Binance Square
Цялото съдържание
$LOKA 至少 3$才动。
$LOKA 至少 3$才动。
$PORTAL 没有 4$不卖。
$PORTAL 没有 4$不卖。
$BADGER 看到 80$
$BADGER 看到 80$
$BADGER 30 刀的时候叫我下。
$BADGER 30 刀的时候叫我下。
$LOKA 看到 5 刀
$LOKA 看到 5 刀
$PORTAL 10 倍再说。
$PORTAL 10 倍再说。
$BADGER 30 刀再回来看吧。
$BADGER 30 刀再回来看吧。
$HFT 2 刀再回来看。
$HFT 2 刀再回来看。
$HFT 还有机会百倍么
$HFT 还有机会百倍么
$LOKA 至少 20 倍才卖。
$LOKA 至少 20 倍才卖。
$LOKA 5 刀再说。
$LOKA 5 刀再说。
Demir C Labs

2014年2月门头沟事件 门头沟事件被视为币圈历史上最为严重的事件之一。当时,世界上最大的比特币交易所——Mt.Gox(门头沟),因遭受黑客攻击,丢失了近85万枚比特币,约占全球比特币总数的7%。这一事件不仅使得比特币价格暴跌80%,也引发了加密货币市场的信任危机。













当天盘面比较稳定,甚至有略微的上涨,直到5月19号,还有很多人认为,这种事不是第一次发生了 跌一点很正常,到晚上的时候,当天比特币从44000刀跌到29000刀 跌幅达到34%!


519之后 很多在牛市幸存的空军,觉得找到了机会 纷纷的开了空,觉得这一空就可以空几年,绝对发财了,却不曾想到 比特币突然杀了一个回马枪,重新突破新高 达到67000刀。而这一来一回 基本上清空了合约玩家,行情才真正的按照剧本走下去,而仅存的空军也被这一波血洗。


2018年左右,一位斯坦福大学计算机专业毕业的韩国人Do Kwon建立了一个围绕稳定币的公链生态Terra,这个生态主要是玩法是由这两个币完成的:
一个 UST=价值1美元的Luna。意思是,如果Luna价格为1美元可以换一个UST,如果Luna价格涨到了100美元,则可以换100个UST。
2. UST和Luna是“双向销毁铸造”的关系。意思是,当你在用Luna换UST时,市场上就少了一美元的Luna多了一个UST,当用UST换Luna时,市场上就少了一个UST。

22年5月份的时候,有很多大户开始抛售UST,导致Luna价格暴跌90%以上跌至10美元,UST彻底脱锚跌至0.6 美元。但与此同时,大量的人开始抄底Luna。

5月11日,Do Kwon发布公告表示无法救市,只能依赖套利机制帮助 UST 恢复价格。Luna闻声再跌 90%以上,价格跌破1美元,UST一度暴跌到0.3美元。
5月13日,众多交易所下架Luna并暂停交易,Terra 公链停机。


FTX 作为当时加密市场排名第二的交易所,获得了红杉/淡马锡/贝莱德等一众有头有脸的正规大基金投资,据说还做了好几个月的尽职调查,在一级市场的估值就达到了320亿美金。










$MBOX 这是国人项目吗?
作者:LD Capital

2024年的NVIDIA GTC大会将于3月17–21日在美国加州圣何塞举办,英伟达的CEO黄仁勋将发表主题为“不要错过人工智能的变革时刻”的演讲,并拓展举行 900 多场鼓舞人心的会议、300 多场展览、20 多场涵盖生成式 AI 等内容的技术研讨会,以及大量的社交活动。这场会议将再次把全球市场的目光聚集到AI、元宇宙、半导体等热门领域,各类相关的AI赛道加密标的也提前上涨。自23年加密世界中的AI赛道初步成型后,24年各类AI标的将成为一整年炒作与投资的主线之一,本文将速览一些值得关注的AI加密项目。




出于AI时代人格证明和经济权益保障的考虑,OpenAI创始人Sam Altman于2020年成立Worldcoin。Worldcoin愿景是建设一个全球最大的、公平的数字身份和数字货币体系。它通过扫描地球上每个人眼球的虹膜实现身份认证,打造Web3.0时代的人类通行证。


Open AI的创始Sam Altman是Worldcoin的联合创始人,Alex Blania 是 Worldcoin 的首席执行官兼联合创始人曾在加州理工学院的量子信息与物质研究所担任研究员。

投资机构包括a16z Crypto、Coinbase Ventures、Multicoin Capital、Blockchain Capital等顶级VC。



代币释放速率 319w代币/天,24年7.14开始增加至661w代币/天。当前筹码结构可以分成三部分:一部分释放给常规用户,这部分社区的奖励难以形成同步的巨量抛压,一部分给到做市商,23年12月新生效的做市商条款贷款了1000万代币给做市商,期限为6个月,新的做市商和条款从12月开始对代币价格产生了积极的影响。最后一部分为大户,在代币价格处于2美元左右时,大户积累了较多的筹码。



Worldcoin(WLD)相对于其他标的独占AI身份认证的赛道,随着AGI的快速发展,如何去面对识别人类准入,预防对抗性机器学习,结合ZKML等问题当前人类可以选择的方案并不多,Worldcoin(WLD)具有宏大的叙事和想象天花板。另外,Sam Altman作为AI行业的领军人物,“硅谷新王”,其创办的OpenAI的每次利好都给加密世界的AI项目带来利好,但是在传统金融市场的投资者并不能参与OpenAI及其引领的上下游投资,Sam创立与投资的加密项目或成为最为直接的参与方式,另一个其投资的项目Arkham(ARKM)将在第五章AI应用软件部分介绍。


Render Network(RNDR)


Render Network是一个分散式 GPU 渲染平台,使艺术家能够按需将 GPU 渲染工作扩展到世界各地的高性能 GPU 节点。通过空闲 GPU 计算的区块链市场,该网络为艺术家提供了扩展下一代渲染工作的能力,与集中式 GPU 云相比,成本仅为一小部分,速度也提高了几个数量级。旨在为下一代 3D 内容创建提供近乎无限的分散式 GPU 计算能力。

自2023年下半年开始,Render Network开始将GPU算力拓展至AI与ML等计算领域,至今Render Network已合作了四个计算客户端以提供分布式GPU资源,分别为 IO.Net、Beam、FedMl,Nosana。

2024年即将举办的GTC大会中,Render Network的创始人Jules Urbach将出席并发表演讲“渲染的未来:实时光线追踪、人工智能、全息显示和区块链”


Render 的创始人是Jules Urbach 。Jules 为 OTOY 设定了战略愿景,并且是公司技术路线图的首席架构师。拥有超过 25 年的行业经验,被广泛誉为计算机图形、流媒体和 3D 渲染领域的先驱。 他在 18 岁时制作了他的第一款游戏,并继续制作了网络上的第一个 3D 视频游戏平台,并将该软件授权给 Macromedia、迪士尼、华纳兄弟、Nickelodeon、微软、孩之宝和 AT&T。

Render Network的母公司为OTOY, Inc,自2008年创立,至今已成为一家权威的云图形公司,其开创性技术正在重新定义世界各地媒体和娱乐组织的内容创建和交付。OTOY 荣获奥斯卡金像奖,其技术被领先的视觉效果工作室、艺术家、动画师、设计师、建筑师和工程师使用,

Render Network,总部位于加利福尼亚州洛杉矶,团队成员遍布全球。拥有世界一流的顾问委员会,其中包括AriEmmanuel (WME 联合创始人兼联合首席执行官)、JJAbrams (BacRobot Productions 董事长兼首席执行官)、Mike Winkelmann (Beeple) 和Brendan Eich (WME 联合创始人兼首席执行官)等行业领袖。具有优秀的团队实力,成功履历和业界资源。

Render Network也得到了顶尖资本的支持,投资方包括Multicoin Capital、Alameda Research、Solana Ventures、LD Capital等。


RNDR当前市值43.2亿,FDV62亿,最大供应量5.46亿,当前流通70.48%。主要交易市场在Binance、Coinbase、OKX等主流交易所。在Render Network的RNP001提案中提出的平衡与铸造模型(BME模型)当前已正式通过并开始实施,随着Render Network的领先发展,RNDR 有潜力成为通缩资产,在网络利用率和增长强劲的情况下,代币或可继续实现强劲的价格增长。

Akash Network(AKT)


Akash Network是一个开放网络和云计算市场,搭建起一个计算相关资源出租的市场,提供 CPU,Storage,TLS,IP,GPU等资源。Akash 的区块链是基于Cosmos SDK 构建的应用程序。使用 Akash 托管应用程序的成本约为 Amazon AWS、Google Cloud Platform (GCP) 和 Microsoft Azure 成本的三分之一。

在2023年下半年Akash Network推出人工智能超级云已参与AI计算市场,该网络现在支持 NVIDIA GPU,未来还可以选择 AMD 等其他 GPU;当前已成功托管 NVIDIA H100 和 A100,以及一系列消费级 GPU;访问消费级 GPU 是 Akash 超级云的与众不同之处之一。当前Akash Network已可支持利用其网络进行基础AI模型训练。


Akash Network的联合创始人兼首席执行官为Greg Osuri,其背景可追溯到 2008 年的云架构和创业背景,Osuri 创立了 Akash,作为传统云计算行业的去中心化替代方案。在 Akash 之前,Osuri 创立了另外四家公司并在杰出的公司工作,包括 Miracle Software Systems 作为技术架构师、IBM 作为关键基础架构顾问以及 Kaiser Permanente 作为云基础架构顾问。

Adam Bozanich,联合创始人兼首席技术官:Bozanich 是软件工程领域的资深人士,自 2006 年以来一直担任高级职位。凭借跨软件开发领域的经验,Bozanich 曾在赛门铁克从事 QA 自动化、Mu Dynamics 安全工程和Topspin Media 的服务器工程。在 Akash 之前,他还与 Osuri 共同创立了另外两家公司:Sproouts Tech 和 Overclock Labs。

当前已披露的投资方包括D1 Ventures、GenBlock Capital。


AKT当前市值14.29亿,FDV24.16亿,最大供应量3.88亿,当前流通59.14%,主要交易场所为Kucoin、Kraken、Osmosis等.在24年2.27 Coinbase 已将 Akash Network (AKT) 列入资产上市路线图。



Clore.AI 是一个建立在 POW 基础上的提供 GPU 算力租用服务的平台,任何配备 NVIDIA GPU 的现代计算机/服务器均可以接入该网络中,目前接入 GPU 超过 5500 张。业务范围包括:人工智能培训、电影渲染、VPN、加密货币挖矿等。有具体算力服务需求的时候,完成网络分配的任务;如果没有算力服务需求的时候,网络找到当时挖矿收益率最高的加密货币,参与挖矿。团队位于欧洲,官方称其严格遵守欧洲法律,确保项目运营的合法性和可靠性。

在官网上可以查看到具体 GPU 型号、配置、租赁价格等内容。提供算力的一方,可以获得 CLORE 代币作为奖励;服务器的性能越好,获得的奖励就越多。使用算力的一方,可以用 CLORE、BTC 或者美元支付。



CLORE当前市值9359万,FDV1.14亿,代币总量 13 亿枚,自 2022 年 6 月开始挖矿,至 2042 年基本进入全流通,当前流通2.5亿左右。主要交易市场为Mexc、Gate、Bitget等。

属于 POW 代币,采用 kawpow 算法,抗 ASIC 挖矿。代币没有预挖和 ICO,每个区块的 50% 分配给矿工,40% 分配给出租者,10% 分配给团队。






Bittensor 是一种开源协议,为基于区块链的机器学习网络提供支持。机器学习模型协同训练,并根据它们为集体提供的信息价值在 TAO 中获得奖励。TAO 还授予外部访问权限,允许用户从网络中提取信息,同时根据他们的需要调整其活动。

对 Bittensor 来说,项目本身既不会自己来计算,也不会自己提供数据在链上做机器学习,而是调动其他所有的链下 AI 模型,共同协作。简单来讲,Bittensor 不生产算法,而做算法的搬运工。


Bittensor 创始人为Jacob Robert Steeves ,此前是 Google 软件工程师。联合创始人Ala Shaabana 此前是多伦多大学助理教授与滑铁卢大学博士后。毕业于麦克马斯特大学。James Woodman 是 Bittensor 首席运营官,此前在 GSR 从事业务拓展工作。

根据官方文档显示,Bittensor 于 2021 年“公平启动”(没有预挖代币),代币就叫做 TAO。TAO 的公平启动,意味着没有任何 VC 轮、私募轮、ICO/IEO/IDO、基金会预留等等常见套路,可以理解为纯粹的矿币。在 Bittensor 的官网上,披露了 DCG、GSR、Polychain Capital 和 Firstmask 等知名资方和做市商。资方的介入方式可能是大机构进来充当验证节点甚至是矿工,进行 TAO 的挖矿 或Bittensor 官方的机构挖出来的币可以归到自己的手上,然后再分发给做市商来做市。



TAO大约每 12 秒开采一个区块,每个区块奖励矿工和验证者 1 个 TAO。按照当前的通胀时间表,这将导致每 24 小时发行 7200 个新 TAO 进入流通,目前由矿工和验证者(包括质押者)平均分配。




是一个构建在以太坊的去中心化视频流网络,作为可扩展的平台即服务,面向想要向其项目中添加实时或点播视频的开发人员,提供去中心化开发堆栈中实时媒体层的解决方案。Livepeer 能够提高集中式广播服务视频流的可靠性,同时将与之相关的成本降低多达 50 倍。

在2月16日OpenAI发布Sora后,Livepeer宣布作为 人工智能视频计划的一部分,社区正在努力在未来几个月内将这些功能引入 Livepeer 网络。


Livepeer 联合创始人兼首席执行官为Doug Petkanics ,之前参与创立 Wildcard Inc、Hyperpublic(被 Groupon 收购)。他拥有宾夕法尼亚大学的计算机科学学位。Eric Tang 是 Livepeer 联合创始人及核心开发者,此前,他创办 Wildcard,也是 Carolyn Faye Kramer 粉丝俱乐部主席。

投资方包括DCG、Pantera Capital、Coinbase Ventures、CoinFund、Tiger Global等.



在 Livepeer 中,每个轮次(Round)都会铸造新的代币分配给委托者和协调者。这里的轮次是指以以太坊区块为度量的单位,其中一轮等于 5760 以太坊区块。以太坊中平均出块时间为 14 秒,意味着一个轮次持续约 22.4 小时,通胀率会根据质押率自动调整。

Numbers Protocol(NUM)


Numbers Protocol正在建立一个去中心化的图像网络,为数字媒体创造社区、价值和信任。它的数字协议将数字视觉媒体重新定义为资产,用于在数字网络中注册和检索图像和视频。Numbers 区块链致力于通过额外的智能合约支持来支持现代数字资产的整个生命周期,包括 NFT 铸造、版税分配等。

在2.6日,Numbers Protocol宣布被选入Google 新闻数字化转型计划。


Numbers 的创始人兼首席执行官是Tammy Y. 她是粒子物理学博士,教育经历包括台湾大学和英国曼彻斯特大学。

投资机构包括Protocol Labs、Binance、Race Captital、YouTube、twitch




AI基础设施是加密市场中AI赛道的核心组成部分,还可细分为更具体的板块,比如数据协议方面值得关注的还有The Graph(GRT)、Ocean Protocol(OCEAN)等 ;去中心化存储Filecoin(FIL)、Arweave(AR)等;计算网络方面Phoenix(PHB)等;分布式AI计算网络Gensyn等。当前随着Web2人工智能的快速发展,资源较好的Web3基础设施类项目趋于和Web2公司进行合作来加速其自身发展和热度曝光。

四、AI agent


Fetch.ai创建人工智能平台和服务,让任何人都可以随时随地大规模构建和部署人工智能服务。其主要产品包括聊天与交互的前端Delta V,后端的AI agent架构和组件AI Engine;AI Agents;Agentverse;Fetch Network.

在3月5日 宣布推出规模达 1 亿美元基础设施投资项目“Fetch Compute”,该项目将部署 Nvidia H200、H100 和 A100 GPU,以创建一个可供开发人员和用户利用计算能力的平台,深化人工智能经济的基础。此外, 还将通过该项目为其社区引入创新的奖励机制。从 2024 年 3 月 7 日起,质押 原生代币 FET 的用户将获得 Fetch Compute Credits 作为奖励,然后他们可以使用这些积分来支付 Fetch Compute 网络上的GPU 使用费用。


Humayun Sheikh 是 Fetchai 和 Mettalex 的首席执行官兼创始人,也是英美人工智能实验室 DeepMind 的投资者,重点关注人工智能、机器学习、区块链和基于代币的经济。

Edward Fitzgerald是Fetchai的首席技术官,前,Edward 在诺基亚贝尔实验室工作,担任自适应共识协议研究员。

Maria Minaricova 是位于剑桥的创新实验室 的业务发展总监,该实验室利用 AI Agents 技术、Web了和 AI/ML 工具开发最先进的技术。她正在与工业界和学术界建立战略联盟和合作伙伴关系。

Fetchai的投资机构包括DWF Labs、Outlier Ventures等。





SingularityNET 是一个开放且去中心化的人工智能服务网络,其使命是创建一个去中心化、民主、包容和有益的通用人工智能。开发人员将他们的服务发布到 SingularityNET 网络,任何有互联网连接的人都可以使用这些服务。开发人员可以使用本机 AGIX 令牌对其服务的使用进行收费。

SingularityNET的服务可以提供跨多个领域的推理或模型训练,例如图像、视频、语音、文本、时间序列、生物人工智能和网络分析。这些服务可以很简单,比如封装一个众所周知的算法、针对行业问题的完整端到端解决方案或独立的人工智能应用程序。开发人员还可以部署自主人工智能代理,与网络上的其他服务进行互操作。例如基于通过多方托管促进去信任和自动化交易、在区块链上发布新的人工智能服务和组织、跟踪成功的 API 调用以及定义定价策略。


SingularityNET 创始人兼首席执行官是Ben Goertzel、他也是Hypercycle首席人工智能科学家,OpenCog 基金会主席,毕业于纽约大学并在天普大学获得数学学位。

Janet Adams是SingularityNET首席运营官。曾任职于苏格兰皇家银行和汇丰银行担任运营主管,毕业于埃塞克斯大学并在帝国理工取得理学学位。

已披露的投资方有Fundamental Labs,2022 年 5 月,SingularityNET 和 Singularity DAO 从投资集团 LDA Capital 获得 2500 万美元投资承诺。





Autonolas协议是一个基于智能合约的 DAO 工具,实现了协调、保护和管理公共区块链上软件代码的机制,并根据开发者对 Autonolas 生态系统增长的相对贡献提供激励。



2、代理服务共识 (状态最小化共识工具)

3、加密原生链下服务的架构 (人工智能代理需要执行链下逻辑才能保持高性能。这意味着链上人工智能代理将在链下托管其逻辑 / 计算以优化效率,但代理决策将在链上执行)

4、链上协议。简单来讲,Bittensor(TAO)想要将不同算法统一在一个共识网络下;Autonolas(OLAS)想要将不同的AI agent的应用模块统一在一个共识网络下。


David Minarsch是Autonolas母公司Valory的CEO和联合创始人,剑桥经济学博士,主攻多代理服务,曾任Fetch.ai多代理服务负责人,

David Galindo是Autonolas母公司Valory的CTO和联合创始人,曾任Fetch.ai密码学负责人 欧盟区块链观测和论坛专家组成员,具有超过15年工作经验。

投资方包括Signature Ventures、Semantic Ventures、True Ventures、Proof Group等




加密项目中的AI agent或AGI板块还未有实质性落地的项目,Web2公司也为有真正落地AGI的,但进度和可实现性远高于加密项目。研究该板块的标的除了要跟踪项目本身的进展,还应高度关注Web2科技圈对AGI和AI agnet的进展,将会带动加密AI项目的发展和代币价格。



简介:区块链交易本质上是公开的,允许任何第三⽅查看和调查它们。然⽽,这些原始交易数据默认是未经处理和匿名的。它需要经过分析和去匿名化才能变得可⽤。Arkham 是⼀个加密情报平台,可以系统地分析区块链交易并对其进⾏去匿名化,向⽤⼾展⽰区块链活动背后的⼈员和公司,以及有关他们⾏为的数据和分析,让区块链数据变得可分析。

Arkham 具有四个重要模块

1、底层技术:Arkham Ultra 是⼀种⽤于区块链数据合成的专有⼈⼯智能系统,它从各种来源收集链上和链下数据,并将它们合成为单⼀、可扩展、可修改的事实来源,目前Arkham 平台包括超过3.5亿个标签和20万个实体页面;


3、信息交易所:构建⼀个去中⼼化的情报经济,任何⼈都可以⽤本地货币 ARKM 来交易信息,例如实体标签、⿊客追踪和精选数据源。买家通过悬赏来索取情报。卖家通过拍卖提供情报。赏⾦和拍卖都是通过经过审计的智能合约进⾏的,没有任何中⼼化实体托管资⾦。

4、代币:寻求特定情报的买家通过质押 ARKM 来获得赏⾦。卖家还可以通过拍卖来获取情报。赏⾦参与者和拍卖获胜者将在 90 天内独家获得购买的情报。之后,可能会传播到更⼴泛的Arkham平台,供⼤家使⽤。为了⽀持该⽹络,Arkham 对提交的赏⾦和拍卖⽀出收取 2.5% 的制造商费⽤,对赏⾦⽀出和成功的拍卖出价收取 5% 的接受者费⽤。


Miguel Morel 现任 Arkham 首席执行官,也是 Reserve Protocol 联合创始人。他是拥有多年战略、管理、招聘、筹款经验的技术企业家;Alexander Lerangis 为业务发展主管。 在此之前,他是德勤银行和证券行业风险和财务咨询业务的经理。

投资方包括Binance Labs、Sam Altman、Tim Draper等加密和科技圈资源极佳。





QnA3.AI是一个AI 驱动的 Web3 知识平台和投研交易工具,专注于提供web3领域的GPT。QnA3团队认为用户意图可以概括为三个步骤:“信息收集”,“信息分析”和“执行实际交易行为”,将加密行业的AI问答机器人、技术分析机器人以及资产交易能力引入了Web3世界。

23年21月QnA3.AI上线算力挖矿功能,配合空投预期将用户数量级提升到一个新的高度。QnA3.AI的算力挖矿可以利用在浏览网页时的闲置算力,参与数据处理任务,简单地通过Chrome插件来实现。安装后,在后台自动完成数据采集、清洗和模型预训练任务,并获得QnA3 Credit作为奖励。


QnA3.AI的创始人与CEO为Kane,团队信息没有公开详细的披露,但从项目发展以来获得的资源来看,团队和投资的背景方面是较好的。QnA3.AI是Binance Labs第六季孵化的项目,24年2月25宣布获得 Solana 基金会投资,将与 Solana 基金会共同建立战略联盟,专注于人工智能和 DePIN 开发。QnA3.AI 还表示,正在努力开发一款专为 Solana Saga 定制的应用程序。3月8日正式宣布获得Binance Labs新一期投资。币安与OKX钱包均集成其产品。


根据白皮书披露,GPT的总供应量10亿个,TGE阶段10%: Jumpstart 3%+airdrop 0.5%+Market Maker 3%+Development 3.5%=10%;当前散户空投500w个; Jumpstart 3000w个;MM3000w个,Development 3500w大部分暂时没有投入到市场,约有6500–8000w代币进行流通,当前的市值约为4550–5600万。

Alethea AI(ALI)


Alethea AI 是智能和交互式 NFT 的智能元宇宙。作为去中心化 iNFT 协议的鼻祖,Alethea AI 在将 AI 动画、交互和生成 AI 能力嵌入 NFT 方面处于前沿。社区成员可以在名为诺亚方舟的智能元宇宙中创建、训练和赚取 iNFT。智能NFT (iNFT)是一个新的NFT标准,它可以创建嵌入AI 动画、语音合成和生成AI 功能的NFT。

Alethea AI 通过CharacterGPT 功能来生成AI角色,是世界上第一个能够根据自然语言描述生成交互式 AI 角色的多模态 AI 系统,它允许用户快速生成具有更高保真度的外观、声音、性格和身份的交互式人工智能角色。这些生成的人工智能角色可以在区块链上进行代币化、定制和训练,以履行各种角色和任务。

随着人工智能的发展内容创作的方式正在发生根本性改变。GPT-3 和 ChatGPT 等大型语言模型,Stable Diffusion、DALL-E 2 和 MidJourney 从文本到图像模型,现在的 Alethea AI 搭建起文本到角色形象人工智能系统。


Alethea AI 的首席执行官和创始人是Arif Khan 。他曾在 Grab 和 linkedin 工作,于2017–2019年在SingularityNET担任首席营销官。毕业于新加坡管理大学。

Alethea AI已获得来自Multicoin Capital,Binance 、 Capital、LD Capital等顶尖资本的支持。




AI应用类的项目数量相对最多也是最能直观感受的板块,应重视项目背后的数据与热度、产品体验性和背后资源来挑选项目。随着AI炒作热度较高的有Sleepless AI(AI)、Delysium(AGI)、NFPrompt(NFP)等,生态型应用项目有PAAL AI(PAAL),ChainGPT(CGPT)等。
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How to Read the Most Popular Crypto Candlestick Patterns

Candlestick charts are a popular tool used in technical analysis to identify potential buying and selling opportunities.

Candlestick patterns such as the hammer, bullish harami, hanging man, shooting star, and doji can help traders identify potential trend reversals or confirm existing trends.

Traders should also consider other factors, such as volume, market conditions, and overall trend direction, when making trading decisions.

What Are Candlesticks?

Candlesticks are a type of charting technique used to describe the price movements of an asset. First developed in 18th-century Japan, they’ve been used to find patterns that may indicate where asset prices have headed for centuries. Today, cryptocurrency traders use candlesticks to analyze historical price data and predict future price movements.

Individual candlesticks form candlestick patterns that can indicate whether prices are likely to rise, fall, or remain unchanged. This provides insight into market sentiment and potential trading opportunities.

What Is a Candlestick Chart?

Imagine you are tracking the price of an asset like a stock or a cryptocurrency over a period of time, such as a week, a day, or an hour. A candlestick chart is a way to represent this price data visually.

The candlestick has a body and two lines, often referred to as wicks or shadows. The body of the candlestick represents the range between the opening and closing prices within that period, while the wicks or shadows represent the highest and lowest prices reached during that period.

A green body indicates that the price has increased during this period. On the other hand, a red body indicates a bearish candlestick, suggesting that the price decreased during that period.

How to Read Candlestick Patterns

Candlestick patterns are formed by arranging multiple candles in a specific sequence. There are numerous candlestick patterns, each with its interpretation. While some candlestick patterns provide insight into the balance between buyers and sellers, others may indicate a reversal, continuation, or indecision.

It's important to note that candlestick patterns aren’t intrinsically buy or sell signals. Instead, they are a way of looking at current market trends to potentially identify upcoming opportunities. As such, it’s always helpful to look at patterns in context. 

This can be the context of the broader market environment or technical pattern on the chart, including the Wyckoff Method, the Elliott Wave Theory, and the Dow Theory. It can also include technical analysis (TA) indicators, such as Trend Lines, the Relative Strength Index (RSI), Stochastic RSI, Ichimoku Clouds, or the Parabolic SAR.

Candlestick patterns can also be used in conjunction with support and resistance levels. Support levels are price levels where demand is expected to be strong, while resistance levels are price levels where supply is expected to be strong.

Bullish Candlestick Patterns


A hammer is a candlestick with a long lower wick at the bottom of a downtrend, where the lower wick is at least twice the size of the body.

A hammer shows that despite high selling pressure, bulls pushed the price back up near the open. A hammer can either be red or green, but green hammers may indicate a stronger bullish reaction.

Inverted hammer

This pattern is just like a hammer but with a long wick above the body instead of below. Similar to a hammer, the upper wick should be at least twice the size of the body. 

An inverted hammer occurs at the bottom of a downtrend and may indicate a potential to the upside. The upper wick indicates that the price has stopped its continued downward movement, even though the sellers eventually managed to drive it down near the open. As such, the inverted hammer could indicate that buyers may soon take control of the market.

Three white soldiers

The three white soldiers pattern consists of three consecutive green candlesticks that all open within the body of the previous candle and close above the previous candle's high. 

These candlesticks shouldn't have long lower wicks, which indicates that continuous buying pressure is driving the price higher. The size of the candlesticks and the length of the wicks can be interpreted as chances of a continuation or a possible retracement.

Bullish harami

A bullish harami is a long red candlestick followed by a smaller green candlestick that's completely contained within the body of the previous candlestick.

The bullish harami can be formed over two or more days, and it's a pattern that indicates that the selling momentum is slowing down and may be coming to an end.

Bearish Candlestick Patterns

Hanging man

The hanging man is the bearish equivalent of a hammer. It typically forms at the end of an uptrend with a small body and a long lower wick. 

The lower wick indicates that there was a big sell-off, but the bulls managed to regain control and drive the price higher. With this in mind, the sell-off after a long uptrend can act as a warning that the bulls may soon lose momentum in the market.

Shooting star

The shooting star consists of a candlestick with a long top wick, little or no bottom wick, and a small body, ideally near the bottom. The shooting star is similar in shape to the inverted hammer but is formed at the end of an uptrend.

It indicates that the market reached a high, but then the sellers took control and drove the price back down. Some traders prefer to wait for the next few candlesticks to unfold to confirm the pattern.

Three black crows

The three black crows consist of three consecutive red candlesticks that open within the body of the previous candle and close below the low of the last candle.

The bearish equivalent of three white soldiers. Ideally, these candlesticks shouldn't have long higher wicks, indicating that selling pressure continues to push the price lower. The size of the candlesticks and the length of the wicks can be used to judge the chances of continuation.

Bearish harami

The bearish harami is a long green candlestick followed by a small red candlestick with a body that is completely contained within the body of the previous candlestick.

The bearish harami can unfold over two or more days, appears at the end of an uptrend, and can indicate that buying pressure is waning.

Dark cloud cover

The dark cloud cover pattern consists of a red candlestick that opens above the close of the previous green candlestick but then closes below the midpoint of that candlestick.

High volume can often accompany this pattern, indicating that momentum may shift from bullish to bearish. Traders may wait for a third red bar to confirm the pattern.

Three Continuation Candlestick Patterns

Rising three methods

The rising three methods candlestick pattern occurs in an uptrend where three consecutive red candlesticks with small bodies are followed by the continuation of the uptrend. Ideally, the red candles should not break the area of the previous candlestick. 

The continuation is confirmed by a green candle with a large body, indicating that the bulls are back in control of the direction of the trend.

Falling three methods

The inverse of the three rising methods, the three falling methods instead indicate the continuation of a downtrend.


A doji forms when the open and close are the same (or very close). The price may move above and below the open but will eventually close at or near the open. As such, a doji can indicate a point of indecision between buying and selling forces. However, the interpretation of a doji is highly contextual.

Depending on where the open and close line falls, a doji can be described as the following:

Gravestone Doji

This is a bearish reversal candlestick with a long upper wick and the open and close near the low. 

Long-legged Doji

Indecisive candlestick with top and bottom wicks and the open and close near the midpoint.

Dragonfly Doji

Either a bullish or bearish candlestick, depending on the context, with a long lower wick and the open/close near the high.

According to the original definition of the doji, the open and close should be the same. What if the open and close aren't the same but are very close to each other? That's called a spinning top. However, since cryptocurrency markets can be very volatile, an exact doji is rare. As such, the spinning top is often used interchangeably with the term doji.

Candlestick Patterns Based on Price Gaps

A price gap occurs when a financial asset opens above or below its previous closing price, creating a gap between the two candlesticks.

While many candlestick patterns include price gaps, patterns based on this type of gap aren’t prevalent in the crypto market as trading takes place around the clock. Price gaps can still occur in illiquid markets, but aren’t useful as actionable patterns because they mainly indicate low liquidity and high bid-ask spreads.

How to Use Candlestick Patterns in Crypto Trading

Traders should keep the following tips in mind to use candlestick patterns effectively while trading cryptocurrencies:

1. Understand the basics

Crypto traders should have a solid understanding of the basics of candlestick patterns before using them to make trading decisions. This includes understanding how to read candlestick charts and the various patterns that can form.

2. Combine various indicators

While candlestick patterns can provide valuable insights, they should be used with other technical indicators to form more well-rounded projections. Some examples of indicators that can be used in combination with candlestick patterns include moving averages, RSI, and MACD.

3. Use multiple timeframes

Crypto traders should analyze candlestick patterns across multiple timeframes to gain a broader understanding of market sentiment. For example, if a trader is analyzing a daily chart, they should also look at the hourly and 15-minute charts to see how the patterns play out in different timeframes.

4. Practice risk management

Using candlestick patterns carries risks like any trading strategy. Traders should always practice risk management techniques, such as setting stop-loss orders, to protect their capital. It's also important to avoid overtrading and only enter trades with a favorable risk-reward ratio.

Closing Thoughts

Every trader can benefit from being familiar with candlesticks and what their patterns indicate, even if they don't incorporate them into their trading strategy.

While they can be useful in analyzing the markets, it's important to remember that they aren’t infallible. They’re helpful indicators that convey the buying and selling forces that ultimately drive the markets.

Further Reading

12 Terms Every Crypto Trader Should Know

Market Makers and Market Takers Explained

Liquidity Explained

Moving Averages Explained

What Is the RSI Indicator?

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What Is Blockchain and How Does It Work?
Key Takeaways

Blockchain is a digital ledger that securely records transaction data across a distributed network of computers.

Blockchain ensures data integrity through its immutable nature via cryptography and consensus mechanisms, meaning once information is recorded, it cannot be altered retroactively.

Blockchain forms the backbone of cryptocurrency networks like Bitcoin and Ethereum, and is instrumental in fostering transparency, security, and trust in various sectors beyond finance.


Blockchain technology has transformed industries, especially finance, by introducing a decentralized, transparent, and secure way of managing data and transactions. While it began as the foundation for cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, its applications have grown to include supply chain management, healthcare, voting systems, and much more.

What Is Blockchain?

A blockchain is a special kind of database. It’s a decentralized digital ledger that’s maintained by a distributed network of computers. Blockchain data is organized into blocks, which are chronologically arranged and secured by cryptography.

This structure ensures that the data is transparent, secure, and immutable. It’s virtually impossible to change data stored in a block after the block is confirmed and added to the chain. The decentralized structure also removes the need for a central authority. Blockchain transactions can happen between users without the need for intermediaries.

There are different types of blockchains with varying degrees of decentralization. Still, the term blockchain usually refers to a decentralized digital ledger used to record cryptocurrency transactions.

Brief history of blockchain

The earliest model of a blockchain was created in the early 1990s when computer scientist Stuart Haber and physicist W. Scott Stornetta employed cryptographic techniques in a chain of blocks as a way to secure digital documents from data tampering.

Haber and Stornetta inspired the work of many other computer scientists and cryptography enthusiasts, eventually leading to the creation of Bitcoin as the first cryptocurrency powered by blockchain technology. Since then, blockchain adoption has grown significantly, and cryptocurrencies are now a global phenomenon.

While blockchain technology is often used to record cryptocurrency transactions, it’s suitable for recording many other types of digital data and can be applied to a wide range of use cases.

Key features and benefits of blockchain

Decentralization: Information is stored across a network of computers (nodes) rather than a single central server. Big decentralized networks like Bitcoin are highly resistant to attacks.

Transparency: Most blockchains are public, meaning all participants have access to the same database. Transactions are visible to all participants.

Immutability: Once data is added to the blockchain, it cannot be altered without network consensus.

Data security: Cryptography and consensus mechanisms ensure robust protection against data tampering.

Efficiency: Blockchain can enable faster and cheaper transactions by removing the need for intermediaries. Transactions are processed in near real-time.

What Is Decentralization in Blockchain?

Decentralization in blockchain refers to the idea that the control and decision-making power of a network is distributed among its users rather than controlled by a single entity, such as a bank, government, or corporation.

In a decentralized blockchain network, there’s no central authority or intermediary that controls the flow of data or transactions. Instead, transactions are verified and recorded by a distributed network of computers that work together to maintain the integrity of the network.

How Does Blockchain Work?

At its core, a blockchain is a digital ledger that securely records transactions between two parties in a tamper-proof manner. These transaction data are recorded by a globally distributed network of computers (nodes).

When Alice sends Bob some bitcoin, the transaction is broadcast to the network. Each node authenticates the transaction by verifying digital signatures and other transaction data. Once the transaction is verified, it's added to a block along with other transactions. We can think of each block as a page of the digital ledger.

Blocks are chained together using cryptographic methods, forming the blockchain. The process of verifying transactions and adding them to the blockchain is done through a consensus mechanism, a set of rules that govern how nodes on the network come to an agreement about the state of the blockchain and the validity of transactions.

Blockchain in a Nutshell

1. Transaction recording

When a transaction is initiated (e.g., transferring cryptocurrency), it is broadcast to a network of nodes. Each node validates the transaction using predefined rules.

2. Block formation

Validated transactions are grouped into a block. Each block contains:

Data (e.g., transaction details)

A timestamp

A cryptographic hash: A unique identifier created by running the block’s data through a hashing algorithm.

Previous block's hash: This is what links blocks together, forming the chain.

3. Consensus mechanism

To add a block to the chain, participants in the network must agree on its validity. This is achieved using a consensus algorithm, such as Proof of Work (PoW) and Proof of Stake (PoS). We will discuss both in more detail soon, but here is a brief summary:

Proof of Work (PoW): Used by Bitcoin, PoW requires block validators to use computational power to solve complex problems.

Proof of Stake (PoS): Used by newer blockchains like Ethereum, where block validators are chosen based on their stake in the network.

4. Chain linking

Once validated, the block is added to the blockchain. Each subsequent block references the previous one, ensuring a tamper-proof structure. In other words, for a new block to be validated, it must use the previous block identifier.

5. Transparency

Another feature of blockchain is its transparency. Anyone can generally check a blockchain’s data, including all the transaction data and block data, on public websites known as blockchain explorers.  

For example, you can see every transaction that’s ever recorded on the Bitcoin network, including the sender and receiver’s wallet address, the amount of the transfer, and much more. You can also trace all Bitcoin blocks all the way back to the first block, known as the genesis block.

Blockchain Cryptography

Cryptography is key for the blockchain to maintain a secure, transparent, and tamper-resistant record of transactions. For example, hashing is a crucial cryptographic method used in blockchains. It’s a cryptographic process that converts an input of any size into a fixed-size string of characters.

The hash functions used in blockchains are generally collision-resistant, meaning that the odds of finding two pieces of data that produce the same output are astronomically small. Another feature is called the avalanche effect, referring to the phenomenon that any slight change in the input data would produce a drastically different output. 

Let's illustrate this with SHA256, a function used in Bitcoin. As you can see, changing the capitalization of the letters caused the output to be dramatically different. Hash functions are also one-way functions because it’s computationally infeasible to arrive at the input data by reverse engineering the hash output.

Input data

SHA256 output

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Each block within a blockchain securely contains the hash of the preceding block, establishing a robust chain of blocks. Anyone wanting to alter one block would need to modify all the succeeding blocks, a task that is not only technically challenging but also prohibitively costly.

Another cryptographic method widely used in blockchain is public-key cryptography. Also called asymmetric cryptography, it helps establish secure and verifiable transactions between users.

This is how it works. Each participant has a unique pair of keys: a private key, which they keep secret, and a public key, which is openly shared. When a user initiates a transaction, they sign it using their private key, creating a digital signature.

Other users in the network can then verify the transaction's authenticity by applying the sender's public key to the digital signature. This approach ensures secure transactions because only the legitimate owner of the private key can authorize a transaction, and everyone can verify the signatures using the public key.

What Is a Consensus Mechanism?

A consensus algorithm is a mechanism that allows users or machines to coordinate in a distributed setting. It needs to ensure that all agents in the system can agree on a single source of truth, even if some agents fail. 

Consensus mechanisms ensure that all nodes in the network have the same copy of the ledger, which contains a record of all transactions.

When tens of thousands of nodes keep a copy of the blockchain's data, some challenges can quickly arise, including data consistency and malicious nodes. To ensure the integrity of the blockchain, there are various consensus mechanisms that govern how network nodes reach an agreement. Let's take a closer look at the major consensus mechanisms.

Types of Consensus Mechanisms

What is Proof of Work?

Proof of Work (PoW) is a consensus mechanism used in many blockchain networks to verify transactions and maintain the integrity of the blockchain. It's the original consensus mechanism used by Bitcoin.

In PoW, miners compete to solve a complex mathematical problem in order to add the next block to the blockchain. In a process known as mining, the first miner to solve the problem is rewarded with cryptocurrency.

Miners must use powerful computers to solve mathematical problems, mine new coins, and secure the network. This is why the mining process requires significant amounts of resources (computational power and energy). 

What is Proof of Stake?

Proof of Stake (PoS) is a consensus mechanism designed to address some of the drawbacks of Proof of Work (PoW). In a PoS system, instead of miners competing to solve complex mathematical problems to validate transactions and add new blocks to the blockchain, validators are chosen based on the amount of cryptocurrency they "stake" in the network.

The stake represents the amount of crypto held by validators as collateral. Usually, PoS validators are randomly selected to create new blocks and validate transactions based on the size of their stake. They are rewarded with transaction fees for creating new blocks and as an incentive to act in the best interest of the network. If they act maliciously, they risk losing their staked crypto.

Other popular consensus mechanisms

Proof of Work and Proof of Stake are the most common consensus algorithms, but there are many other types. Some are hybrids that combine elements from both systems, while others are different methods altogether.

For example, delegated Proof of Stake (DPoS) is similar to PoS, but instead of all validators being eligible to create new blocks, token holders elect a smaller set of delegates to do so on their behalf.

On the other hand, in Proof of Authority (PoA), validators are identified by their reputation or identity rather than the amount of cryptocurrency they hold. Validators are selected based on their trustworthiness and can be removed from the network if they act maliciously.

What Are the Different Types of Blockchain Networks?

Public blockchain

A public blockchain is a decentralized network that is open to anyone who wants to participate. These networks are typically open-source, transparent, and permissionless, meaning that anyone can access and use them. Bitcoin and Ethereum are examples of public blockchains.

Private blockchain

A private blockchain, as the name suggests, is a blockchain network that is not open to the public. Private blockchains are typically run by a single entity, such as a company, and are used for internal purposes and use cases.

Private blockchains are permissioned environments with established rules that dictate who can see and write to the chain. They are not decentralized systems because there is a clear hierarchy of control. However, they can be distributed in that many nodes maintain a copy of the chain on their machines.

Consortium blockchain

A consortium blockchain is a hybrid of public and private blockchains. In a consortium blockchain, multiple organizations come together to create a shared blockchain network that is jointly managed and governed. These networks can be either open or closed, depending on the needs of the consortium members.

Instead of an open system where anyone can validate blocks or a closed system where only a single entity designates block producers, a consortium chain sees a handful of equally powerful parties acting as validators. 

The rules of the system are flexible: visibility of the chain can be limited to validators, visible to authorized individuals, or visible to all. If the validators can reach a consensus, changes can be easily implemented. As for how the blockchain works, if a certain threshold of these parties behave honestly, the system won't run into problems.

What Is Blockchain Used For?

While blockchain technology is still in its infancy, it already has use cases in many different industries. Some of the most common current applications of blockchain technology include:

1. Cryptocurrencies

Blockchain technology was developed to support the creation of cryptocurrencies, which use blockchain as a secure and decentralized ledger for recording transactions.

While traditional cross-border transactions involve intermediaries and high fees, blockchain enables faster, cheaper, and more transparent international transfers. Apart from its store of value property, many use Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies for global remittance.

2. Smart contracts

Smart contracts are self-executing contracts that can be programmed to execute automatically when certain conditions are met. Blockchain technology enables the creation and execution of smart contracts in a secure and decentralized manner.

One of the most popular applications of smart contracts is for decentralized applications (DApps) and organizations (DAOs), which are a big part of decentralized finance (DeFi) platforms. DeFi platforms leverage blockchain to provide financial services like lending, borrowing, and trading without traditional institutions. This democratizes access to financial tools.

3. Tokenization

Real-world assets (RWA) such as real estate, stocks, or art can be tokenized (converted into digital tokens on a blockchain). This can improve liquidity and broaden access to investment opportunities.

4. Digital identity

Blockchain can be used to create secure and tamper-proof digital identities that can be used to verify personal information and other sensitive data. This could become increasingly important as more of our personal information and assets move online.

5. Voting

By providing a decentralized, tamper-proof ledger of all votes cast, blockchain technology can be used to create a secure and transparent voting system that eliminates the possibility of voter fraud and ensures the integrity of the voting process.

6. Supply chain management

Blockchain technology can be used to create a ledger of all transactions within a supply chain. Each transaction (or group of transactions) can be recorded as a block on the blockchain, creating an immutable and transparent record of the entire supply chain process.

Closing Thoughts

Blockchain technology offers a secure and transparent way to record transactions and store data. It’s a technology that is revolutionizing industries by bringing a new level of trust and security to the digital world.

Whether enabling peer-to-peer transactions, creating new forms of digital assets, or facilitating decentralized applications, blockchain technology opens up a world of possibilities. As the technology continues to evolve and gain wider adoption, we can expect more innovative and transformative use cases to emerge in the coming years.

Further Reading

What Is Cryptocurrency and How Does It Work?

What Is a Stablecoin?

What Is Cryptocurrency Mining and How Does It Work?

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获Binance Labs投资,下载量超10万,手把手带你交互链游Mavia「GameFi猎手」
原创 | Odaily星球日报

作者 | Asher

编辑 | 秦晓峰

Heroes of Mavia 是由 Skrice Studios 开发的 Web3 MMO 策略 Play to Earn 游戏,玩家可以租赁或与土地所有者合作来获取和建造游戏中的基地,同时使用自己的基地和军队与其他玩家作战获得更多奖励,游戏界面与玩法与“海岛奇兵”相似。


2022 年 1 月 21 日,Heroes of Mavia 宣布完成 550 万美元的种子轮融资,由 Binance Labs 领投, Genblock Capital、 Delphi Digital、 Mechanism Capital、Alameda Research、Animoca Brands、Yield Guild Games、 Yield Guild Games South Asia、Exnetwork Capital、 Double Peak Group、Merit Circle、HashKey Capital 等参投。

2022 年 2 月,Heroes of Mavia 完成了 250 万美元的新一轮融资,由 Capital 领投, Hashkey Capital、 Merit Circle、 GuildFi、 YGG SEA 和 Avocado Guild 等参投。

今年 2 月 1 日,Heroes of Mavia 上线手游。由于官推宣布将在 2 月 6 日上线其代币 MAVIA,在潜在代币预期的高涨情绪下,该款游戏不到半天时间下载量突破 10 万次。Odaily星球日报手把手带大家绑定 Web3 版“海岛奇兵”账户,并提供一些实战经验,获得潜在的代币奖励。





⚠️注:Heroes of Mavia 目前不支持汉化。

STEP 1.  在 iOS 或 Android 应用商店下载 Heroes of Mavia(IOS 需要美版账户才能搜索到),下载界面如下图。

STEP 2.  在应用程序内创建自己的 Mavia 帐户。确保使用 Google 或 Apple 帐户注册(不要使用“以访客身份”登陆,建议使用 Google 帐户注册),如下:

STEP 3.  完成新手教程,了解游戏的基本规则。根据黄色手指的提示一直点即可,下图为其中一步的示意图。至此,手机端操作完毕。

STEP 4.  转移到电脑端,登陆网站 http://Mavia.com后,翻动页面点击“VIEW AIRDROP”。

点击“CONNECT WALLET”后,连接钱包(以 MetaMask 为例)。

输入 Username 并进行人机认证后点击“CREATE ACCOUNT”。

STEP 5.  连接钱包后,点击“My Account”并使用在移动设备上的同一个 Google 帐户连接到网络帐户,示意图如下。最终显示“Successfully linked account”即为移动设备与电脑端设备钱包绑定成功。

STEP 6. 在 Mavia Airdrop 页面上,点击“Verify”以确认帐户已正确同步。 经过反机器人验证码后,如果同步成功,将看到一个弹出窗口,显示“Account Verified”! 完成此步骤后,该账户的空投即被确认。 


完成上面的 STEP 1 ——STEP 6 即可获得 2 月 6 日 MAVIA 代币空投奖励,但为了获得更多的潜在代币空投,Odaily星球日报进过两天测试(如下图),并总结了以下几点经验来更快的了解游戏:


(2)每天通过“BATTLE”获得“红水晶”。若“攻城”获胜即可获得一定数量的“红水晶”,并且每天获得“红水晶”的上限为 100 个(Odaily星球日报建议如果没有时间升级的话,也一定要把每日的 100 个“红水晶”刷了);



根据Odaily星球日报目前的游戏测试得出:游戏中的“金币”与“石油”是升级与购买建筑物的原始资源;“蓝色水晶”是加速建筑物升级的时间;“红色水晶”通过“BATTLE”获得,并且每天上限仅为 100 个,极有可能与代币挂钩;“奖杯”通过“BATTLE”获得,获得越多“奖杯”的战队排名越高前,有可能打榜分部分代币。

因此,对于时间不充裕的小伙伴来说,每天领取原料并通过“BATTLE”获得 100 个红水晶即可,时间充裕的小伙伴可以通过组队,刷“奖杯”打榜,获得潜在更多的代币。

注:「GameFi 猎手」是Odaily星球日报推出的专注于 Web3 游戏的全新版块,定期更新热门项目动态、拆解经济模型以及分享交互教程。寻求报道,请联系微信:zhidong_ 0210 。
Binance News
据Foresight News报道,加密卡发行商Bit.Store宣布将支持Brc20铭文生态,允许用户使用Brc20铭文类大笔充值加密卡。首批上线ORDI、SATS和RATS,用户可在全球范围内通过线上或线下使用此加密卡进行消费,助力加密货币在现实世界的应用。Bit.Store Card已推出VISA和Mastercard发行的四种虚拟卡组合,用户现已可以在亚马逊、eBay、速卖通等电商平台使用此卡消费,同时该加密卡也支持X、Facebook、ChatGPT、Google Play和Apple Store的付费订阅服务。
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