exchange Commission, as the price of the world's largest cryptocurrency soared after rumors on social media that the fund had been approved.
A BlackRock spokesperson confirmed that the iShares Bitcoin app is still under review by the regulatory body. The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has not yet approved a Bitcoin ETF in the US.
Sources close to the Securities and Exchange Commission also confirmed that the reports are incorrect. The regulator said last month that it had begun additional procedures to determine whether proposed spot bitcoin ETFs from big names including BlackRock, Invesco, Valkyrie and Fidelity should be approved or rejected. In an apparent further delay to ongoing audits that could continue for at least another month.
Bitcoin rose towards $30,000 immediately after posts on X indicated that the fund had been approved early Monday morning in the US. Bitcoin's price has since fallen from that peak and is currently trading at $28,400, according to CoinGecko.
Approval rumors follow SEC decision not to appeal Grayscale case Monday's rumors came days after the SEC announced it did not plan to appeal an August court ruling that ordered it to reconsider an offer from Grayscale Investments to convert its flagship GBTC fund into a fund. Instant Bitcoin investment.
Although the industry is patiently waiting for the approval of the first Spot BTC ETF. However, there are still a number of things that need to happen before it reaches the market. The SEC's decision not to appeal the Grayscale case does not automatically mean that the regulator plans to approve it.
Anthony Scaramucci, founder and managing partner at SkyBridge Capital. Optimistic about Bitcoin. He now believes that Bitcoin could increase by a whopping 2,662% from its current market value of around $543 billion. “I think Bitcoin can easily reach a market cap of $15 trillion,” Scaramucci said on an OPTO – Invest in Innovation podcast last week. Scaramucci said bitcoin is “more valuable than gold in many respects” and could become a store of value. Adding that because of these reasons, “we have a lot of bitcoins here.” While Scaramucci, former communications director in the White House under Donald Trump. Optimistic about Bitcoin, he does not believe it will become the global standard for money as some Bitcoin extremists want it to become, at least in his lifetime. However, “some strange things might happen where you could see countries that are hostile to the United States trading Bitcoin or trading a currency backed by gold with one thing or another. Away from the US dollar because of the way the US used the dollar in financial transactions.” “In terms of asserting its geopolitical will over others,” Scaramucci said. The current financial system is “broken”. According to Scaramucci, who said it can be fixed with the right leadership. However, this will take 15 or 20 years of long-term planning. Scaramucci's estimate of Bitcoin's market value suggests a price of over $700,000 per Bitcoin. Due to its fixed supply of 21 million coins. The current price of Bitcoin is around $28,400
Anthony Scaramucci, founder and managing partner at SkyBridge Capital. Optimistic about Bitcoin. He now believes that Bitcoin could increase by a whopping 2,662% from its current market value of around $543 billion.
“I think Bitcoin can easily reach a market cap of $15 trillion,” Scaramucci said on an OPTO – Invest in Innovation podcast last week. Scaramucci said bitcoin is “more valuable than gold in many respects” and could become a store of value. Adding that because of these reasons, “we have a lot of bitcoins here.”
While Scaramucci, former communications director in the White House under Donald Trump. Optimistic about Bitcoin, he does not believe it will become the global standard for money as some Bitcoin extremists want it to become, at least in his lifetime.
However, “some strange things might happen where you could see countries that are hostile to the United States trading Bitcoin or trading a currency backed by gold with one thing or another. Away from the US dollar because of the way the US used the dollar in financial transactions.” “In terms of asserting its geopolitical will over others,” Scaramucci said.
The current financial system is “broken”. According to Scaramucci, who said it can be fixed with the right leadership. However, this will take 15 or 20 years of long-term planning.
Scaramucci's estimate of Bitcoin's market value suggests a price of over $700,000 per Bitcoin. Due to its fixed supply of 21 million coins. The current price of Bitcoin is around $28,400
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